Who do you believe is more responsible for the terrible condition of our country?

Who brought this country to its knees?

  • Liberals

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • Both equally

    Votes: 15 44.1%

  • Total voters
"Liberal" and "Conservative" as adjectives are almost completely meaningless.
My answer is neither. Our country is not ruined, our government is dysfunctional because of special interests, campaign fundraising, blind voting and a lack of qualified candidates willing to fill the positions.
"Liberal" and "Conservative" as adjectives are almost completely meaningless.

There is plenty of policy difference between them to make even the dumbest among us realise they are far different.

Not to say they don't both screw us but one is constantly promoting free rides while the other doesn't.
"Liberal" and "Conservative" as adjectives are almost completely meaningless.

There is plenty of policy difference between them to make even the dumbest among us realise they are far different.

Not to say they don't both screw us but one is constantly promoting free rides while the other doesn't.

You're missing my point. The terms "liberal" and "conservative" are subjective terms. They mean different things to different people.
Inside the beltway professional politicians from both sides of the aisle who couldn't give a rats ass about the rest of the country but only care about the "dinner circuit" and power. I really believe that the "lifers" that are in power have caused the downfall of the U.S.

America should be screaming for term limits.
Overall. Who's policies have led us down this path over the last 50 years?

Spending billions on a war of choice in Iraq has done irreparable damage to the economy, the country's image, and sowed the seeds of the eventual blow back that will come our way. The old adage applies; before you set off on a course of revenge, first dig two graves.

Iraq is Bush's (i.e. Conservative's) doing, 100%
I answered "conservatives" which was probably predictable given that it's me, but I want to clarify that if you had asked by party (Democrats or Republicans) instead of by ideology (liberals or conservatives), I would have said both.

We have been on the wrong track since at least 1981, and in some ways since 1977. But Carter only put part of it in place and half-heartedly (increased military spending, anti-labor attitude). Reagan increased both of those and also flattened the tax system and began the deregulation process. He also gave voice to the economic ideology that ruined us, even though he wasn't personally responsible for all of the damage.

His successors have kept us on the same course. That includes Bill Clinton, not just the two Bushes. So far, Obama hasn't undone the damage, either, or really tried to. So Democrats and Republicans are both to blame. But all of the policies that have hurt us have been conservative policies, even when put in place by a Democrat, as Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagal and pushed through NAFTA and GATT.
my income began declining right after princess pelosi became speaker of the bitches.

The same thing happened to me right after the manager of the Howard Johnson's in my neighborhood got arrested for running a coke ring out of his restaurant. But I know better than to blame his arrest for my loss of income, especially since I never bought any of his blow.
Bush didn't drive the economy into a ditch (thats what 20% of Americans think),,,MAYBE IT WAS PEOPLE WHO MADE UNDER $40,000 a year who bought $250,000 homes, and used up their lines of equity like it was an ATM machine? how about them? weren't they the primary cause?
Republicans. Nixon, Neocon Foreign policy, and Reaganomics- total disaster. Blaming it on the victims of their tax system and their DEPRESSION- brainwashed idiocy.
during those bush years, even I never would of even bought a home for 200,000. Homes are a bitch to maintain and pay taxes for! unfortunately, most of these people who bought homes in the 200-300k range forgot that THEY NEEDED TWO YEARS INCOME SET ASIDE ,,in case of a financial emergency. and look at what happened in 2008? banks stopped loaning. at least I tried to keep at at least a years worth of emergency income in a savings account. my visa balance is currently around a mere 800.00 today.
"Liberal" and "Conservative" as adjectives are almost completely meaningless.

There is plenty of policy difference between them to make even the dumbest among us realise they are far different.

Not to say they don't both screw us but one is constantly promoting free rides while the other doesn't.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eNrgpVp70U&feature=youtube_gdata_player]HEY SHUT UP - YouTube[/ame]
Overall. Who's policies have led us down this path over the last 50 years?

I didn't vote because none of your answers are right. The Real Culprit has been just about every single Congress we have had for about 40 years now. No matter who is in the Majority. Period.

Yes Presidents share in the blame, but when it comes down to it, Congress is where the Blame lies.
I voted conservative just because a conservative posted this nonsense topic.

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