Debate Now Who are the serious debaters on this forum?

Who the hell gives a fuck about TV characters?
That was before your time, young and indoctrinated one.
Well, that's rich given that you just made a vacuous accusation without substantiation.

But, lazy retorts are the province of the simple minded. Not much I can do about that.
You seem quite adept at bloviating posts that lack any substance whatsoever.
You don't even know plural from possessive.

You are clearly a stupid fuck, trying to make up for it by truckloads of verbosity.
Oh please, the Grade School Teacher's Pet is at it again

and is clueles: .
What is the meaning of Oddball?

noun. a person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming, especially one having beliefs that are unusual but harmless.
note to moderators: The 'clean debate zone' isn't clean on account of no imagination on what is required to keep it clean. But I understand that nobody really cares very much about keeping it clean, and providing a refuge for those few who desire clean debate. Can that be changed?

Would it be possible to even keep this thread clean for a start?
Appeal-to-Authority Gambit
Depends on whether you read Updike, Salinger, Nobokov, or comics, or the tabloids.

See, it depends if you are someone serious about, say, researching the field of counterfeit currency, who will approach it with academic rigor, in search of facts for the purpose of formulating policy, or you are some random simpleton content
with an article in the National Enquire entitled 'Big Boom In Bogus Bucks'.

It might work for you, but it's not enough for me. so, find another coloring book, as it were, to your liking, no one is forcing you to read my posts.
"Comics" and "Coloring Book" Are Cheap Shots
When you refer to Salinger as " 'The Catcher In The Rye' dude, pretty light..." you are waving the flag of ignorance.

Is that the flag you want to wave? Anyone educated in literature knows who Salinger is, in the line up of great American authors. I suspect you might be tad lost over the fact that the book is a favorite of one particular young incel murderer, but it surely doesn't mean he's not a great writer. "The Catcher in the Rye" is frequently included in lists of the greatest American novels of the 20th century. Salinger's influence on subsequent generations of writers, particularly in the realm of young adult literature, is also noteworthy. Query, young man, before you hit the 'submit reply' button. Cheers, Rumpole.
The Pied Piper of Pettiness

Holden Caulfield's very name shows he was a spoiled, sheltered Preppy whose Daddy's Money let him get away with his childish complaints about what tougher teenagers think are trivial annoyances.
That was sarcasm, not a rebuttal.

Know the difference. I never asserted that a short reply isn't warranted ever. A lazy retort is one that requires more, but wasn't given. My sarcastic reply was appropriate.
Who asked DumpHole to start whining?

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