Who Can Deny It? Obamacare Is Accelerating U.S. Towards A Part-Time Nation


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
Denialism may be too strong a term.[1] But there seem to be a lot of people arguing that Obamacare has little or nothing to do with the rise in part-time employment. Some deny the rise is even happening, while others are content to deny that Obamacare is the culprit. Admittedly, it takes a little detective work, but if we systematically review the available empirical evidence in an even-handed fashion, the conclusion seems inescapable: Obamacare is accelerating a disturbing trend towards “a nation of part-timers.” This is not good news for America.

Why There is Doubt About Obamacare’s Impact on Part-Time Employment

Part-Time Employment for Economic Reasons Surged Due to the Recession. Let me start by conceding that Slate’s Matt Yglesias is quite correct about broad trends in those working part-time involuntarily. That measure surged during the recession and subsequently has declined at an admittedly erratic pace that is not uncommon post-recession. Whether the most recent uptick in this indicator is statistical noise or the start of an Obamacare-induced “surge” may not be obvious for another year. It should be clear that barring another recession (which, unfortunately, some are predicting for 2014), seeing this measure return above 9 million within the next year would be historically anamolous. Should that happen, it would be hard to avoid the conclusion that Obamacare’s employer mandate had something to do with this reversal.

read more Who Can Deny It? Obamacare Is Accelerating U.S. Towards A Part-Time Nation - Forbes
What's accelerating the nation toward part time work is off shoring and automation.

Not ObamaCare.

Conservatives have zero interest in addressing either problem.
What's accelerating the nation toward part time work is off shoring and automation.

Not ObamaCare.

Conservatives have zero interest in addressing either problem.

Nope--it's not. Business is and has already been cutting back on hours worked per week--to avoid the cost of Obamacare. Therefore, these used to be full time employees will be kicked onto the Obamacare exchanges to purchase their own medical insurance.

The list of companies moving to cut hours for part-time workers continues to grow, as employers look to keep staffers below the 30-hour threshold set by the Affordable Care Act.

The Obama administration announced in July that it would delay the so-called employer mandate until 2015. ObamaCare requires that companies with 50 or more employees provide health insurance benefits to every full-time worker, considered to be anyone who logs an average of 30 or more hours a week.

Employers will be hit with a penalty for each full-time employee who isn’t covered and instead purchases insurance through a federally subsidized exchange.

Although the administration delayed implementing the rule until 2015, the penalties for that year will be based on staffing levels recorded in the second half of 2014 at the latest.

As a result, several large companies and a long list of smaller businesses have changed their policies to cap weekly hours at 29.

With Eye on ObamaCare, Companies Move to Cut Workers? Hours | Fox Business

IOW--we are soon to turn into a part time work force nation because of Obamacare. You will need two part time jobs and you will be required to pay for your own medical insurance.
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Who Can Deny It? Obamacare Is Accelerating U.S. Towards A Part-Time Nation

No, it's not, quite the opposite

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