Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Hollie, et al,

When I first read this, I immediately thought in terms of Interpal, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, and the International Humanitarian Aid Organization ( Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation).

Who are the Pal'istanian Islamic terrorists?
They're the Islamic terrorists who run the world's most successful welfare fraud.

But now I think a bit differently. The Palestinians get a huge amount of aid. Hell, the 2014 donor contribution list for the UNRWA alone is unbelievable just by itself. It is 124 Donor $1,323,855,183.

2014 List or remnants since 2006 of Terrorist Organizations in Palestine alone:

Fatah Movement (Sectarian Palestinian, Nationalist-Separatist)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Sunni Al-Quds Brigade = Military Wing; Mainstream Islamist, Nationalist-Separatist)
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (Fatah Ally; Sectarian Palestinian Nationalists)
Popular Resistance Committees (Military Wing = Al-Nasser-Salahaddin Brigades; Mainstream Islamist, Nationalist-Separatist
HAMAS (Military Wing = al-Qassam Brigades ; Mainstream Islamist, Nationalist-Separatist)
Jund Ansar Allah (AQ; Safafi-Wahhabi JIhadist)
Jund-Allah (Sunni Safafi-JIhadist)
Jundallah in Palestine (Sunni Safafi-JIhadist)
Abu Nidal Organization (Sunni)
Islamic Renewal Organization in Sinai - Palestine (Sunni, Pro-AQ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Mainstream Islamist; Nationalist-Separatist)
Jaish al-Ummah in Palestine (Sunni, Pro-AQ)
Palestine Liberation Front (Mainstream Islamist; Nationalist-Separatist)
Palestine Liberation Organization (Mainstream Islamist; Nationalist--Separatist)
Jaish al-Ummah in Palestine (Sunni, Pro-AQ)

Most Respectfully,
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol:
Are there any organizations in Palestine that are not terrorists to the third grade name callers in the "west?"

No and there are none that are not terrorists to the civilised nations Either. It is only morons like you that deny the truth
Hollie, et al,

When I first read this, I immediately thought in terms of Interpal, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, and the International Humanitarian Aid Organization ( Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation).

Who are the Pal'istanian Islamic terrorists?
They're the Islamic terrorists who run the world's most successful welfare fraud.

But now I think a bit differently. The Palestinians get a huge amount of aid. Hell, the 2014 donor contribution list for the UNRWA alone is unbelievable just by itself. It is 124 Donor $1,323,855,183.

2014 List or remnants since 2006 of Terrorist Organizations in Palestine alone:

Fatah Movement (Sectarian Palestinian, Nationalist-Separatist)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Sunni Al-Quds Brigade = Military Wing; Mainstream Islamist, Nationalist-Separatist)
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (Fatah Ally; Sectarian Palestinian Nationalists)
Popular Resistance Committees (Military Wing = Al-Nasser-Salahaddin Brigades; Mainstream Islamist, Nationalist-Separatist
HAMAS (Military Wing = al-Qassam Brigades ; Mainstream Islamist, Nationalist-Separatist)
Jund Ansar Allah (AQ; Safafi-Wahhabi JIhadist)
Jund-Allah (Sunni Safafi-JIhadist)
Jundallah in Palestine (Sunni Safafi-JIhadist)
Abu Nidal Organization (Sunni)
Islamic Renewal Organization in Sinai - Palestine (Sunni, Pro-AQ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Mainstream Islamist; Nationalist-Separatist)
Jaish al-Ummah in Palestine (Sunni, Pro-AQ)
Palestine Liberation Front (Mainstream Islamist; Nationalist-Separatist)
Palestine Liberation Organization (Mainstream Islamist; Nationalist--Separatist)
Jaish al-Ummah in Palestine (Sunni, Pro-AQ)

Most Respectfully,
Hell, the 2014 donor contribution list for the UNRWA alone is unbelievable just by itself. It is 124 Donor $1,323,855,183.​

Indeed, Israel costs everyone a lot.

Does it, I wonder how you would fare if Israel stopped supporting you. I wonder when the Palestinians are going to start bringing out new chips for car ECU systems to allow them to be more economical and fuel efficient ?
Who are the Pal'istanians?

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts terror-honoring event - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts Fatah ceremony honoring terrorists who killed 37 civilians,
including 12 children

- Ceremony honored leader of most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history - Dalal Mughrabi - as “Bride of Palestine”

- PA official, Governor of Ramallah Laila Ghannam “expressed great pride in Martyr Dalal... and said that the title Sisters of Dalal is an honor to all Palestinian women”

- Abbas’ advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein said the attackers “wanted the operation to unite the brothers and friends of all Arab countries, and wished to convey the message that Palestine is the cause of all Arabs”
Hollie, et al,

I'm not even sure that I consider her a real Arab-Palestinian; although she was an Arab-Palestinian Terrorist. She was actually born and raised in Lebanon; become first a Lebanese Militant then recruited and transplanted into the Palestine Liberation Organization (and the Fatah). There is no question that Dalal Mughrabi was a psychopath. If it wasn't obvious before, it was certainly obvious when she shot and killed the (unarmed) American Nature Photographer Gail Rubin (Back in the 1970' it was the Palestinian way to attack soft targets and kill women and children). Such heroic actions can be rewarded with the gold medal (attached to a red, green and white ribbon) the Arab-Palestinian Medal of Honor for Martyrdom.

The motivations and characteristics of females within the terrorist organization are slightly different. Galvin suggests that women, being more idealistic than men, may be more easily compelled to perpetrate terrorist activities for vengeance (for the death or injury to a loved one - not so different from "vendetta" by unremorsefully lethal and ruthless). Galvin also argues that the female terrorist enters into terrorism with different motivations and expectations than the male terrorist. In contrast to men, who Galvin characterizes as being enticed into terrorism by the promise of “power and glory,” females embark on terrorism “attracted by promises of a better life for their children and the desire to meet people’s needs that are not being met by an intractable establishment.”
SOURCEs: Galvin, Deborah M. “The Female Terrorist: A Socio-Psychological Perspective,” Behavioral Science and the Law, 1, 1983, 19–32.
Library of Congress – Federal Research Division The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism

Who are the Pal'istanians?

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts terror-honoring event - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts Fatah ceremony honoring terrorists who killed 37 civilians,
including 12 children

- Ceremony honored leader of most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history - Dalal Mughrabi - as “Bride of Palestine”

- PA official, Governor of Ramallah Laila Ghannam “expressed great pride in Martyr Dalal... and said that the title Sisters of Dalal is an honor to all Palestinian women”

- Abbas’ advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein said the attackers “wanted the operation to unite the brothers and friends of all Arab countries, and wished to convey the message that Palestine is the cause of all Arabs

The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP), much of what the Arab-Palestinian is, itself wrapped-up in the way they honor their (terrorist) Martyrdom; and in the way they recognize, without shame, how terrorists may feel that their personal honor depends on the degree of violence that they carry out against the enemy.

Neither the UN, the Arab League, or the European Union are going to condemn or comment the fact that the incitement of terrorist acts and repudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist acts that may incite further terrorist acts, are condemned (UN Security Council Resolution 1624).

Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

• Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
• Prevent such conduct;
• Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;
UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), calls upon Member States to implement a number of measures intended to enhance their legal and institutional ability to counter terrorist activities, including taking steps to:

• Criminalize the financing of terrorism
• Freeze without delay any funds related to persons involved in acts of terrorism
• Deny all forms of financial support for terrorist groups
• Suppress the provision of safe haven, sustenance or support for terrorists
• Share information with other governments on any groups practicing or planning terrorist acts
• Cooperate with other governments in the investigation, detection, arrest, extradition and prosecution of those involved in such acts; and
Criminalize active and passive assistance for terrorism in domestic law and bring violators to justice.

Since the time the UN passed the Resolution (A/RES/2/110) Measures to be taken against propaganda and the inciters of a new war, that all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression were condemned.

It is just an open affront to the international community, that they Hostile Arab Palestinians can promote Hostile Measures and carry-out any Heinous Act, and honor their sociopathic murdered without fear of a repercussion. It is further evidence of their moral and values system and a clash between cultures.

Most Respectfully,
Who are the Palestinians?

Ramzy Baroud ~ My Father Was a Freedom Fighter

Last edited:
Hollie, et al,

I'm not even sure that I consider her a real Arab-Palestinian; although she was an Arab-Palestinian Terrorist. She was actually born and raised in Lebanon; become first a Lebanese Militant then recruited and transplanted into the Palestine Liberation Organization (and the Fatah). There is no question that Dalal Mughrabi was a psychopath. If it wasn't obvious before, it was certainly obvious when she shot and killed the (unarmed) American Nature Photographer Gail Rubin (Back in the 1970' it was the Palestinian way to attack soft targets and kill women and children). Such heroic actions can be rewarded with the gold medal (attached to a red, green and white ribbon) the Arab-Palestinian Medal of Honor for Martyrdom.

The motivations and characteristics of females within the terrorist organization are slightly different. Galvin suggests that women, being more idealistic than men, may be more easily compelled to perpetrate terrorist activities for vengeance (for the death or injury to a loved one - not so different from "vendetta" by unremorsefully lethal and ruthless). Galvin also argues that the female terrorist enters into terrorism with different motivations and expectations than the male terrorist. In contrast to men, who Galvin characterizes as being enticed into terrorism by the promise of “power and glory,” females embark on terrorism “attracted by promises of a better life for their children and the desire to meet people’s needs that are not being met by an intractable establishment.”
SOURCEs: Galvin, Deborah M. “The Female Terrorist: A Socio-Psychological Perspective,” Behavioral Science and the Law, 1, 1983, 19–32.
Library of Congress – Federal Research Division The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism

Who are the Pal'istanians?

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts terror-honoring event - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts Fatah ceremony honoring terrorists who killed 37 civilians,
including 12 children

- Ceremony honored leader of most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history - Dalal Mughrabi - as “Bride of Palestine”

- PA official, Governor of Ramallah Laila Ghannam “expressed great pride in Martyr Dalal... and said that the title Sisters of Dalal is an honor to all Palestinian women”

- Abbas’ advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein said the attackers “wanted the operation to unite the brothers and friends of all Arab countries, and wished to convey the message that Palestine is the cause of all Arabs

The Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoAP), much of what the Arab-Palestinian is, itself wrapped-up in the way they honor their (terrorist) Martyrdom; and in the way they recognize, without shame, how terrorists may feel that their personal honor depends on the degree of violence that they carry out against the enemy.

Neither the UN, the Arab League, or the European Union are going to condemn or comment the fact that the incitement of terrorist acts and repudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist acts that may incite further terrorist acts, are condemned (UN Security Council Resolution 1624).

Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

• Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
• Prevent such conduct;
• Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;
UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), calls upon Member States to implement a number of measures intended to enhance their legal and institutional ability to counter terrorist activities, including taking steps to:

• Criminalize the financing of terrorism
• Freeze without delay any funds related to persons involved in acts of terrorism
• Deny all forms of financial support for terrorist groups
• Suppress the provision of safe haven, sustenance or support for terrorists
• Share information with other governments on any groups practicing or planning terrorist acts
• Cooperate with other governments in the investigation, detection, arrest, extradition and prosecution of those involved in such acts; and
Criminalize active and passive assistance for terrorism in domestic law and bring violators to justice.

Since the time the UN passed the Resolution (A/RES/2/110) Measures to be taken against propaganda and the inciters of a new war, that all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression were condemned.

It is just an open affront to the international community, that they Hostile Arab Palestinians can promote Hostile Measures and carry-out any Heinous Act, and honor their sociopathic murdered without fear of a repercussion. It is further evidence of their moral and values system and a clash between cultures.

Most Respectfully,
BTW, you have never specified what criteria was used to place Hamas on the terrorist list.
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