Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

! --- How absurd...

I don't see "terrorists" on that list.

If you are not going to address the issue with something that contributes to the discussion, don't feel obligated to make these ridiculous comments.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

! --- How absurd...

I don't see "terrorists" on that list.

If you are not going to address the issue with something that contributes to the discussion, don't feel obligated to make these ridiculous comments.


Most Respectfully,
What is ridiculous? The propagandists said terrorists, the list did not.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

! --- How absurd... Yet - Again... Playing (as if) you don't understand the budget line.

Make a contribution -- why don't you.

What is ridiculous? The propagandists said terrorists, the list did not.


Most Respectfully,
Ah, Palestinian islamic terrorist television and print media ... It really does reign supreme in spreading lies about Jews, Israel, and America; not to mention broadcasting those spirited Friday sermons exhorting pious Moslems to go kill Jews! Oh, and the children's programming encouraging kids to become martyrs? It's to die for! Go check out Pal Media Watch

PMW exclusive: PA gave 517.4 million shekels to terrorists as salaries in 2019
Jan 30, 2020

PMW exclusive: PA gave 517.4 million shekels to terrorists as salaries in 2019 | PMW Analysis

  • As US President Trump demanded “halting the financial compensation to terrorists” PA documents just publicized show the PA admits to paying 517.4 million shekels in salaries to terrorists in 2019, a rise of 15 million shekels compared to 2018.
  • Israeli government stipulated that the PA spent 150 million shekels on the payments to wounded terrorists and the families of dead terrorist “Martyrs” in 2018
  • PMW has calculated that this figure has grown by at least 1.6 million shekels, in 2019
  • Accordingly, in 2020, the Israeli Government must deduct no less than 669 million shekels from the taxes Israel collects and transfer to the PA
According to recently published Palestinian Authority financial reports, Palestinian Media Watch can expose that the PA has admitted to spending no less than 517.4 million shekels ($149.7 million/€136 million) paying salaries to terrorist prisoners and released prisoners in 2019.
I don't see "terrorists" on that list.
In the midst of begging the international community for welfare money, the PA decided this would be a good time for another sing-along wherein they threaten to use their disposable children as martyrdom devices.

Lovely folks. If we give them more money, will they incrementally kill more of their children?

Coronavirus can stop economies but not PA hate - PA continues terror and Martyrdom promotion

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Apr 17, 2020

  • No force in the world can remove the weapon from my hand”
  • “Palestine is etched on the heart of the fetus, a proud Martyr in his mother’s womb”
  • “We have watered this land with blood for you, my country, Make sounds of joy, O mother of the Martyr”
  • Palestine – “I will redeem you with my children”
As you might have expected, a Pal writer has developed a rather broad, sweeping, (and bizarre), conspiracy theory about the Great Satan™️and Wuhan virus.

Arabs-Moslems do seem to be rather conspiracy theory addled. That is a problem when reasoned, rational discourse is dissolved in favor of loopy conspiracy theories.
This storyline is still circulating on some news sites but it strikes me as absurd that Arabs-Moslems would expect western style personal freedoms in an Islamic terrorist mini-caliphate.

Totalitarianism is the opposite of liberal democracy and totalitarianism survives by limits on personal freedoms.

A fierce dispute has divided the Palestinian community after Gaza’s rulers, Hamas, arrested six local activists for chatting by video conference with left-leaning campaigners in Israel.

The Islamist terror group Hamas bans all communications with Israel and last week arrested the six members of the Gaza Youth Committee on charges of “treason” and “normalization” of relations with the Jewish state.
While the Corona pandemic is interfering with daily life and challenging economies around the globe, one sphere is unaffected. The Palestinian Authority is not letting the virus obstruct its obsessive promotion of violence and terror to Palestinians. The following are songs broadcast during the crisis that encourage continued terror, promote Martyrdom-death for children, and congratulate mothers on the dying of their sons as “Martyrs.” Several of them are songs that have been exposed in the past by Palestinian Media Watch:

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

! --- How absurd... Yet - Again... Playing (as if) you don't understand the budget line.

Make a contribution -- why don't you.

What is ridiculous? The propagandists said terrorists, the list did not.


Most Respectfully,
Its not my fault that the propagandists lie.

You made no case for propagandists or lies, just a case for your hurt feelings. Your hurt feelings are not the issue, here.
The pompous bluster from Yahya Sinwar a few days ago has disappeared, as has Yahya. I tend to think that while the Pals get a few minutes of "feel good" from this nonsense, after the first round of islamo-high fives to celebrate the hoped for Jew killing, a small measure of reality sets in and they're forced to confront (and then deny), the reality that killing Jews and commandeering ventilators is not the gee-had that Yahya is going to lead.

The leaders of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group that has been controlling the Gaza Strip since 2007, say they are worried about the shortage of medical ventilators during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

These Hamas leaders, who have done virtually nothing to provide basic healthcare in the Gaza Strip, are now trying to hold Israel responsible for the shortage of ventilators in Palestinian hospitals.

Hamas leaders are, in fact, threatening to use terrorism to force Israel to provide the Gaza Strip with ventilators.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Speaking in terms of the contributors that you claim "lie" • there is nothing nefarious or suspicious in the commentary presented here; in general. The content is generally positive and was predominantly sound and valid. It is that of the “progressives" views of the contemporary struggles, armed resistance, and jihad that created the adversarial framework of "pro-Israeli" 'vs' "pro-Arab Palestinian" that we observe today.

Its not my fault that the propagandists lie.

Within the existing framework, "Commission of Detainee Affairs" is a euphemism for those that Mahmoud Abbas (Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization) has pledged to continue paying salaries to convicted terrorists and their families. Around 5,500 convicted terrorists are receiving monthly salaries, ranging from £230 to as much as £2,000 for those with longer prison sentences.

This practice for decades, but the "PA chairman lets slip in meeting with Norwegian FM that he violated a 2014 pledge to stop the practice."

From time to time, within the framework of the banter to and fro, the pro-Israelis that comment, suggest or imply facts, not in evidence and are wrong, But this in mothing like the misinformation (false or inaccurate comments which are deliberately intended to be deceptive) that you and other pro-Arab Palestinians inject.

You overuse the term "lie;" as opposed to specific comments that could not be construed in a heterodox manner about the conflict.

OK, so I'm off the Bandwagon.

Most Respectfully,
The family also claimed that a doctor had delivered and taken care of the baby, with a letter in English. When the US officials called the doctor, he said he doesn't speak English, and through a translator he said he did not deliver the baby nor had he ever treated her. He was called to their house after the baby was already born, it is unclear if he ever saw her.

Moreover, the family claimed that they could not submit the baby to a DNA test or provide photos of Pomm while pregnant because of their religious beliefs. I can find no evidence that Muslim law disallows either DNA testing or showing photographs of a pregnant woman.

After the US denied the attempt to give the baby a US passport, Mohammed Sabra sued, and this lawsuit was dismissed in light of the evidence.

What makes this more interesting is that it appears that it was quite easy for the Sabras to obtain Palestinian Authority stamps and documentation for what is probably a fictional baby.

(full article online)

This particular group says that the prisoners must be freed "for public health."

They care so much about the health and safety of the people! Except for the hundreds of Jews who were murdered by these terrorists. Their health and safety aren't on the radar of these supposed humanitarians.

Out of the 4500 current Palestinian prisoners, over 500 of them are serving life terms. Life terms are only given to those who were found guilty of murder of Israelis, directly or by directing terror attacks by others.

(Full article online)


“We are providing $5 million to fund COVID-19 response in support of immediate, life-saving needs for Palestinian hospitals and households in the West Bank for Palestinians battling the COVID-19 pandemic,” an official at the US Embassy in Jerusalem told The Times of Israel.

Oh, my. Those evil, islamophobic™️, maybe even racist™️ Trump administration officials are again interfering in Arab-Moslem affairs. Let’s hope Mahmoud will honor his commitments.

Mo’ money, Mo’ money. Take the money, Mahmoud. Use it for your investment portfolio.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I'm a bit confused...

Mo’ money, Mo’ money. Take the money, Mahmoud. Use it for your investment portfolio.

Why would we even bother to consider this?
From the Article:​
"Congress must amend ATCA by Thursday or keep it from taking effect on Friday if it wishes to continue providing aid to Palestine."​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what consideration have they given America?​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what effort has the Arab Palestinian Leaders given towards a realistic peace?​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what cooperation have the Arab Palestinian Leaders given towards the status of negotiations?​

The question becomes, what advantage do US Aid of any sort contribute to either Regional stability and peace, or that of America? Congress should not take another step towards aid to the Palestinians until such time as the Arab Palestinians make meaningful and fruitful progress towards peace.


Most Respectfully,
I am a Christian who follows the Zionist teachings of Jesus.



What "Zionist teachings" of what "Jesus" are you following?

Do you know what Talmud writes about Jesus from Nazareth?

In some of the texts, the father produced a son with a woman named Mary (Miriam in Hebrew). Several of the texts indicate that the mother was not married to Pandera, and was committing adultery and – by implication – Jesus was a bastard child.[96]

"On (Sabbath eve and) the eve of Passover Jesus the Nazarene was hanged and a herald went forth before him forty days heralding, 'Jesus the Nazarene is going forth to be stoned because he practiced sorcery and instigated and seduced Israel to idolatry. Whoever knows anything in defense may come and state it.' But since they did not find anything in his defense they hanged him on (Sabbath eve and) the eve of Passover.

Jesus in the Talmud - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God.

Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, according to the Koran, Jesus was the son of God, a Muslim prophet.

According to the Talmud Jesus was neither the son of God, nor a prophet.

So how on earth can Jesus be a teacher of Zionism?

Most of the anti-Christian writings from Jewish fanatics are based in the post-exilic writings and attempts to limit Judaism to an insular hard core racist cult. Most Zionism in the past came from secular Jews, circa 18th century and later, and for the most part isn't based on religion, I think of the 7 main modern groups of Zionists only one or two has a religious base, unless you count the Christian Evangelicals as a Jewish religious sect, which I personally do, then you have three maybe. The rest are secular; the majority of Jewish people these days are atheist or agnostic. The original Aliyahs came from Russia, and were an Ottoman idea to invite them back, not some foreign invasion silliness invented by by the racist butcher Kemal, who liked to murder almost everybody as a 'solution' to his political problems, much like Communists do whenever they run into 'problems'. Same type of cults, Islamists and Communists, just different rhetoric is all, distinctions without a difference. There are far fewer crazy ass Rabbis than there are lunatic Islamists in their respective population demographics, though there is a disturbing rise in right wing crazies in Israel proper, which doesn't bode well, since the Israelis are now letting them into the IDF, a recent development they really should think over more thoroughly.

It's about having a homeland where they can escape to, mostly, and they should have one, despite the whinings of assorted genocidal savages and bandit cultists. In case, while a minority of Jews are Orthodox or 'ultra-Orthodox' racists, they aren't the majority, and at worst are still a far better group of people than the average Islamist, so guess who 'wins' the 'moral authority' semantics game? ...
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I'm a bit confused...

Mo’ money, Mo’ money. Take the money, Mahmoud. Use it for your investment portfolio.

Why would we even bother to consider this?
From the Article:​
"Congress must amend ATCA by Thursday or keep it from taking effect on Friday if it wishes to continue providing aid to Palestine."​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what consideration have they given America?​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what effort has the Arab Palestinian Leaders given towards a realistic peace?​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what cooperation have the Arab Palestinian Leaders given towards the status of negotiations?​

The question becomes, what advantage do US Aid of any sort contribute to either Regional stability and peace, or that of America? Congress should not take another step towards aid to the Palestinians until such time as the Arab Palestinians make meaningful and fruitful progress towards peace.


Most Respectfully,

My weak attempt at being facetious in the earlier post reflected a FPM (Face Palm Moment) episode. I can’t think of a rational reason to shower the PA with millions of dollars when, based on the information available in the article, there is no requirement for accountability on the part of the PA for the distribution of that money. In addition to your point about benefit to the U.S. for the aid money, I’m left with the unpleasant thought that amidst the hate and vitriol projected at us by the Palestinians, the aid money is viewed as little more than rewarding their behavior and the PA faces no negative consequences for their actions.
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