Who else has made the claim that, "the press [media] is the enemy of the people"?

Besides your "beloved" Democratic Party, you know who else pushes for wealth redistribution?

Pol Pot

Reality is a bitch..

Clever spin......but nonetheless a lame attempt to defend your orange clown....

NO democrat president has EVER stated the direct quote that he was for "wealth redistribution"....

BUT, would you like to see how many times your moron-in-chief has DIRECTLY stated that, "the media is "the enemy of the people"??.

Want those quotes on here????
When the Access Hollywood video was exposed, should the media have overlooked it???

Nope, they definitely shouldn't have. OTH, it was probably well known bit of tape since the moment he declared. I don't believe for one moment that they just "discovered" it at that moment. Somebody waited to bring it up as a piece of "relevant" political conversation, in the eleventh hour? NOPE. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN discussed in the vetting process. When it was brought to the attention to the voters? Meh, there was already too much invested, it was already past the point of no return. It was Trump joking about women throwing themselves at him, or Hillary on Wikileaks sucking the dicks of Big banks and corporatists talking about how she would do the bidding of big banks and CEO's wearing one face behind closed doors and another in public. Given this reality? Folks knew Trump was just bragging to a guy in private while Hillary was being quite serious.

When Trump asked the Russians to find Clinton's emails, or when he told Russians that he fired Comey to ease the pressure on him because of the Russian investigation, should the media have overlooked those statements?

This was Trump musing to his base and the independents out loud. (And, probably to NSA folks that are sick of the corruption when Hillary didn't get charged for the shit she obviously broke the law and was protected by the sitting administration.) Just because some folks want to see justice and you have blinders on, doesn't mean everyone sees the world through your eyes. Trump said a lot of things about why he fired Comey. The media spun it in many different ways. It is clear now that Comey was plotting with other agency bureaucrats to try to commit a coup.

When Manafort, Flynn, Gates, Papadapolous, Gates, Page, er all were sentenced or indicted, should the media have overlooked it?

No, they should have exposed the process crimes for what they were, and noted how many others had committed the exact same process crimes but were not be prosecuted for those same crimes.
Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......

When the press becomes a political arm for state run propaganda it is an enemy of the people. We don't have objective journalism in this country anymore. We have a media that pushes a personal narrative onto the public.

You mean like what the entire MSM (including Fox) did during the run up to the Iraq Invasion and Occupation?

How about all the cheerleading going on during the first Gulf War?

Maybe after Cronkite's message after the Tet Offensive, up till the Iran Hostage Crisis. Maybe more objective. After RayGun? No way.
When the Access Hollywood video was exposed, should the media have overlooked it???

Nope, they definitely shouldn't have. OTH, it was probably well known bit of tape since the moment he declared. I don't believe for one moment that they just "discovered" it at that moment. Somebody waited to bring it up as a piece of "relevant" political conversation, in the eleventh hour? NOPE. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN discussed in the vetting process. When it was brought to the attention to the voters? Meh, there was already too much invested, it was already past the point of no return. It was Trump joking about women throwing themselves at him, or Hillary on Wikileaks sucking the dicks of Big banks and corporatists talking about how she would do the bidding of big banks and CEO's wearing one face behind closed doors and another in public. Given this reality? Folks knew Trump was just bragging to a guy in private while Hillary was being quite serious.

When Trump asked the Russians to find Clinton's emails, or when he told Russians that he fired Comey to ease the pressure on him because of the Russian investigation, should the media have overlooked those statements?

This was Trump musing to his base and the independents out loud. (And, probably to NSA folks that are sick of the corruption when Hillary didn't get charged for the shit she obviously broke the law and was protected by the sitting administration.) Just because some folks want to see justice and you have blinders on, doesn't mean everyone sees the world through your eyes. Trump said a lot of things about why he fired Comey. The media spun it in many different ways. It is clear now that Comey was plotting with other agency bureaucrats to try to commit a coup.

When Manafort, Flynn, Gates, Papadapolous, Gates, Page, er all were sentenced or indicted, should the media have overlooked it?

No, they should have exposed the process crimes for what they were, and noted how many others had committed the exact same process crimes but were not be prosecuted for those same crimes.

LAME attempts to "defend" the moron-in-chief.......

The orange clown's OWN words and tweets will be his demise.
When the Access Hollywood video was exposed, should the media have overlooked it???

Nope, they definitely shouldn't have. OTH, it was probably well known bit of tape since the moment he declared. I don't believe for one moment that they just "discovered" it at that moment. Somebody waited to bring it up as a piece of "relevant" political conversation, in the eleventh hour? NOPE. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN discussed in the vetting process. When it was brought to the attention to the voters? Meh, there was already too much invested, it was already past the point of no return. It was Trump joking about women throwing themselves at him, or Hillary on Wikileaks sucking the dicks of Big banks and corporatists talking about how she would do the bidding of big banks and CEO's wearing one face behind closed doors and another in public. Given this reality? Folks knew Trump was just bragging to a guy in private while Hillary was being quite serious.

When Trump asked the Russians to find Clinton's emails, or when he told Russians that he fired Comey to ease the pressure on him because of the Russian investigation, should the media have overlooked those statements?

This was Trump musing to his base and the independents out loud. (And, probably to NSA folks that are sick of the corruption when Hillary didn't get charged for the shit she obviously broke the law and was protected by the sitting administration.) Just because some folks want to see justice and you have blinders on, doesn't mean everyone sees the world through your eyes. Trump said a lot of things about why he fired Comey. The media spun it in many different ways. It is clear now that Comey was plotting with other agency bureaucrats to try to commit a coup.

When Manafort, Flynn, Gates, Papadapolous, Gates, Page, er all were sentenced or indicted, should the media have overlooked it?

No, they should have exposed the process crimes for what they were, and noted how many others had committed the exact same process crimes but were not be prosecuted for those same crimes.

LAME attempts to "defend" the moron-in-chief.......

The orange clown's OWN words and tweets will be his demise.
Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......

You left out Thomas Jefferson. The same Jefferson whose head is
on Mt Rushmore and the guy that penned the US Constitution.

Jefferson said, "Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a
Newspaper. Truth itself, becomes suspicious by being in that
polluted vehicle."

Thus The Donald wasn't the first American President to say it.
You left out Thomas Jefferson. The same Jefferson whose head is
on Mt Rushmore and the guy that penned the US Constitution.

Jefferson said, "Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a
Newspaper. Truth itself, becomes suspicious by being in that
polluted vehicle."

Thus The Donald wasn't the first American President to say it.


a. NEVER stated that the press was the enemy of the people....and
b.He was mostly addressing the coverage of the British press and colonist publishers who were Tory sympathizers.

Yeah.....Trump cultists will long await for the orange mug to be on Mt. Rushmore....LOL
Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......

You left out Thomas Jefferson. The same Jefferson whose head is
on Mt Rushmore and the guy that penned the US Constitution.

Jefferson said, "Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a
Newspaper. Truth itself, becomes suspicious by being in that
polluted vehicle."

Thus The Donald wasn't the first American President to say it.
He wrote that in a private letter .

He also said

Several years earlier, Jefferson defended the necessity of the media, saying: 'were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.'

And as much as he bitched about the yellow journalism of the day (which was MUCH worse than what we see) he NEVER called the press an "Enemy of the People"

That is left to dictators

Jefferson maintained the importance of the media later in life, when he said: 'the only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted, when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary to keep the waters pure.'
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
You're as bad as he is.

So we have completely unbiased news in this country?
Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press. It is up to the individual to use his or her own critical thinking skills in order to decide what is truth and what isn't. When a dictator disallows a free press, he institutes a state press that only tells the story from his point of view, as is done in Russia, where reporters who criticize Putin are assassinated. Is that what you want? Only Trump's version of reality? Move to Russia or North Korea if that is the kind of controlled press you want.

But if we did as you seem to think have unbiased news in this country then it wouldn't matter what channel you watched would it?

There is a HUGE difference between what you consider "bias" and being
the enemy of the people" We KILL enemies. Your rhetoric is dangerous to a free society

Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press.
For the moment

The press isn't free, in fact the press is a slave to television ratings and click numbers on the web
It is free of government control...which is what the Constitution concerns itself with

It's not very free from "the government" when Clinton is vetting articles before they are published. :rolleyes:
Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......

So, sometimes bad people lie about the media being the enemy of the people.

That in no way supports your implied conclusion that EVERY time some one calls the media the enemy of the people, that they are lying.

You did realize that, right?
Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......

Yes....we have a SOB POS Dictatorin the White House....
Well if your standard of "enemy of the people" is just spreading inacurate or biased information, then you MUST agree that Trump is a HUGE enemy of the people.
I think trump is more stupid and ignorant than trying to cause division like the media.

...so Trump is just personally flawed but means well, while there is a huge secret conspiracy among all the different media outlets to screw The People.

Is that about right?

Follow up question - why is so much of what is peddled on the right hinges on conspiracy theory premise that never pans out?
Conspiracy theories?
Like the Kavanaugh debacle in the press, or the Covington Catholic kids being smeared by the press?
I laugh at your ignorance whether willfully or unintentional

The media is disportionately leans left and shows the bias.
THAT is not a conspiracy theory.

Last night I was looking for the Smollett news on CNN and MSNBC, didn't see it.
They were too busy going after Trump and the wall.
But, when Smollett first came out with the beatdown a few weeks ago,
They were all over it like flies on honey.
That is not a conspiracy theory.

A lie travels half way around the world before the truth gets his boots on.

Now go back to your tweets

yes, crazy conspiracy theory.

I listen to msnbc and Smollet came up EXTENSIVELY yesterday and today, so what you said about this is horseshit....you are not the enemy of the people...are you?
That in no way supports your implied conclusion that EVERY time some one calls the media the enemy of the people, that they are lying.

Lying is not the issue. The Founders would spit in your eye

Those kinds of claims are

Dangerous to Democracy
TRUMP..is the ONLY American President who EVER called a free press "the enemy of the people"

Such a thing would have been the end of ANY other Presidency ...in ANY other period in history.
You left out Thomas Jefferson. The same Jefferson whose head is
on Mt Rushmore and the guy that penned the US Constitution.

Jefferson said, "Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a
Newspaper. Truth itself, becomes suspicious by being in that
polluted vehicle."

Thus The Donald wasn't the first American President to say it.


a. NEVER stated that the press was the enemy of the people....and
b.He was mostly addressing the coverage of the British press and colonist publishers who were Tory sympathizers.

Yeah.....Trump cultists will long await for the orange mug to be on Mt. Rushmore....LOL

When he writes you cannot believe what they print, thy are the enemy of
the people.

Jefferson made the comments in 1807. The Brits were long gone from
the country.

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