Who are the three biggest transwoman actresses who plays ciswomen in the movies, or television?

Hollywood believes that transwomen are real women. Surely, they cast them as such. It would be damn hypocritical not to, right?

Does anybody over the age of 30 use a silly, made-up term like "cis"?

In any case, we should not fail to acknowledge the groundbreaking work of this one, and although the make up needs quite a bit of work to sell us all on being female, we do need to acknowledge the role involved in paving the way for other transgenders.

At least you embrace your bigotry and don’t try to hide it. Unfortunately you have to live with the fact that you’re a shitty person.
Nice projection. Do you work at a theater or does it come naturally?
Odd, I was just imitating YOU and every other leftwing fucktard on this site, but at least you manned up enough to admit you are hateful, wrong AND shitty.

Pretty funny you jump on someone just for telling you the TRUTH while you were PERFECTLY FINE spewing seething vitriol at Trump for SEVEN YEARS.

That makes you the BIGGEST FUCKING HYPOCRITE that ever lived.
Your statement wasn’t truth at was bigoted hate. Funny you call it truth right after you said you were just imitating the left. Does that mean you think the left tells the truth? #idiot
At least you embrace your stupidity and don’t try to hide it.

A shitty person is someone that not only chooses to believe in lies, but forces everyone else to live them too.
No that would be a gullible person and a controlling person, neither of which have anything to do with my response to the bigoted statement that freak made
You see it as bigorty, but many don't respect transgenders because transgenders failed to respect their body that mother nature gave to them. So don't expect respect to be one way street and then try to mask your hypocritical-ness by crying big boy's words.
Right and many people used to not respect women because they were women and they didn’t respect blacks because they were black. That doesn’t mean they were sexist and racist bigots
Right and many people used to not respect women because they were women and they didn’t respect blacks because they were black. That doesn’t mean they were sexist and racist bigots
You are correct, not respecting a woman and not respecting a black person. I assume the woman respected the body she was born with and the person accepted the colour they were born with. So the connection you're trying to make to my post is comparing apples to pears. So you need to take another hour or two to think up another try.
You are correct, not respecting a woman and not respecting a black person. I assume the woman respected the body she was born with and the person accepted the colour they were born with. So the connection you're trying to make to my post is comparing apples to pears. So you need to take another hour or two to think up another try.
You’re not understanding the point. I’ll dumb it down so hopefully you get it. In the past many people in this country and around the world did not respect women because they were women… they did not respect blacks because they were black. They spewed the same kind of hate talk that I’m calling toobfreak out on for using. Those actions against women and blacks are quite literally the definitions of sexism and racism. There is no difference between what y’all are doing now to the LGBT community. Just because you have a different thing to not respect doesn’t justify the bigotry. It doesn’t make the bigotry magically go away. All who partake in this are shitty people, plain and simple
You’re not understanding the point. I’ll dumb it down so hopefully you get it. In the past many people in this country and around the world did not respect women because they were women… they did not respect blacks because they were black. They spewed the same kind of hate talk that I’m calling toobfreak out on for using. Those actions against women and blacks are quite literally the definitions of sexism and racism. There is no difference between what y’all are doing now to the LGBT community. Just because you have a different thing to not respect doesn’t justify the bigotry. It doesn’t make the bigotry magically go away. All who partake in this are shitty people, plain and simple
You're the dummy. People don't respect a transgender because the transgender does not respect the body nature gave them. Do you understand that? Not respecting a woman because she's a woman is misogyny. Disliking a person because of colour is racism. If a woman or man does not respect their body and a person does not respect their colour, then do not expect everyone to respect their decision. Do you understand that?

Grab an adult to explain.
You're the dummy.
Unfortunately, the dumber the Left are, the more they tend to think they are some super genius gracing us with their magnificence.

People don't respect a transgender because the transgender does not respect the body nature gave them.
Respect is earned. Unfortunately like all things Left, they believe they are simply ENTITLED. So instead of earning other's respect, the Left's transgenders, gays, minorities, freaks, and illegals all simply DEMAND respect instead, thus forever being barred from any.

Do you understand that? Not respecting a woman because she's a woman is misogyny. Disliking a person because of colour is racism. If a woman or man does not respect their body and a person does not respect their colour, then do not expect everyone to respect their decision.
Don't leave out that disagreeing with someone's views or not liking them who also just happen to be black or a woman DOES NOT MEAN we are racist or sexist.
Hollywood believes that transwomen are real women. Surely, they cast them as such. It would be damn hypocritical not to, right?

Yeah I can see it now the perfect movie actor in the future will be this great big sexually amorphous blob that is completely unidentifiable as any gender whatsoever. Not until we erase every vestige of humanity will left be happy with what they have and then they'll wish the hell they didn't do it when it's irreversible.
Who cares, moron. You got the idea.
The thing is, when you’re going to call somebody something like a moron or an idiot you should make sure your insult at least makes sense… or you end up looking like even more of a fool.
The thing is, when you’re going to call somebody something like a moron or an idiot you should make sure your insult at least makes sense… or you end up looking like even more of a fool.

I never look the fool because truth stands the test but you ALWAYS play the moron idiot just as you did again here.

The scary thing is that I know you're not playing (except with your plastic cube games).
I never look the fool because truth stands the test but you ALWAYS play the moron idiot just as you did again here.

The scary thing is that I know you're not playing (except with your plastic cube games).
Don’t be jealous. It’s unbecoming

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