Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Try Article 1 of the
Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf

Who determines what is terrorism?


Israel's kangaroo courts?

The concepts behind the definition of terrorism began long before the 1948 Creation of the Jewish National Home and the State of Israel.

The International Conventions and Protocols on terrorism have undergone a continuous refinement since the "Kristallnacht." But terrorist groups such as the Palestinian Black Hand have been around since before the Convention was written.

There are currently 19 international legal conventions pertaining to various acts of terrorism, several of which were written in direct response to acts of Hostile Arab Palestinians. On 23 July 1968 the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked El Al flight 426 (Rome to Tel Aviv). And in September 1970, the PFLP to had plans to commandeer five planes, four bound for New York and one for London. Three of the five attempts were successful.
Before the year was out, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft was put in force.

This quibbling over the definition of terrorism is just a Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) attempt to confuse the issue. Up and until the events of 911, the poster board image of a terrorist was the HoAP. And with all the attention the various Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, Arab Extremist, and Asymmetric Fighters there is an uneasiness about the Arab World in general and Muslims in character. We should be afraid of them. Intellectually we know that we should not stereotype them the Arab or Muslim world (whichever scares people the most). But for many people, there is still that twinge anxiety. And that is the fear that terrorism brings. It's hard to define, but it is the stupid person who would deny it is there.

Israel's kangaroo courts? There is no question in my mind that any reasonably educated Israeli can make a list of 10 surprisingly scary HoAP terrorist events that have happened sing 2014. They don't need to be explained by a pro-HoAP advocate of what the relationship is between terrorism and fear. While they don't like to use the word "fear." They still reach for their hip the same as I do at the sound of gunfire or HE.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Try Article 1 of the
Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf

Who determines what is terrorism?


Israel's kangaroo courts?

The concepts behind the definition of terrorism began long before the 1948 Creation of the Jewish National Home and the State of Israel.

The International Conventions and Protocols on terrorism have undergone a continuous refinement since the "Kristallnacht." But terrorist groups such as the Palestinian Black Hand have been around since before the Convention was written.

There are currently 19 international legal conventions pertaining to various acts of terrorism, several of which were written in direct response to acts of Hostile Arab Palestinians. On 23 July 1968 the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked El Al flight 426 (Rome to Tel Aviv). And in September 1970, the PFLP to had plans to commandeer five planes, four bound for New York and one for London. Three of the five attempts were successful.
Before the year was out, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft was put in force.

This quibbling over the definition of terrorism is just a Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) attempt to confuse the issue. Up and until the events of 911, the poster board image of a terrorist was the HoAP. And with all the attention the various Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, Arab Extremist, and Asymmetric Fighters there is an uneasiness about the Arab World in general and Muslims in character. We should be afraid of them. Intellectually we know that we should not stereotype them the Arab or Muslim world (whichever scares people the most). But for many people, there is still that twinge anxiety. And that is the fear that terrorism brings. It's hard to define, but it is the stupid person who would deny it is there.

Israel's kangaroo courts? There is no question in my mind that any reasonably educated Israeli can make a list of 10 surprisingly scary HoAP terrorist events that have happened sing 2014. They don't need to be explained by a pro-HoAP advocate of what the relationship is between terrorism and fear. While they don't like to use the word "fear." They still reach for their hip the same as I do at the sound of gunfire or HE.


Most Respectfully,
Did you major in name calling at university?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

What kind of answer is this?

BLUF: Try Article 1 of the
Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf

Did you major in name calling at university?

Wow... Is this even a remotely intelligent response given that I provided evidence that is in the historical record?


Most Respectfully,
Terrorism and all that other name calling comes straight out of Israel. Except for political posturing, there is no reason for any other country to jump on that bandwagon.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

What kind of answer is this?

BLUF: Try Article 1 of the
Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf

Did you major in name calling at university?

Wow... Is this even a remotely intelligent response given that I provided evidence that is in the historical record?


Most Respectfully,
Terrorism and all that other name calling comes straight out of Israel. Except for political posturing, there is no reason for any other country to jump on that bandwagon.
What name other than Islamic terrorism should be used for acts of Islamic terrorism?
The Arabs-Moslems aren’t going to let a communicable disease interrupt their program of religiously inspired hate.

Their collective hate / self-hate can still meet the collective goal using kafir technology.

Children in schools run by the Palestinian Authority are continuing to be indoctrinated with antisemitic hatred through educational materials, even while studying at home during the coronavirus lockdown.

IMPACT, a research, policy and advocacy organization that monitors and analyzes education, has uncovered content inciting children to violence in a range of online materials, including YouTube videos and online lessons.
I know you will find this as shocking as I did. The Pals are floating loopy conspiracy theories about the origin / purpose of the ChiCom virus.

The coronavirus outbreak has been accompanied by the circulation of many conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus, which were published, inter alia, in the Arab media and especially in the Palestinian media.[1] While Palestinian Authority (PA) government spokesman Ibrahim Milhem said that the PA is taking measures against the virus in coordination and collaboration with Israel,[2] some in the Palestinian media accused Israel and the U.S. of spreading the coronavirus in the world for various reasons: in order to weaken China and Iran, to help Trump's reelection campaign and/or to facilitate Israel's takeover of the region.

The following are excerpts from three such articles:


Cartoon in PA daily: The coronavirus in the form of an Israeli tank pursuing a Palestinian carrying an infant (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 16, 2020)
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

What kind of answer is this?

BLUF: Try Article 1 of the
Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf

Did you major in name calling at university?

Wow... Is this even a remotely intelligent response given that I provided evidence that is in the historical record?


Most Respectfully,
Terrorism and all that other name calling comes straight out of Israel. Except for political posturing, there is no reason for any other country to jump on that bandwagon.

Terrorism and all that other name calling comes straight out of Israel.

What should Palestinian acts of terrorism be called?
The PA is falling over itself making allegations about “Jews and money”. It’s just repeating old slogans which the PA seems willing to do as a means to appeal to their willing audience .

As Israel commemorates Holocaust, PA Antisemitism thrives: Israel's "love of money" prevents them from fighting Coronavirus - says PA spokesman

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Apr 21, 2020

As Israel commemorates the millions of victims of the Holocaust on the annual national Holocaust Remembrance Day today (Yom HaShoah), and despite global efforts for decades to eliminate Antisemitism, it is alive and well in the Palestinian Authority.
  • Abu Jihad was not assassinated by Israel because of any political activities or ideology. His assassination stopped him from masterminding more attacks and killing more Israelis.
  • Abbas and his Fatah officials, nonetheless, believe that Abu Jihad and other Palestinian terrorists are honorable and decent men who were fighting for the sake of their people. What contribution did these terrorists make to Palestinian society? Did they build a school or a hospital for their people?
  • When Abbas describes terrorists as heroes, he is actually telling young Palestinians that those who plan and carry out terrorist attacks against Israelis should serve as role models. Abbas evidently wants all Palestinians to be like Abu Jihad and the terrorists in Israeli prisons. For Abbas and other Palestinian leaders, the glorification of terrorists seems to be more important than the fight against a deadly virus.

(full article online)

The proportion of non-Jewish people who define themselves primarily as "Palestinian" now stands at around 7%, down from 18% this time last year.

Moreover, there was a sizable increase in the number of Arabs who define themselves as Israeli - that number rose from 5% last year to 23% this year.

According to Shmuel Rosner, one of the people who conducted the study for the Pluralism Index at the JPPI said that "these figures indicate a significant change in the self-determination of Israeli Arabs at the end of an election year, in which there was widespread discussion regarding the question of Israeli Arabs' participation in the political arena and social fabric of Israel."

Another question on the survey asked respondents to rate how much they agree with the phrase "I feel like a real Israeli."
Most Arabs responded that they either agree completely (65%) or somewhat agree (33%) with the statement.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: This is extraordinarily good news. But, for the most part, it just validates something many of us already assumed
(ie Arab-Israelis self-identify themselves as Israeli).

Most Arabs responded positively to the statement: "I feel like a real Israeli." agree completely (65%) or somewhat agree (33%) with the statement.
◈ 65% Completely Agree
◈ 33% Somewhat Agree
The proportion of non-Jewish people who define themselves primarily as "Palestinian" now stands at around 7%, down from 18% this time last year.

What I find a bit amazing is why anyone would claim to be Palestinian over Israeli. Just what do they see as beneficial in being Palestinian over Israel? What is the attraction?


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: This is extraordinarily good news. But, for the most part, it just validates something many of us already assumed
(ie Arab-Israelis self-identify themselves as Israeli).

Most Arabs responded positively to the statement: "I feel like a real Israeli." agree completely (65%) or somewhat agree (33%) with the statement.
◈ 65% Completely Agree
◈ 33% Somewhat Agree
The proportion of non-Jewish people who define themselves primarily as "Palestinian" now stands at around 7%, down from 18% this time last year.

What I find a bit amazing is why anyone would claim to be Palestinian over Israeli. Just what do they see as beneficial in being Palestinian over Israel? What is the attraction?


Most Respectfully,

Just what do they see as beneficial in being Palestinian over Israel? What is the attraction?

It's an excuse to whine.
You're less likely to be murdered by militant Palestinians.
ecurity service says the trio’s plans to blow up Teddy Stadium fell through, so they instead tried to carry out attacks on IDF soldiers in West Bank

ecurity service says the trio’s plans to blow up Teddy Stadium fell through, so they instead tried to carry out attacks on IDF soldiers in West Bank

In the midst of apparent talks regarding prisoner swaps between Israel and Hamas, Hamas is planning a mass murder at sporting events.

Good catch for the Israeli security forces.
Within the endless loop of throwing money at Islamic terrorists in the hope they will conform to standards outside of Islamic terrorist / criminal enterprises is the failure of the global community to demand accountability.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has been a hotbed of corruption and financial mismanagement since its birth in 1993 under Yasser Arafat. This has been an impediment both to Palestinian self-rule and to peace with Israel.

Arafat’s successor, PA President Mahmoud Abbas — now serving the 15th year of his four-year term of office — has elevated the crookedness of PA finances to a level even Arafat might admire. The misappropriation of billions in Western funds by PA cronies — facilitated by a lack of financial transparency or any sort of accountability — makes the realization of Palestinian aspirations more unrealistic by the day.
Below was identified as a “filler” between PA broadcasts. Basically, as a short break between politburo propaganda messages: “just a reminder folks that we need your children in the service of the gee-had. Send your excess, lightly used youngsters to us and we’ll throw them onto islam’s 1,400 year old bonfire of hatreds”

PA to Palestinians: Al-Aqsa is more precious than your children - in PA TV filler
Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Apr 22, 2020

A filler between broadcasts on official PA TV reinforces the PA’s message to Palestinians that the Islamic holy places and the struggle for “Palestine” are worth the sacrifice of their children. For decades, the PA has promoted to parents and children alike the ideal of dying as “Martyrs” for the cause. In the new filler, the PA teaches Palestinians that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is “more precious than my children and more precious than my family”:
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