Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Cutting off the sources of funding for islamic terrorists is something we need to be more aggressive at doing.

Four Palestinians are expected to be indicted for funneling European humanitarian aid to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a designated terrorist group, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced on Thursday.

Charges are set to be brought against the suspects in the Judea Military Court in the coming days.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Terrorist Financing
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I agree without any reservation. Our friend "Hollie" is right on the money.

Cutting off the sources of funding for islamic terrorists is something we need to be more aggressive at doing.

I'm not sure that the International Community actually supports the idea. While International Community (on the one hand) openly agrees with the concept, they often simply ignore the issues.

  • Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, through groups claiming to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which also engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun running;
  • Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for such acts; and
  • Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.
In the case of the Middle East and North Africa, Israel is really the only country that implements such laws and actually enforces them on the basis of counter-terrorism (not for political gain).


Most Respectfully,
Now there is another seemingly innocuous construction material that has joined the arsenal of terror: water pipes. There were some reports that Israel was surprised by the high number of rockets - 4,300 - that Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists had in their arsenals to launch against civilians in Israeli cities in the recent 11-day Gaza war. Now the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has explained this: He bragged that the “resistance engineers” have turned “water pipes… into the rockets that you see.”

The ability to easily turn construction materials into lethal rockets in simple underground factories, creates new challenges for Israel. It means that Israel must be even more cautious about what dual-purpose materials are allowed into the Gaza Strip and who controls their distribution.

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Terrorist Financing
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, this is often troublesome, especially when it involves infrastructure materials.
Dual Use Technology.png

Dual Use Technology​

Now there is another seemingly innocuous construction material that has joined the arsenal of terror: water pipes. There were some reports that Israel was surprised by the high number of rockets - 4,300 - that Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists had in their arsenals to launch against civilians in Israeli cities in the recent 11-day Gaza war. Now the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has explained this: He bragged that the “resistance engineers” have turned “water pipes… into the rockets that you see.”

The ability to easily turn construction materials into lethal rockets in simple underground factories, creates new challenges for Israel. It means that Israel must be even more cautious about what dual-purpose materials are allowed into the Gaza Strip and who controls their distribution.

(full article online)


The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have proven to be quite resourceful. But I'm wondering if this was not originally foreign-inspired.
COGAT: Cabinet Decision (2010) "The list of controlled items (page 7) is based strictly on security considerations."​

Most Respectfully,


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Sacrifices must be made for the islamic terrorist gee-had... like indoor plumbing.

Terrorists’ ability to turn seemingly innocent household commodities into the tools of terror has always created a challenge for peaceful states fighting terror. Fertilizer has been used to build lethal bombs and instead of using tons of cement that Israel permitted into the Gaza Strip for the building of homes, schools and factories, Hamas built 100 kilometers of terror tunnels that Israel destroyed in the recent war.
Oh, my . Someone in the PA islamic terrorist franchise has their falafel in a bunch. It seems neither Iran nor Hamas were following islamo-protocol.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, Spokesman For Palestinian Authority President Abbas: If Iran Wants To Give Aid To Palestinians It Should Respect Palestinian Sovereignty And Do So Through The PA – Not Hamas​

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Some world class sucking up to the Mullocrats.

Iranian TV Highlights Clip Of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Thanking Iran For Providing Hamas With Money, Weapons, And Technical Support​

Oh, my . Someone in the PA islamic terrorist franchise has their falafel in a bunch. It seems neither Iran nor Hamas were following islamo-protocol.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, Spokesman For Palestinian Authority President Abbas: If Iran Wants To Give Aid To Palestinians It Should Respect Palestinian Sovereignty And Do So Through The PA – Not Hamas​

The Government in Gaza is moire legitimate than the "PA" in the West Bank. The last legally constituted government in Palestinw was in March of 2007. All the governments formed in the West Bank since then have been illegal.
Anyone with their eyes open can understand that Islamic terrorist attacks are furthered by financing and incentives for perpetrators of those attacks,

Cut financing for Islamic terrorism and you go a long way toward minimizing the attacks.

The immediate problem in the region is Biden deciding to send Anthony Blinken to the area. This ultimately means more money thrown at the Pally terrorists.

It is no coincidence that one month after beginning negotiations with Iran over the nuclear deal (the JCPOA), with a goal of lifting sanctions, Iranian-backed terrorists attacked Israel. It is not happenstance that mere weeks after the Biden Administration renewed financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its “pay for slay” terrorist subsidies that Palestinian terrorists fired thousands of rockets on civilians in Israel.

In short: We begin talks with Iran. We give the PA cash. Iran supports the PA, the direct heir of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), a terrorist organization. In the name of the Palestinians, Hamas—the premier Middle East terror group along with Hezbollah—purchases rockets and rocket technology from Iran. Thus, the region is on fire and innocent Israelis and Palestinians are killed and wounded.
How,, nice.

I wonder if BLM has a lot of spare hockey gear the islamic terrorists can borrow.

A brand new organization called The Palestine Freedom Fund was created specifically for this fundraiser and it is managed by an alliance including Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition – NY; American Muslims for Palestine – NJ; Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network; and Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine.

(full article online)

Thanks for the link.

Our Palestinian communities are under attack. Help us stand together to fight criminalization and support targeted youth!

The Palestine Freedom Fund is a project of the NY4Palestine Coalition. Every day, Palestinian youth and activists for Palestine are targeted for criminalization, surveillance, protest arrests and police brutality. The Palestine Freedom Fund works to support bail and legal expenses for Palestinian organizers, activists for Palestine and community members targeted for persecution.

Your donation will help to protect our communities and support the movement for Palestinian liberation. Let’s get our detained and arrested activists FREE!
Thanks for the link.

Our Palestinian communities are under attack. Help us stand together to fight criminalization and support targeted youth!

The Palestine Freedom Fund is a project of the NY4Palestine Coalition. Every day, Palestinian youth and activists for Palestine are targeted for criminalization, surveillance, protest arrests and police brutality. The Palestine Freedom Fund works to support bail and legal expenses for Palestinian organizers, activists for Palestine and community members targeted for persecution.

Your donation will help to protect our communities and support the movement for Palestinian liberation. Let’s get our detained and arrested activists FREE!

Thanks for the link.

Our Palestinian communities are under attack. Help us stand together to fight criminalization and support targeted youth!

The Palestine Freedom Fund is a project of the NY4Palestine Coalition. Every day, Palestinian youth and activists for Palestine are targeted for criminalization, surveillance, protest arrests and police brutality. The Palestine Freedom Fund works to support bail and legal expenses for Palestinian organizers, activists for Palestine and community members targeted for persecution.

Your donation will help to protect our communities and support the movement for Palestinian liberation. Let’s get our detained and arrested activists FREE!
Oh, you poor, oppressed darling. You're a delicate flower. Being safely ensconced in the Great Satan means you're among those poor, oppressed, down trodden keyboard gee-hadeeeeeees.

"Islamic terrorist liberation''.

“Israel will exist, and will continue to exist, until Islam abolishes it, as it abolished that which was before it.” [From the words of] The martyr, Imam Hasan al-Banna’, Allah’s mercy be upon him. [2]

Islamic ideology has never liberated anyone. Islamic history is one of war, conquest and rapine.
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