Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I'm a bit confused...

Mo’ money, Mo’ money. Take the money, Mahmoud. Use it for your investment portfolio.

Why would we even bother to consider this?
From the Article:​
"Congress must amend ATCA by Thursday or keep it from taking effect on Friday if it wishes to continue providing aid to Palestine."​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what consideration have they given America?​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what effort has the Arab Palestinian Leaders given towards a realistic peace?​
◈ However much aid we have given the Palestinians, what cooperation have the Arab Palestinian Leaders given towards the status of negotiations?​

The question becomes, what advantage do US Aid of any sort contribute to either Regional stability and peace, or that of America? Congress should not take another step towards aid to the Palestinians until such time as the Arab Palestinians make meaningful and fruitful progress towards peace.


Most Respectfully,

In their view the money is just another successful extortion. There is nothing in 'meaningful and fruitful progress' for the Pali gangster leadership as long as the aid keeps coming. That's not where the money is for them.
Hamas authorities have arrested seven Gaza residents for participating in a videoconference with peace campaigners in Israel.

The arrests, which Hamas confirmed and defended as rooted in national security, have triggered a debate in Palestinian Authority and Gazan Arab society over free speech, and prompted multiple condemnations.

Hamas, which runs Gaza, bans many forms of communications with Israel and what it calls the “normalization” of relations with the Jewish state.

“We absolutely condemn arrests of individuals because of practicing their right to peaceful expression and assembly,” Saleh Hijazi, the Amnesty International human rights group’s deputy director for the Middle East, told the London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper.

Rami Aman, 36, the founder of the Gaza Youth Committee, and the six others were accused of treason after speaking on Zoom to the dozens of Israeli activists last week, the newspaper reported Tuesday. The participants discussed their daily lives and expressed hopes for better leadership for both Israelis and PA and Gazan Arabs.

(full article online)

The group added that UNRWA’s failure is a “clear indication of its indifference and contempt towards the Palestinian refugees suffering from poverty, hunger, and disease, particularly since the UNRWA administration has not yet seriously dealt with the coronavirus pandemic.”

Munir al-Maqdah, a senior official with the Palestinian Fatah faction in Lebanon, accused UNRWA of “evading its responsibilities” and said he did not understand why the agency was not sending specialized teams to the Palestinian refugee camps to help their residents prepare for the outbreak of the virus. “We are facing an imminent threat, and if the virus spreads there will be a real catastrophe [in the refugee camps],” al-Maqdah warned.

(full article online)

From the Islamic terrorist enclave occupied by Hamas are the usual threats and accusations.

Among the greatest difficulties faced by Israel is having to maneuver around the child-like mentality of political / social misfits who see their pompous demands as an entitlement that others are expected to recognize.

The Hamas terror group warned Sunday that Israel will be responsible for the consequences unless more medical equipment for dealing with the coronavirus is brought into the Gaza Strip.

“Israel will be the one that bears responsibility for an outbreak of the virus in the Gaza Strip; and therefore it must make it easier for shipments of aid to arrive and it is the one who needs to send these medical means,” said Khalil al-Hayya, the deputy Hamas leader in Gaza, according to the Ynet news site.
An IsraelI official scolded Mahmoud as a petulant child. The Islamic terrorist franchise occupying the West Bank was playing upon their Nazi heritage and it caused Security Minister Gilad Erdan to give them a timeout.

Fatah removed a Nazi-themed cartoon hours after being slammed by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan on Tuesday, the pro-Israeli group 'DigiTell nework' reported on Wednesday.

Erdan slammed Palestinian Authority President Mahmmoud Abbas on Tuesday for claiming in the UN he extends his hand in peace to Israel.

While the Holocaust-denier Abu Mazen claimed that he is interested in peace today at the UN, look what his own Fatah Party shared on its Twitter account! His Jew-hatred and bigotry is a disgusting reminder of what a two-faced liar he is! #Saynotohate#
As you might expect, the Islamic terrorists are demanding medical equipment from Israel or they will get the gee-had rolling.

It seems the Islamic terrorists want advanced equipment as an entitlement.

Israel does not ban the transfer of medical equipment to Gaza, and has facilitated the passage of thousands of testing kits and masks. Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories regularly posts details of such transfers.

Palestinians burn tires to throw over the Gaza border into Israel on May 4, 2018. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

As fears rise of a major coronavirus outbreak in Gaza, a senior Hamas official threatened violence against Israel if the terrorist group does not receive the equipment it wants to tackle the pandemic, Israel’s Channel 13 reported on Sunday.

“We are keeping the option of using ‘other tools’ if we fail to make Israel comply with our demands to receive medical equipment that will enable us to deal with the coronavirus crisis,” said Khalil al-Hayya on Sunday.

Well, hell. How good do I feel that the Great Satan™️ just pledged $5 million dollars to finance Islamic terrorists.

Residents of the Gaza Strip are complaining that donations collected on their behalf in Arab countries are not reaching them, and even as the economic hardship in the Strip intensifies Hamas is not transferring budgets from its funds to deal with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

Sources in the Gaza Strip say that in recent days, following the Corona crisis and the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip, there has been severe criticism of Hamas after disclosures of its corruption and embezzlement of donations for those in need, as well as over the fact that Hamas has not thawed its own budgets in favor of the civilian systems in Gaza.
Oh, my. Those Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians ™️

And then we have this:

The incomparable Imshin shows more of life in Gaza nowadays, and it sure seems more normal than life in the US.


Going to AlSaj restaurant in #Gaza City for lunch. #TheGazaYouDontSee
Uploaded to YouTube on 18 April 2020.
Source: https://youtu.be/_hGRRi1FwL4 https://twitter.com/imshin/status/1222028385603461121 …
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AlSaj fast food restaurant #Gaza City. #TheGazaYouDontSeehttps://m.facebook.com/alsaj.gaza/
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3:06 AM - Apr 20, 2020

What about life in the "refugee camps"? Well, you can buy this apartment in the Jabalia camp:


Apartment for sale in Jabalia "refugee" Camp #Gaza#TheGazaYouDontSee
Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1652577485032872?view=permalink&id=2388695254754421&ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_highlights …
Embedded video
2:15 AM - Apr 16, 2020

This is the sort of thing that journalists seem to miss - every day of every year.

(full article online)

Numerous expressions of Nazi sympathies by Palestinian leadership have been documented and exposed over the years, with the admiration of Adolf Hitler being a key part of Palestinian Holocaust denial and distortion.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), a watchdog which monitors Palestinian media and incitement and has a massive file on the subject, noted that some expressions of sympathy are blatant, while others are more subliminal.

For instance, senior Fatah official Tawfik Tirawi previously stated in a TV interview that “Hitler was not morally corrupt. He was daring.” Tirawi’s approach even offended the Palestinian interviewer who chose to quickly change the topic.

Fatah is Palestinian Authority (PA) Head Mahmoud Abbas’ political party.

Palestinian Schools Honor Nazis
Similarly, the Palestinians have named three schools after Nazi collaborators, as well as after terrorists including murderers such as Dalal Mughrabi. One school was a named after Nazi collaborator and war criminal Amin Al-Husseini and two others were named after Nazi collaborator Hassan Salameh.

Amin Al-Husseini was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the time of the British Mandate. During World War II he moved to Berlin, where he collaborated with the Nazis and was an associate of Hitler. Al-Husseini was responsible for a Muslim SS division that murdered thousands of Serbs and Croats and was on Yugoslavia’s list of wanted Nazi war criminals. When the Nazis offered to free 5,000 Jewish children, Al-Husseini fought against their release which caused 5,000 children to be sent to the gas chambers.

Hassan Salameh was a leader of Arab gangs in the Lod and Jaffa region in the 1930s and 1940s. He was a loyal follower of Amin Al-Husseini. In 1941, Salameh was recruited to be a Nazi agent, and in 1944, he was sent on a mission by the Nazis in the British Mandate Palestine, with the goal of starting an Arab revolt against the British and poisoning Tel Aviv’s water sources. The plot was discovered and thwarted by the British. In 1947, Salameh was appointed by Al-Husseini as Deputy Commander of the Holy Jihad Army that fought Israel in the 1948 War of Independence.

“Obviously, schools are named after people who the PA Ministry of Education sees as role models and aspires for the students to emulate,” PMW underscored.

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: This is a more pointed directive than the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.


The new Amendment to the Order for Security Provisions is not as complicated as the 1999 International Convention.

∑ 2020 Amendment #67

Prohibits any transaction with assets, including money, in order to facilitate, further, fund, or reward a person for carrying out terror-related offenses,​

∑ 1999 Convention

◈ Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, through groups claiming to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which also engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun running;​
◈ Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for such acts; and​
◈ Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.​

I think the Israeli Defense Force Order is much more clear and to the point - unambiguous.


Most Respectfully,
Saudia Arabia is apparently not looking to accommodate the Shia sympathizers occupying Gaza. With Iran backing both the Yemeni Houthi and Hamas, the KSA sees multiple direct threats.

Qassem, a spokesman for Hamas, has revealed that the Palestinian group has spoken to a number of mediators to intervene and end the plight of Palestinian detainees (Plight of Palestinian Detainees™️,ed.) in Saudi Arabia, but that the discussions have not produced any positive results, according to the London-based newspaper Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: This is a more pointed directive than the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.


The new Amendment to the Order for Security Provisions is not as complicated as the 1999 International Convention.

∑ 2020 Amendment #67

Prohibits any transaction with assets, including money, in order to facilitate, further, fund, or reward a person for carrying out terror-related offenses,​

∑ 1999 Convention

◈ Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, through groups claiming to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which also engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun running;​
◈ Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for such acts; and​
◈ Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.​

I think the Israeli Defense Force Order is much more clear and to the point - unambiguous.


Most Respectfully,
Who determines what is terrorism?


Israel's kangaroo courts?
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