Who cuts Medicare and wants to cut more? Obama, of course...

Now, we see that there will still be as many people uninsured

The updated CBO estimates in July found that a year or so from now 18 million people will have insurance who otherwise wouldn't have. By a decade from now, that number grows to 33 million people who have insurance who wouldn't have had it in the absence of Obamacare.

If you think this law doesn't drastically reduce the uninsurance rate, back away from the kool-aid slowly.

yet insurance rates will skyrocket and many will lose what they have now.

When? The large majority of privately insured Americans are in group (employer-based) plans that aren't particularly affected by this law in the first place.

So, what good will it do other than break a lot of people's budgets and put the country further into debt?

What good will it do?

1. Better access to care.
2. Better quality of care.
3. Slower spending growth in the long run.

The first step to fixing our broken system is admitting that we have a problem. With access, quality, and costs. If you're not quite there yet, then you're probably not going to see the value of these reforms. But you'll benefit from them regardless.
"If the president were to be reelected you're going to see a $716 billion cut to Medicare," Romney said. "You’ll have 4 million people who will lose Medicare Advantage. You’ll have hospitals and providers that’ll no longer accept Medicare patients. I’ll restore that $716 billion to Medicare."

After the debate, the Tampa Bay Times’ PolitiFact rated Romney’s claim as “half true.” It explains exactly where the number, $716 billion, comes from: A Congressional Budget Office report determined that between 2013 and 2022, the Affordable Care Act would reduce the amount of federal spending on Medicare by $716 billion.
Debate fact-check: Romney says 'Obamacare' cuts Medicare by $716 billion | Alaska Dispatch

Romney is a pathological chronic dirty lying sociopath.
Masscare proves all these Pub horrors are total BULLSHYTTE, like everything they say. Pub dupes!! So dumb...
U.S. Arrests 91 In Massive $430 Million Medicare Fraud Bust

Today’s arrests put criminals on notice that we are cracking down hard on people who want to steal from Medicare,” said HHS Secretary Sebelius. “The health care law gives us new tools to better fight fraud and make Medicare stronger. In addition to the arrests made today, HHS used new authority from the health care law to stop future payments to many of the health care providers suspected of fraud, saving Medicare resources and taxpayer dollars from being lost to fraud in the first place.”
U.S. Arrests 91 In Massive $430 Million Medicare Fraud Bust | ThinkProgress
Way to go, Obama. This will take another chunk out of Medicare. The waste, abuse and fraud taken out of Medicare will help finance ObamaCare. RomneyCare take billions out of the federal government and Medicaid.
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Thus, you admit the health insurance company will deny service, thus allowing you to die.

Called a 'death panel', sonny.

Flat lie that. Don't believe me. Call your health care company and ask if their coverage limits care, coverage, and costs.

No companies outline the coverage they will pay for. You are free to have whatever you want done, as long as the doctor is willing to perform the service.

Nope Jake, you just have to pay for it yourself. Pretty simple really.
"It's an untenable position to say we're not going to do anything on Medicare and Medicaid when that's one of the biggest drivers of our budget deficit."

"Democrats are saying, "No, we can't do that. And now the president, after telling Boehner he would do that, is going out on the campaign trail saying those bad Republicans want to cut Medicare."

Bob Woodward: 'Obama Is Proposing Cutting Medicare' | NewsBusters.org

The Republicans want to end Medicare and replace it with a voucher program that is not Medicare.

That's what Democrats and the President have been saying, and they are absolutely correct.
"It's an untenable position to say we're not going to do anything on Medicare and Medicaid when that's one of the biggest drivers of our budget deficit."

"Democrats are saying, "No, we can't do that. And now the president, after telling Boehner he would do that, is going out on the campaign trail saying those bad Republicans want to cut Medicare."

Bob Woodward: 'Obama Is Proposing Cutting Medicare' | NewsBusters.org

The Republicans want to end Medicare and replace it with a voucher program that is not Medicare.

That's what Democrats and the President have been saying, and they are absolutely correct.

I think the most important thing the president said in the debate was what will happen to Medicare under the voucher program. He did a poor job of articulating it, but he was correct. The voucher system will lead to a collapse of Medicare.
Democrats want to ration medical care.

At least the medical care will be available under Republicans.
Obama is cutting what is paid to doctors. He is cutting waste. He is providing oversight so that doctors and hospitals abide by best practices rather than profit making measures.

I have personally had 3 expensive MRI's for the identical reason so that 3 different doctors could each charge Medicare - but Blue Cross turned down paying for the second two. Why should Medicare have to pay because every little burg and doctor group has their own machine? It should not.

The patient cannot refuse the procedure or the practice dumps them and they have to find another MD very quickly or go unmedicated. That's lovely for an 85 year old, huh.

Ryan and Romney promise vouchers if you don't want to stay on Medicare. But they will drain Medicare dry by 2016 so everyone will get vouchers - including the over 55's. R&R are lying to now.

So it is a matter of controlling doctors and hospitals (Obama) or 3 years and Medicare dies altogether for everyone. (Romney). THAT is the real choice here.


Regards from Rosie

Spoken like a true statist.

Only a progressive loon would propose that paying doctors is "waste". It's because you don't give a shit if health care is rationed, and people die.

Cuz it's good when people die.

Health care is already rationed. Also we pay the most per person in the world, yet we are ranked 38 overall. I thin you need to go back to the drawing board with your weak ass argument.
Democrats want to ration medical care.

At least the medical care will be available under Republicans.

I will repost again. iTS ALREADY RATIONED. Also in government healthcare, medicare Medicade veterans, are all government run, and guess what, theybhave the highest rate of success, they are widely popular, and people want and need them.
Who wants to route more of your Medicare dollars to private business and not guarantee coverage?
Democrats want to ration medical care.

At least the medical care will be available under Republicans.

I will repost again. iTS ALREADY RATIONED. Also in government healthcare, medicare Medicade veterans, are all government run, and guess what, theybhave the highest rate of success, they are widely popular, and people want and need them.

What a joke.

Yes it's already rationed. Thanks to the lefties. And it will be more severely rationed if they are allowed to continue. Until eventually certain populations don't get any at all.
Pure fear mongering Pubcrappe. Insurers are worse at rationing and cutoffs than any gov't regulated care, and MUCH more expensive. Corrupt cronyism from the Pubs, for dupes only.
The major sources for rationing and spiraling health care costs are the health insurance companies.
Who cuts Medicare and wants to cut more? Obama, of course...

November 29, 2012

Dumb-Ass Republicans

"The fact is that short of converting the program to a premium support system — a non-starter after they lost the 2012 election — Republicans simply don’t know what they want to do on Medicare."


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