WHO Backflips- No Lockdowns

Lockdowns hurt America less than they do in the WHO nations.

The idea has backfired.

America has a huge telecommunications infrastructure that allow millions to work from home, get shit delivered, etc., that you don't have to the same degree in Red China or other nations.
10,000 children a month are starving to death because of lockdowns. Children who would not die from the virus.
Depopulation is the stated goal of the globalists.... This is working perfectly for them... Killing off the elderly and killing off kids leaving only those who work..
And I haven’t seen anyone wear an N95 mask in 3 months. Everyone basically just has a t shirt over their heads.

I should probably, some time, put a more mundane mask under my microscope, and give it the same treatment. It was a genuine 3M N95 mask that I photographed before, leading ultimately to the visualization that I posted. This is a much better mask than the vast majority of the masks that the vast majority of people re wearing, under the delusion that doing so offers any protection to anyone, from any virus; and I think my visualization puts the lie very well to any claim that even an N95 mask is at all effective for this purpose.
How is that screen door on your submarine working out?

That is what most face masks are the equivalent of.. Nothing more than a placebo..

View attachment 400159
And I haven’t seen anyone wear an N95 mask in 3 months. Everyone basically just has a t shirt over their heads.

99% of the people I see wear a mask of some sort. Maybe 10% use the turtleneck. An N95 mask is to guarantee that you don't inhale viral air in a hospital. Everyone wearing a mask is doing so to not spread their biome and potentially their virus.

Masks aren't expected to be perfect. They are expected to help mitigate the spread, to bring down the R-naught to less than 1. When the R0 is less than one, the virus dies out. When the R0 is greater than 1, the virus spreads like in a pandemic.
Lockdowns hurt America less than they do in the WHO nations.

The idea has backfired.

America has a huge telecommunications infrastructure that allow millions to work from home, get shit delivered, etc., that you don't have to the same degree in Red China or other nations.
10,000 children a month are starving to death because of lockdowns. Children who would not die from the virus.
Depopulation is the stated goal of the globalists.... This is working perfectly for them... Killing off the elderly and killing off kids leaving only those who work..

Oooh. Or maybe by not having so many babies. There's a thought, attrition. Nobody had to be killed to slow down population growth. That's your fantasy.
Watch as democrats become science deniers... well at least until the election. By now it's clear to everyone that lockdowns have only been enacted to destroy our economy.

"The World Health Organisation has backflipped on its original COVID-19 stance after calling for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies.

Dr David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop "using lockdowns as your primary control method" of the coronavirus.

He also claimed that the only thing lockdowns achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved."

Democrats have destroyed the economy of their area by using lockdowns - to defeat the Bad Orange Man. The party that is supposed to fight against poverty has impoverished millions. Treason against the people folks. The time to vote the science deniers out towards productive jobs where they can serve Americans and build back our economy is dawning near.
The only reason the democrats are for lockdowns is because right wingers allege the pandemic is a hoax and refuse to wear masks.
so they cant justify the lockdowns,is that what you are saying?...
However did you reach that conclusion, right wing fantasy?


They had the same problem with the Spanish flu. The second and third waves of that virus were worse than the first. More people died from that pandemic than died from the actual war (WWI).
Watch as democrats become science deniers... well at least until the election. By now it's clear to everyone that lockdowns have only been enacted to destroy our economy.

"The World Health Organisation has backflipped on its original COVID-19 stance after calling for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies.

Dr David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop "using lockdowns as your primary control method" of the coronavirus.

He also claimed that the only thing lockdowns achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved."

Democrats have destroyed the economy of their area by using lockdowns - to defeat the Bad Orange Man. The party that is supposed to fight against poverty has impoverished millions. Treason against the people folks. The time to vote the science deniers out towards productive jobs where they can serve Americans and build back our economy is dawning near.
The only reason the democrats are for lockdowns is because right wingers allege the pandemic is a hoax and refuse to wear masks.
How is that screen door on your submarine working out?

That is what most face masks are the equivalent of.. Nothing more than a placebo..
No, it isn't. The virus tends to spreads via water droplets and aerosols which are mitigated by masks. It is also why healthcare professionals wear masks during health stressful operations.
Watch as democrats become science deniers... well at least until the election. By now it's clear to everyone that lockdowns have only been enacted to destroy our economy.

"The World Health Organisation has backflipped on its original COVID-19 stance after calling for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies.

Dr David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop "using lockdowns as your primary control method" of the coronavirus.

He also claimed that the only thing lockdowns achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved."

Democrats have destroyed the economy of their area by using lockdowns - to defeat the Bad Orange Man. The party that is supposed to fight against poverty has impoverished millions. Treason against the people folks. The time to vote the science deniers out towards productive jobs where they can serve Americans and build back our economy is dawning near.
The only reason the democrats are for lockdowns is because right wingers allege the pandemic is a hoax and refuse to wear masks.
so they cant justify the lockdowns,is that what you are saying?...
However did you reach that conclusion, right wing fantasy?

View attachment 400333
They had the same problem with the Spanish flu. The second and third waves of that virus were worse than the first. More people died from that pandemic than died from the actual war (WWI).
The average age of death at that time in our nation was around 50 or so. Today it is 79. We live longer but have many unhealthy people. We are the most traveling people on a planet that has traveling people. 1918 was not like that. Air travel, sea travel, train travel, and automobile travel is much more massive today. World population about 1.8 billion in 1918. Over 8 billion today.
Been saying this since day one.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,”

That's why Trump has been trying to get those states on lockdown to open up.
Looks like the Democrats are on the wrong side of the curve AGAIN....

A World Health Organization doctor is urging world leaders to stop using lockdowns as their primary method to control the spread of COVID-19.

The organization’s special envoy on COVID-19, Dr. David Nabarro, expressed concerns over the widespread economic consequences of prolonged lockdowns. He said such measures can be justified to “buy time” and allow officials to “regroup” and “reorganize. “However, he also noted that “by and large, we’d rather not do it.”

Dr. Nabarro went on to warn extended lockdowns present a clear threat to society’s most vulnerable. He said, “lockdowns just have one consequence and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”
Saying not to use lockdowns as the first measure is hardly changing their tune. Misrepresenting WHO guidelines is certainly the first measure on Trumpists' list though.

Dr Margaret Harris, spokesperson for the World Health Organisation, said it saw lockdowns as a final resort, after public health measures and contact tracing haven’t worked.
“We are not saying you can’t do them, but we are saying it wasn’t the first thing you should,” she said on RNZ’s Morning Report.
“If you got to a point where the virus is racing ahead of you, then you take the drastic measures.”
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Saying not to use lockdowns as the first measure is hardly changing their tune. Misinterpreting WHO guideline is certainly the first measure on Trumpists' list though.

Dr Margaret Harris, spokesperson for the World Health Organisation, said it saw lockdowns as a final resort, after public health measures and contact tracing haven’t worked.
“We are not saying you can’t do them, but we are saying it wasn’t the first thing you should,” she said on RNZ’s Morning Report.
“If you got to a point where the virus is racing ahead of you, then you take the drastic measures.”
So you're saying the Democrat-controlled states (where the lockdowns are still going on) are doing a piss-poor job of handling the virus, right???
Of course, I do NOT know whether prolonged lockdowns are effective or not.

I DO know that the lockdowns in this country and abroad have caused disastrous conditions for millions and millions of people.

It is despicable that the best way to control COVID-19 has become a political football.

I assume that a special place in Hell awaits those Dem & Republican politicians who purposely took a particular stand on lockdowns based on political rather than medical reasons.

P.S. If I am not mistaken, the lockdown in Wuhan was relatively short-lived.
So you're saying the Democrat-controlled states (where the lockdowns are still going on) are doing a piss-poor job of handling the virus, right???
I'm saying Trumpists make a point of misrepresenting WHO announcements in order to excuse/support the IMPOTUS's negligence.
Saying not to use lockdowns as the first measure is hardly changing their tune. Misinterpreting WHO guideline is certainly the first measure on Trumpists' list though.

Dr Margaret Harris, spokesperson for the World Health Organisation, said it saw lockdowns as a final resort, after public health measures and contact tracing haven’t worked.
“We are not saying you can’t do them, but we are saying it wasn’t the first thing you should,” she said on RNZ’s Morning Report.
“If you got to a point where the virus is racing ahead of you, then you take the drastic measures.”
So you're saying the Democrat-controlled states (where the lockdowns are still going on) are doing a piss-poor job of handling the virus, right???

No, I'm saying republicans gov. have done a piss poor job of handling the virus, take SD and Fl, and TX, etc.
Of course, I do NOT know whether prolonged lockdowns are effective or not.

I DO know that the lockdowns in this country and abroad have caused disastrous conditions for millions and millions of people.

It is despicable that the best way to control COVID-19 has become a political football.

I assume that a special place in Hell awaits those Dem & Republican politicians who purposely took a particular stand on lockdowns based on political rather than medical reasons.

P.S. If I am not mistaken, the lockdown in Wuhan was relatively short-lived.

Its really despicable the congress is doing nothing to lift a finger to the American people , and I mean the republican senators.
Looks like the Democrats are on the wrong side of the curve AGAIN....

A World Health Organization doctor is urging world leaders to stop using lockdowns as their primary method to control the spread of COVID-19.

The organization’s special envoy on COVID-19, Dr. David Nabarro, expressed concerns over the widespread economic consequences of prolonged lockdowns. He said such measures can be justified to “buy time” and allow officials to “regroup” and “reorganize. “However, he also noted that “by and large, we’d rather not do it.”

Dr. Nabarro went on to warn extended lockdowns present a clear threat to society’s most vulnerable. He said, “lockdowns just have one consequence and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”
OAN Newsroom

Hardly reputable. Do you have another source??
Here is what he really said:

and we have a government admin that makes lite of the virus. They don't even contract trace at the wh, and tramp is holding rallies again.

it's not hospitals but it is testing
contact tracing and isolation the
backbone to controlling this kind of
is always testing contact tracing and

the second part of it is involving local

as much as possible because trying to do
dealing with small
spikes of disease is best done locally
it's not best done from some central
control center
and thirdly it works best if people
as on side as they possibly can be it
does mean
really leveling with people saying

actually the only way we can do this is
all of us pulling together physical
face protection hygiene isolating if
we're ill
not going off to work or to the pub if
we're feeling rotten
and protecting those who are most at
risk if we can combine those various
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