Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids?

There are many theories about who built Egypt's pyramids, including large teams of enslaved Jewish people
No such claim exists in the Bible. So why are you trying to imply it was?

Did you see the word "theories"? NOT Bible.
Seems as if you are trying to imply it is. Where else would we have gotten that "theory" from?

The people who claim the Jews built the pyramids reference mudbricks.. Lucky me I have watched the production of mud bricks.
Your thread doesn't support your cover story.
give him/her/it a CHANCE ----why are you trying to close up
your delightful bicker----dingy?
Because unlike you I have other things to spend my time on.
good boy-----run along
But I like talking to YOU, grandma.
wash your hands
And destroy the good bacteria that God created????

Maybe surada was right about you. Maybe you are upset because you do believe the Jews built the pyramids. And that's why you are so out of sorts today. Is that it?

I think the Egyptian pyramids are much older than the period in which the Jews were purportedly in Goshen..

The red pyramids in Sudan are also quite interesting.
Pyramids of Sudan – The Forgotten Nubian Pyramids ...

Nubian Pyramids
Why Sudan Pyramids Do Not Have tops?
The Ancient History of Sudanese Pyramids
Pyramids in Sudan are mostly known under the name Nubian Pyramids. They were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdom. Located in the area of Nile known as Nubia, they lie within the north of present-day Sudan. Present-day Sudan was home to three Kushite kingdoms. The first one, with its capital at Kerma, from 2500 to 1500 BC, the second one with its capital in Napata from 1000 to 300 BC, and the last one, with its capital in Meroe, lasting from 300 BC to AD 300. Influenced by the Egyptians, N…

the question addressed to you, Surada was "where did you get the idea that
lots of people claim that jews built the pyramids? " I have been a jew all of
my life and NEVER came across YOUR theory that lots of people or any people
imagine that jews built the pyramids. It is something you picked up in church
meetings in Saudi Arabia? SUDAN was once a thriving place. It is discussed
in the bible. Then islam happened to it economically. It became an outpost
for Arabia of the arabian slave trade

'Who built the pyramids?' - Round Two - The Jerusalem Post
Elaph added that while Israel contends the Jews built the pyramids, Egyptian archaeologists deny it. The newspaper cited archaeology expert Dr Esam Amin as saying that Israel’s claims were ...

Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Did the Jews Build the Pyramids? - The Israel Bible
Hawas criticized the school curriculum for “insisting that the Jews built the pyramids and highlighting the fact that those who refused to partake in the building were physically tortured.” Dr. John H. Taylor, the curator of the Egypt Department of the British Museum in London confirms Hawass’ assertion explaining that the pyramids were built 100 years after the Israelites left Egypt.

surada's cretincy - Round Two:

when asked to back-up that straw man,
this is what we receive as "proof":

"Hawass went on to file an official complaint to the Egyptian attorney general of Egypt against a Cairo high school for teaching the students that it was the Israelites who built the pyramids. Hawas criticized the school curriculum for “insisting that the Jews built the pyramids and highlighting the fact that those who refused to partake in the building were physically tortured.”"

Because really, pan-Arab propaganda doesn't allow any individual thought,
or participation in real conversation, but the typical 2 track-mind buffoonery.

You want to discuss what has already been disproven? Why?

They have excavated the worker camps of the pyramid builders and they weren't Jews.

The pyramids were a national project built by Egyptians during the off season after planting (twice a year) along the delta.

Mud bricks are common all over the Middle East... and East Africa even now.. Have you ever seen how they do it? Its fascinating and they sing while they do it.

I don't know,
you're the only one here spamming the thread with this.

We have already established that you have no original thoughts
and can't address anything but your 2 track-mind obsession with Jews.

So maybe, all this is merely meant to overcompensate for the inability to express
any original thought, or add anything constructive of value to this or any conversation?
What does that have to do with the pyramid builders?
you're implying that the bible is wrong. Well if god didn't create man and the writings not correct, then if evolution is where man came from, where did apes come from to begin the evolution? Why aren't there pyramids on the NA continent?
There are many theories about who built Egypt's pyramids, including large teams of enslaved Jewish people
No such claim exists in the Bible. So why are you trying to imply it was?

Did you see the word "theories"? NOT Bible.
Seems as if you are trying to imply it is. Where else would we have gotten that "theory" from?

The people who claim the Jews built the pyramids reference mudbricks.. Lucky me I have watched the production of mud bricks.
Your thread doesn't support your cover story.
give him/her/it a CHANCE ----why are you trying to close up
your delightful bicker----dingy?
Because unlike you I have other things to spend my time on.
good boy-----run along
But I like talking to YOU, grandma.
wash your hands
And destroy the good bacteria that God created????

Maybe surada was right about you. Maybe you are upset because you do believe the Jews built the pyramids. And that's why you are so out of sorts today. Is that it?

I think the Egyptian pyramids are much older than the period in which the Jews were purportedly in Goshen..

The red pyramids in Sudan are also quite interesting.
Pyramids of Sudan – The Forgotten Nubian Pyramids ...

Nubian Pyramids
Why Sudan Pyramids Do Not Have tops?
The Ancient History of Sudanese Pyramids
Pyramids in Sudan are mostly known under the name Nubian Pyramids. They were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdom. Located in the area of Nile known as Nubia, they lie within the north of present-day Sudan. Present-day Sudan was home to three Kushite kingdoms. The first one, with its capital at Kerma, from 2500 to 1500 BC, the second one with its capital in Napata from 1000 to 300 BC, and the last one, with its capital in Meroe, lasting from 300 BC to AD 300. Influenced by the Egyptians, N…

the question addressed to you, Surada was "where did you get the idea that
lots of people claim that jews built the pyramids? " I have been a jew all of
my life and NEVER came across YOUR theory that lots of people or any people
imagine that jews built the pyramids. It is something you picked up in church
meetings in Saudi Arabia? SUDAN was once a thriving place. It is discussed
in the bible. Then islam happened to it economically. It became an outpost
for Arabia of the arabian slave trade

'Who built the pyramids?' - Round Two - The Jerusalem Post
Elaph added that while Israel contends the Jews built the pyramids, Egyptian archaeologists deny it. The newspaper cited archaeology expert Dr Esam Amin as saying that Israel’s claims were ...

Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Did the Jews Build the Pyramids? - The Israel Bible
Hawas criticized the school curriculum for “insisting that the Jews built the pyramids and highlighting the fact that those who refused to partake in the building were physically tortured.” Dr. John H. Taylor, the curator of the Egypt Department of the British Museum in London confirms Hawass’ assertion explaining that the pyramids were built 100 years after the Israelites left Egypt.

surada's cretincy - Round Two:

when asked to back-up that straw man,
this is what we receive as "proof":

"Hawass went on to file an official complaint to the Egyptian attorney general of Egypt against a Cairo high school for teaching the students that it was the Israelites who built the pyramids. Hawas criticized the school curriculum for “insisting that the Jews built the pyramids and highlighting the fact that those who refused to partake in the building were physically tortured.”"

Because really, pan-Arab propaganda doesn't allow any individual thought,
or participation in real conversation, but the typical 2 track-mind buffoonery.

You want to discuss what has already been disproven? Why?

They have excavated the worker camps of the pyramid builders and they weren't Jews.

The pyramids were a national project built by Egyptians during the off season after planting (twice a year) along the delta.

Mud bricks are common all over the Middle East... and East Africa even now.. Have you ever seen how they do it? Its fascinating and they sing while they do it.

SO? what is your point? mud bricks were common in LOTS of places.
all over the world. What does that have to do with your assertion that
jews claim to have been the builders of the big giant stone pyramids?
answer my question.

Your question about Bible stories? They are great stories, teaching narratives and allegories.. morality tales of redemption. They aren't history or science.
SO? what is your point? mud bricks were common in LOTS of places.
all over the world. What does that have to do with your assertion that
jews claim to have been the builders of the big giant stone pyramids?
and then, who did build them?
There are many theories about who built Egypt's pyramids, including large teams of enslaved Jewish people
No such claim exists in the Bible. So why are you trying to imply it was?

Did you see the word "theories"? NOT Bible.
Seems as if you are trying to imply it is. Where else would we have gotten that "theory" from?

The people who claim the Jews built the pyramids reference mudbricks.. Lucky me I have watched the production of mud bricks.
Your thread doesn't support your cover story.
give him/her/it a CHANCE ----why are you trying to close up
your delightful bicker----dingy?
Because unlike you I have other things to spend my time on.
good boy-----run along
But I like talking to YOU, grandma.
wash your hands
And destroy the good bacteria that God created????

Maybe surada was right about you. Maybe you are upset because you do believe the Jews built the pyramids. And that's why you are so out of sorts today. Is that it?

I think the Egyptian pyramids are much older than the period in which the Jews were purportedly in Goshen..

The red pyramids in Sudan are also quite interesting.
Pyramids of Sudan – The Forgotten Nubian Pyramids ...

Nubian Pyramids
Why Sudan Pyramids Do Not Have tops?
The Ancient History of Sudanese Pyramids
Pyramids in Sudan are mostly known under the name Nubian Pyramids. They were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdom. Located in the area of Nile known as Nubia, they lie within the north of present-day Sudan. Present-day Sudan was home to three Kushite kingdoms. The first one, with its capital at Kerma, from 2500 to 1500 BC, the second one with its capital in Napata from 1000 to 300 BC, and the last one, with its capital in Meroe, lasting from 300 BC to AD 300. Influenced by the Egyptians, N…

the question addressed to you, Surada was "where did you get the idea that
lots of people claim that jews built the pyramids? " I have been a jew all of
my life and NEVER came across YOUR theory that lots of people or any people
imagine that jews built the pyramids. It is something you picked up in church
meetings in Saudi Arabia? SUDAN was once a thriving place. It is discussed
in the bible. Then islam happened to it economically. It became an outpost
for Arabia of the arabian slave trade

'Who built the pyramids?' - Round Two - The Jerusalem Post
Elaph added that while Israel contends the Jews built the pyramids, Egyptian archaeologists deny it. The newspaper cited archaeology expert Dr Esam Amin as saying that Israel’s claims were ...

Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Did the Jews Build the Pyramids? - The Israel Bible
Hawas criticized the school curriculum for “insisting that the Jews built the pyramids and highlighting the fact that those who refused to partake in the building were physically tortured.” Dr. John H. Taylor, the curator of the Egypt Department of the British Museum in London confirms Hawass’ assertion explaining that the pyramids were built 100 years after the Israelites left Egypt.

surada's cretincy - Round Two:

when asked to back-up that straw man,
this is what we receive as "proof":

"Hawass went on to file an official complaint to the Egyptian attorney general of Egypt against a Cairo high school for teaching the students that it was the Israelites who built the pyramids. Hawas criticized the school curriculum for “insisting that the Jews built the pyramids and highlighting the fact that those who refused to partake in the building were physically tortured.”"

Because really, pan-Arab propaganda doesn't allow any individual thought,
or participation in real conversation, but the typical 2 track-mind buffoonery.

You want to discuss what has already been disproven? Why?

They have excavated the worker camps of the pyramid builders and they weren't Jews.

The pyramids were a national project built by Egyptians during the off season after planting (twice a year) along the delta.

Mud bricks are common all over the Middle East... and East Africa even now.. Have you ever seen how they do it? Its fascinating and they sing while they do it.

SO? what is your point? mud bricks were common in LOTS of places.
all over the world. What does that have to do with your assertion that
jews claim to have been the builders of the big giant stone pyramids?

What indeed. You brought up mud bricks, not I.

Jewish scholars have known for many years that Exodus is a fiction.

SO? what is your point? mud bricks were common in LOTS of places.
all over the world. What does that have to do with your assertion that
jews claim to have been the builders of the big giant stone pyramids?
and then, who did build them?

Egyptians built them. The Jews left no lasting monuments like the Romans or Greeks or Egyptians.. They left no Byblos or Baalbek.

What is your bloody issue?
To sum up surada's wide variety of "opinions" on every topic:

1. Jews don't deserve the credit

2. Let's blame the Jews

Pick randomly,
repeat in every thread.

Don't be stupid.. unless you are competing for victim status.. That's a Trump strategy.

This thread is about the pyramids and who built them not about YOU.

surada's cretincy - Round Three -

"Don't be stupid, this thread is about...(pick randomly)... not about YOU"

And in the same breath: "The myth about Jews..."


P.S. Seriously, what would you do without us?

Well, if you are a Jew it would seem that you would want the history to be accurate.

Exodus is a myth.. according to Jewish scholars.

Doubting the Story of Exodus - Los Angeles Times
Apr 13, 2001 · A baby is found in a basket adrift in the Egyptian Nile and is adopted into the pharaoh’s household. He grows up as Moses, rediscovers his roots and …

What does being Jewish or not have to do with the scientific value of the theory?
See, you're not straight in your mind.

Learn about YahMoseh I of the 18th dynasty,
and though to say frankly, I don't expect a serious response, feel free to ask.

There are many theories about who built Egypt's pyramids, including large teams of enslaved Jewish people
No such claim exists in the Bible. So why are you trying to imply it was?

Did you see the word "theories"? NOT Bible.
Seems as if you are trying to imply it is. Where else would we have gotten that "theory" from?

The people who claim the Jews built the pyramids reference mudbricks.. Lucky me I have watched the production of mud bricks.
Your thread doesn't support your cover story.
give him/her/it a CHANCE ----why are you trying to close up
your delightful bicker----dingy?
Because unlike you I have other things to spend my time on.
good boy-----run along
But I like talking to YOU, grandma.
wash your hands
And destroy the good bacteria that God created????

Maybe surada was right about you. Maybe you are upset because you do believe the Jews built the pyramids. And that's why you are so out of sorts today. Is that it?

I think the Egyptian pyramids are much older than the period in which the Jews were purportedly in Goshen..

The red pyramids in Sudan are also quite interesting.
Pyramids of Sudan – The Forgotten Nubian Pyramids ...

Nubian Pyramids
Why Sudan Pyramids Do Not Have tops?
The Ancient History of Sudanese Pyramids
Pyramids in Sudan are mostly known under the name Nubian Pyramids. They were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdom. Located in the area of Nile known as Nubia, they lie within the north of present-day Sudan. Present-day Sudan was home to three Kushite kingdoms. The first one, with its capital at Kerma, from 2500 to 1500 BC, the second one with its capital in Napata from 1000 to 300 BC, and the last one, with its capital in Meroe, lasting from 300 BC to AD 300. Influenced by the Egyptians, N…

the question addressed to you, Surada was "where did you get the idea that
lots of people claim that jews built the pyramids? " I have been a jew all of
my life and NEVER came across YOUR theory that lots of people or any people
imagine that jews built the pyramids. It is something you picked up in church
meetings in Saudi Arabia? SUDAN was once a thriving place. It is discussed
in the bible. Then islam happened to it economically. It became an outpost
for Arabia of the arabian slave trade

'Who built the pyramids?' - Round Two - The Jerusalem Post
Elaph added that while Israel contends the Jews built the pyramids, Egyptian archaeologists deny it. The newspaper cited archaeology expert Dr Esam Amin as saying that Israel’s claims were ...

Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Did the Jews Build the Pyramids? - The Israel Bible
Hawas criticized the school curriculum for “insisting that the Jews built the pyramids and highlighting the fact that those who refused to partake in the building were physically tortured.” Dr. John H. Taylor, the curator of the Egypt Department of the British Museum in London confirms Hawass’ assertion explaining that the pyramids were built 100 years after the Israelites left Egypt.

surada's cretincy - Round Two:

when asked to back-up that straw man,
this is what we receive as "proof":

"Hawass went on to file an official complaint to the Egyptian attorney general of Egypt against a Cairo high school for teaching the students that it was the Israelites who built the pyramids. Hawas criticized the school curriculum for “insisting that the Jews built the pyramids and highlighting the fact that those who refused to partake in the building were physically tortured.”"

Because really, pan-Arab propaganda doesn't allow any individual thought,
or participation in real conversation, but the typical 2 track-mind buffoonery.

You want to discuss what has already been disproven? Why?

They have excavated the worker camps of the pyramid builders and they weren't Jews.

The pyramids were a national project built by Egyptians during the off season after planting (twice a year) along the delta.

Mud bricks are common all over the Middle East... and East Africa even now.. Have you ever seen how they do it? Its fascinating and they sing while they do it.

SO? what is your point? mud bricks were common in LOTS of places.
all over the world. What does that have to do with your assertion that
jews claim to have been the builders of the big giant stone pyramids?

What indeed. You brought up mud bricks, not I.

Jewish scholars have known for many years that Exodus is a fiction.

sorta like "SCIENTISTS" have known for many years that VISITORS FROM
OUTER SPACE did the Pyramids and Muslim scholars know that MAIMONIDES
was a muslim doctor of the middle ages. (a pakistani surgeon assured me of this
interesting fact-----he learned it in medical school in Karachi----absolute PROVEN
FACT!!!!! )
To sum up surada's wide variety of "opinions" on every topic:

1. Jews don't deserve the credit

2. Let's blame the Jews

Pick randomly,
repeat in every thread.

Don't be stupid.. unless you are competing for victim status.. That's a Trump strategy.

This thread is about the pyramids and who built them not about YOU.

surada's cretincy - Round Three -

"Don't be stupid, this thread is about...(pick randomly)... not about YOU"

And in the same breath: "The myth about Jews..."


P.S. Seriously, what would you do without us?

Well, if you are a Jew it would seem that you would want the history to be accurate.

Exodus is a myth.. according to Jewish scholars.

Doubting the Story of Exodus - Los Angeles Times
Apr 13, 2001 · A baby is found in a basket adrift in the Egyptian Nile and is adopted into the pharaoh’s household. He grows up as Moses, rediscovers his roots and …

What does being Jewish or not have to do with the scientific value of the theory?
See, you're not straight in your mind.

Learn about YahMoseh I of the 18th dynasty,
and though to say frankly, I don't expect a serious response, feel free to ask.

What does that have to do with the Exodus or Jewish slaves? The Bible narrative can't even name the Pharaoh.
"Now it came to pass in those days that Mosheh grew up and went out to his brothers and looked at their burdens, and he saw an Egyptian man
striking a Hebrew man of his brothers"

The burdens in this case are not the Pyramids,
our ancestors were brick laborers, building cities.

This is for Hebrew speakers - "Mosheh as historic character":

basically Ahmose I - Wikipedia
with his 'black skinned' wife, and other Midrashim, like the height of the Pharaoh, and the executioner's axe killing him when he tried to kill Mosheh Rabbenu A"H correlating in detail.

Last edited:
To sum up surada's wide variety of "opinions" on every topic:

1. Jews don't deserve the credit

2. Let's blame the Jews

Pick randomly,
repeat in every thread.

Don't be stupid.. unless you are competing for victim status.. That's a Trump strategy.

This thread is about the pyramids and who built them not about YOU.

surada's cretincy - Round Three -

"Don't be stupid, this thread is about...(pick randomly)... not about YOU"

And in the same breath: "The myth about Jews..."


P.S. Seriously, what would you do without us?

Well, if you are a Jew it would seem that you would want the history to be accurate.

Exodus is a myth.. according to Jewish scholars.

Doubting the Story of Exodus - Los Angeles Times
Apr 13, 2001 · A baby is found in a basket adrift in the Egyptian Nile and is adopted into the pharaoh’s household. He grows up as Moses, rediscovers his roots and …

What does being Jewish or not have to do with the scientific value of the theory?
See, you're not straight in your mind.

Learn about YahMoseh I of the 18th dynasty,
and though to say frankly, I don't expect a serious response, feel free to ask.

What does that have to do with the Exodus or Jewish slaves? The Bible narrative can't even name the Pharaoh.
It can't? why would it want to?
To sum up surada's wide variety of "opinions" on every topic:

1. Jews don't deserve the credit

2. Let's blame the Jews

Pick randomly,
repeat in every thread.

Don't be stupid.. unless you are competing for victim status.. That's a Trump strategy.

This thread is about the pyramids and who built them not about YOU.

surada's cretincy - Round Three -

"Don't be stupid, this thread is about...(pick randomly)... not about YOU"

And in the same breath: "The myth about Jews..."


P.S. Seriously, what would you do without us?

Well, if you are a Jew it would seem that you would want the history to be accurate.

Exodus is a myth.. according to Jewish scholars.

Doubting the Story of Exodus - Los Angeles Times
Apr 13, 2001 · A baby is found in a basket adrift in the Egyptian Nile and is adopted into the pharaoh’s household. He grows up as Moses, rediscovers his roots and …

What does being Jewish or not have to do with the scientific value of the theory?
See, you're not straight in your mind.

Learn about YahMoseh I of the 18th dynasty,
and though to say frankly, I don't expect a serious response, feel free to ask.

What does that have to do with the Exodus or Jewish slaves? The Bible narrative can't even name the Pharaoh.

Like the name of Mosheh and him being adopted by the royal dynasty?
Or that there were both a Pharaoh and a king in Egypt at the same time?

I gave you the link,
at least read it.

But even better,
try to keep on topic,
you can open another thread.
There are many theories about who built Egypt's pyramids, including large teams of enslaved Jewish people
No such claim exists in the Bible. So why are you trying to imply it was?

Did you see the word "theories"? NOT Bible.
Seems as if you are trying to imply it is. Where else would we have gotten that "theory" from?

The people who claim the Jews built the pyramids reference mudbricks.. Lucky me I have watched the production of mud bricks.
Your thread doesn't support your cover story.
give him/her/it a CHANCE ----why are you trying to close up
your delightful bicker----dingy?
Because unlike you I have other things to spend my time on.
good boy-----run along
But I like talking to YOU, grandma.
wash your hands
And destroy the good bacteria that God created????

Maybe surada was right about you. Maybe you are upset because you do believe the Jews built the pyramids. And that's why you are so out of sorts today. Is that it?
there is a HOUSING SHORTAGE in my city. Even way back when Charlton Heston
was Moses------people wasted livable space in the middle east. Today they are
doing the same thing-----TUNNELS----beautifully designed TUNNELS---
That's nice, grandma.
you failed you lessons AGAIN dingy-------wash your hands
Didn't I already address that, grandma?
Sure I did. It's in the quote chain, grandma.
did you explain it to Surada?
She never told me to wash my hands, grandma. So, no.
There are many theories about who built Egypt's pyramids, including large teams of enslaved Jewish people
No such claim exists in the Bible. So why are you trying to imply it was?

Did you see the word "theories"? NOT Bible.
Seems as if you are trying to imply it is. Where else would we have gotten that "theory" from?

The people who claim the Jews built the pyramids reference mudbricks.. Lucky me I have watched the production of mud bricks.
Your thread doesn't support your cover story.
give him/her/it a CHANCE ----why are you trying to close up
your delightful bicker----dingy?
Because unlike you I have other things to spend my time on.
good boy-----run along
But I like talking to YOU, grandma.
wash your hands
And destroy the good bacteria that God created????

Maybe surada was right about you. Maybe you are upset because you do believe the Jews built the pyramids. And that's why you are so out of sorts today. Is that it?
there is a HOUSING SHORTAGE in my city. Even way back when Charlton Heston
was Moses------people wasted livable space in the middle east. Today they are
doing the same thing-----TUNNELS----beautifully designed TUNNELS---
That's nice, grandma.
you failed you lessons AGAIN dingy-------wash your hands
Didn't I already address that, grandma?
Sure I did. It's in the quote chain, grandma.
did you explain it to Surada?
She never told me to wash my hands, grandma. So, no.
why would she ? does she care? btw---wash behind your ears
To sum up surada's wide variety of "opinions" on every topic:

1. Jews don't deserve the credit

2. Let's blame the Jews

Pick randomly,
repeat in every thread.

Don't be stupid.. unless you are competing for victim status.. That's a Trump strategy.

This thread is about the pyramids and who built them not about YOU.

surada's cretincy - Round Three -

"Don't be stupid, this thread is about...(pick randomly)... not about YOU"

And in the same breath: "The myth about Jews..."


P.S. Seriously, what would you do without us?

Well, if you are a Jew it would seem that you would want the history to be accurate.

Exodus is a myth.. according to Jewish scholars.

Doubting the Story of Exodus - Los Angeles Times
Apr 13, 2001 · A baby is found in a basket adrift in the Egyptian Nile and is adopted into the pharaoh’s household. He grows up as Moses, rediscovers his roots and …

What does being Jewish or not have to do with the scientific value of the theory?
See, you're not straight in your mind.

Learn about YahMoseh I of the 18th dynasty,
and though to say frankly, I don't expect a serious response, feel free to ask.

What does that have to do with the Exodus or Jewish slaves? The Bible narrative can't even name the Pharaoh.

Like the name of Mosheh and him being adopted by the royal dynasty?
Or that there were both a Pharaoh and a king in Egypt at the same time?

I gave you the link,
at least read it.

But even better,
try to keep on topic,
you can open another thread.

Moses follows an older story of Sinuhe.

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