Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Yahya Sinwar made an appearance in Gaza. Apparently, a survey of the latest trashing of Gaza will have him skedaddle back into hiding.

Hamas' leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar made a public appearance for the first time since Operation Guardians of the Walls came to an end on Friday, Ynet reported.

On Friday, Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned the Hamas leadership of Israeli retaliation, "even after the ceasefire comes into effect."
Now that the war initiated by Islamic terrorists has temporarily halted, the gee-had wannabes suddenly found their military uniforms.

Right on cue. The Islamic terrorists held a fashion show parade where they pranced around in military uniforms looking all, you know, military and stuff.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Palesstinians - Prove Themselves Yet Again to be a Danger to Humanity
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

BLUF: The pro•Palestinians, no matter what they may say, are actually a culture of violence as they once again call for "Jihad." This as we all know is a violation of Civil and Political Rights.

HoAP Call for Jihad.png

Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.

Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred
that constitutes incitement to discrimination,
hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.
Russia Warns.png

It has not been quite a year since the Muslim Campaign opposing Regional peace arrangements in progress. The claim being made is that nothing endangers Palestine and its holy sites more than making an alliance with Israel. It is the Arab Palestinians that are actively hindering the peace process. Once Israel skips over the Arab Palestinians and moves on to other Arab League members, the reality for peace surfaces.

The assumption that the Quartet has worked with is the Arab Palestinians "MUST" be part of the peace process. Drop that assumption from the political equation and the successes begin to emerge.


Most Respectfully,

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Palesstinians - Prove Themselves Yet Again to be a Danger to Humanity
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

BLUF: The pro•Palestinians, no matter what they may say, are actually a culture of violence as they once again call for "Jihad." This as we all know is a violation of Civil and Political Rights.

View attachment 492565

Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.

Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred
that constitutes incitement to discrimination,
hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.
View attachment 492574

It has not been quite a year since the Muslim Campaign opposing Regional peace arrangements in progress. The claim being made is that nothing endangers Palestine and its holy sites more than making an alliance with Israel. It is the Arab Palestinians that are actively hindering the peace process. Once Israel skips over the Arab Palestinians and moves on to other Arab League members, the reality for peace surfaces.

The assumption that the Quartet has worked with is the Arab Palestinians "MUST" be part of the peace process. Drop that assumption from the political equation and the successes begin to emerge.


Most Respectfully,


The assumption that the Quartet has worked with is the Arab Palestinians "MUST" be part of the peace process. Drop that assumption from the political equation and the successes begin to emerge.”

With reference to the last portion of your post, we need to listen to what the Pals are telling us in no uncertain terms.

With the earlier fawning by the EU (and the UN), over alleged Pally elections and claiming the Hamas Islamic terrorist syndicate “a legitimate participant in the Palestinian Authority elections”, it seems these folks need some serious credibility checks.

From May 10 through May 20, Hamas, the internationally designated terror organization that controls the Gaza Strip, fired over 4,300 missiles against Israel, targeting its civilian population. By May 20, 12 people (9 Israelis and 3 foreign nationals) had been murdered and hundreds more had been injured. There is no doubt that Hamas is responsible for committing multiple war crimes.

Just weeks ago, before the latest cycle of Palestinian violence flared up, the European Union and the United Nations considered the homicidal terror group to be a legitimate participant in the Palestinian Authority elections.

When PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas called the election in January, a statement of the Office of the European Union Representative (West Bank and Gaza Strip, UNRWA), welcomed the decision saying:

“This is a welcome development as participative, representative and accountable democratic institutions are key for Palestinian self-determination and state-building.”
[EU website, Jan. 16, 2021]

On the same day, the EU announced that it was launching a €2.1 million fund to support the readiness of the PA Central Elections Committee. The EU said that it would donate €1.5 million to that fund.

A statement of the Spokesperson of the UN Secretary-General, Stephane Dujarric, reflected the same sentiment:

“The holding of elections in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza will be a crucial step towards Palestinian unity, giving renewed legitimacy to national institutions, including a democratically elected Parliament and Government in Palestine.”
[UN Secretary-General website, Jan. 16, 2021]
There are a lot of valid points in the linked article delineating the stark differences between Israel and the Islamic terrorist enclaves.

One paragraph in particular is a good summation.

The widespread belief is that the vast majority of Palestinians just want to live in peace. But a very large portion of Palestinians support terrorism. In 2016, when asked the question, “To what extent do you support or oppose the continuation of knife attacks against Israelis?”, West Bank Palestinians were about 50/50, while almost 80% of Gazans expressed support. This should not astound anybody. After all, Palestinians name streets and squares after terrorists, and educate their children to hate Jews.
The linked article does note that among the regional Arab nations; Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco and Sudan, not a one was rushing to defend Hamas and Iran.

That would have been almost unthinkable 5 years ago but indicates the evolving strategies of those nations.

May 20, 2021 / JNS) Amid the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, it is worth noting that no pro-U.S. Arab regime—for example, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco and Sudan—has offered tangible support for the terror group, which is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The main reason for this is that the Brotherhood constitutes an existential threat to these regimes, as it aims to topple them all in order to establish a universal Islamic society, through political, social and violent means. Eventually, it aspires to bring non-Muslims, and especially Western democracies, to submission.
The linked article does note that among the regional Arab nations; Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco and Sudan, not a one was rushing to defend Hamas and Iran.

That would have been almost unthinkable 5 years ago but indicates the evolving strategies of those nations.

May 20, 2021 / JNS) Amid the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, it is worth noting that no pro-U.S. Arab regime—for example, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco and Sudan—has offered tangible support for the terror group, which is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The main reason for this is that the Brotherhood constitutes an existential threat to these regimes, as it aims to topple them all in order to establish a universal Islamic society, through political, social and violent means. Eventually, it aspires to bring non-Muslims, and especially Western democracies, to submission.
They want to topple all those despots and dictators?

Oh my.
The linked article does note that among the regional Arab nations; Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco and Sudan, not a one was rushing to defend Hamas and Iran.

That would have been almost unthinkable 5 years ago but indicates the evolving strategies of those nations.

May 20, 2021 / JNS) Amid the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, it is worth noting that no pro-U.S. Arab regime—for example, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco and Sudan—has offered tangible support for the terror group, which is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The main reason for this is that the Brotherhood constitutes an existential threat to these regimes, as it aims to topple them all in order to establish a universal Islamic society, through political, social and violent means. Eventually, it aspires to bring non-Muslims, and especially Western democracies, to submission.
They want to topple all those despots and dictators?

Oh my.
You’re as incoherent as usual.

What a hoot.
While I would like to hope that European nations would take a hard look at the Islamic terrorist funding their aid money provides, I just see any real efforts to cut off the welfare payments to Islamic terrorists.

The arrest and indictment of four individuals with high-level positions in the benignly named Health Workers Committee, who are charged with diverting NGO funds directly to terror groups, shines a bright spotlight on this core dimension of the NGO industry. After many years of hiding the details and denying the extensive evidence of links published in NGO Monitor research reports, it will now be harder for the European officials in charge of the funding to continue to claim “we did not know,” “the evidence you provide is not absolute proof,” or “we do not need to examine the recipients because other countries and the UN are funding the same groups.”
While I would like to hope that European nations would take a hard look at the Islamic terrorist funding their aid money provides, I just see any real efforts to cut off the welfare payments to Islamic terrorists.

The arrest and indictment of four individuals with high-level positions in the benignly named Health Workers Committee, who are charged with diverting NGO funds directly to terror groups, shines a bright spotlight on this core dimension of the NGO industry. After many years of hiding the details and denying the extensive evidence of links published in NGO Monitor research reports, it will now be harder for the European officials in charge of the funding to continue to claim “we did not know,” “the evidence you provide is not absolute proof,” or “we do not need to examine the recipients because other countries and the UN are funding the same groups.”
NGO Monitor is an Israel propaganda organization.
While I would like to hope that European nations would take a hard look at the Islamic terrorist funding their aid money provides, I just see any real efforts to cut off the welfare payments to Islamic terrorists.

The arrest and indictment of four individuals with high-level positions in the benignly named Health Workers Committee, who are charged with diverting NGO funds directly to terror groups, shines a bright spotlight on this core dimension of the NGO industry. After many years of hiding the details and denying the extensive evidence of links published in NGO Monitor research reports, it will now be harder for the European officials in charge of the funding to continue to claim “we did not know,” “the evidence you provide is not absolute proof,” or “we do not need to examine the recipients because other countries and the UN are funding the same groups.”
NGO Monitor is an Israel propaganda organization.

A convenient excuse. Are you suffering from hurt feelings that questions are being raised about Islamic terrorists receiving European welfare money?
I’m afraid that the obvious reality of humanitarian aid to the Pally land grabbers being used to wage the Islamic gee-had has been an obvious flaw for decades. President Trump knew this reality and cut off the Islamic terrorist welfare spigot.

We urge the administration to not dishonor itself by doing the unconscionable: laundering our own tax dollars to the very terror networks responsible for promoting and rewarding the shedding of innocent blood, particularly that of our fellow citizens.
How does anyone or any nation even begin to negotiate peace with a people who prefer death over life?

Well, it seems that Zionists threaten with the death of our entire planet, if their regime is in danger:

Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's The Gun and the Olive Branch(2003) as saying:

We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan:

'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.'

I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third.

We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.[30]

Samson Option - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

How can you negotiate with people who have chosen to behave like "mad dogs"?
How can you negotiate with people who threaten to destroy the entire planet?
Israel has accepted multiple agreements proposed by world governments. The Arab Muslims who call themselves "Palestinians" have rejected EVERY ONE OF THEM. They've made it very clear that it isn't the size of the state of Israel, it is the EXISTENCE of the state of Israel that they'll never accept.
The Samson option is completely acceptable IMO. Here's an idea. Leave them alone and let them live on that land and no one has to worry about it. Come against them with the power to eliminate them and their children and they'll burn it all down.
The choice is clear.
While I would like to hope that European nations would take a hard look at the Islamic terrorist funding their aid money provides, I just see any real efforts to cut off the welfare payments to Islamic terrorists.

The arrest and indictment of four individuals with high-level positions in the benignly named Health Workers Committee, who are charged with diverting NGO funds directly to terror groups, shines a bright spotlight on this core dimension of the NGO industry. After many years of hiding the details and denying the extensive evidence of links published in NGO Monitor research reports, it will now be harder for the European officials in charge of the funding to continue to claim “we did not know,” “the evidence you provide is not absolute proof,” or “we do not need to examine the recipients because other countries and the UN are funding the same groups.”
NGO Monitor is an Israel propaganda organization.

A convenient excuse. Are you suffering from hurt feelings that questions are being raised about Islamic terrorists receiving European welfare money?
No, just stating the fact that you cannot believe what NGO Monitor says.
While I would like to hope that European nations would take a hard look at the Islamic terrorist funding their aid money provides, I just see any real efforts to cut off the welfare payments to Islamic terrorists.

The arrest and indictment of four individuals with high-level positions in the benignly named Health Workers Committee, who are charged with diverting NGO funds directly to terror groups, shines a bright spotlight on this core dimension of the NGO industry. After many years of hiding the details and denying the extensive evidence of links published in NGO Monitor research reports, it will now be harder for the European officials in charge of the funding to continue to claim “we did not know,” “the evidence you provide is not absolute proof,” or “we do not need to examine the recipients because other countries and the UN are funding the same groups.”
NGO Monitor is an Israel propaganda organization.

A convenient excuse. Are you suffering from hurt feelings that questions are being raised about Islamic terrorists receiving European welfare money?
No, just stating the fact that you cannot believe what NGO Monitor says.

Your ''phacts'' tend to be divorced from facts.
The islamic terrorists of Hamas do have an obvious pattern of creating their humiliating losses in their wars with Israel. Now that the Hamas leaders in Tehran are interested in more dead Sunni, it is likely that Tehran will soon end the Hudna and order more attacks aimed at Israel.

The tactic is obvious and recurring. Every few years, Hamas finds an excuse to attack Israel — by rockets, tunnels, terrorism. They know that: a) Israel will defend its civilians, as any country under attack would; b) the international community, the hard left and some of academia will condemn Israel for “overreacting”; c) Israel will win the military war, but Hamas will win the propaganda war; d) the trade-off will be worth it to Hamas, which will continue to employ this tactic so long as it reaps a propaganda benefit from it.
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