Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Fine. Let's have a re-vote in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
lennypartiv wrote 22JAN29-POST#1239 above

NFBW wrote:
We cannot have a revote in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin because the Constitution does not allow it in any way shape or form for any state that certified their electors by the constitutional deadline of December 14. - - - It is an observable fact that all fifty states certified their electors by that hard deadline. - - - It was over for Trump on December 14 as far as a legal path to a second term being available to him. - - - This is where the fake electors scandal comes into play. The fact that Trump pressured Pence to do something illegal is not an opinion as Correll wants us to believe. That is because the only way that Pence could refuse to count the electors from any one state would be if he had received a duplicate set of electors from each of those states. But those states were certified so there was no reason to have a duplicate set of electors. - - - But we now know that there is a conspiracy involving the White House, Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer named John Eastman and 56 High ranking Republicans at the state level among seven states who put their signatures And a forgery claiming that they are the true electors for the state. That is a federal and state crime with sentences up to 20 years in prison. It is not a “so what” matter. 22JAN29-POST#1242..
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I propose we get this in the curriculum immediately, particularly in the black ghettos. Those people are in most need of it.

NFBW wrote: (1) Do you Mashmont believe that eligible voters who are not stuck in the black ghetto should have their vote for President be counted the same as those living in the wealthiest suburbs and rural areas?

(2) With regard to the time tested CATHOLIC procreation rules of God Humanae Vitae, where is the Republican side of the Catholicism Mashmont on the prevention of societal collapse in the black ghetto?

(3) You brought it up, so what are you personally doing about it Mashmont ???? as you live the ‘perfect’ societal success story that is apparently how you see your ‘perfectly’ lived life?

If you are so perfect Mashmont and so concerned about the the societal collapse from a proper practicing Catholic‘s perspective of life in the black ghetto, (4) why are you so supportive of and associated with the accelerationism posture of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters and the mostly white rightwinger crazies like the now deceased Ashley Babbitt who was a follower of QAnon ???? (5) why do you refer to these aforementioned Americans as patriots when it’s clear they committed acts of violence on Jan6 in furtherance of Trump’s cause to serve a second term after losing an election where voters, including some in black ghettos, who wanted Biden, a Catholic to represent them?

In case you are not aware Mashmont accelerationism is a posture that advocates hastening total societal collapse which has become increasingly prominent among the Proud Boys’ BOOGALOO BOIS’ membership and other white nationalists militia types who plotted and stormed the Capitol on Jan6?

The patriots were rightfully protesting the stolen election. Leftwingers organized and led the choas that ensued. It was all orchestrated. Then the state-run media was instructed to create the false narrative of 'insurrection'.
NFBW wrote: For the record I see the above as Mashmont ‘s support of white nationalists, both secular and Christian and their accelerationist violent destructive goal of total societal collapse under Trumpism while preaching godly rules for the black ghetto as if he cares. 22FEB18-POST#1244
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President Trump is a beacon for young people because he turned his life around. He's been married now for 17 years, and dropped his philandering liberal ways, dropped the Democrat Party. His is a story of redemption and triumph.

NFBW wrote: I moved your devotions to Trump here Mashmont because between Aaron Rogers and DJT being good examples for black ghetto youth, Trump is the only one of those two who has lost an election to serve a second term as President and plotted to have his Vice President reject the states that Biden won and name himself President. - - - Pence refused, but the pressure on Pence was to tell young black kids and their parents in Detroit Philadelphia Phoenix Milwaukee Atlanta etc that white Americans can discard, void, dismiss, nullify black votes if they want to. That is a deplorable thing a white man should try to do to black struggling families in poverty conditions - deprive them of the right to vote. Just want it on the record here that Mashmont supports Trump on his vile behavior and thinks it’s ok because he managed to keep a trophy wife for 17 years. 22FEB18-POST#1245
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NFBW wrote: I moved your devotions to Trump here Mashmont because between Aaron Rogers and DJT being good examples for black ghetto youth, Trump is the only one of those two who has lost an election to serve a second term as President and plotted to have his Vice President reject the states that Biden won and name himself President. - - - Pence refused, but the pressure on Pence was to tell young black kids and their parents in Detroit Philadelphia Phoenix Milwaukee Atlanta etc that white Americans can discard, void, dismiss, nullify black votes if they want to. That is a deplorable thing a white man should try to do to black struggling families in poverty conditions - deprive them of the right to vote. Just want it on the record here that Mashmont supports Trump on his vile behavior and thinks it’s ok because he managed to keep a trophy wife for 17 years. 22FEB18-POST#1245
Actually it would be a common sense move. They shouldn't be able to vote in the first place. Our very wise Founding Fathers realized that dumb people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Actually it would be a common sense move. They shouldn't be able to vote in the first place. Our very wise Founding Fathers realized that dumb people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I wonder if black Americans will have the right to vote in @Mashmont’s white Christian nationalist America unless they conform with the Catholic Doctinr of Humanae Vitae.

Mashmont wrote: President Trump is a beacon for young people because he turned hus life around. He's been married now for 17 years, and dropped his philandering liberal ways, dropped the Democrat Party. His is a story of redemption and triumph. Whereas atheist Rodgers continues to cohabit to this day. His redemption is yet to come, hopefully.

NFBW wrote: Why should a little black kid from the ghetto look up to a man had wealth handed to him who failed to respect the sanctity and commitment of marriage twice and for most of his life, when he can look up to a man who never broke his commitment to marriage and family, who became the first black President. I don’t get your point about Trump being an inspiration to black ghetto kids. Can you explain why Trump would be more of an inspiration than Obama?
None. It was 100% true
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage

Ther is no state that wants to correct their votes - Trump lied. Why are you still lying for Donald Trump?
The proof is there was no state that wanted to correct their votes when Trump said they did. If you say they did there would be an official request.

It’s proof that they did not want to take their certifications back because it was Jsn6 and no State requested it..

Can you name a state that did?
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"
Trump eventually lied about Pence going along with the illegal plot to reject the electors. Then he lied about the lie when the NYT reported Pence never agreed with the plot.
Ther is no state that wants to correct their votes - Trump lied. Why are you still lying for Donald Trump?

Did you know that the Constitution forbids state courts from altering voting procedures?

“Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina

Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.”

Based on his hatred of Trump, Chief Traitor Roberts ignored the law and precedent, and joined the partisan Liberal Justices to allow the State courts to set whatever dates the Democrats wished for counting votes.

But you don't care about the Constitution....you're a Democrat.
Trump eventually lied about Pence going along with the illegal plot to reject the electors. Then he lied about the lie when the NYT reported Pence never agreed with the plot.

Did you know that the Constitution forbids state courts from altering voting procedures?

“Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina

Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.”


Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina (Published 2020)

Republicans in both states opposed the extensions. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who joined the court on Tuesday, did not participate in either case, saying she had not had time to fully review the briefs.

Based on his hatred of Trump, Chief Traitor Roberts ignored the law and precedent, and joined the partisan Liberal Justices to allow the State courts to set whatever dates the Democrats wished for counting votes.

But you don't care about the Constitution....you're a Democrat.
Trump's Jan 6 tweet at 2:24pm, purposely pouring gas on a fire, is the only one that matters now.

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