Who brings a knife (bayonet) to a gunfight? What a dumbass Romney is!

Obama is nitpicking in hopes of slowing the momentum of the Romney campaign. It's not working.

Obama cannot run on his record and his only hope is to make Romney look bad. Obama himself lamented the used of these exact tactics in the past- before he needed to use them.

Obama can run on his record and continues to contrast it to the Republicans obstructionisms policy. Obama has not only slowed Romneys momentum but overtaken it. Romney is dead in the water as we speak... just you watch the polls in the coming days.

First of all, President Obama showed his ignorance of the military that he commands since the Marine Corps still uses bayonets...something which Barry and his speech writers were obviously unaware of.

If Obama "can" run on his record...then why doesn't he do so?

His entire campaign has been to demagogue Mitt Romney. He avoids talking about his record because it's awful.

You mean he hasn't been talking up the ACA or the recent improved jobs numbers? It's been nothing at all but attacking Mittens? You really wanna be saying this?
Of course Mitt's complaint that the USN was down to 300 ships is a silly as pretty much everthing else the GOP complains about.

The US Navy's budget is higher that the next 15 national naval budgets combined!

We have a massively technologically advanced Navy with strike capabilities that make the USA the undisputed master of the waves.
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Obama is nitpicking in hopes of slowing the momentum of the Romney campaign. It's not working.

Obama cannot run on his record and his only hope is to make Romney look bad. Obama himself lamented the used of these exact tactics in the past- before he needed to use them.

Obama can run on his record and continues to contrast it to the Republicans obstructionisms policy. Obama has not only slowed Romneys momentum but overtaken it. Romney is dead in the water as we speak... just you watch the polls in the coming days.

Obstructionist policies?? Boy are you out to lunch.

Barry didn't want to work with the reps. He won. He told them to get in the back of the bus and STFU.

He was gonna take America in a "new direction." Of course his new direction has cost we taxpayer millions. Solyndra comes to mind. I wonder how many other tax funded green projects have gone belly up at our expense??

We also baled out the UAW, ooops, I mean GM. Still waiting for payback on that little beauty as well.

No. Barry can't run on his record. It sucks and he knows it.

Oh and I'm still looking for all those "shovel ready" jobs.
Obama is nitpicking in hopes of slowing the momentum of the Romney campaign. It's not working.

Obama cannot run on his record and his only hope is to make Romney look bad. Obama himself lamented the used of these exact tactics in the past- before he needed to use them.

Obama can run on his record and continues to contrast it to the Republicans obstructionisms policy. Obama has not only slowed Romneys momentum but overtaken it. Romney is dead in the water as we speak... just you watch the polls in the coming days.

First of all, President Obama showed his ignorance of the military that he commands since the Marine Corps still uses bayonets...something which Barry and his speech writers were obviously unaware of.

If Obama "can" run on his record...then why doesn't he do so?

His entire campaign has been to demagogue Mitt Romney. He avoids talking about his record because it's awful.

The Marines stilll TRAIN with bayonets, but no one uses bayonets in combat anymore.

They are obsolete technology.

And that's kind of the problem. Romney wants to expand the navy with more ships the navy hasn't asked for and doesn't have the men to run, anyway.
How sad when our own CINC has Marines taking to Twitter, Facebook, blogs all schooling this BOY President.
I was an Army Supply Sergeant for 6 years.

We had bayonets. And they spent my entire tour in the armory, we never issued them out, not once.

I was trained on bayonets in basic and never saw one again for the rest of my time in uniform.
Someone just said that comparing the ships we had in 1916 with the ones we have now is like comparing the telegragh with a smartphone.
I was an Army Supply Sergeant for 6 years.

We had bayonets. And they spent my entire tour in the armory, we never issued them out, not once.

I was trained on bayonets in basic and never saw one again for the rest of my time in uniform.

Oddly enough, we did some bayonet work in AIT. Seemed odd, since 9 times out of 10 medics are packing the 9 mil. :eusa_eh: Personally, I enjoyed it. I thought it was important and I wanted to know that if I ever got to that point of needing to resort to bayonet combat that I'd be good enough to come out of it alive. But let's be honest, one of the greatest assets of our military is its logistical strength. There should never come a point where you have to resort to the bayonet.
obama might have been right about needing a smaller Navy if the world were't still 4/5ths water. After all, the police used to walk around, they called it walking the beat. Now they have these things called cars where they sit and go faster than they could walk. They also have computers. Why do we need more cops anyway? Following obama's lack of logic, we'd need much smaller police forces.
obama might have been right about needing a smaller Navy if the world were't still 4/5ths water. After all, the police used to walk around, they called it walking the beat. Now they have these things called cars where they sit and go faster than they could walk. They also have computers. Why do we need more cops anyway? Following obama's lack of logic, we'd need much smaller police forces.
Willard has advocated smaller police forces, as well as fewer teachers.
obama might have been right about needing a smaller Navy if the world were't still 4/5ths water. After all, the police used to walk around, they called it walking the beat. Now they have these things called cars where they sit and go faster than they could walk. They also have computers. Why do we need more cops anyway? Following obama's lack of logic, we'd need much smaller police forces.

The purpose of a police force size is to have many people in many places at one time. That requires.....many people.

The purpose of a navy is to have destructive power. That doesn't necessarily require more ships than we had 100 years ago.
obama might have been right about needing a smaller Navy if the world were't still 4/5ths water. After all, the police used to walk around, they called it walking the beat. Now they have these things called cars where they sit and go faster than they could walk. They also have computers. Why do we need more cops anyway? Following obama's lack of logic, we'd need much smaller police forces.
Willard has advocated smaller police forces, as well as fewer teachers.

That's such total bullshit. Every time someone talks about shrinking the size of government, you progressives immediately start screaming that they're going to lay off teachers, firemen and cops.

We've got a government that is so bloated and inefficient that it's a wonder we get ANYTHING accomplished but the public sector unions have their heels dug in as they try to hold onto all of the sweetheart deals they've gotten from the liberals they spent millions to put in office. You know as well as I do that we should fix the problem, yet every time someone tries...you attack them with nonsense like this.
obama might have been right about needing a smaller Navy if the world were't still 4/5ths water. After all, the police used to walk around, they called it walking the beat. Now they have these things called cars where they sit and go faster than they could walk. They also have computers. Why do we need more cops anyway? Following obama's lack of logic, we'd need much smaller police forces.

The purpose of a police force size is to have many people in many places at one time. That requires.....many people.

The purpose of a navy is to have destructive power. That doesn't necessarily require more ships than we had 100 years ago.

The purpose of a police force is to prevent crime. Many people in many places? I don't even know what you're talking about with that...

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