WHO Backflips- No Lockdowns

This is how you live with the virus, but the tramp admin always puts himself first.
Also you trampers think the virus is a hoax.

Looks like the Democrats are on the wrong side of the curve AGAIN....

A World Health Organization doctor is urging world leaders to stop using lockdowns as their primary method to control the spread of COVID-19.

The organization’s special envoy on COVID-19, Dr. David Nabarro, expressed concerns over the widespread economic consequences of prolonged lockdowns. He said such measures can be justified to “buy time” and allow officials to “regroup” and “reorganize. “However, he also noted that “by and large, we’d rather not do it.”

Dr. Nabarro went on to warn extended lockdowns present a clear threat to society’s most vulnerable. He said, “lockdowns just have one consequence and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”

I have to be openly suspicious of the timing of this International organization that told us early on that the virus wasn't contagious, and, who denied access of information and entry from Taiwan, a nation that successfully dealt with this virus. The W.H.O is lead by China. Their tentacles in many International agencies. We are all being played, in one form of another by geopolitical considerations.

The objective seemed to have achieved their goal, it destroyed a great U.S economy that was putting China back in it's place, and, it allowed the sending out of millions of unsolicited ballots to impact the 2020 election. Emperor Fauci was a key contributor to impacting this outcome.

Now, if Biden wins, he can say "we are following the science (as if W.H.O isn't a political organization)" and he will open it up and reap the false reward, at least temporarily; that Trump helped drive. China will ascend back to it's "natural position" that global socialists so desire, they will return to harming the U.S economy and continue it's trajectory to global dominance. Citizens will be fooled into thinking "we are doing better now", as Western citizens will only see the loss of 30% of small/medium businesses rather than 75% if a shutdown remained. What a great deal!

So many in the world desire a massive, bloated socialist America because those with influence can better control resources and government decisions this way. With big government, comes strong control from those with deep pockets.

Many have turned their backs on all that Western capitalist nations fought for and achieved over the last 80 years.
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Looks like the Democrats are on the wrong side of the curve AGAIN....

A World Health Organization doctor is urging world leaders to stop using lockdowns as their primary method to control the spread of COVID-19.

The organization’s special envoy on COVID-19, Dr. David Nabarro, expressed concerns over the widespread economic consequences of prolonged lockdowns. He said such measures can be justified to “buy time” and allow officials to “regroup” and “reorganize. “However, he also noted that “by and large, we’d rather not do it.”

Dr. Nabarro went on to warn extended lockdowns present a clear threat to society’s most vulnerable. He said, “lockdowns just have one consequence and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”
True, it harms the poor.... the white collar and wealthier didn't miss a beat, with the lockdown, they were able to shift, and work from home.

But the WHO recommends wearing masks, keeping 6ft apart, washing hands and no large gatherings....

Are you in, on the WHO's remedy?

The WHO still says lockdown should be done in dire emergencies, when hospitals are overflowing.... and the area needs an immediate reduction in New patients and hospitalizations.
So many in the world desire a massive, bloated socialist America because those with influence can better control resources and government decisions this way. With big government, comes strong control from those with deep pockets.
Trump has added $5.2 trillion in 3.5 years to the National debt, with another $2.0 trillion in bail out to come..... that's 7.2 trillion dollars in just 4 years!!!

Trump is making gvt, BIGGER than it ever was, even before the pandemic!!! Is Trump doing this or allowing this, so his gvt can have more control over us?
So many in the world desire a massive, bloated socialist America because those with influence can better control resources and government decisions this way. With big government, comes strong control from those with deep pockets.
Trump has added $5.2 trillion in 3.5 years to the National debt, with another $2.0 trillion in bail out to come..... that's 7.2 trillion dollars in just 4 years!!!

Trump is making gvt, BIGGER than it ever was, even before the pandemic!!! Is Trump doing this or allowing this, so his gvt can have more control over us?

First, the pandemic is responsible for most of this.

Second, do you expect the Democrats will decrease the debt if they win? How has that worked out in California or New York?

Biden/Harris will not be able to handle President Xi and his allies. I think this is the point for some.
The democrats have always decreased the debt.
Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion. Bush 41 took it to 300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to 600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion. Morons: “Democrats cause deficits.”

That was in July 23, 2019 before the pandemic, but since he handled the pandemic so poorly its much more.
The democrats have always decreased the debt.
Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion. Bush 41 took it to 300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to 600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion. Morons: “Democrats cause deficits.”

That was in July 23, 2019 before the pandemic, but since he handled the pandemic so poorly its much more.

Have you seen the numbers that Pelosi has marched out for her Wuhan Virus stimulus plan? Obam doubled the entire U.S debt in 8 years and there wasn't a pandemic.

This Democrat Party is not your grandpas Dem Party.
B-B-B-But we must believe the science! Because science is REAL! And science is always right, except when it's wrong.
Oh, it's all about "the science " all right...
The democrats have always decreased the debt.
Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion. Bush 41 took it to 300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to 600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion. Morons: “Democrats cause deficits.”

That was in July 23, 2019 before the pandemic, but since he handled the pandemic so poorly its much more.

Have you seen the numbers that Pelosi has marched out for her Wuhan Virus stimulus plan? Obam doubled the entire U.S debt in 8 years and there wasn't a pandemic.

This Democrat Party is not your grandpas Dem Party.

What we need is a stimulus plan. Its called Stimulus for a reason.

Debt and deficit are two different things, Obama inherited the worst depression and Bush Jr gave it to him. Tramp screwed up the pandemic from the start and the tramp tax cuts didn't help the deficit or debt. We didn't need the tax cuts.
This is how you live with the virus, but the tramp admin always puts himself first.
Also you trampers think the virus is a hoax.

The Virus isnt a hoax. The virus is real, everybody knows that but your repeating a lie due to words taken out of context. What is a hoax is the reaction by the Left and the Democrats. 200,000 dead from Covid? but wait, only about 6% of those deaths were caused by Covid only. The numbers are jacked up so Democratic governors can continue to quarantine healthy people.

Quarantining people who are high risk makes good sense, like maybe old people in convalescent homes??? but dont tell that to your Friend Cuomo in N.Y.
Quarantining healthy people only tends to make those people sicker from other causes over time, because you have taken away their healthy lifestyle. Thus, those once healthy people become more at risk due to obesity, diabetes, depression and other health ailments. I dont really expect you to see this, I know you guys can only process a few things at a time like Tramp, Orange man Bad, Deplorables etc.. but good luck any way.
This is how you live with the virus, but the tramp admin always puts himself first.
Also you trampers think the virus is a hoax.

The Virus isnt a hoax. The virus is real, everybody knows that but your repeating a lie due to words taken out of context. What is a hoax is the reaction by the Left and the Democrats. 200,000 dead from Covid? but wait, only about 6% of those deaths were caused by Covid only. The numbers are jacked up so Democratic governors can continue to quarantine healthy people.

Quarantining people who are high risk makes good sense, like maybe old people in convalescent homes??? but dont tell that to your Friend Cuomo in N.Y.
Quarantining healthy people only tends to make those people sicker from other causes over time, because you have taken away their healthy lifestyle. Thus, those once healthy people become more at risk due to obesity, diabetes, depression and other health ailments. I dont really expect you to see this, I know you guys can only process a few things at a time like Tramp, Orange man Bad, Deplorables etc.. but good luck any way.

The first case in NY started in a nursing home. Maybe if tramp would of banned travel for the EU the same time he banned travel form China, NY city wouldn't have such a covid crisis.

The covid cases in NY came from the EU.

Now I heard the admin , tramps, is going for herd immunity.
This is how you live with the virus, but the tramp admin always puts himself first.
Also you trampers think the virus is a hoax.

The Virus isnt a hoax. The virus is real, everybody knows that but your repeating a lie due to words taken out of context. What is a hoax is the reaction by the Left and the Democrats. 200,000 dead from Covid? but wait, only about 6% of those deaths were caused by Covid only. The numbers are jacked up so Democratic governors can continue to quarantine healthy people.

Quarantining people who are high risk makes good sense, like maybe old people in convalescent homes??? but dont tell that to your Friend Cuomo in N.Y.
Quarantining healthy people only tends to make those people sicker from other causes over time, because you have taken away their healthy lifestyle. Thus, those once healthy people become more at risk due to obesity, diabetes, depression and other health ailments. I dont really expect you to see this, I know you guys can only process a few things at a time like Tramp, Orange man Bad, Deplorables etc.. but good luck any way.

The first case in NY started in a nursing home. Maybe if tramp would of banned travel for the EU the same time he banned travel form China, NY city wouldn't have such a covid crisis.

The covid cases in NY came from the EU.

Now I heard the admin , tramps, is going for herd immunity.

Herd immunity is simply a fact with every virus. Course' it takes time. People can criticize Trump for things he says but the reality is he has listened to medical professionals, has facilitated towards moving towards a vaccine in an expedited manner.... not simply counting on herd immunity. Also its good to keep in mind that just because some doctors may be great virologists, that doesnt mean they know all the science when it comes to the general public health, both physical and mental.
What Trump has not done is become a fear monger. He has remained publicly positive and I would argue that that is necessary for a leader so as not to create panic. That had to be a calculation.
I'm sure Trump has not acted perfectly, and to be fair, in a situation with an airborn virus in a country of 300 +million things will always be done wrong.
So question, H1N1 started in Mexico i believe it was and in the US there were 1,200 children under the age of 17 who died from it. That is much higher than child deaths from Covid 19.... so at what point did the Obama Adminstration suggest locking down schools and making kids wear masks? At what point did the stop air travel from Mexico? They could have done a lot better but still I would never suggest they have blood on their hands, its a situation that is very complex.
Its sad and a shame that for political purposes The Left has chosen to try and take Trump down during this pandemic instead of working with him as they should have. They were working on removing him from office right up to the start of the pandemic, so hell will freeze over before they give him credit for anything.
#53: While tracking Fauci's mutation in COVID-19 that he mentions in a video, we came across the same mutation in H1N1. We think that this mutation links to why there were so many deaths in the U.S., at least to some extent.

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