Who cares about Voter ID........People need to be wearing masks to vote

Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
It is not reasonable.

Public safety is reasonable
Voters who refuse to wear masks should be denied access
Sure, why not? Put a box of masks by the door and make everyone put one on. If anyone doesn't want to wear one, by show of hands, if anyone within 6 feet says they want that person to wear a mask, they have to wear one.
Turn away anyone not wearing a mask
No. Instead, set up a section for non=masked people, just like the old smoking and non-smoking sections. That way, we enfranchise everyone and everyone can vote. Why should the absence of a mask deny you the right to vote when we can accommodate so easily?
It's obvious the Communist Democrats don't want Voter ID they don't care whatsoever about Voter Fraud:nono:
Signature works for me

Why, because anybody can sign anything they desire?

It is easier to fake an ID than a signature

Tough time doing that with a state Voter-ID. Mail in ballots you don't even see who's signing the damn thing.
Mail in voting has been done for decades

They check signatures just like in person voting

Yes, it's been done for decades, and likely been part of voter fraud for decades. The only people that should be voting by mail are those who absolutely have no ability to vote in person such as our military and disabled. Outside of that, if you are too lazy to vote in person, you have no business being part of our election process.
Such fraud is easy to detect
Namely voters complaining that someone has voted in their name

Yet, you can’t find any instances

That's because it's too hard to detect. The reason leftists want mail in ballots because you have so many lazy Americans on your side. Putting any physical energy into voting turns off a lot of your ilk, and that's why you party is for it; to cater to the worthless lazy Democrat voters.

It's also why they are against Voter-ID. Again, welfare people will vote if it's easy enough. If the have to take the time and energy to get an ID, they'll just say to hell with it. They simply won't vote, and that's one less vote for Democrat candidates.

So they are using this virus and have used racism to justify catering to their lazy constituents. IMO, voting should be difficult. That would only attract the responsible people who care enough to understand the issues and candidates and parties.
It is quite easy to detect

You try to vote and find someone voted in your name. You expect a mail in ballot and call to check and find someone already voted. Your ballot gets rejected as a duplicate.

Yet you can’t point to a single instance if this happening

I can point to other provable problems. I got this in another topic courtesy of 2aguy:

Voting should be done in person only, with few exceptions. You should have to bring undisputed ID, and vote in person.
Proved my point for me
No voter fraud was noted. Ballots were rejected for a signature that doesn’t match which is what we want. Also rejected for arriving too late
Which brings up another interesting point...

Any ballots that are not in the hands of election officials when the polls close should be disqualified (to prevent Democrats magically "finding" ballots for weeks after the election)....
And they always seem to "find" more democrat than Republican votes, don't they?
No. Instead, set up a section for non=masked people, just like the old smoking and non-smoking sections. That way, we enfranchise everyone and everyone can vote.
Ah, the good old days,.. Seems like only yesterday when there was one voting line for smokers and one for non-smokers.. Remember?

How about beer? I demand a recliner and a beer while I wait in line to vote!
It's obvious the Communist Democrats don't want Voter ID they don't care whatsoever about Voter Fraud:nono:
Signature works for me

Why, because anybody can sign anything they desire?

It is easier to fake an ID than a signature

Tough time doing that with a state Voter-ID. Mail in ballots you don't even see who's signing the damn thing.
Mail in voting has been done for decades

They check signatures just like in person voting

Yes, it's been done for decades, and likely been part of voter fraud for decades. The only people that should be voting by mail are those who absolutely have no ability to vote in person such as our military and disabled. Outside of that, if you are too lazy to vote in person, you have no business being part of our election process.
Such fraud is easy to detect
Namely voters complaining that someone has voted in their name

Yet, you can’t find any instances

That's because it's too hard to detect. The reason leftists want mail in ballots because you have so many lazy Americans on your side. Putting any physical energy into voting turns off a lot of your ilk, and that's why you party is for it; to cater to the worthless lazy Democrat voters.

It's also why they are against Voter-ID. Again, welfare people will vote if it's easy enough. If the have to take the time and energy to get an ID, they'll just say to hell with it. They simply won't vote, and that's one less vote for Democrat candidates.

So they are using this virus and have used racism to justify catering to their lazy constituents. IMO, voting should be difficult. That would only attract the responsible people who care enough to understand the issues and candidates and parties.
It is quite easy to detect

You try to vote and find someone voted in your name. You expect a mail in ballot and call to check and find someone already voted. Your ballot gets rejected as a duplicate.

Yet you can’t point to a single instance if this happening

I can point to other provable problems. I got this in another topic courtesy of 2aguy:

Voting should be done in person only, with few exceptions. You should have to bring undisputed ID, and vote in person.
Proved my point for me
No voter fraud was noted. Ballots were rejected for a signature that doesn’t match which is what we want. Also rejected for arriving too late

My point is that people were likely disenfranchised of their vote by the thousands. If you have a medical condition or had an accident with your hand or something, then your signature might not match up. If in person, you could rectify the problem. With mail-in, it's over, you lost your vote.
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.

Agreed, but you made me think of something else that Republicans may whine about (as if they didn't have enough already ;-)

So a guy shows up WITH his ID at the polling place wearing a mask. Lower 2/3 of his face is obscured.

How will they confirm identity if they can only see the top 1/3 of his face?
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
It is not reasonable.

Public safety is reasonable
Voters who refuse to wear masks should be denied access
Sure, why not? Put a box of masks by the door and make everyone put one on. If anyone doesn't want to wear one, by show of hands, if anyone within 6 feet says they want that person to wear a mask, they have to wear one.
Turn away anyone not wearing a mask
No. Instead, set up a section for non=masked people, just like the old smoking and non-smoking sections. That way, we enfranchise everyone and everyone can vote. Why should the absence of a mask deny you the right to vote when we can accommodate so easily?
You just don’t get it
We want to stop the spread of TRUMPvirus
A no mask area just encourages the spread
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
Heil Shiffler, another Marxis Mask Nazi against Voter ID, and who wants to allow voters to conceal their identity.
Wearing masks to vote is an unfair boon to liberals voting for their second, third, fourth times. Harder to remember what masks already went through the lines. We need the dip-your-finger in ink level of security and NO mail-in fraudullots.
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
It is not reasonable.

Public safety is reasonable
Voters who refuse to wear masks should be denied access
Sure, why not? Put a box of masks by the door and make everyone put one on. If anyone doesn't want to wear one, by show of hands, if anyone within 6 feet says they want that person to wear a mask, they have to wear one.
Turn away anyone not wearing a mask
No. Instead, set up a section for non=masked people, just like the old smoking and non-smoking sections. That way, we enfranchise everyone and everyone can vote. Why should the absence of a mask deny you the right to vote when we can accommodate so easily?
You just don’t get it
We want to stop the spread of TRUMPvirus
A no mask area just encourages the spread
The Wuhan Flu is of No Concern to You.

You should worry about your wicked lying soul instead.
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
I'm showing up to vote Aug 4th. Masks are mandatory. So is voter I.D.

I know how important cheating is to you, but voter I.D. is mandatory in my state
It's obvious the Communist Democrats don't want Voter ID they don't care whatsoever about Voter Fraud:nono:
Signature works for me

Why, because anybody can sign anything they desire?

It is easier to fake an ID than a signature

Tough time doing that with a state Voter-ID. Mail in ballots you don't even see who's signing the damn thing.
Mail in voting has been done for decades

They check signatures just like in person voting

Yes, it's been done for decades, and likely been part of voter fraud for decades. The only people that should be voting by mail are those who absolutely have no ability to vote in person such as our military and disabled. Outside of that, if you are too lazy to vote in person, you have no business being part of our election process.
Such fraud is easy to detect
Namely voters complaining that someone has voted in their name

Yet, you can’t find any instances

That's because it's too hard to detect. The reason leftists want mail in ballots because you have so many lazy Americans on your side. Putting any physical energy into voting turns off a lot of your ilk, and that's why you party is for it; to cater to the worthless lazy Democrat voters.

It's also why they are against Voter-ID. Again, welfare people will vote if it's easy enough. If the have to take the time and energy to get an ID, they'll just say to hell with it. They simply won't vote, and that's one less vote for Democrat candidates.

So they are using this virus and have used racism to justify catering to their lazy constituents. IMO, voting should be difficult. That would only attract the responsible people who care enough to understand the issues and candidates and parties.
It is quite easy to detect

You try to vote and find someone voted in your name. You expect a mail in ballot and call to check and find someone already voted. Your ballot gets rejected as a duplicate.

Yet you can’t point to a single instance if this happening

I can point to other provable problems. I got this in another topic courtesy of 2aguy:

Voting should be done in person only, with few exceptions. You should have to bring undisputed ID, and vote in person.
Proved my point for me
No voter fraud was noted. Ballots were rejected for a signature that doesn’t match which is what we want. Also rejected for arriving too late

My point is that people were likely disenfranchised of their vote by the thousands. If you have a medical condition or had an accident with your hand or something, then your signature might not match up. If in person, you could rectify the problem. With mail-in, it's over, you lost your vote.
It’s the risk you take
Risk sending in an invalid vote or risk getting the TRUMPvirus
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
It is not reasonable.

Public safety is reasonable
Voters who refuse to wear masks should be denied access
Sure, why not? Put a box of masks by the door and make everyone put one on. If anyone doesn't want to wear one, by show of hands, if anyone within 6 feet says they want that person to wear a mask, they have to wear one.
Turn away anyone not wearing a mask
No. Instead, set up a section for non=masked people, just like the old smoking and non-smoking sections. That way, we enfranchise everyone and everyone can vote. Why should the absence of a mask deny you the right to vote when we can accommodate so easily?
You just don’t get it
We want to stop the spread of TRUMPvirus
A no mask area just encourages the spread
I get it just fine, apparently you don't. We want to stop the spread of the Wuhan Flu AND maximize freedom AND empower everyone to vote. Everyone stays 6 feet away from everyone else, and if you don't want to wear a mask, you go to the no mask section. It's a perfect solution. Or have separate hours for no maskers. Man, it's easy to accommodate when you put a little effort into it.
It's obvious the Communist Democrats don't want Voter ID they don't care whatsoever about Voter Fraud:nono:
Signature works for me

Why, because anybody can sign anything they desire?

It is easier to fake an ID than a signature

Tough time doing that with a state Voter-ID. Mail in ballots you don't even see who's signing the damn thing.
Mail in voting has been done for decades

They check signatures just like in person voting

Yes, it's been done for decades, and likely been part of voter fraud for decades. The only people that should be voting by mail are those who absolutely have no ability to vote in person such as our military and disabled. Outside of that, if you are too lazy to vote in person, you have no business being part of our election process.
Such fraud is easy to detect
Namely voters complaining that someone has voted in their name

Yet, you can’t find any instances

That's because it's too hard to detect. The reason leftists want mail in ballots because you have so many lazy Americans on your side. Putting any physical energy into voting turns off a lot of your ilk, and that's why you party is for it; to cater to the worthless lazy Democrat voters.

It's also why they are against Voter-ID. Again, welfare people will vote if it's easy enough. If the have to take the time and energy to get an ID, they'll just say to hell with it. They simply won't vote, and that's one less vote for Democrat candidates.

So they are using this virus and have used racism to justify catering to their lazy constituents. IMO, voting should be difficult. That would only attract the responsible people who care enough to understand the issues and candidates and parties.
It is quite easy to detect

You try to vote and find someone voted in your name. You expect a mail in ballot and call to check and find someone already voted. Your ballot gets rejected as a duplicate.

Yet you can’t point to a single instance if this happening

I can point to other provable problems. I got this in another topic courtesy of 2aguy:

Voting should be done in person only, with few exceptions. You should have to bring undisputed ID, and vote in person.
Proved my point for me
No voter fraud was noted. Ballots were rejected for a signature that doesn’t match which is what we want. Also rejected for arriving too late

My point is that people were likely disenfranchised of their vote by the thousands. If you have a medical condition or had an accident with your hand or something, then your signature might not match up. If in person, you could rectify the problem. With mail-in, it's over, you lost your vote.
It’s the risk you take
Risk sending in an invalid vote or risk getting the TRUMPvirus

You don't have to risk getting the Wuhan virus, you just don't vote this year, that's all. If you want mandatory masks at the polls, put it in the Constitution.
It's obvious the Communist Democrats don't want Voter ID they don't care whatsoever about Voter Fraud:nono:
Signature works for me

Why, because anybody can sign anything they desire?

It is easier to fake an ID than a signature

Tough time doing that with a state Voter-ID. Mail in ballots you don't even see who's signing the damn thing.
Mail in voting has been done for decades

They check signatures just like in person voting

Yes, it's been done for decades, and likely been part of voter fraud for decades. The only people that should be voting by mail are those who absolutely have no ability to vote in person such as our military and disabled. Outside of that, if you are too lazy to vote in person, you have no business being part of our election process.
Such fraud is easy to detect
Namely voters complaining that someone has voted in their name

Yet, you can’t find any instances

That's because it's too hard to detect. The reason leftists want mail in ballots because you have so many lazy Americans on your side. Putting any physical energy into voting turns off a lot of your ilk, and that's why you party is for it; to cater to the worthless lazy Democrat voters.

It's also why they are against Voter-ID. Again, welfare people will vote if it's easy enough. If the have to take the time and energy to get an ID, they'll just say to hell with it. They simply won't vote, and that's one less vote for Democrat candidates.

So they are using this virus and have used racism to justify catering to their lazy constituents. IMO, voting should be difficult. That would only attract the responsible people who care enough to understand the issues and candidates and parties.
It is quite easy to detect

You try to vote and find someone voted in your name. You expect a mail in ballot and call to check and find someone already voted. Your ballot gets rejected as a duplicate.

Yet you can’t point to a single instance if this happening

I can point to other provable problems. I got this in another topic courtesy of 2aguy:

Voting should be done in person only, with few exceptions. You should have to bring undisputed ID, and vote in person.
Proved my point for me
No voter fraud was noted. Ballots were rejected for a signature that doesn’t match which is what we want. Also rejected for arriving too late
False signatures is the very definition of voter fraud, Stupid.
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.

Agreed, but you made me think of something else that Republicans may whine about (as if they didn't have enough already ;-)

So a guy shows up WITH his ID at the polling place wearing a mask. Lower 2/3 of his face is obscured.

How will they confirm identity if they can only see the top 1/3 of his face?

If there is any question, you can pull down your mask for two seconds. It won't kill ya.
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
Heil Shiffler, another Marxis Mask Nazi against Voter ID, and who wants to allow voters to conceal their identity.
Actually, Anarchy and Mob rule are NOT on the right of the spectrum. Both are on the PATHWAY to tyranny via Communism and/or Fascism because BOTH systems rely on anarchy or mob rule to "justify" establishing their system.
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
It is not reasonable.

Public safety is reasonable
Voters who refuse to wear masks should be denied access
Sure, why not? Put a box of masks by the door and make everyone put one on. If anyone doesn't want to wear one, by show of hands, if anyone within 6 feet says they want that person to wear a mask, they have to wear one.
Turn away anyone not wearing a mask
Masks cost money, so you are advocating a poll tax.

Why do you hate black people and want to take their vote away?
Since Republicans are insisting that voters not be able to vote by mail, it is reasonable to require anyone who shows up to vote to be wearing a mask.
It is not reasonable.

Public safety is reasonable
Voters who refuse to wear masks should be denied access
Sure, why not? Put a box of masks by the door and make everyone put one on. If anyone doesn't want to wear one, by show of hands, if anyone within 6 feet says they want that person to wear a mask, they have to wear one.
Turn away anyone not wearing a mask
No. Instead, set up a section for non=masked people, just like the old smoking and non-smoking sections. That way, we enfranchise everyone and everyone can vote. Why should the absence of a mask deny you the right to vote when we can accommodate so easily?
You just don’t get it
We want to stop the spread of TRUMPvirus
A no mask area just encourages the spread
I get it just fine, apparently you don't. We want to stop the spread of the Wuhan Flu AND maximize freedom AND empower everyone to vote. Everyone stays 6 feet away from everyone else, and if you don't want to wear a mask, you go to the no mask section. It's a perfect solution. Or have separate hours for no maskers. Man, it's easy to accommodate when you put a little effort into it.
Still don’t get it

You do not want to set up TRUMPvirus zones

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