Who do you really want to on top of the Democrat Ticket for President.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
Many think that Hillary has the nomination in the bag. Unlike the large republican field of candidates on the other sides, there are few in the race for the democrats.

Where are the challengers for Hillary? Aren't there plenty of experienced Democrats worthy of throwing their hats into the ring? Is Hillary the automatic nominee because it's time for a woman president and Hillary is The One?

If you could pick any Democrat to run in the general election, who would it be? This question is primarily for those that lean left that would be interested in voting for a democrat, not for those that would not vote for a democrat anyway.
Sanders by a long shot. I think he actually has a chance. She is weak and poor at debates. Plus he is committed to his beliefs while she is waffling. The prospect of Sanders selecting Warren as his VP is also enticing for dem voters.
I agree with your choice but for obviously different reasons.
Bernie Sanders would make George McGovern look like a winner.
the only other choice is that socialist asshat Sanders that anyone has heard of.

Democratic Presidential Candidates 2016

you can toss all the men, they have no chance.
Surely there have to be other democrats that are qualified to run?
everyone born here is qualified

but lets be clear; dems voted obama to have the first black guy, they will vote hill to have the first woman, the next person they support will be another kind of minority.

actual skills are meaningless
The Dems are fucked. Bernie's the best of the bunch and he's not even a Democrat.

Is there a Handicapped transsexual that's interested?

Maybe Howlin' Howard Dean can run? Or John "there's two Americas" Edwards?
We all know, deep down, that Hillary's gonna get screwed over at the convention because, well, Democrats just can't resist being Democrats. Though Sanders does vote Democrat he technically isn't one.

But don't be nervous...
Don't be frightened....
Don't despair!

There still the best part of a year for emergence of the next articulate minority who cleans up nice!
I really think it is going to depend if Jebster stays at the top of the pols for the repubs. Of the top tier republican candidates, this is the one Hilly can beat. Everyone knows the Trump is going to fall by the wayside, so you are looking at Walker, Cruz, Paul, Rubio, and Jebster. Unless hordes of illegal votes are cast, the only one Hilly is a slam dunk against is Jebster. 50/50 against Paul, and a highly probable loss against the rest.

The REAL problem for the dems is the same as it is now for the repubs. To energize more votes, they have to go further left of where they are. Doing so will drive their voters in the middle to the repubs, along with the independents.

But, the reason the dems have a harder time than the repubs is......................all Americans over 45 can remember what it was like moving further right, and everyone eligible to vote sees what happened when we moved further left by Obama, and the dems have to move further that way to energize the base.

Looking at (and I suggest you do it yourself) the opinion pols on how Americans are seeing things from both parties and independents; what they do, and do not like. No matter how hard libs try to convince you about the electoral map, those on high in the democratic party know they are in trouble. For the 1st time in many a year, they know they need a moderate to steal the independent vote to win. So far, only 1 makes the grade, and that would be Webb.

Now republicans, don't start telling me how bad Webb is. I bet you if I could magically turn the clock back 7 years and told you that the democrats were going to win the Presidency and gave you a choice between (knowing what you know today) Obama, Hilly, and Webb; you would vote overwhelmingly to put Webb in the Oval office. Don't get me wrong, I am not for the democrat. What I am saying is, that unless Jebster wins the repub nomination, Hilly is more in trouble than the lib screamers on here know! If I was you, I would sit back and smile from ear to ear every time a lib screamer says they are supporting Hilly!
Jim Webb and Martin O'Malley are both running, as well.

Hilary doesn't have this wrapped up anywhere nearly as tightly as everyone is pretending.

Think back to 2007 - at this point before the elections, everyone was sure that the general would be Hilary vs. Giuliani.
I really think it is going to depend if Jebster stays at the top of the pols for the repubs. Of the top tier republican candidates, this is the one Hilly can beat. Everyone knows the Trump is going to fall by the wayside, so you are looking at Walker, Cruz, Paul, Rubio, and Jebster. Unless hordes of illegal votes are cast, the only one Hilly is a slam dunk against is Jebster. 50/50 against Paul, and a highly probable loss against the rest.
Intresting post. I'm curious why you think Cruz, Paul and Rubio would have an edge on Ms. Clinton. All are one term Senators. She has more experience than that plus 8 as FLOTUS and 4 as SoS. As for Walker, he's probably too moderate for most in the GOP.

The REAL problem for the dems is the same as it is now for the repubs. To energize more votes, they have to go further left of where they are. Doing so will drive their voters in the middle to the repubs, along with the independents.
There is little evidence of the Democrats having to go further left; there is no "TEA Party" on the left that routinely torpedoes primary candidates for not being liberal enough. You have that on the right but on on the left.

But, the reason the dems have a harder time than the repubs is......................all Americans over 45 can remember what it was like moving further right, and everyone eligible to vote sees what happened when we moved further left by Obama, and the dems have to move further that way to energize the base.
Obama isn't all that liberal. Again, a moderate or center-left democrat won't be abandoned by the hard left the same way a center-right or moderate republican will be abandoned by the TEA party.

Looking at (and I suggest you do it yourself) the opinion pols on how Americans are seeing things from both parties and independents; what they do, and do not like. No matter how hard libs try to convince you about the electoral map, those on high in the democratic party know they are in trouble. For the 1st time in many a year, they know they need a moderate to steal the independent vote to win. So far, only 1 makes the grade, and that would be Webb.
Webb will get hundreds of votes nationwide. He simply isn't well known enough to matter nationally yet.

Now republicans, don't start telling me how bad Webb is. I bet you if I could magically turn the clock back 7 years and told you that the democrats were going to win the Presidency and gave you a choice between (knowing what you know today) Obama, Hilly, and Webb; you would vote overwhelmingly to put Webb in the Oval office. Don't get me wrong, I am not for the democrat. What I am saying is, that unless Jebster wins the repub nomination, Hilly is more in trouble than the lib screamers on here know! If I was you, I would sit back and smile from ear to ear every time a lib screamer says they are supporting Hilly!

Obama got superior numbers of women in swing states--often times losing the state but getting double digit support from women in that state; double digits more than Romney. Hillary will likely top those numbers.

Hillary can still lose the day. She has a likability problem. The good news for her is two fold. First, most of the GOP has a likability problems with independents. Secondly, Trump, Cruz, and Paul. Trump is the voice of the GOP base but not the establishment which understands the base is seen as grotesque by the rest of the nation. Cruz and Paul serve two purposes; they are constant reminders of the bad old days. The longer the 3 stay in the race, the more the legitmate candidates must address every koo-koo or cocoa puffs thing they say.
Jim Webb and Martin O'Malley are both running, as well.

Hilary doesn't have this wrapped up anywhere nearly as tightly as everyone is pretending.

Think back to 2007 - at this point before the elections, everyone was sure that the general would be Hilary vs. Giuliani.
Bernie Sanders has my vote hands down.
Sanders may have a better chance than thought. Hillary was just heckled here in New England and reacted badly. Even the press is saying she doesn't look great.

Hillary Clinton got heckled by climate activists at a New Hampshire town hall. She didn t handle it particularly well. Video.

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