Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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So, it’s just another day in that little slice of mental disorder called the PA.

Terrorists who planned Olympics Massacre of 11 Israeli athletes glorified by PA and Fatah

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Apr 24, 2020

Tragically, the Corona crisis has not stopped the Palestinian Authority and Fatah from presenting terrorists as heroes and role models. This month, both of Abbas’ institutions have made sure to mark the anniversary of the “deaths as Martyrs” of three terrorists from Fatah's Black September terror organization who were involved in planning the kidnapping and subsequent murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Some in the mini-caliphates of Gaza’istan and Mahmoud’istan are all a’flutter with a new conspiracy theory about the Saudi’s and the Zionist Entity™️ using Facebook and Twitter to promote “Palestine is not my cause”, campaign.

This smacks of the unpardonable sin of “hurting Moslems feelings”. With Mahmoud’s PA having their own Facebook account to promote the actions of their murderous minions, what irony that they are whining and moaning.

Some Palestinians are convinced that the oil-rich Saudi Arabia is responsible for a hashtag that has recently been trending on Twitter titled, “Palestine is not my cause.” Others believe that some Israelis may also be involved with the anti-Palestinian smear campaign.

Recently, similar anti-Palestinian accounts and posts have also popped up on Facebook.

"There's no doubt that several people from Saudi Arabia are behind this campaign," said a Palestinian political analyst in Ramallah. "It's also obvious they are receiving help from Israeli activists."

Palestinians also believe that many of the offensive posts published under the hashtag do not belong to real people, but are Internet bots (also known as web robots) – software applications that run automated and repetitive tasks over the Internet.
Let’s be positive. We can hope this will reduce the body count that accompanies the Islamic ‘holy month”.

Suitcases full of Qatari cash don’t seem to be in the cards this time.

A typical attribute of totalitarian societies is the suppression and even elimination of dissent directed at the Emperor or his enclave.

Caliph Mahmoud has made sure that dissent is squashed in both print and electronic media.

Last year, dozens of Palestinian websites were ordered shut down by a Palestinian court, being regarded by the PA as opposition media.

The Palestinian Authority remains low on the 2020 World Press Freedom Index, released this week by Reporters Without Borders, at 137 out of the 180 countries or territories ranked.

It occupies the same position it did on last year’s index.
The article title asks an obvious question. Why is anyone surprised that Pali islamic terrorism is as successful as it is? There are entire infrastructures assembled to support it and reward it.

As the same time the Pals host their dog and pony shows on social media exhorting the faithful to kill Jews, their death cult leaders are enabling the faithful to plan mass killings at sporting events. None of this surprises me, but it is truly disturbing when I see what little attention most people pay it.


When the European Union was founded in 1993, it had clear goals in mind — creating a new era of peace and stability in both Europe and the world. Over the years, this powerful entity has indeed helped create a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity.

However, one aspect of the union that has been continuously criticized is their involvement with, and funding of, organizations with undeniable ties to terrorist entities — like War on Want.

War on Want is a London-based NGO that self-describes as an anti-poverty charity. Yet a simple scratch beneath the surface exposes an organization that maintains steep anti-Israel sentiments, as well as connections to terrorist entities.

NGO Monitor described War on Want as the “leader and mobilizer of [the] anti-Israel BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions,) movement.” BDS has long been known for its radical anti-Israel beliefs and its terrorist connections. A report aptly named “Terrorists in Suits” found over 100 links between Hamas and BDS. The leading BDS committee includes a coalition of 28 Palestinian entities — among them terror groups, such as Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
The many names for one franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc.

Okay, let's see here—Jews, Christians... enemies of Allah. Expand Islam's dominion by the sword and through deception when the kuffar won't accept it peacefully of their own accord... Long live happy-fun gee-had against the Jews and Christians—the enemies of Allah. Got it.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Also Known As:

  • Abu Ghunaym Squad of the Hizballah Bayt Al-Maqdis*
  • al-Awdah Brigades*
  • al-Quds Brigades*
  • al-Quds Squads*
  • Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami al-Filastini*
  • Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami fi Filistin*
  • Islamic Holy War*
  • Islamic Jihad*
  • Islamic Jihad–Palestine Faction*

  • Islamic Jihad in Palestine*
  • Islamic Jihad of Palestine*
  • Islamic Jihad Palestine*
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad*
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad–Shallah Faction*
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad–Shaqaqi Faction*
  • PIJ–Shallah Faction*
  • PIJ–Shaqaqi Faction*
  • Saraya al-Quds*
Islamic terrorism has many acronyms for many franchises of the ideology. Much like the seemingly endless committees, authorities, commissions, administrations, etc. that make the welfare fraud franchises of the PA and Hamas what they are, BDS has adopted that same model for their various franchises and syndicates.

BDS Umbrella Group Linked to Palestinian Terrorist Organizations
Connections between an American charity and Hamas, PFLP, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad

The US Campaign, Tablet has learned, is the fiscal sponsor of a group called the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the main West Bank and Gaza-based cohort advocating for sanctions against Israel. The BNC was created in 2007 in Ramallah with the intention of serving as the Palestinian arm of the international BDS campaign. According to the BNC’s website, one of the group’s members is the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine, commonly known as PNIF. Among PNIF’s members are five different groups designated by the US as terrorist organizations, including Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Palestine Liberation Front, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Since its founding, the BNC has frequently and openly collaborated with known leaders of these terror organizations: In 2015, for example, the BNC held a press conference to pressure the Palestinian government not to import gas from Israel, featuring a speech by Khalida Jarrar, then a member of the Palestinian parliament for the PFLP and still an active official in the terror group. A video of the BNC-hosted press conference features Jarrar seated alongside BNC secretariat member Omar Barghouti.
It’s way too soon for Arab-Moslem fears and hatreds to die. They’re buttressed by a 1,400 year old politico-religious ideology that establishes them.

"I thought nothing would surprise me. But many things did," she said. The physician told the story of trying to save the life of a 2½-year-old West Bank boy accidentally run over by his father. They rushed the boy to an Israeli hospital, providing treatment along the way.

"Despite all our efforts," she remembered, "the boy died. When I asked this father if he would donate any of his son's organs to another child, he said: 'Only to an Arab Palestinian child, not to an Israeli Jewish child.'"

This was a father who had just seen the enormous effort that Israeli Jews had undertaken to save his son's life; it was a very dramatic and emotional moment. Old prejudices might have died on the spot, at least momentarily. Instead, this man's Jew and Israel hatred kicked in immediately. The doctor was stunned by the sudden appearance of such "political realities."

This is the kind of psychological enemy Israel is up against. And then there are the Palestinian terrorist leaders, who indoctrinate their own people and use them to carry out terrorist attacks against civilian Israelis. This fact is minimized by Western media and global leaders.
Salman al-Harfi, the Palestinian ambassador to France, wants US welfare money and he wants it now with an acknowledgement from the Great Satan™️ that “we were wrong”.

The lovely Mr. “al” needs to check his calendar. This is 2020, not 1020. The kuffar is not paying jizyah.

I’d prefer you get nothing, “al”. I have no desire for my tax payer aid money to support Islamic terrorism and without someone watch over you fine folks, I have good reason to believe that’s what will happen.

‘We did not get a cent’: Palestinian diplomat says US ‘lying’ about promised $5mn aid package to hospitals facing Covid-19

But Salman al-Harfi, the Palestinian ambassador to France, says that the reality on the ground is strikingly different, arguing that hospitals battling the coronavirus in the occupied territories have yet to see any of the alleged aid funds.

“He's lying, we don’t know what they’re going to spend money on, but certainly not on Palestinian healthcare and hospitals,” Harfi told Sputnik, adding that if US officials wanted to contribute to relief efforts, they “can directly contact a representative of the Palestinian people and say: We want to resume assistance, we were wrong.”

It costs a lot of money to buy hate. UNRWA spends a lot of money buying hate to maintain a population of people who are taught by UNRWA to hate.

Christian Saunders said the funds would provide essential services throughout 2020, including life-saving humanitarian assistance for 5.6 million registered Palestine refugees across the Middle East.

He noted that the pledges of support UNRWA received at the General Assembly in December was “an overwhelming validation of the agency and of our mandate” and stressed the importance of donors and partners matching those commitments, to allow the agency to provide refugees with “protection and those critical services considered a basic human right”.
A refreshing bit of candor and honesty from a university president.

Presenting an award of any kind to a pro-Islamic terrorist cabal makes absolutely no sense.

JTA — The president of Tufts University said he disapproved of an award given by the Boston-area school to a pro-Palestinian group that supports the Israel boycott movement.

In a statement Thursday, Anthony Monaco said he would be “reviewing the awards process” and that no university leadership had been involved in the decision to recognize Students for Justice in Palestine. The Collaboration Award was through the Office for Campus Life.
It’s entirely lagitimate to assign responsibility for the health of Pals to Pal leadership. Favoring to pay Islamic terrorists while diverting welfare money for their personal fortunes rests on the Pal “leadership”.

As fears continue to grow about what a rampant outbreak of the coronavirus might do to the occupied Palestinian territory, already crippled by years of Israeli sanctions, we get an update from Dr. Tarek Loubani, Palestinian-Canadian doctor and emergency physician who volunteers in the Gaza Strip and returned from a trip there last month. “Testing is severely limited,” he says. “There have been fewer tests in Gaza so far throughout the entire pandemic than there were in South Korea yesterday.”
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I agree with you. Any new excuse for a program to buy Arab Palestinians leaders new
Dormeuil Vanquish and Zoot Suits is just out of the question.

BLUF: The Arab Palestinians, no matter what education level they claim, are (more often than not) asking for something and then insisting we thank them for the trouble.

‘We did not get a cent’: Palestinian diplomat says US ‘lying’ about promised $5mn aid package to hospitals facing Covid-19

They must be brain dead - or - mentally retarded as a hereditary factor. America is not going to render voluntary aid for a penny
(let alone $5M) and then apologize for not giving a corrupt government the money sooner. The Arab Palestinians have squeezed more than enough money from America and other donor nations to take care of their needs --- and the graft and skimming besides.

Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America? Under what obligation is America to provide such assistance? Maybe the Arab Palestinians should make the same demand on their new best Persian buddies. If the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) can smuggle in weapons, they surely can smuggle in medical supplies and assistance.


Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
A refreshing bit of candor and honesty from a university president.

Presenting an award of any kind to a pro-Islamic terrorist cabal makes absolutely no sense.

JTA — The president of Tufts University said he disapproved of an award given by the Boston-area school to a pro-Palestinian group that supports the Israel boycott movement.

In a statement Thursday, Anthony Monaco said he would be “reviewing the awards process” and that no university leadership had been involved in the decision to recognize Students for Justice in Palestine. The Collaboration Award was through the Office for Campus Life.
"The president of Tufts University said he disapproved of an award given by the Boston-area school to a pro-Palestinian group that supports the Israel boycott movement. " :290968001256257790-final:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I agree with you. Any new excuse for a program to buy Arab Palestinians leaders new
Dormeuil Vanquish and Zoot Suits is just out of the question.

BLUF: The Arab Palestinians, no matter what education level they claim, are (more often than not) asking for something and then insisting we thank them for the trouble.

‘We did not get a cent’: Palestinian diplomat says US ‘lying’ about promised $5mn aid package to hospitals facing Covid-19

They must be brain dead - or - mentally retarded as a hereditary factor. America is not going to render voluntary aid for a penny
(let alone $5M) and then apologize for not giving a corrupt government the money sooner. The Arab Palestinians have squeezed more than enough money from America and other donor nations to take care of their needs --- and the graft and skimming besides.

Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America? Under what obligation is America to provide such assistance? Maybe the Arab Palestinians should make the same demand on their new best Persian buddies. If the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) can smuggle in weapons, they surely can smuggle in medical supplies and assistance.


Most Respectfully,
Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America?
America is funding the occupation.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I agree with you. Any new excuse for a program to buy Arab Palestinians leaders new
Dormeuil Vanquish and Zoot Suits is just out of the question.

BLUF: The Arab Palestinians, no matter what education level they claim, are (more often than not) asking for something and then insisting we thank them for the trouble.

‘We did not get a cent’: Palestinian diplomat says US ‘lying’ about promised $5mn aid package to hospitals facing Covid-19

They must be brain dead - or - mentally retarded as a hereditary factor. America is not going to render voluntary aid for a penny
(let alone $5M) and then apologize for not giving a corrupt government the money sooner. The Arab Palestinians have squeezed more than enough money from America and other donor nations to take care of their needs --- and the graft and skimming besides.

Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America? Under what obligation is America to provide such assistance? Maybe the Arab Palestinians should make the same demand on their new best Persian buddies. If the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) can smuggle in weapons, they surely can smuggle in medical supplies and assistance.


Most Respectfully,
Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America?
America is funding the occupation.

The <1% of Israel's GDP
that goes straight into the US military complex is "funding"??

If your presidents weren't interested in playing the Caesar of Rome,
Clinton and Co. were to stop it as Netanyahu requested already decades ago.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The US is not funding the occupation of any territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine.

The recurring theme in the objections made by the Arab Palestinians is that the US renders "X" number of millions
(or billions depending upon the timeline scale) of dollars to Israel --- while NOT providing any similar assistance (in fact $0) to various factions the Arab Palestinians purportedly administrating the Government. And while in certain respects this is true, the questions one must know the answer first are:

◈ Under what obligation does America have to provide anything to the Arab Palestinians?
◈ Under what obligation does America even have a requirement to answer the Arab Palestinian questions on matters of the US providing defense substance and aid to any foreign nations?

Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America?
America is funding the occupation.

And while the international community refers to the Civil Administration of the West Bank and Jerusalem as → the Occupied Palestinian Territory, it is really bad political notation. In 1967, the Israelis assumed control of Sovereign Jordanian territory and NOT Sovereign Palestinian Territory. And when the Jordanians broke all political ties with the West Bank and Jerusalem, the Arab Palestinians had still not formed a government to assume control. It was abandoned to the Israels.

Screen Shot 2020-04-26 at 6.31.34 AM.png

Most Respectfully,
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