Who do republicans blame for the voting disaster in Georgia?

Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
I thought the Sec of State ran elections......
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
No see that’s just you making shit up. This shit was statewide. ONLY republicans are able to fix these problems because only republicans run the election commission for the state.

Wrong, Fulton county has 4 Democrat reps and 3 Republican reps and the Democrats run the polling and training. You didn't even read the article, moron. Democrats didn't do the training and even the article points out it was the company providing the machines.

Your thread is a total fail and the feigned outrage is pathetic. Washington Compost is a Socialist propaganda rag so we know you're a Communist.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
No see that’s just you making shit up. This shit was statewide. ONLY republicans are able to fix these problems because only republicans run the election commission for the state.
Aren't you making shit up by spinning a yarn that the GOP is intentionally making voting a hassle? Your the OP, prove it.

Obviously it’s republicans who are responsible for addressing any logistical issues in that state. One of which is the closing of polling locations. Obviously this was done on purpose because republicans want to suppress the vote and cheat. Republican voters will desperately try to justify something as stupid as closing voting locations because they will defend their GOP masters no matter what. Of course they also have to explain why broken voting machines and poorly trained workers were at play.

Keep in mind that voting with ID is not the issue here so it’s pointless to make this about fraud. The GOP is just intentionally makes voting a hassle and their constituents just aren’t smart enough to realize it or they don’t care because the voters being targeted are black people.

As far as republicans are concerned that mess yesterday was a total success. The republicans in Georgia set up to do exactly what happened yesterday.

Oh no their constituents like and want it that way.

Republicans know if people vote in large number, republicans lose. Big time.

Republicans don't give a flying fig about the will of the people. They don't care that they cheat and lie to retain power.

All they care about is money and power to force their unwanted agendas on our nation.

We haven't had a government of, by and for the people in a very long time.

I hope that people will come out in droves to vote all those cheating republicans out of our government.

There should be laws against this but of course republicans in congress will never allow that to happen.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
I thought the Sec of State ran elections......

Nope, local districts are responsible for the polling and the supervisors are chosen by the party with the most reps in the district. Then the results are sent to the state for tabulation.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
Well, another liberal faux outrage quashed by facts.....go figure. :smoke:
It’s amazing how you people just make shit up and demand it be recognized as facts.

That is exactly what you have done.

Establish your premise with some facts. Tell us what republicans caused this and how they managed it.

Obviously it’s republicans who are responsible for addressing any logistical issues in that state. One of which is the closing of polling locations. Obviously this was done on purpose because republicans want to suppress the vote and cheat. Republican voters will desperately try to justify something as stupid as closing voting locations because they will defend their GOP masters no matter what. Of course they also have to explain why broken voting machines and poorly trained workers were at play.

Keep in mind that voting with ID is not the issue here so it’s pointless to make this about fraud. The GOP is just intentionally makes voting a hassle and their constituents just aren’t smart enough to realize it or they don’t care because the voters being targeted are black people.

The only places that had problems were Dem run shit holes.

Rural areas run by Republicans didn’t have those issues.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
No see that’s just you making shit up. This shit was statewide. ONLY republicans are able to fix these problems because only republicans run the election commission for the state.

Wrong, Fulton county has 4 Democrat reps and 3 Republican reps and the Democrats run the polling and training. You didn't even read the article, moron. Democrats didn't do the training and even the article points out it was the company providing the machines.

Your thread is a total fail and the feigned outrage is pathetic. Washington Compost is a Socialist propaganda rag so we know you're a Communist.
Lol you’re such an idiot.

1) This whole thing was statewide. Quit cherry picking shit and expect no one to notice.

2) Individual districts still rely on FUNDING from the state. The STATE is what gives districts resources.

God you are pitiful. The entire article makes all of
That clear.

Obviously it’s republicans who are responsible for addressing any logistical issues in that state. One of which is the closing of polling locations. Obviously this was done on purpose because republicans want to suppress the vote and cheat. Republican voters will desperately try to justify something as stupid as closing voting locations because they will defend their GOP masters no matter what. Of course they also have to explain why broken voting machines and poorly trained workers were at play.

Keep in mind that voting with ID is not the issue here so it’s pointless to make this about fraud. The GOP is just intentionally makes voting a hassle and their constituents just aren’t smart enough to realize it or they don’t care because the voters being targeted are black people.

The only places that had problems were Dem run shit holes.

Rural areas run by Republicans didn’t have those issues.
Lol god stop making shit up. You people are so pathetic.

Obviously it’s republicans who are responsible for addressing any logistical issues in that state. One of which is the closing of polling locations. Obviously this was done on purpose because republicans want to suppress the vote and cheat. Republican voters will desperately try to justify something as stupid as closing voting locations because they will defend their GOP masters no matter what. Of course they also have to explain why broken voting machines and poorly trained workers were at play.

Keep in mind that voting with ID is not the issue here so it’s pointless to make this about fraud. The GOP is just intentionally makes voting a hassle and their constituents just aren’t smart enough to realize it or they don’t care because the voters being targeted are black people.

The only places that had problems were Dem run shit holes.

Rural areas run by Republicans didn’t have those issues.
Lol god stop making shit up. You people are so pathetic.
Lol stop making shit up. You people are so pathetic.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
No see that’s just you making shit up. This shit was statewide. ONLY republicans are able to fix these problems because only republicans run the election commission for the state.

Wrong, Fulton county has 4 Democrat reps and 3 Republican reps and the Democrats run the polling and training. You didn't even read the article, moron. Democrats didn't do the training and even the article points out it was the company providing the machines.

Your thread is a total fail and the feigned outrage is pathetic. Washington Compost is a Socialist propaganda rag so we know you're a Communist.
Lol you’re such an idiot.

1) This whole thing was statewide. Quit cherry picking shit and expect no one to notice.

2) Individual districts still rely on FUNDING from the state. The STATE is what gives districts resources.

God you are pitiful. The entire article makes all of
That clear.

Hey, pea brain, it's not the Republicans fault the Democrat run districts who choose the supervisors didn't get the training. And no, the problems weren't statewide. And how is it the Republicans are responsible for the problems with training in Democrat districts? You clowns never take responsibility for your own failures. It's always someone else's fault.

Just face it, your thread and the Washington Compost article is a total fail based on Fake News.

Obviously it’s republicans who are responsible for addressing any logistical issues in that state. One of which is the closing of polling locations. Obviously this was done on purpose because republicans want to suppress the vote and cheat. Republican voters will desperately try to justify something as stupid as closing voting locations because they will defend their GOP masters no matter what. Of course they also have to explain why broken voting machines and poorly trained workers were at play.

Keep in mind that voting with ID is not the issue here so it’s pointless to make this about fraud. The GOP is just intentionally makes voting a hassle and their constituents just aren’t smart enough to realize it or they don’t care because the voters being targeted are black people.
It was a primary. WTF cares?
Primaries don’t matter huh? Also, it’s not like these problems will be fixed by November. You do get that right?

The primary was their dry run to see if what they put in place worked well enough.

I'm sure they were all slapping themselves on the back in pride of what a mess they made of voting in certain areas of Georgia. While other areas are just fine, people can vote easily and quickly.

Gee I wonder what the difference is between the areas?
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

I'm shocked the OP failed to mention that...wait I think we all know why. OP you are Fake News!
Well again you idiots are just making shit up. This problem was statewide and any district relies on state funding. Republicans are who is in charge
At the state level. Absolving them of responsibility just makes you look stupid.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

I'm shocked the OP failed to mention that...wait I think we all know why. OP you are Fake News!
Well again you idiots are just making shit up. This problem was statewide and any district relies on state funding. Republicans are who is in charge
At the state level. Absolving them of responsibility just makes you look stupid.

Wrong, again, covering for Democrat's failure to get the training makes you look stupid. Of course everyone knows how fucking lazy Democrats are so it comes as no surprise.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
No see that’s just you making shit up. This shit was statewide. ONLY republicans are able to fix these problems because only republicans run the election commission for the state.

Wrong, Fulton county has 4 Democrat reps and 3 Republican reps and the Democrats run the polling and training. You didn't even read the article, moron. Democrats didn't do the training and even the article points out it was the company providing the machines.

Your thread is a total fail and the feigned outrage is pathetic. Washington Compost is a Socialist propaganda rag so we know you're a Communist.
Lol you’re such an idiot.

1) This whole thing was statewide. Quit cherry picking shit and expect no one to notice.

2) Individual districts still rely on FUNDING from the state. The STATE is what gives districts resources.

God you are pitiful. The entire article makes all of
That clear.

Hey, pea brain, it's not the Republicans fault the Democrat run districts who choose the supervisors didn't get the training. And no, the problems weren't statewide. And how is it the Republicans are responsible for the problems with training in Democrat districts? You clowns never take responsibility for your own failures. It's always someone else's fault.

Just face it, your thread and the Washington Compost article is a total fail based on Fake News.
Lol you are so stupid. You keep talking about “democrat districts” even though this was a debacle statewide. Either way, It’s state officials - who are republicans - who make sure districts have proper training and funding. Quit making shit up. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
I thought the Sec of State ran elections......

Nope, local districts are responsible for the polling and the supervisors are chosen by the party with the most reps in the district. Then the results are sent to the state for tabulation.
They are not responsible for switching to a new system by a company who has never did something at this scale before....

Anyone, no matter what party you belong to should be outraged behind a fuck up like this....but as is usually the case with republicans, they love it when less people vote -- especially if those people are mostly black folks....
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

I'm shocked the OP failed to mention that...wait I think we all know why. OP you are Fake News!
Well again you idiots are just making shit up. This problem was statewide and any district relies on state funding. Republicans are who is in charge
At the state level. Absolving them of responsibility just makes you look stupid.

Wrong, again, covering for Democrat's failure to get the training makes you look stupid. Of course everyone knows how fucking lazy Democrats are so it comes as no surprise.
Quit making shit up. You sound absolutely pathetic absolving republicans of any responsibility. You keep talking about democrats yet you’re just pulling shit out of your ass.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
No see that’s just you making shit up. This shit was statewide. ONLY republicans are able to fix these problems because only republicans run the election commission for the state.

Wrong, Fulton county has 4 Democrat reps and 3 Republican reps and the Democrats run the polling and training. You didn't even read the article, moron. Democrats didn't do the training and even the article points out it was the company providing the machines.

Your thread is a total fail and the feigned outrage is pathetic. Washington Compost is a Socialist propaganda rag so we know you're a Communist.
Lol you’re such an idiot.

1) This whole thing was statewide. Quit cherry picking shit and expect no one to notice.

2) Individual districts still rely on FUNDING from the state. The STATE is what gives districts resources.

God you are pitiful. The entire article makes all of
That clear.

Hey, pea brain, it's not the Republicans fault the Democrat run districts who choose the supervisors didn't get the training. And no, the problems weren't statewide. And how is it the Republicans are responsible for the problems with training in Democrat districts? You clowns never take responsibility for your own failures. It's always someone else's fault.

Just face it, your thread and the Washington Compost article is a total fail based on Fake News.
Lol you are so stupid. You keep talking about “democrat districts” even though this was a debacle statewide. Either way, It’s state officials - who are republicans - who make sure districts have proper training and funding. Quit making shit up. You’re embarrassing yourself.
You're omitting shit, so you have that going for you.
Hey, clowns, the two districts where they claim all the problems are were run by Democrats.

You outrage people crack me up.

So the local districts are responsible for the election. The Democrat controlled districts didn't do the training and hire the people but by God it's the Republicans fault.

All libtardos are idiots.
No see that’s just you making shit up. This shit was statewide. ONLY republicans are able to fix these problems because only republicans run the election commission for the state.

Wrong, Fulton county has 4 Democrat reps and 3 Republican reps and the Democrats run the polling and training. You didn't even read the article, moron. Democrats didn't do the training and even the article points out it was the company providing the machines.

Your thread is a total fail and the feigned outrage is pathetic. Washington Compost is a Socialist propaganda rag so we know you're a Communist.
Lol you’re such an idiot.

1) This whole thing was statewide. Quit cherry picking shit and expect no one to notice.

2) Individual districts still rely on FUNDING from the state. The STATE is what gives districts resources.

God you are pitiful. The entire article makes all of
That clear.

Hey, pea brain, it's not the Republicans fault the Democrat run districts who choose the supervisors didn't get the training. And no, the problems weren't statewide. And how is it the Republicans are responsible for the problems with training in Democrat districts? You clowns never take responsibility for your own failures. It's always someone else's fault.

Just face it, your thread and the Washington Compost article is a total fail based on Fake News.
Lol you are so stupid. You keep talking about “democrat districts” even though this was a debacle statewide. Either way, It’s state officials - who are republicans - who make sure districts have proper training and funding. Quit making shit up. You’re embarrassing yourself.

No it is not. The state provides the funding but the local districts are responsible for choosing the supervisors and getting the training. Fuck, do we have to hold your hand all the time?

Face it, you got clobbered and the Republicans are going to embarrass the living shit out of Democrats over this. Feigning outrage will just make it worse.

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