Who do you think hates America?

I think people like to the think the best of people and give people the benefit of the doubt. But then there's that old saying about misery loving company. Some people want to bring others down to bring themselves up. It seems to be a personal thing that has infected an entire collective.
Why do you make use of the Nazi swastika as your avie?
Hate is a negative emotion. It can serve a valid purpose or it can be abused . Love is a positive emotion but it can be abused or serve a valid purpose.

It really does not matter who hates America. The problem is behavior and action associated with the feeling.

People can say they hate America for a variety of reasons. So what

It is there actions that matters and do they act on this hate to hurt or cause damage.

people can say they hate the ocean or large body of waters. when flying over the ocean, you wander why this plane cannot go any faster.

When hate controls peoples lives then that is a problem.
Didn't ask why I only asked if you believe your opponent wants to destroy America.
Think about your remark.

Back then, congress made a change. It put in new laws. So the way you present it, back in the earlier time, new laws were not good laws so the current Congress will fix that problem. But what happens in real life is the problem they first fixed was properly done yet the new fix is pure politics. So laws change and change and change and more changes. Does Congress owe it to us to get it right, EVER?
I didn't imply anything. Changing laws is the one and only job of the house and senate. FACT.
Couldn't disagree more. The role of Congress isn't to change the country. That's for "we the people" to do, voluntarily, collaboratively. Not something to be coerced by the state.
CONGRESS CHANGES LAWS. There is no constitutional way for individuals to change laws, other than through their elected representatives in congress.
I think the hardcore partisans, on both sides, live and breathe this vision of politics. The parties sell the idea that their opponent is evil and wants to destroy them. It's the only way the can get people to vote for the cretins they nominate.

If someone (like a muslim) was laying IED on your street to destroy you or your neighbors would that get your attention? These people are currently destroying the rule of law (persecuting opposition in courts), jailing J6 (as minor as first-time tresspassing), raiding treasury, sending drag queens w/o underwear into 2nd grad to "read stories to them", 300lb home O peering into your 12 yr old daughters toilet, Fags in lipstick mustache and dresses in the top ranks of Obiden overseas representations, bankrupting th country, 30 million illegal votes using ironically illegals, 15 more illegals pouring in demanding housing and food..I could go on.

Yet you act as if "BOTH SIDES are the SAME"? Yet you wish to be taken seriously? You are an obvious shill for Deep State.
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
Amazon product ASIN 150118315X
IM2 hates America.
So different colored lights is a sign of hate for America? Why do you think they have such hate for America, and want to destroy it?
What was the message by Obama and later Biden?

Why did he single them out as points to praise?
You stated an issue. I know you believe it. But it is the thesis of your OP. And you do it again.
I do not recall any poster here who barged in and declared Americans hate America. You opened a can of worms. I think your thesis has value.
Claiming the opposing party hates America and wants to destroy it is quite common. You might not have seen that claim being made, but I have, and I believe most have.
You think the left hates America and wants to destroy it.
I think the left wants to change America so radically that it will be unrecognizable

Libs are willing to trade short term damage to the country so long as it consigns white conservatives to the dustbin of history, leading to what they expect will be liberal Nirvana
After years of observation it is clear that democrats hate this country and want to destroy it. Although they say they are transforming the country and improving it. Democrats look at the assault on our borders and the accompanying rise in crime and tell us that the nation is being strengthened. Whatever is bad or destructive is good to democrats.
You think Democrats hate America and want to destroy it. Thank you for your direct response.
I would not say it that way. I would say they want to conquer a successful nation and keep it in good shape since it is wealthy.
So, you think they hate the country, but don't want to destroy it. Thanks for your opinion.
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
Amazon product ASIN 150118315X
Two that quickly come to mind:

Anti-Israel protestors ..
Liberal Karens
Alright.... I won't ask you to prove your opening ideas. I believe in America. I believe the Founders were some awesome thinkers and planners. But none of them were perfect.
Today we face terrible events at our border that Democrats approve of. I think that shows hate of America.
Another who thinks Democrats hate the country and want to destroy it.

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