Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Egyptians are again taking a roll in attempting to throttle the Islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza.

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Egyptian intelligence officials are mediating between Israel and Gaza Strip factions to prevent a possible military confrontation over the need for medical supplies to battle the coronavirus, an Egyptian parliament member told Al-Monitor recently.

The parliamentarian, who is close to Egyptian intelligence, told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “Egyptian calls to the leaderships of Hamas and Islamic Jihad to contain the situation came after Egyptian intelligence received calls from Israeli officials to stop the two movements from carrying out military actions against Israel to pressure it into allowing the entry of anti-coronavirus medical tools.”
Palestinian Child Soldiers Can No Longer Be Ignored

  • “My son, we're not created for happiness. You are meant for Martyrdom!”
  • “Our weapon is our Islam, and our ammunition is our children.

A young boy is brimming with excitement waiting for a toy from his mother. But instead of rewarding her son with a toy for finishing his food, his mother hands him a rifle. When the boy expresses confusion, she responds with a grim announcement:

Ru'a Tamimi:“His mother promised him a gift if he finished his food. The boy wondered in excitement: “Is it a toy?” His mother approached him with a glowing look while carrying the gift. He looked, and it was a rifle! He shouted loudly: “O Mommy! Mommy! What is this? Is this the gift?” She picked him up, hugged him, and said: “My son, we were not created for happiness. In my eyes you are meant for Martyrdom!”

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 22, 2019]​
This is one of the abusive messages in a poem recited by a young girl on Palestinian radio that Abbas’ Fatah Movement chose to share with its 250,000 followers on Facebook. A second message in the poem that is clear child abuse tells Palestinian children why they are to die as Martyrs: They are merely the “ammunition” for Islam – the “cannon fodder" with which to conquer Jerusalem.

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I’m surprised the German government didn’t cave to the leftists/Islamists.

BERLIN - The German government has issued a four-year travel ban against a senior member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who allegedly supports terrorism and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against the Jewish state.

The Palestinian journalist and alleged PFLP terrorist Khaled Barakat, who is based in Canada, said in a webinar in late March that the German authorities imposed a “four-year ban on me entering Germany" because “I support [the Palestinians'] right to resist Israel, call for the liberation of Palestine from river to sea… that I support the Palestinian organization and they name it the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).”
Palestinian incitement continues despite Israeli aid against pandemic

Hamas launched a rocket last week into Israel. Internally, if any popular or social unrest rises against Hamas due to economic woes or its handling of the coronavirus, it will be channeled very quickly by the terror organization towards Israel, possibly leading to a new round of clashes or even a broader conflict.

In just the last month alone, Israel transferred millions of shekels to the Palestinian Authority and has facilitated the entry of thousands of Palestinian workers into Israel so they can work. It has expedited the transfer of equipment to the Gaza Strip to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic there.

Israeli Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and his Palestinian counterpart, Shukri Bishara, met to discuss the economic impact of the coronavirus on Israel and the Palestinians, and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin spoke on the phone with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and the two agreed to cooperate on combating the pandemic.

So it was a slap in Israel's face when PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh not only falsely accused Israeli soldiers of trying to infect Palestinian civilians with the coronavirus, but also tweeted that "the real weakness in our battle against #Covid19 is the Israeli occupation and all its policies that attempt to thwart our efforts to protect our people. We don't accept Israeli guardianship over our measures. What is required is for Israel to leave us alone."

Michael Milstein, head of the Palestinian Studies Forum at the Moshe Dayan Center at Tel Aviv University, denied Shtayyeh's false claims and told JNS that "every Palestinian office and organization operates in full coordination with Israel."

So why is Shtayyeh inciting against the Jewish state at a time when he should be working towards bringing the two sides closer together?


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As you might expect, the Arabs-Moslems are using all forms of western innovated technology as a means to indoctrinate children into their murder / suicide death cult.

It’s really vile to use children as a disposable commodity but that’s common practice for Islamic terrorists.

Animated video glorifying Palestinian terror attacks posted to Palestinian Media Watch says clip on social media site popular with children is latest in a string of ‘similar animations urging Palestinians to murder Israelis’

A screenshot from an animated recreation of a Palestinian stabbing attack posted on the popular social media app TikTok. (Screenshot)
There’s something really creepy about Pal'istanians and their obsession with exploiting female children which they do “religiously”.

PA TV teaches kids to aspire to ‘martyrdom’
Palestinian children are being taught to “offer their blood” by P.A. TV programs, says Israel-based media watchdog.
In this image, taken from an episode of official Palestinian Authority TV program 'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I always wondered why the ICC never made mention of this kind of Government inspired violation.

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation."

There’s something really creepy about Pal'istanians and their obsession with exploiting female children which they do “religiously”.
PA TV teaches kids to aspire to ‘martyrdom’
Palestinian children are being taught to “offer their blood” by P.A. TV programs, says Israel-based media watchdog.
In this image, taken from an episode of official Palestinian Authority TV program 'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.

Yes Hollie, I agree with your sentiment.

But what is more, intriguing is that the Arab Palestinians find it acceptable and morally righteous:

State of Palestine (Accession 7 APR 2014)

“[…] in accordance with article 3(2) of the Optional Protocol, […] the minimum age for recruitment of persons into Palestine’s national armed forces is 18 years.”​

What we do know is that the Palestinian fragmented leadership is not really trustworthy in the use of children even after death as a means of propaganda. The use of civilians overall (including children) is standard practice. Yet, no one says a word.


Most Respectfully,

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I always wondered why the ICC never made mention of this kind of Government inspired violation.

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation."

There’s something really creepy about Pal'istanians and their obsession with exploiting female children which they do “religiously”.
PA TV teaches kids to aspire to ‘martyrdom’
Palestinian children are being taught to “offer their blood” by P.A. TV programs, says Israel-based media watchdog.
In this image, taken from an episode of official Palestinian Authority TV program 'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.

Yes Hollie, I agree with your sentiment.

But what is more, intriguing is that the Arab Palestinians find it acceptable and morally righteous:

State of Palestine (Accession 7 APR 2014)

“[…] in accordance with article 3(2) of the Optional Protocol, […] the minimum age for recruitment of persons into Palestine’s national armed forces is 18 years.”​

What we do know is that the Palestinian fragmented leadership is not really trustworthy in the use of children even after death as a means of propaganda. The use of civilians overall (including children) is standard practice. Yet, no one says a word.


Most Respectfully,
More crapola from PMW an Israeli propaganda organization.
'At least 160 children died digging tunnels for Hamas'
Use of child labor not stopped by police in Gaza, where children's "nimble bodies" help dig the tunnels that lead into Israel and Egypt.

Hamas used children to help them dig numerous tunnels into Israel and Egypt, a 2012 paper written for the Journal of Palestine Studies reported.

The paper, titled Gaza's Tunnel Phenomenon: The Unintended Dynamics of Israel's Siege says that little had been done to stop the phenomenon of child labor during the digging of the tunnels by Hamas in Gaza.

In December 2011, the paper's author Nicolas Pelham accompanied a police patrol in Gaza and reported that "nothing was done to impede the use of children in the tunnels, where, much as in Victorian coal mines, they are prized for their nimble bodies."

He continued and said that "at least 160 children have been killed in the tunnels, according to Hamas officials."


Palestinian youngsters in Gaza take part in a Hamas military training camp.
(photo credit: REUTERS)​

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I always wondered why the ICC never made mention of this kind of Government inspired violation.

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation."

There’s something really creepy about Pal'istanians and their obsession with exploiting female children which they do “religiously”.
PA TV teaches kids to aspire to ‘martyrdom’
Palestinian children are being taught to “offer their blood” by P.A. TV programs, says Israel-based media watchdog.
In this image, taken from an episode of official Palestinian Authority TV program 'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.

Yes Hollie, I agree with your sentiment.

But what is more, intriguing is that the Arab Palestinians find it acceptable and morally righteous:

State of Palestine (Accession 7 APR 2014)

“[…] in accordance with article 3(2) of the Optional Protocol, […] the minimum age for recruitment of persons into Palestine’s national armed forces is 18 years.”​

What we do know is that the Palestinian fragmented leadership is not really trustworthy in the use of children even after death as a means of propaganda. The use of civilians overall (including children) is standard practice. Yet, no one says a word.


Most Respectfully,
More crapola from PMW an Israeli propaganda organization.
Are you floating another conspiracy theory claiming that what is posted on Arab-Moslem run TV stations and other media is not theirs?

If so, why would the Arabs-Moslems not object to depictions of their children being used as a disposable commodity?

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I always wondered why the ICC never made mention of this kind of Government inspired violation.

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation."

There’s something really creepy about Pal'istanians and their obsession with exploiting female children which they do “religiously”.
PA TV teaches kids to aspire to ‘martyrdom’
Palestinian children are being taught to “offer their blood” by P.A. TV programs, says Israel-based media watchdog.
In this image, taken from an episode of official Palestinian Authority TV program 'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.

Yes Hollie, I agree with your sentiment.

But what is more, intriguing is that the Arab Palestinians find it acceptable and morally righteous:

State of Palestine (Accession 7 APR 2014)

“[…] in accordance with article 3(2) of the Optional Protocol, […] the minimum age for recruitment of persons into Palestine’s national armed forces is 18 years.”​

What we do know is that the Palestinian fragmented leadership is not really trustworthy in the use of children even after death as a means of propaganda. The use of civilians overall (including children) is standard practice. Yet, no one says a word.


Most Respectfully,
More crapola from PMW an Israeli propaganda organization.
Are you floating another conspiracy theory claiming that what is posted on Arab-Moslem run TV stations and other media is not theirs?

If so, why would the Arabs-Moslems not object to depictions of their children being used as a disposable commodity?

Not at all. You have to read their own link and what words they change.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I always wondered why the ICC never made mention of this kind of Government inspired violation.

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation."

There’s something really creepy about Pal'istanians and their obsession with exploiting female children which they do “religiously”.
PA TV teaches kids to aspire to ‘martyrdom’
Palestinian children are being taught to “offer their blood” by P.A. TV programs, says Israel-based media watchdog.
In this image, taken from an episode of official Palestinian Authority TV program 'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.

Yes Hollie, I agree with your sentiment.

But what is more, intriguing is that the Arab Palestinians find it acceptable and morally righteous:

State of Palestine (Accession 7 APR 2014)

“[…] in accordance with article 3(2) of the Optional Protocol, […] the minimum age for recruitment of persons into Palestine’s national armed forces is 18 years.”​

What we do know is that the Palestinian fragmented leadership is not really trustworthy in the use of children even after death as a means of propaganda. The use of civilians overall (including children) is standard practice. Yet, no one says a word.


Most Respectfully,
More crapola from PMW an Israeli propaganda organization.
Are you floating another conspiracy theory claiming that what is posted on Arab-Moslem run TV stations and other media is not theirs?

If so, why would the Arabs-Moslems not object to depictions of their children being used as a disposable commodity?

Not at all. You have to read their own link and what words they change.

Your conspiracy theories are a hoot.
Why is it that Pal-Arabs vilify the west for “interfering” in their use/abuse and exploitation of children yet when they want our money, they come begging like an underpaid prostitute. Personally, I'm not terribly inclined to offer aid dollars to one who, on one hand, condemns me, attacks me, preaches hate towards me and places blame for their own self inflicted failures on me and then, on the other hand, demands money from me to bail them out, and then vilifies me for not offering yet more money.

PMW to UNICEF: Stop ignoring PA recruitment of child soldiers/terrorists
Feb 24, 2020

Every year, the local branch of UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) releases a biased report on “Children and Armed Conflict,” which routinely blames Israel for its treatment of Palestinian children combatants but ignores the fact that it is the Palestinian Authority who recruits the children into combat - in violation of international law.
To counter this bias, Palestinian Media Watch has sent an extensive and detailed report to UNICEF describing how the PA recruited child soldiers/terrorists, in 2019.
PMW's report shows how the PA indoctrinates Palestinian children to hate Jews and Israel; to aspire to the destruction of Israel; brainwashes the Palestinian children to admire murderers; weaponizes the Palestinian children and promotes their participation in violence. The report further shows how the PA pays substantial financial rewards to the child terrorists. Damningly, PMW’s report also shows how the PA leadership openly admits that the child terrorists are the PA’s soldiers.

While UNICEF, overtly and covertly, collaborates with a host of Palestinian NGOs, who provide them with claims of alleged abuses of the rights of the Palestinian children by Israel, which UNICEF includes in its annual report, UNICEF does nothing to gather information about the PA or other Palestinian terror groups recruitment of children. This year PMW has done the work for UNICEF.

PMW’s full report can be read here.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I always wondered why the ICC never made mention of this kind of Government inspired violation.

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation."

There’s something really creepy about Pal'istanians and their obsession with exploiting female children which they do “religiously”.
PA TV teaches kids to aspire to ‘martyrdom’
Palestinian children are being taught to “offer their blood” by P.A. TV programs, says Israel-based media watchdog.
In this image, taken from an episode of official Palestinian Authority TV program 'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.

Yes Hollie, I agree with your sentiment.

But what is more, intriguing is that the Arab Palestinians find it acceptable and morally righteous:

State of Palestine (Accession 7 APR 2014)

“[…] in accordance with article 3(2) of the Optional Protocol, […] the minimum age for recruitment of persons into Palestine’s national armed forces is 18 years.”​

What we do know is that the Palestinian fragmented leadership is not really trustworthy in the use of children even after death as a means of propaganda. The use of civilians overall (including children) is standard practice. Yet, no one says a word.


Most Respectfully,
More crapola from PMW an Israeli propaganda organization.
Are you floating another conspiracy theory claiming that what is posted on Arab-Moslem run TV stations and other media is not theirs?

If so, why would the Arabs-Moslems not object to depictions of their children being used as a disposable commodity?

Not at all. You have to read their own link and what words they change.

So instead of blowing air, give us an example.

But besides that, are you even capable of admitting that educating children to actively seek death through martyrdom as the highest goal in life is immoral?

Or you just knowingly support that when its not your children?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I always wondered why the ICC never made mention of this kind of Government inspired violation.

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation."

There’s something really creepy about Pal'istanians and their obsession with exploiting female children which they do “religiously”.
PA TV teaches kids to aspire to ‘martyrdom’
Palestinian children are being taught to “offer their blood” by P.A. TV programs, says Israel-based media watchdog.
In this image, taken from an episode of official Palestinian Authority TV program 'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.'The Best Home' that aired on Sept. 5, 2019, a young Palestinian girl is seen reciting a poem glorifying suicide terrorism. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch.

Yes Hollie, I agree with your sentiment.

But what is more, intriguing is that the Arab Palestinians find it acceptable and morally righteous:

State of Palestine (Accession 7 APR 2014)

“[…] in accordance with article 3(2) of the Optional Protocol, […] the minimum age for recruitment of persons into Palestine’s national armed forces is 18 years.”​

What we do know is that the Palestinian fragmented leadership is not really trustworthy in the use of children even after death as a means of propaganda. The use of civilians overall (including children) is standard practice. Yet, no one says a word.


Most Respectfully,
More crapola from PMW an Israeli propaganda organization.

Palestinians never use children, because.....propaganda.
I’m surprised the German government didn’t cave to the leftists/Islamists.

BERLIN - The German government has issued a four-year travel ban against a senior member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who allegedly supports terrorism and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against the Jewish state.

The Palestinian journalist and alleged PFLP terrorist Khaled Barakat, who is based in Canada, said in a webinar in late March that the German authorities imposed a “four-year ban on me entering Germany" because “I support [the Palestinians'] right to resist Israel, call for the liberation of Palestine from river to sea… that I support the Palestinian organization and they name it the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).”
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