Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Who are the Palestinians?

Read the comments and see how the world views the Palestinians now

You know, I've been open minded enough to watch these ask a palestinian videos for a while, and never ceases to amaze how much Palestinians lie. You can't ever grt a straight answer from them.

The guy admitted that there was freedom of movement when he grew up. So what happened? Palestinians infiltrated Israel and killed innocent Israelis, so they are the ones who created the checkpoints and security fence. Then snipers started shooting Israeli kids on their way to school through the fence, so they are the ones who built the wall
P F Tinmore,

You can't demand something that is not in the Public Domain.

BTW, you have never specified what criteria was used to place Hamas on the terrorist list.

The general criteria used in Central Europe is:

The extraordinary European Council of 21 September 2001 defined terrorism as one of the main challenges facing the world and identified the fight against terrorism as one of the European Union’s (EU) priority objectives. The purpose of this common position is to apply further measures to combat terrorism, in addition to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001). Specifically, it establishes a list of individuals, groups and entities involved in terrorism whose funds and other financial assets are to be frozen as part of the fight against the financing of terrorism.


"Persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts" means individuals, groups and entities on whom there is accurate information proving that they have committed, are attempting to commit or are facilitating the commission of terrorist acts.

"Terrorist acts" are defined as intentional acts that may seriously damage a country or an international organisation by intimidating a population, exerting undue compulsion of various types or by destabilising or destroying its fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures. The list of terrorist acts includes:
  • attacks on a person’s life or physical integrity;
  • kidnapping or hostage-taking;
  • causing extensive destruction to a public or private facility, including information systems;
  • seizure of means of public transport, such as aircrafts and ships;
  • manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport or use of weapons, explosives, or nuclear, biological or chemical weapons;
  • release of dangerous substances or causing fires, explosions or floods;
  • interfering with or disrupting the supply of water, power or any other fundamental natural resource;
  • directing or participating in the activities of a terrorist group, including by funding its activities or supplying material resources.
Merely threatening to commit any of these criminal acts is also to be treated as a terrorist offence.

The common position also defines "terrorist groups" as structured groups of persons, acting in concert to commit terrorist acts, regardless of their composition or the level of development of their structure.

List of individuals and entities concerned

The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries. It must be revised at least every six months, so as to keep it up to date. The list comprises revolutionary activist groups, as well as the names of individuals belonging to such groups, including:
  • CIRA (Continuity Irish Republican Army);
  • E.T.A (Basque Fatherland and Liberty);
  • G.R.A.P.O (the First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Group);
  • Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem (terrorist wing of Hamas);
With regards to the rise of Islamists to power and the significance and impact this has on the issue, it must be clear that this does not imply that Palestine needs only Islamists, or that Hamas and the Islamic Jihad – as national Islamic Palestinian powers – are only in need of Islamists due to their importance, distinction and firm position on the issue. On the contrary, we need all the nation’s trends and elements: Islamists, nationalists, liberals and leftists. This is our nation, we need everyone in it, and Palestine was and will remain an issue for the whole nation.

Senior Hamas Official: The Resistance Is Entitled To Attack Israel’s Embassies, Interests, And Officials Worldwide — And The Interests Of Its Allies, Headed By The U.S.
ByPAMELA GELLER on July 19, 2013

"The Palestinian resistance is entitled to expand and diversify its means and tools of resistance;
this is a legitimate resistance that defends a defenseless people that has fallen under an oppressive occupation which is supported by the global forces of evil. No one has the right to condemn the
resistance for any of the methods that it adopts, because it knows better than everyone else what is good for it and for its noble objectives.
PRESS RELEASE 3330th Council meeting Foreign Affairs Brussels, 22 July 2014

The EU strongly condemns the indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel by Hamas and militant groups in the Gaza Strip, directly harming civilians. These are criminal and unjustifiable acts. The EU calls on Hamas to immediately put an end to these acts and to renounce violence. All terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm. The EU strongly condemns calls on the civilian population of Gaza to provide themselves as human shields.
Jihad and armed resistance is the correct and authentic means for the liberation of Palestine and the restoration of all rights. This battle must, of course, be accompanied by all forms of political, diplomatic, media, national and legal resistance, as well as the investment of the entire nation’s energies and the summoning of all the various strengths we possess.​
  • LVF (Loyalist Volunteer Force)
  • PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad).
I thought I would give you an assortment of bullets that you might find interesting. However, the vast majority of Multinational Counterterrorism materials, actions and assets directed against self-identified Jihadist and Islamist is not yet in Open Source Material.

Most Respectfully,
The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries.​

The court in the EU took Hamas off the terrorist list because their "investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities" were taken from news reports.

I can speculate that the investigation in the US was not that stringent.

World| Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:29am EST
Related: WORLD
EU to appeal ruling that Hamas should be off terror list

EU to appeal ruling that Hamas should be off terror list

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini noted in a statement that the General Court made its ruling on procedural grounds. As a result of the appeal, Hamas will remain on the EU's terrorism list and its assets will remain frozen pending a judgment by the Court of Justice, the highest legal authority.
What dumbshit wrote this report?

Hamas has fought several wars with Israel since seizing power from Fatah in Gaza in 2007.​

Fatah lost the elections. Hamas was the elected government in office.

So what does this clown mean by seizing power?

Exactly what the world saw when hamas ran amok in gaza and started killing anyone suspected of having ties to fatah. They mass murdered children by throwing them from buildings or spraying them with bullets. This caused a backlash in the west bank that resulted in another bloodbath which now has the Palestinians virtually stateless again and no proper government. And it is all the fault of the Palestinian terrorists.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I get a good laugh from the Arab-Palestinian movement and their constant whining about Israel being a terrorist country.

The list of terrorist acts includes:
  • attacks on a person’s life or physical integrity;
  • kidnapping or hostage-taking;
  • causing extensive destruction to a public or private facility, including information systems;
  • seizure of means of public transport, such as aircrafts and ships;
  • manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport or use of weapons, explosives, or nuclear, biological or chemical weapons;
  • release of dangerous substances or causing fires, explosions or floods;
  • interfering with or disrupting the supply of water, power or any other fundamental natural resource;
  • directing or participating in the activities of a terrorist group, including by funding its activities or supplying material resources.
This is Israel to a T. And the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands while they are attacked on their own land.

There is a big difference between the more traditional combat operations characteristics of Second and Third Generation Warfare and the Asymmetric and Jihadist activities conducted by the Fourth Generational radicalized Islamist.

There is a huge difference between the immoral and radicalized Islamist that cannot tell the difference between a conventional warfare operation by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and the slaughter unleashed by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. In trying to justify their actions and blur the distinctions between the intentional targeting of non-combatant civilians.

There is a very huge difference between assembling forces along a line of departure to engage Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) in open combat - and - policy of no advance warnings (Rule 20), distinguishing the difference between military targets and civilians in target selection (Rule 21), the puposeful location and concealment of military objectives and launch facilities in densely populated areas (Rule 23), and the intentional objection to the removal of civilians from the vicinity of military operations (Rule 24) in order to render certain points HoAP immune from IDF counterattacks.

There is a certain immoral Islamic character to the HoAP using Medical Transports (Ambulances) to shuttle insurgents and jihadist to-and-from engagements (Rule 29); and the use of hospital, safety and neutral zones to conceal HoAP military operations, hostile command and control activities, and weapons storage from destruction (Rule 35).

There is a big difference between the kidnapping and murder of noncombatants or the murder of captured and kidnapped protected persons and civilians during the piracy of ships and the hijacking of aircraft; and any operation of the IDF.

There is a difference between the initiation indiscriminate fire on civilian targets, and the specific selection and targeting of HoAP operations (Rule 11).

And I could drag the list on and on. The point being is that it is childish and ignorant to suggest that one cannot see that there is a big difference between Jihadist, Terrorist, Insurgent and Asymmetric Operations of the HoAP that specifically target the weak, unarmed, old and infirm, children and women, at markets, bus stops, schools and gathering places and the Operations of the IDF. Yes, Arab-Palestinians civilians, non- combatants, and protected persons are inadvertantly killed in the struggle. But that is almost entirely based on the total disregard of Rules 20 thru 24. It is a sacrifice strategy to create the appearance that the IDF has no regard for Palestinians that initiate hostilities.

There is nothing so despicable in this world than radicalized Islamists, terrorist, jihadist and insurgent that hides behind the coattails and skirts of women as a means of cover and concealment in combat. And rarely, throughout history, has there ever been a more cowardly and spineless opponent than that exemplified by the HoAP.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Most counterterrorist information is not in the public domain; but in protected or classified channels for law enforcement purposes only.

The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries.​

The court in the EU took Hamas off the terrorist list because their "investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities" were taken from news reports.

I can speculate that the investigation in the US was not that stringent.

There is not a single country in Europe that has not, at one time or another, been struck by Hostile Arab Palestinians. In recent times the Salafi Mujahideen (jihadist outfits in various countries) and the Radicalized Islamist (hostility oriented mixing of Islam and politics) have become acutely aware of the danger posed by these unrestrained Islamic elements that are caught in an endless cycle of violence.

Much of what is learned about the foundation of Radicalized and Hostility comes from what the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) tells us about itself.

[SIZE=4 said:
Hamas leader: No peace under Israeli occupation][/SIZE]
"When Israel practically commits itself to withdraw from Gaza completely and the West Bank without any settlements, and if we have Jerusalem as our capital and the return of the refugees is there, then we will reach peace," Meshaal said through a translator in an exclusive interview with Charlie Rose, which will appear in full on PBS.

He compared the Hamas-Israel conflict to the American Revolution.

"Was it peaceful? Did you not kick the British out? So the nations, if they have the peaceful window to reach peace then they will better. Because we don't like to kill our sons and daughters. But if you don't have the peace then the resistance is legitimate. So the world has two choices: they need to help us peacefully reach [statehood] or we will expel this occupation from our land."

Meshaal expressed his frustration with how the international community was responding to the conflict.

"Why do you call for security for Israel and why don't you call for lifting the siege and stopping the occupation on the Palestinians? Why don't you give the right to live for the Palestinians as the other nations? This is actually the last occupation in the world," said Meshaal.


As several generations before him, Khaled Meshaal, tries to paint the picture that there is a similarity between the American Revolution and the Arab Palestinian attempt to undermine the UN Recommendations that led Israel to declare Independence. It is an unsophisticated ploy to draw sympathy for the adoption of the argument that the less leadership of a lesser developed people should have control over one of the most productive and developed countries in the world.

Open Source material, such as news accounts, are often used as part of complex investigations. There is nothing new in this.

You are not going to sit there and tell us that the HoAP did not ambush the old and infirm, kidnap and murder the unarmed and defenseless, hijack airliners, were involved in piracy, or participated in suicide bombings. You are not going to tell us that HAMAS and FATAH have never celebrated a Palestinians terrorist attack . ---- Come on!

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Most counterterrorist information is not in the public domain; but in protected or classified channels for law enforcement purposes only.

The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries.​

The court in the EU took Hamas off the terrorist list because their "investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities" were taken from news reports.

I can speculate that the investigation in the US was not that stringent.

There is not a single country in Europe that has not, at one time or another, been struck by Hostile Arab Palestinians. In recent times the Salafi Mujahideen (jihadist outfits in various countries) and the Radicalized Islamist (hostility oriented mixing of Islam and politics) have become acutely aware of the danger posed by these unrestrained Islamic elements that are caught in an endless cycle of violence.

Much of what is learned about the foundation of Radicalized and Hostility comes from what the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) tells us about itself.

[SIZE=4 said:
Hamas leader: No peace under Israeli occupation][/SIZE]
"When Israel practically commits itself to withdraw from Gaza completely and the West Bank without any settlements, and if we have Jerusalem as our capital and the return of the refugees is there, then we will reach peace," Meshaal said through a translator in an exclusive interview with Charlie Rose, which will appear in full on PBS.

He compared the Hamas-Israel conflict to the American Revolution.

"Was it peaceful? Did you not kick the British out? So the nations, if they have the peaceful window to reach peace then they will better. Because we don't like to kill our sons and daughters. But if you don't have the peace then the resistance is legitimate. So the world has two choices: they need to help us peacefully reach [statehood] or we will expel this occupation from our land."

Meshaal expressed his frustration with how the international community was responding to the conflict.

"Why do you call for security for Israel and why don't you call for lifting the siege and stopping the occupation on the Palestinians? Why don't you give the right to live for the Palestinians as the other nations? This is actually the last occupation in the world," said Meshaal.


As several generations before him, Khaled Meshaal, tries to paint the picture that there is a similarity between the American Revolution and the Arab Palestinian attempt to undermine the UN Recommendations that led Israel to declare Independence. It is an unsophisticated ploy to draw sympathy for the adoption of the argument that the less leadership of a lesser developed people should have control over one of the most productive and developed countries in the world.

Open Source material, such as news accounts, are often used as part of complex investigations. There is nothing new in this.

You are not going to sit there and tell us that the HoAP did not ambush the old and infirm, kidnap and murder the unarmed and defenseless, hijack airliners, were involved in piracy, or participated in suicide bombings. You are not going to tell us that HAMAS and FATAH have never celebrated a Palestinians terrorist attack . ---- Come on!

Most Respectfully,

You are such a partisan racist Rocco. What's wrong with you. Experts on terrorism have studied the subject and Israel has killed far more of the infirm, women and children than the Palestinians will ever kill. You are so blinded by your hate of Arabs, Christians and Muslim that you are unable to think straight. For you, murdering thousands of women and children with F16s or artillery barrages is less an act of terrorism than a resistance fighter stabbing an occupation soldier. You are sick in the head.

Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan
Excerpt from The "Terrorism" Industry
Pantheon Books, 1989


THE TERRORISM INDUSTRY: Edward S. Herman: 9780394580807: Amazon.com: Books

And the table above does not even include the last two murderous massacres of thousands of Palestinian civilians by the Israelis in Gaza.

PMW letter to Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs: Fatah promotes terror - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) calls on Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs to reassess Denmark's relationship to Fatah due to Fatah's ongoing terror support

Responding to Palestinian Media Watch documentation, Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs Kristian Jensen admitted he "opposes" a Fatah official's terror glorification. However, the minister continues to view Fatah as "moderate" because the official, he believes, did not speak "on behalf of Fatah, the PLO, the Palestinian Authority or the Palestinian government." [Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jan. 22, 2016]

This PMW report corrects the Danish minister's mistake. It documents that numerous senior Fatah leaders, Abbas' advisors, Mahmoud Abbas himself, the Fatah Central Committee headed by Mahmoud Abbas, and official Fatah media are all actively supporting and glorifying the current terror. Neither Fatah, nor any of its leaders, have condemned even one murder of an Israeli during the last 5 months of terror. To the contrary, they have glorified the terror and the terrorists.

It's unconscionable that the West continues to shower Islamic retrogrsdes with welfare dollars when these retrogrades openly announce their promotion of Islamic terrorism.
You are a hoot. Now you are quoting the Hasbara propaganda site par excellence, Palestine Media Watch and passing it off as factual. This is embarrassing.

Should we start posting links to Electronic Intifada in response? Grow up.
You are a hoot. Now you are quoting the Hasbara propaganda site par excellence, Palestine Media Watch and passing it off as factual. This is embarrassing.

Should we start posting links to Electronic Intifada in response? Grow up.

What a hoot. It seems you're just embarrassed that your islamic terrorist heroes are called out for being the retrogrades they are.
montelatici, et al,

Oh. give me a break!!!!!

P F Tinmore, et al,

Most counterterrorist information is not in the public domain; but in protected or classified channels for law enforcement purposes only.

The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries.​

The court in the EU took Hamas off the terrorist list because their "investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities" were taken from news reports.

I can speculate that the investigation in the US was not that stringent.

There is not a single country in Europe that has not, at one time or another, been struck by Hostile Arab Palestinians. In recent times the Salafi Mujahideen (jihadist outfits in various countries) and the Radicalized Islamist (hostility oriented mixing of Islam and politics) have become acutely aware of the danger posed by these unrestrained Islamic elements that are caught in an endless cycle of violence.

Much of what is learned about the foundation of Radicalized and Hostility comes from what the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) tells us about itself.

[SIZE=4 said:
Hamas leader: No peace under Israeli occupation][/SIZE]
"When Israel practically commits itself to withdraw from Gaza completely and the West Bank without any settlements, and if we have Jerusalem as our capital and the return of the refugees is there, then we will reach peace," Meshaal said through a translator in an exclusive interview with Charlie Rose, which will appear in full on PBS.

He compared the Hamas-Israel conflict to the American Revolution.

"Was it peaceful? Did you not kick the British out? So the nations, if they have the peaceful window to reach peace then they will better. Because we don't like to kill our sons and daughters. But if you don't have the peace then the resistance is legitimate. So the world has two choices: they need to help us peacefully reach [statehood] or we will expel this occupation from our land."

Meshaal expressed his frustration with how the international community was responding to the conflict.

"Why do you call for security for Israel and why don't you call for lifting the siege and stopping the occupation on the Palestinians? Why don't you give the right to live for the Palestinians as the other nations? This is actually the last occupation in the world," said Meshaal.


As several generations before him, Khaled Meshaal, tries to paint the picture that there is a similarity between the American Revolution and the Arab Palestinian attempt to undermine the UN Recommendations that led Israel to declare Independence. It is an unsophisticated ploy to draw sympathy for the adoption of the argument that the less leadership of a lesser developed people should have control over one of the most productive and developed countries in the world.

Open Source material, such as news accounts, are often used as part of complex investigations. There is nothing new in this.

You are not going to sit there and tell us that the HoAP did not ambush the old and infirm, kidnap and murder the unarmed and defenseless, hijack airliners, were involved in piracy, or participated in suicide bombings. You are not going to tell us that HAMAS and FATAH have never celebrated a Palestinians terrorist attack . ---- Come on!

Most Respectfully,

You are such a partisan racist Rocco. What's wrong with you. Experts on terrorism have studied the subject and Israel has killed far more of the infirm, women and children than the Palestinians will ever kill. You are so blinded by your hate of Arabs, Christians and Muslim that you are unable to think straight. For you, murdering thousands of women and children with F16s or artillery barrages is less an act of terrorism than a resistance fighter stabbing an occupation soldier. You are sick in the head.

Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan
Excerpt from The "Terrorism" Industry
Pantheon Books, 1989

View attachment 69388

THE TERRORISM INDUSTRY: Edward S. Herman: 9780394580807: Amazon.com: Books

And the table above does not even include the last two murderous massacres of thousands of Palestinian civilians by the Israelis in Gaza.

Hell, I can go to the Global Terrorism Database, type in one Palestinian Terrorist organizational Name and draw-up over 400 events (20 pages) of attacks.

Search Terms: (Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS)

Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 12.04.42 PM.png

This is not including the attacks made by:
  • Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
  • Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
  • PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
In any conflict of a duration of a Century or more, the concepts of humanity will change over time. But there is very little question that the attacks made by the emergent Palestinian terrorist have become more and more blood thirsty since the Independence of Israel (more than half century ago).

Yes, --- NO QUESTION, if you dig may have made some poor decisions --- but in the last Quarter Century, by comparison, Israel has been the straight arrow.

"For you, murdering thousands of women and children with F16s or artillery barrages is less an act of terrorism than a resistance fighter stabbing an occupation soldier. You are sick in the head."

I neither said that, nor implied that. What I implied was that the Palestinian Terrorist Organizations have a history and pattern of behavior where by putting their own people in harm's way (violating the Rules of Customary and IHL), they blame the outcome on their initiated hostile activity on the Israelis. That is a sad commentary on the Arab-Palestinians as a culture and a people.

Don't pretend, after trying to justify the use of "any and all means," they have one once of enlightenment and dignity between them. Any culture and way of life that glorifies suicide bombers, hijackers pirates, kidnappers and murders as a theme and policy for three-quarters of a century, better relook at themselves; morally, ethically and intellectually.

Most Respectfully,
I am embarrassed that anyone would actually post material from one of the most fanatical Zionist propaganda sites in an attempt to make a point. You don't even realize how counterproductive it is. Your friends that try to make serious contributions are certainly embarrassed, as it reinforces the fact that the pro-Zionist side has only propaganda and few facts to support their position. At least don't provide a link to the Hasbara site, take a cue from your buddy Boston who does not provide sources to the Hasbara material he posts.
montelatici, et al,

Oh. give me a break!!!!!

P F Tinmore, et al,

Most counterterrorist information is not in the public domain; but in protected or classified channels for law enforcement purposes only.

The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries.​

The court in the EU took Hamas off the terrorist list because their "investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities" were taken from news reports.

I can speculate that the investigation in the US was not that stringent.

There is not a single country in Europe that has not, at one time or another, been struck by Hostile Arab Palestinians. In recent times the Salafi Mujahideen (jihadist outfits in various countries) and the Radicalized Islamist (hostility oriented mixing of Islam and politics) have become acutely aware of the danger posed by these unrestrained Islamic elements that are caught in an endless cycle of violence.

Much of what is learned about the foundation of Radicalized and Hostility comes from what the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) tells us about itself.

[SIZE=4 said:
Hamas leader: No peace under Israeli occupation][/SIZE]
"When Israel practically commits itself to withdraw from Gaza completely and the West Bank without any settlements, and if we have Jerusalem as our capital and the return of the refugees is there, then we will reach peace," Meshaal said through a translator in an exclusive interview with Charlie Rose, which will appear in full on PBS.

He compared the Hamas-Israel conflict to the American Revolution.

"Was it peaceful? Did you not kick the British out? So the nations, if they have the peaceful window to reach peace then they will better. Because we don't like to kill our sons and daughters. But if you don't have the peace then the resistance is legitimate. So the world has two choices: they need to help us peacefully reach [statehood] or we will expel this occupation from our land."

Meshaal expressed his frustration with how the international community was responding to the conflict.

"Why do you call for security for Israel and why don't you call for lifting the siege and stopping the occupation on the Palestinians? Why don't you give the right to live for the Palestinians as the other nations? This is actually the last occupation in the world," said Meshaal.


As several generations before him, Khaled Meshaal, tries to paint the picture that there is a similarity between the American Revolution and the Arab Palestinian attempt to undermine the UN Recommendations that led Israel to declare Independence. It is an unsophisticated ploy to draw sympathy for the adoption of the argument that the less leadership of a lesser developed people should have control over one of the most productive and developed countries in the world.

Open Source material, such as news accounts, are often used as part of complex investigations. There is nothing new in this.

You are not going to sit there and tell us that the HoAP did not ambush the old and infirm, kidnap and murder the unarmed and defenseless, hijack airliners, were involved in piracy, or participated in suicide bombings. You are not going to tell us that HAMAS and FATAH have never celebrated a Palestinians terrorist attack . ---- Come on!

Most Respectfully,

You are such a partisan racist Rocco. What's wrong with you. Experts on terrorism have studied the subject and Israel has killed far more of the infirm, women and children than the Palestinians will ever kill. You are so blinded by your hate of Arabs, Christians and Muslim that you are unable to think straight. For you, murdering thousands of women and children with F16s or artillery barrages is less an act of terrorism than a resistance fighter stabbing an occupation soldier. You are sick in the head.

Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan
Excerpt from The "Terrorism" Industry
Pantheon Books, 1989

View attachment 69388

THE TERRORISM INDUSTRY: Edward S. Herman: 9780394580807: Amazon.com: Books

And the table above does not even include the last two murderous massacres of thousands of Palestinian civilians by the Israelis in Gaza.

Hell, I can go to the Global Terrorism Database, type in one Palestinian Terrorist organizational Name and draw-up over 400 events (20 pages) of attacks.

Search Terms: (Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS)

This is not including the attacks made by:
  • Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
  • Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
  • PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
In any conflict of a duration of a Century or more, the concepts of humanity will change over time. But there is very little question that the attacks made by the emergent Palestinian terrorist have become more and more blood thirsty since the Independence of Israel (more than half century ago).

Yes, --- NO QUESTION, if you dig may have made some poor decisions --- but in the last Quarter Century, by comparison, Israel has been the straight arrow.

"For you, murdering thousands of women and children with F16s or artillery barrages is less an act of terrorism than a resistance fighter stabbing an occupation soldier. You are sick in the head."

I neither said that, nor implied that. What I implied was that the Palestinian Terrorist Organizations have a history and pattern of behavior where by putting their own people in harm's way (violating the Rules of Customary and IHL), they blame the outcome on their initiated hostile activity on the Israelis. That is a sad commentary on the Arab-Palestinians as a culture and a people.

Don't pretend, after trying to justify the use of "any and all means," they have one once of enlightenment and dignity between them. Any culture and way of life that glorifies suicide bombers, hijackers pirates, kidnappers and murders as a theme and policy for three-quarters of a century, better relook at themselves; morally, ethically and intellectually.

Most Respectfully,

Oh FFS. You are comparing thousands of civilian deaths as a result of Israeli terrorism with dozens as a result of Palestinian "terrorism". Unbelievable.
I am embarrassed that anyone would actually post material from one of the most fanatical Zionist propaganda sites in an attempt to make a point. You don't even realize how counterproductive it is. Your friends that try to make serious contributions are certainly embarrassed, as it reinforces the fact that the pro-Zionist side has only propaganda and few facts to support their position. At least don't provide a link to the Hasbara site, take a cue from your buddy Boston who does not provide sources to the Hasbara material he posts.
Your embarrassment is, as usual, self inflicted.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Most counterterrorist information is not in the public domain; but in protected or classified channels for law enforcement purposes only.

The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries.​

The court in the EU took Hamas off the terrorist list because their "investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities" were taken from news reports.

I can speculate that the investigation in the US was not that stringent.

There is not a single country in Europe that has not, at one time or another, been struck by Hostile Arab Palestinians. In recent times the Salafi Mujahideen (jihadist outfits in various countries) and the Radicalized Islamist (hostility oriented mixing of Islam and politics) have become acutely aware of the danger posed by these unrestrained Islamic elements that are caught in an endless cycle of violence.

Much of what is learned about the foundation of Radicalized and Hostility comes from what the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) tells us about itself.

[SIZE=4 said:
Hamas leader: No peace under Israeli occupation][/SIZE]
"When Israel practically commits itself to withdraw from Gaza completely and the West Bank without any settlements, and if we have Jerusalem as our capital and the return of the refugees is there, then we will reach peace," Meshaal said through a translator in an exclusive interview with Charlie Rose, which will appear in full on PBS.

He compared the Hamas-Israel conflict to the American Revolution.

"Was it peaceful? Did you not kick the British out? So the nations, if they have the peaceful window to reach peace then they will better. Because we don't like to kill our sons and daughters. But if you don't have the peace then the resistance is legitimate. So the world has two choices: they need to help us peacefully reach [statehood] or we will expel this occupation from our land."

Meshaal expressed his frustration with how the international community was responding to the conflict.

"Why do you call for security for Israel and why don't you call for lifting the siege and stopping the occupation on the Palestinians? Why don't you give the right to live for the Palestinians as the other nations? This is actually the last occupation in the world," said Meshaal.


As several generations before him, Khaled Meshaal, tries to paint the picture that there is a similarity between the American Revolution and the Arab Palestinian attempt to undermine the UN Recommendations that led Israel to declare Independence. It is an unsophisticated ploy to draw sympathy for the adoption of the argument that the less leadership of a lesser developed people should have control over one of the most productive and developed countries in the world.

Open Source material, such as news accounts, are often used as part of complex investigations. There is nothing new in this.

You are not going to sit there and tell us that the HoAP did not ambush the old and infirm, kidnap and murder the unarmed and defenseless, hijack airliners, were involved in piracy, or participated in suicide bombings. You are not going to tell us that HAMAS and FATAH have never celebrated a Palestinians terrorist attack . ---- Come on!

Most Respectfully,

You are such a partisan racist Rocco. What's wrong with you. Experts on terrorism have studied the subject and Israel has killed far more of the infirm, women and children than the Palestinians will ever kill. You are so blinded by your hate of Arabs, Christians and Muslim that you are unable to think straight. For you, murdering thousands of women and children with F16s or artillery barrages is less an act of terrorism than a resistance fighter stabbing an occupation soldier. You are sick in the head.

Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan
Excerpt from The "Terrorism" Industry
Pantheon Books, 1989

View attachment 69388

THE TERRORISM INDUSTRY: Edward S. Herman: 9780394580807: Amazon.com: Books

And the table above does not even include the last two murderous massacres of thousands of Palestinian civilians by the Israelis in Gaza.

Not really experts are they freddy, more like islamonazi propaganda liars like you
You are a hoot. Now you are quoting the Hasbara propaganda site par excellence, Palestine Media Watch and passing it off as factual. This is embarrassing.

Should we start posting links to Electronic Intifada in response? Grow up.

About time you did as your constant use of one term shows that you don't have a leg to stand on.
montelatici, et al,

I think you might be confused...

I am embarrassed that anyone would actually post material from one of the most fanatical Zionist propaganda sites in an attempt to make a point. You don't even realize how counterproductive it is. Your friends that try to make serious contributions are certainly embarrassed, as it reinforces the fact that the pro-Zionist side has only propaganda and few facts to support their position. At least don't provide a link to the Hasbara site, take a cue from your buddy Boston who does not provide sources to the Hasbara material he posts.

The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) is the national leader in cutting-edge research on the behavior of terrorists, terrorist organizations,and communities threatened by terrorism. START maintains the Global Terrorism Database(GTD), the world’s largest and most comprehensive open-source database on international and domestic terrorism events. It is a resource made possible (22 USC § 2656f) through the assocaitation with UofM and collaboration of:
The releasable 2015 Codebook (GTD staff - CODEBOOK: INCLUSION CRITERIA AND VARIABLES ) is available.

I have no Idea where you get your information from.

Most Respectfully,
I am not sure what all that nonsense has to do with the fact that Israelis have killed thousands of Palestinian women and children while Palestinians have killed, at most, dozens of Israeli women and children.

Try to stick to the Israel/Palestine issue.
I am not sure what all that nonsense has to do with the fact that Israelis have killed thousands of Palestinian women and children while Palestinians have killed, at most, dozens of Israeli women and children.

Try to stick to the Israel/Palestine issue.
Islamic terrorism carries consequences. When your heroes in the Islamic terrorist Death Cult wage war by explicitly putting women and children in harms way, the results are predictable.

You're flailing your Pom Poms for the losing side of humanity.
montelatici, et al,

Well, that is just nonsense.

I am not sure what all that nonsense has to do with the fact that Israelis have killed thousands of Palestinian women and children while Palestinians have killed, at most, dozens of Israeli women and children.

Try to stick to the Israel/Palestine issue.

In the world of evaluating the effectiveness of safety, security countermeasures and protection, the number of casualties suffered is not part of the first tier criteria. The variables that throw that argument off are;
  • The Palestinians put more citizens in harm's way than the Israelis.
  • The countermeasures and counterstrikes of the Israelis are better than the execution and success of Palestinian attacks.
Total reported casualties from terrorist attacks 1948-2016 (including attacks not listed in the Chronology) are 3,549 killed and 14,227 injured (these figures include terrorists). Casualties in these terrorist attacks include at least 222 children killed and 239 injured (these figures are incomplete). So far the 2001-2006 wave of terrorism in Israel is the worst period to date.

Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 2.36.39 PM.png
Data base on the material from Wm. Robert Johnston
Ph.D. (Physics), M.S. (Physics), B.A. (Astronomy)

• Israel: The threat exposure is based on the potential that is faced with the number of attacks that occur as a result of Hostile Arab Palestinian activity. And the relative randomness of indiscriminate fire into civilian locations; as well as the protection afforded from hostile fire and the reaction time.

• Palestine: The threat is based on the probability of a counterstrike in which the Hostile Arab Palestinians have left behind the numbers of civilian noncombatants and the density of the Rule 23/24 prohibition in proximity to the valid target.

Most Respectfully,
I am not sure what all that nonsense has to do with the fact that Israelis have killed thousands of Palestinian women and children while Palestinians have killed, at most, dozens of Israeli women and children.

Try to stick to the Israel/Palestine issue.

Shown up again as a propagandist and just cant stand being ridiculed. The Palestinians have killed their own by using them as human shields, and now the press is on to them and telling the world how vile they are
P F Tinmore,

You can't demand something that is not in the Public Domain.

BTW, you have never specified what criteria was used to place Hamas on the terrorist list.

The general criteria used in Central Europe is:

The extraordinary European Council of 21 September 2001 defined terrorism as one of the main challenges facing the world and identified the fight against terrorism as one of the European Union’s (EU) priority objectives. The purpose of this common position is to apply further measures to combat terrorism, in addition to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001). Specifically, it establishes a list of individuals, groups and entities involved in terrorism whose funds and other financial assets are to be frozen as part of the fight against the financing of terrorism.


"Persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts" means individuals, groups and entities on whom there is accurate information proving that they have committed, are attempting to commit or are facilitating the commission of terrorist acts.

"Terrorist acts" are defined as intentional acts that may seriously damage a country or an international organisation by intimidating a population, exerting undue compulsion of various types or by destabilising or destroying its fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures. The list of terrorist acts includes:
  • attacks on a person’s life or physical integrity;
  • kidnapping or hostage-taking;
  • causing extensive destruction to a public or private facility, including information systems;
  • seizure of means of public transport, such as aircrafts and ships;
  • manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport or use of weapons, explosives, or nuclear, biological or chemical weapons;
  • release of dangerous substances or causing fires, explosions or floods;
  • interfering with or disrupting the supply of water, power or any other fundamental natural resource;
  • directing or participating in the activities of a terrorist group, including by funding its activities or supplying material resources.
Merely threatening to commit any of these criminal acts is also to be treated as a terrorist offence.

The common position also defines "terrorist groups" as structured groups of persons, acting in concert to commit terrorist acts, regardless of their composition or the level of development of their structure.

List of individuals and entities concerned

The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries. It must be revised at least every six months, so as to keep it up to date. The list comprises revolutionary activist groups, as well as the names of individuals belonging to such groups, including:
  • CIRA (Continuity Irish Republican Army);
  • E.T.A (Basque Fatherland and Liberty);
  • G.R.A.P.O (the First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Group);
  • Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem (terrorist wing of Hamas);
With regards to the rise of Islamists to power and the significance and impact this has on the issue, it must be clear that this does not imply that Palestine needs only Islamists, or that Hamas and the Islamic Jihad – as national Islamic Palestinian powers – are only in need of Islamists due to their importance, distinction and firm position on the issue. On the contrary, we need all the nation’s trends and elements: Islamists, nationalists, liberals and leftists. This is our nation, we need everyone in it, and Palestine was and will remain an issue for the whole nation.

Senior Hamas Official: The Resistance Is Entitled To Attack Israel’s Embassies, Interests, And Officials Worldwide — And The Interests Of Its Allies, Headed By The U.S.
ByPAMELA GELLER on July 19, 2013

"The Palestinian resistance is entitled to expand and diversify its means and tools of resistance;
this is a legitimate resistance that defends a defenseless people that has fallen under an oppressive occupation which is supported by the global forces of evil. No one has the right to condemn the
resistance for any of the methods that it adopts, because it knows better than everyone else what is good for it and for its noble objectives.
PRESS RELEASE 3330th Council meeting Foreign Affairs Brussels, 22 July 2014

The EU strongly condemns the indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel by Hamas and militant groups in the Gaza Strip, directly harming civilians. These are criminal and unjustifiable acts. The EU calls on Hamas to immediately put an end to these acts and to renounce violence. All terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm. The EU strongly condemns calls on the civilian population of Gaza to provide themselves as human shields.
Jihad and armed resistance is the correct and authentic means for the liberation of Palestine and the restoration of all rights. This battle must, of course, be accompanied by all forms of political, diplomatic, media, national and legal resistance, as well as the investment of the entire nation’s energies and the summoning of all the various strengths we possess.​
  • LVF (Loyalist Volunteer Force)
  • PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad).
I thought I would give you an assortment of bullets that you might find interesting. However, the vast majority of Multinational Counterterrorism materials, actions and assets directed against self-identified Jihadist and Islamist is not yet in Open Source Material.

Most Respectfully,
The list annexed to the common position is drawn up on the basis of investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities in EU countries.​

The court in the EU took Hamas off the terrorist list because their "investigations carried out by the competent judicial and police authorities" were taken from news reports.

I can speculate that the investigation in the US was not that stringent.

World| Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:29am EST
Related: WORLD
EU to appeal ruling that Hamas should be off terror list

EU to appeal ruling that Hamas should be off terror list

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini noted in a statement that the General Court made its ruling on procedural grounds. As a result of the appeal, Hamas will remain on the EU's terrorism list and its assets will remain frozen pending a judgment by the Court of Justice, the highest legal authority.
What dumbshit wrote this report?

Hamas has fought several wars with Israel since seizing power from Fatah in Gaza in 2007.​

Fatah lost the elections. Hamas was the elected government in office.

So what does this clown mean by seizing power?

He was likely just referring to politics as usual in the land of the Islamist retrograde. Political power is so often the result of the islamo-tribe with the largest caliber of weapon slaughtering the opposing tribe.

There were reports that the retrogrades in Hamas used torture and summary executions in the war with the Fatah knuckle draggers. More than 600 islamo's died rather brutal deaths at the hand of their fellow islamo's.

Allahu certainly is Akbar.
He was likely just referring to politics as usual​

Indeed, misinformation.
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