Who else has made the claim that, "the press [media] is the enemy of the people"?

Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......
Actually the media is the enemy now because they are owned and operated by corporations. Corporations and republicans only care about profits. Not good.

The press needs to be freed from the corporate ceo who sensors their news.
TRUMP..is the ONLY American President who EVER called a free press "the enemy of the people"

Such a thing would have been the end of ANY other Presidency ...in ANY other period in history.
The war-propaganda corporate press Trump was referring to that is censored by the CIA is
very much part of a rogue domestic deep state enemy of the people, operating under secrecy against the Constitution.


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There are some Russian troll bots that are hard to identify.

This ain't one of em
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?

Nobody ever said Faux News was the enemy of the people. We maybe somebody said it but nobody in a position of power, like the President. The fact is they are the ones who started the whole partisan press game. It's what the network was created for. Their slickly produced partisan opinion segments masquerading as news fooled a lot of people.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
And MSNBC was curiously left out of your criticism
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
You're as bad as he is.

So we have completely unbiased news in this country?
Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press. It is up to the individual to use his or her own critical thinking skills in order to decide what is truth and what isn't. When a dictator disallows a free press, he institutes a state press that only tells the story from his point of view, as is done in Russia, where reporters who criticize Putin are assassinated. Is that what you want? Only Trump's version of reality? Move to Russia or North Korea if that is the kind of controlled press you want.

The press isn't free, in fact the press is a slave to television ratings and click numbers on the web

News outlets want to make the people who buy ads happy and really don't care about the news or the truth.

And I do think that biased news sources are harmful to the public
They are free to say what they want: they are not controlled by the government. You don't understand the nature of a free press. If any journalist allows him/herself to be influenced by someone else, he is free to do so. Period. A free press means it is not controlled by government. Duh.

The news corporations in this country are worthy of criticism.
And what has been done to suppress any news corporation or reporter from reporting anything?
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
View attachment 247012

I don't deal in the hyperbole of the left

So what if Trump said that

It certainly seems that most people don't believe it even if like me they are more than skeptical of the news corporations in this country
Still not gettin' it are you.
I get that saying something is not the same as doing something
you don't get that do you?
..Reality is a bitch......

Reality is that your beloved fake news unbiased MSM sold you the babies thrown out of incubators, the evil WMD....Gulf of Tonkin.. or remember the Maine...

There's also something called 'Operation Mockingbird'

And now they're telling you that the Russians hacked the selections and the orange manchurian candidate is insane when he says they're the enemy of the people...

The very stable orange genius may be insane and totally corrupt but that doesn't mean he's always wrong

All Presidents bitch at the press...

But "Enemy of the People" is a LOADED term used ONLY by lunatics and dictators

We kill our enemies. Here's Trump talking directly to 300 million people...tens of millions of them ardent followers...

Some of those "ardent followers" are like the pipe bomber or the Coast Guard Maga Man

Words have power and to people like that...they can look like permission or maybe even orders.

This is VERY dangerous territory
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?

Nobody ever said Faux News was the enemy of the people. We maybe somebody said it but nobody in a position of power, like the President. The fact is they are the ones who started the whole partisan press game. It's what the network was created for. Their slickly produced partisan opinion segments masquerading as news fooled a lot of people.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
And MSNBC was curiously left out of your criticism

I have no problem with the argument that it was created to counter the spin from Faux. I recommend tuning them both out.
You're as bad as he is.

So we have completely unbiased news in this country?
Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press. It is up to the individual to use his or her own critical thinking skills in order to decide what is truth and what isn't. When a dictator disallows a free press, he institutes a state press that only tells the story from his point of view, as is done in Russia, where reporters who criticize Putin are assassinated. Is that what you want? Only Trump's version of reality? Move to Russia or North Korea if that is the kind of controlled press you want.

The press isn't free, in fact the press is a slave to television ratings and click numbers on the web

News outlets want to make the people who buy ads happy and really don't care about the news or the truth.

And I do think that biased news sources are harmful to the public
They are free to say what they want: they are not controlled by the government. You don't understand the nature of a free press. If any journalist allows him/herself to be influenced by someone else, he is free to do so. Period. A free press means it is not controlled by government. Duh.

The news corporations in this country are worthy of criticism.
And what has been done to suppress any news corporation or reporter from reporting anything?

Everything has a beginning.

Watch: A furious Tampa crowd screams at the press, just as Trump intended
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
View attachment 247012

I don't deal in the hyperbole of the left

So what if Trump said that

It certainly seems that most people don't believe it even if like me they are more than skeptical of the news corporations in this country
Still not gettin' it are you.
I get that saying something is not the same as doing something
you don't get that do you?
No, you still don't get it.
I get that saying something is not the same as doing something
you don't get that do you?

Yep.......THAT worked real well for that Coast Guard officer who was plotting to murder any critic of the orange clown.....lol
Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......
America is lead by Hitler, so we have to unarmed and let in millions of illegals!

I get that saying something is not the same as doing something
you don't get that do you?

Yep.......THAT worked real well for that Coast Guard officer who was plotting to murder any critic of the orange clown.....lol

We're calling him "our JakeStarkey" Remember how, in Oct 2016, Jake used to brag that he was going to round up seditious traitors for not voting Hillary?

Thankfully, the good Lord and Uncle Vlad saved us
Thankfully, the good Lord and Uncle Vlad saved us

Sadly...you mean that.

Again. NO other President has EVER said that the free press was "The Enemy of the People".

That;s for dictators like Uncle Vlad

Rhetoric like that gets people killed...and HAS in Russia

And very recently in the Saudi Consulate in Turkey
Thankfully, the good Lord and Uncle Vlad saved us

Sadly...you mean that.

Again. NO other President has EVER said that the free press was "The Enemy of the People".

That;s for dictators like Uncle Vlad

Rhetoric like that gets people killed...and HAS in Russia

And very recently in the Saudi Consulate in Turkey

Fuck off.

Reagan and Kennedy were the other president who were victims of a coup and like then, the media was sucking Deep State dick better than Kamala.

It's coming. The Storm is coming
Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press. It is up to the individual to use his or her own critical thinking skills in order to decide what is truth and what isn't. When a dictator disallows a free press, he institutes a state press that only tells the story from his point of view, as is done in Russia, where reporters who criticize Putin are assassinated. Is that what you want? Only Trump's version of reality? Move to Russia or North Korea if that is the kind of controlled press you want.

No, what a dictator does is actively suppress any free press, and replaces it with government versions of said press.

Any dictator that just mouths off about a hostile press and doesn't do anything about it is a piss poor dictator.

What we want is a press that isn't comprised of Democratic party lap dogs, apologists, and fellow travellers.
Drumph is a wannabe dictator: fortunately, so far, in America he cannot become one and suppress the press. The Democratic party has no control over the press. If you think so, you're an idiot.
Why would the democrats need to control the press, the press is complicit with the democrats.
You are believing all the crap your RW nut cases tell you. They are skewing your reality. Get help.
Seriously? There has been studies done to prove the point. You want to arbitrarily deny it, feel free, I'm not here to change your mind.
The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think
Conservatives Are Right. The News Media is Very Liberal
Media bias continues: 90% of Trump coverage in last three months has been negative: Study

Here’s how 20 major media outlets rank on Groseclose and Milyo’s slant scale, with 100 representing the most liberal and zero the most conservative:

ABC Good Morning America 56.1
ABC World News Tonight 61.0
CBS Early Show 66.6
CBS Evening News 73.7
CNN NewsNight with Aaron Brown 56.0
Drudge Report 60.4
Fox News Spec. Rept. w/ Brit Hume 39.7
Los Angeles Times 70.0
NBC Nightly News 61.6
NBC Today Show 64.0
New York Times 73.7
Newshour with Jim Lehrer 55.8
Newsweek 66.3
NPR Morning Edition 66.3
Time Magazine 65.4

U.S. News and World Report 65.8
USA Today 63.4
Wall Street Journal 85.1
Washington Post 66.6
Washington Times 35.4
How Biased Is Your Media? (Ep. 62) - Freakonomics

Looks more like you are the one that is blinded
The fact is that he is a total fuck up and they are reporting that: they are reporting the TRUTH! Period. They didn't report a lot of lies about Junior or other Republican presidents, and they aren't reporting lies about Drumph: just the facts, which are that he is a total fuck up. End of. Get a brain. Your people are the kind of people fascist dictators love. Trump whines constantly about 'fake news' whilst telling a continuous stream of lies on a daily basis and you believe him. Why? Haven't you got any critical thinking skills at all???
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