Who did The Obama serve when He cut taxes for the rich?

Who did The Obama serve when He cut taxes for the rich?

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His failures were all when he acted like a Republican. But given 2 choices, I'd rather have a Democrat that sometimes acts like a Republican than a Republican.

And you would say Romney always acts like a republican?

How about when he was saying Romneycare should be policy nation wide?

Romneycare AND Obamacare are Republican plans. Please learn.

To the OP.............he served political expediency. It was a fucking compromise.

And...does calling him "The Obama" win you pats on the back where you come from?

So you credit the GOP for Obamacare, not Obama?
Certainly you were around at the time?
The repubs refused to extend U/E insurance unless obama extended the tax cuts for the wealthy....you don't remember that fiasco?
The GOP didn't control Congress -- the Dems did. The GOP did not have the ability to -refuse- the extension of the U/E benefits.

How does it make you feel to know that, in your own words, The Obama served the GOP minority?


Speaker John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, said he was confident that he had the votes to reject the Senate version of the bill.

Your article is from December 2011.
The Obama forced the Dem-controlled Congress to cut taxes for the rich in December 2010, a full year earlier.
Please feel free to try again.
No matter how much taxes are cut, the poor who pay no taxes will never get a benefit. Tax cuts will always benefit the rich, or at least those rich enough to pay taxes.
Certainly you were around at the time?
The repubs refused to extend U/E insurance unless obama extended the tax cuts for the wealthy....you don't remember that fiasco?
The GOP didnt control Congress -- the dems did. The GOP did not have the ability to -refuse- the extension of the U/E benefits.

How does it make you feel to know that, in your own words, The Obama served the GOP minority?
it is what most Democrats are pissed about...
But not pissed enough to remove their support and nominate someone else, eh?
No matter how much taxes are cut, the poor who pay no taxes will never get a benefit.
You do know that GWB's tax cuts increased the number/percentage of people that pay no federal income tax, right?
And you would say Romney always acts like a republican?

How about when he was saying Romneycare should be policy nation wide?

Romneycare AND Obamacare are Republican plans. Please learn.

To the OP.............he served political expediency. It was a fucking compromise.

And...does calling him "The Obama" win you pats on the back where you come from?

So you credit the GOP for Obamacare, not Obama?

Once again, a failed post that begins with the word "so".

The GOP....in response to "Hillarycare" and at the urging of the Heritage Foundation....developed the idea of issuing a mandate as set forth in Obamacare.

Obama took that idea and presented it to the GOP for approval and was met with massive resistance. He beat the GOP about the head with it and got passed that which was once a GOP plan........making it a Democratic plan in the History books. Don't ya love the way facts sound?

When will you guys take credit for it? My guess.......when a more progressive POTUS pushes for Medicare for all.
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Romneycare AND Obamacare are Republican plans. Please learn.

To the OP.............he served political expediency. It was a fucking compromise.

And...does calling him "The Obama" win you pats on the back where you come from?

So you credit the GOP for Obamacare, not Obama?

Once again, a failed post that begins with the word "so".

The GOP....in response to "Hillarycare" and at the urging of the Heritage Foundation....developed the idea of issuing a mandate as set forth in Obamacare.

Obama took that idea and presented it to the GOP for approval and was met with massive resistance. He beat the GOP about the head with it and got passed that which was once a GOP plan........making it a Democratic plan in the History books. Don't ya love the way facts sound?

Rest assured I could care less, I hate both parties equally.

I usually see you talking about how awesome Obama and the dems are, so was just seeing how you'd explain away who gets credit and who gets blame for a policy both parties supported one way or another.
The GOP didnt control Congress -- the dems did. The GOP did not have the ability to -refuse- the extension of the U/E benefits.

How does it make you feel to know that, in your own words, The Obama served the GOP minority?
it is what most Democrats are pissed about...
But not pissed enough to remove their support and nominate someone else, eh?
uhhh, what good would that do for them, having a president going 100% with the gop and against what they believe, like romney?
So you credit the GOP for Obamacare, not Obama?

Once again, a failed post that begins with the word "so".

The GOP....in response to "Hillarycare" and at the urging of the Heritage Foundation....developed the idea of issuing a mandate as set forth in Obamacare.

Obama took that idea and presented it to the GOP for approval and was met with massive resistance. He beat the GOP about the head with it and got passed that which was once a GOP plan........making it a Democratic plan in the History books. Don't ya love the way facts sound?

Rest assured I could care less, I hate both parties equally.

I usually see you talking about how awesome Obama and the dems are, so was just seeing how you'd explain away who gets credit and who gets blame for a policy both parties supported one way or another.

I have spoken in glowing terms about Obama.....and I have also expressed concern with some of his actions. Overall.....he's doing a great job given the circumstances. He deserves another term. He will get credit for Obamacare. As he should.

Now...I would like for you to point me to a post of mine where I say any other Democratic politician is awesome. Don't include FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter or Clinton, please. I may have praised each of them in passing.

Go ahead. I won't hold my breath.
Once again, a failed post that begins with the word "so".

The GOP....in response to "Hillarycare" and at the urging of the Heritage Foundation....developed the idea of issuing a mandate as set forth in Obamacare.

Obama took that idea and presented it to the GOP for approval and was met with massive resistance. He beat the GOP about the head with it and got passed that which was once a GOP plan........making it a Democratic plan in the History books. Don't ya love the way facts sound?

Rest assured I could care less, I hate both parties equally.

I usually see you talking about how awesome Obama and the dems are, so was just seeing how you'd explain away who gets credit and who gets blame for a policy both parties supported one way or another.

I have spoken in glowing terms about Obama.....and I have also expressed concern with some of his actions. Overall.....he's doing a great job given the circumstances. He deserves another term. He will get credit for Obamacare. As he should.

Now...I would like for you to point me to a post of mine where I say any other Democratic politician is awesome. Don't include FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter or Clinton, please. I may have praised each of them in passing.

Go ahead. I won't hold my breath.

My apologies if you speak in glowing terms of the head democrat, but somehow simultaneously speak ill of those who walk in lock step with him.
Rest assured I could care less, I hate both parties equally.

I usually see you talking about how awesome Obama and the dems are, so was just seeing how you'd explain away who gets credit and who gets blame for a policy both parties supported one way or another.

I have spoken in glowing terms about Obama.....and I have also expressed concern with some of his actions. Overall.....he's doing a great job given the circumstances. He deserves another term. He will get credit for Obamacare. As he should.

Now...I would like for you to point me to a post of mine where I say any other Democratic politician is awesome. Don't include FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter or Clinton, please. I may have praised each of them in passing.

Go ahead. I won't hold my breath.

My apologies if you speak in glowing terms of the head democrat, but somehow simultaneously speak ill of those who walk in lock step with him.

You are putting words in my mouth. Much like you did when you started a post with the word "so". You might want to learn how to listen.
I have spoken in glowing terms about Obama.....and I have also expressed concern with some of his actions. Overall.....he's doing a great job given the circumstances. He deserves another term. He will get credit for Obamacare. As he should.

Now...I would like for you to point me to a post of mine where I say any other Democratic politician is awesome. Don't include FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter or Clinton, please. I may have praised each of them in passing.

Go ahead. I won't hold my breath.

My apologies if you speak in glowing terms of the head democrat, but somehow simultaneously speak ill of those who walk in lock step with him.

You are putting words in my mouth. Much like you did when you started a post with the word "so". You might want to learn how to listen.

Maybe I am, maybe not, I'm too lazy to look through your posts nor do I care enough.

Although the position you're admitting to is very odd. Voice love and adoration for Obama, but not those who pass and write all the legislation he likes.
John Boehner, Eric Cantor and the welathie.....I mean job creators...
So... The Obama served the GOP and the wealthy.
Interesting response.

Yes, he did. He caved. Just as he caved on the Healthcare legislation. Just as he caved on Gitmo. Just as he caved on Afghanistan. Just as he caved on illegal immigration....

At some point you might want to consider that Obama is not caving in as much as he played you for a fool to get your vote….

When you allow that to happen you will then and only then be able to realize how most conservatives felt about Bush.
So... The Obama served the GOP and the wealthy.
Interesting response.

Yes, he did. He caved. Just as he caved on the Healthcare legislation. Just as he caved on Gitmo. Just as he caved on Afghanistan. Just as he caved on illegal immigration....

At some point you might want to consider that Obama is not caving in as much as he played you for a fool to get your vote….

When you allow that to happen you will then and only then be able to realize how most conservatives felt about Bush.

We have shit choices,people fall along ideological lines like lemmings and don't wanna hear that Obamma has been Bush III super sized.
Yes, he did. He caved. Just as he caved on the Healthcare legislation. Just as he caved on Gitmo. Just as he caved on Afghanistan. Just as he caved on illegal immigration....

At some point you might want to consider that Obama is not caving in as much as he played you for a fool to get your vote….

When you allow that to happen you will then and only then be able to realize how most conservatives felt about Bush.

We have shit choices,people fall along ideological lines like lemmings and don't wanna hear that Obamma has been Bush III super sized.

I'm pretty sure most people have come around to Obama being Bush III. Obama has far less support than he did in the past, if Mitt was not running against Obama and instead there was a candidate with even a slight respectable voting record Obama would be destroyed in the GE.

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