Who else will get a bailout after Trump/Republican tariffs?

We bail out failing automotive companies so they can rebuild overseas.
We bail out countries that hate us.
We bail out corrupt politicians.
We bail out all kinds of people for some bullshit reasons.
While i dont think this issue with the farmers should happen, the outrage is a bunch of bullshit.

None of those "bail outs" were BRIBES. What Trump has done in the past, and does with the $12 Billion Dollars of taxpayer money (he always uses the money of others) is to bribe the farmers so that they vote for the Republican Member of Congress in November.

Will the farmers do so, and prove: You can fool some of the people all of the time.

So handouts are bribes?
Is that where you want this convo to go?

It's my opinion, and it's food for thought (you don't have to eat). Not only are farmers hurt by the Tariff Wars (a war of Trump's, one more example of his inexperience and the chaos that follows), the small town and shop keepers, employees, investors and the taxpayers who put out the money for these bribes. And bribes they are.
Are you even vaguely familiar with Chinese tariffs and restrictions on US goods? Why did Obama and his minions allow them? Why do liberals continue to put China and the EU ahead of their fellow citizens? So Sad.
/——/ Just now on @realdonaldtrump:
The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t
That's what Trump is doing. Use tariffs to pressure others into giving up their own. For years Europe has had tariffs against American goods while we had none against them. Time for that to change.
None of those "bail outs" were BRIBES. What Trump has done in the past, and does with the $12 Billion Dollars of taxpayer money (he always uses the money of others) is to bribe the farmers so that they vote for the Republican Member of Congress in November.

Will the farmers do so, and prove: You can fool some of the people all of the time.

So handouts are bribes?
Is that where you want this convo to go?

It's my opinion, and it's food for thought (you don't have to eat). Not only are farmers hurt by the Tariff Wars (a war of Trump's, one more example of his inexperience and the chaos that follows), the small town and shop keepers, employees, investors and the taxpayers who put out the money for these bribes. And bribes they are.
Are you even vaguely familiar with Chinese tariffs and restrictions on US goods? Why did Obama and his minions allow them? Why do liberals continue to put China and the EU ahead of their fellow citizens? So Sad.
/——/ Just now on @realdonaldtrump:
The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t
That's what Trump is doing. Use tariffs to pressure others into giving up their own. For years Europe has had tariffs against American goods while we had none against them. Time for that to change.
We havent had tariffs against Europe? LOL omg i would love a link to that
Well Trump is supposedly planning on imposing a 25% tariff on imported cars- so that will be a 'bailout' for the American car industry- lots of money directly into the pockets of American car manufacturers.
The revenue from tarrifs, which were designed to match the Chinese tarrifs, go directly to the Auto industry? Do you have a link?
/—-/ But it was ok for Obozo to bail out the insurance companies that were hurt by Obozocare.
View attachment 206873

Big difference being that Obamacare was dealing with rising health care costs that have been a problem for people/business for decades. It was also translating into better health insurance at more affordable prices.

This bailout is dealing with a self inflicted problem caused by Trump/Republicans. You're comparing apples to alligators.
/——/ Obozocare was self inflicted and would cripple the insurance companies unless Obozo offered them a bailout. The president is defending US interests and needs to negotiate from a position of power. Savvy that?

Yea, Trump is goddamn savvy the administration is going to go ahead and pay the insurance companies. Yep HHS said this morning.
/——/ Link please. The suspension was temporary Trump takes another swipe at Obamacare, suspends payments to insurance companies

Wow how soon it's been buried but I apologize and here is the link:

Trump admin restarts key ObamaCare payments
/-----/ Yeah, Obozo screwed the pooch on that one. Trump has no choice.
We bail out failing automotive companies so they can rebuild overseas.
We bail out countries that hate us.
We bail out corrupt politicians.
We bail out all kinds of people for some bullshit reasons.
While i dont think this issue with the farmers should happen, the outrage is a bunch of bullshit.

None of those "bail outs" were BRIBES. What Trump has done in the past, and does with the $12 Billion Dollars of taxpayer money (he always uses the money of others) is to bribe the farmers so that they vote for the Republican Member of Congress in November.

Will the farmers do so, and prove: You can fool some of the people all of the time.

So handouts are bribes?
Is that where you want this convo to go?

It's my opinion, and it's food for thought (you don't have to eat). Not only are farmers hurt by the Tariff Wars (a war of Trump's, one more example of his inexperience and the chaos that follows), the small town and shop keepers, employees, investors and the taxpayers who put out the money for these bribes. And bribes they are.

Do you feel the same about all welfare, or just ones you disagree with?

Do you know the difference between AFDC & TANF? I'll explain if you don't.
Big difference being that Obamacare was dealing with rising health care costs that have been a problem for people/business for decades. It was also translating into better health insurance at more affordable prices.

This bailout is dealing with a self inflicted problem caused by Trump/Republicans. You're comparing apples to alligators.
/——/ Obozocare was self inflicted and would cripple the insurance companies unless Obozo offered them a bailout. The president is defending US interests and needs to negotiate from a position of power. Savvy that?

Yea, Trump is goddamn savvy the administration is going to go ahead and pay the insurance companies. Yep HHS said this morning.
/——/ Link please. The suspension was temporary Trump takes another swipe at Obamacare, suspends payments to insurance companies

Wow how soon it's been buried but I apologize and here is the link:

Trump admin restarts key ObamaCare payments
/-----/ Yeah, Obozo screwed the pooch on that one. Trump has no choice.

10.5 Billion to pay for health vis a vis the 12 Billion for a Tariff War of choice.
Now that Donald Trump acknowledges the economic damage his tariffs are doing by offering farmers a $12 BILLION bailout for damage caused by the tariff HE and REPUBLICANS have imposed....there are numerous questions that should be asked. Tops among them would be what other self imposed government spending should we expect?

So...if farmers get a bailout for economic damage caused by this President....who else will get a bailout?! Plus, of course, how many tax dollars will be sacrificed to do so?
On Trump's farm bailout, the GOP doth protest too much

We are seeing a pattern develop where Republican policy leads to gigantic bailouts (see Gramm/Leach/Bliley Republican bill that passed in 1999 that led to the economic crash in 2008). We are also seeing that Republican legislation often leads to large swaths of Republican spending to accommodate for that Republican legislation.

We should, at minimum, be able to say that Republicans are NOT the party of 'fiscal responsibility'...it is the exact opposite.

^^^^^Probably supported the bank and GM bailouts and the free give aways to "green energy" companies but despises middle America so much his own hypocrisy can't slap any sense into him.
Big difference being that Obamacare was dealing with rising health care costs that have been a problem for people/business for decades. It was also translating into better health insurance at more affordable prices.

This bailout is dealing with a self inflicted problem caused by Trump/Republicans. You're comparing apples to alligators.
/——/ Obozocare was self inflicted and would cripple the insurance companies unless Obozo offered them a bailout. The president is defending US interests and needs to negotiate from a position of power. Savvy that?

Yea, Trump is goddamn savvy the administration is going to go ahead and pay the insurance companies. Yep HHS said this morning.
/——/ Link please. The suspension was temporary Trump takes another swipe at Obamacare, suspends payments to insurance companies

Wow how soon it's been buried but I apologize and here is the link:

Trump admin restarts key ObamaCare payments
/-----/ Yeah, Obozo screwed the pooch on that one. Trump has no choice.

Trump "has no choice"......perhaps politically? Yeah, that's because Obamacare is working for people and health care cost spikes can be tied directly to Trump's interference into the market(s). Seem the only pooch that was screwed belongs to Dumb Donald.

Basically, what that moron did was inflated the costs of health care BEFORE deciding to make payments for it.....I guess this was the same brilliant "negotiator" that capitulated to Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin....or bankrupted 6 different business entities.

By the way goober, we're STILL WAITING for Trump's promise of a plan that was better than Obamacare that would cover more people?!?!?!

Just another dimwitted scam you people fell for.
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Now that Donald Trump acknowledges the economic damage his tariffs are doing by offering farmers a $12 BILLION bailout for damage caused by the tariff HE and REPUBLICANS have imposed....there are numerous questions that should be asked. Tops among them would be what other self imposed government spending should we expect?

So...if farmers get a bailout for economic damage caused by this President....who else will get a bailout?! Plus, of course, how many tax dollars will be sacrificed to do so?
On Trump's farm bailout, the GOP doth protest too much

We are seeing a pattern develop where Republican policy leads to gigantic bailouts (see Gramm/Leach/Bliley Republican bill that passed in 1999 that led to the economic crash in 2008). We are also seeing that Republican legislation often leads to large swaths of Republican spending to accommodate for that Republican legislation.

We should, at minimum, be able to say that Republicans are NOT the party of 'fiscal responsibility'...it is the exact opposite.

^^^^^Probably supported the bank and GM bailouts and the free give aways to "green energy" companies but despises middle America so much his own hypocrisy can't slap any sense into him.

Are you asserting that the financial disaster of 2008 could have been reversed WITHOUT capitalizing the banks?!?!? Please explain how that would work....especially given the fact the Fed already had interest rates at all time lows? Bailing out the banks sucked...but, it was necessary given money that is lent to businesses flow through them. You can thank Obama, by the way, for structuring repayment from the banks in the second round of TARP. You're welcome.

By the way....the bailout for the farmers was addressing a self inflicted problem CAUSED BY TRUMP/REPUBLICANS for Christ sake.....you need to start slapping yourself.
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/——/ Obozocare was self inflicted and would cripple the insurance companies unless Obozo offered them a bailout. The president is defending US interests and needs to negotiate from a position of power. Savvy that?

Yea, Trump is goddamn savvy the administration is going to go ahead and pay the insurance companies. Yep HHS said this morning.
/——/ Link please. The suspension was temporary Trump takes another swipe at Obamacare, suspends payments to insurance companies

Wow how soon it's been buried but I apologize and here is the link:

Trump admin restarts key ObamaCare payments
/-----/ Yeah, Obozo screwed the pooch on that one. Trump has no choice.

Trump "has no choice"......perhaps politically? Yeah, that's because Obamacare is working for people and health care cost spikes can be tied directly to Trump's interference into the market(s). Seem the only pooch that was screwed belongs to Dumb Donald.

Basically, what that moron did was inflated the costs of health care BEFORE deciding to make payments for it.....I guess this was the same brilliant "negotiator" that capitulated to Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin....or bankrupted 6 different business entities.

By the way goober, we're STILL WAITING for Trump's promise of a plan that was better than Obamacare that would cover more people?!?!?!

Just another dimwitted scam you people fell for.
Trump had a plan but ALL Democrats, and hard right Republicans stopped the bill from passing. If they went further right with the bill it still would not have beaten the filibuster from the Democrats. If they went left and gave Dems what they wanted, they still would've filibuster and fewer Republicans would've voted for it.
Yea, Trump is goddamn savvy the administration is going to go ahead and pay the insurance companies. Yep HHS said this morning.
/——/ Link please. The suspension was temporary Trump takes another swipe at Obamacare, suspends payments to insurance companies

Wow how soon it's been buried but I apologize and here is the link:

Trump admin restarts key ObamaCare payments
/-----/ Yeah, Obozo screwed the pooch on that one. Trump has no choice.

Trump "has no choice"......perhaps politically? Yeah, that's because Obamacare is working for people and health care cost spikes can be tied directly to Trump's interference into the market(s). Seem the only pooch that was screwed belongs to Dumb Donald.

Basically, what that moron did was inflated the costs of health care BEFORE deciding to make payments for it.....I guess this was the same brilliant "negotiator" that capitulated to Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin....or bankrupted 6 different business entities.

By the way goober, we're STILL WAITING for Trump's promise of a plan that was better than Obamacare that would cover more people?!?!?!

Just another dimwitted scam you people fell for.
Trump had a plan but ALL Democrats, and hard right Republicans stopped the bill from passing. If they went further right with the bill it still would not have beaten the filibuster from the Democrats. If they went left and gave Dems what they wanted, they still would've filibuster and fewer Republicans would've voted for it.

Your statement is a complete, utter lie. He NEVER proposed a god****ed thing.....you don't actually believe this tripe, do you?!??

Wow how soon it's been buried but I apologize and here is the link:

Trump admin restarts key ObamaCare payments
/-----/ Yeah, Obozo screwed the pooch on that one. Trump has no choice.

Trump "has no choice"......perhaps politically? Yeah, that's because Obamacare is working for people and health care cost spikes can be tied directly to Trump's interference into the market(s). Seem the only pooch that was screwed belongs to Dumb Donald.

Basically, what that moron did was inflated the costs of health care BEFORE deciding to make payments for it.....I guess this was the same brilliant "negotiator" that capitulated to Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin....or bankrupted 6 different business entities.

By the way goober, we're STILL WAITING for Trump's promise of a plan that was better than Obamacare that would cover more people?!?!?!

Just another dimwitted scam you people fell for.
Trump had a plan but ALL Democrats, and hard right Republicans stopped the bill from passing. If they went further right with the bill it still would not have beaten the filibuster from the Democrats. If they went left and gave Dems what they wanted, they still would've filibuster and fewer Republicans would've voted for it.

Your statement is a complete, utter lie. He NEVER proposed a god****ed thing.....you don't actually believe this tripe, do you?!??
The Republicans proposed the bill that Trump was willing to sign.
Quit being a nit picker.
Now that Donald Trump acknowledges the economic damage his tariffs are doing by offering farmers a $12 BILLION bailout for damage caused by the tariff HE and REPUBLICANS have imposed....there are numerous questions that should be asked. Tops among them would be what other self imposed government spending should we expect?

So...if farmers get a bailout for economic damage caused by this President....who else will get a bailout?! Plus, of course, how many tax dollars will be sacrificed to do so?
On Trump's farm bailout, the GOP doth protest too much

We are seeing a pattern develop where Republican policy leads to gigantic bailouts (see Gramm/Leach/Bliley Republican bill that passed in 1999 that led to the economic crash in 2008). We are also seeing that Republican legislation often leads to large swaths of Republican spending to accommodate for that Republican legislation.

We should, at minimum, be able to say that Republicans are NOT the party of 'fiscal responsibility'...it is the exact opposite.

^^^^^Probably supported the bank and GM bailouts and the free give aways to "green energy" companies but despises middle America so much his own hypocrisy can't slap any sense into him.

Are you asserting that the financial disaster of 2008 could have been reversed WITHOUT capitalizing the banks?!?!? Please explain how that would work....especially given the fact the Fed already had interest rates at all time lows? Bailing out the banks sucked...but, it was necessary given money that is lent to businesses flow through them. You can thank Obama, by the way, for structuring repayment from the banks in the second round of TARP. You're welcome.

By the way....the bailout for the farmers was addressing a self inflicted problem CAUSED BY TRUMP/REPUBLICANS for Christ sake.....you need to start slapping yourself.

You can thank Obama, by the way, for structuring repayment from the banks in the second round of TARP.

Obama did something? Any specifics?
Now that Donald Trump acknowledges the economic damage his tariffs are doing by offering farmers a $12 BILLION bailout for damage caused by the tariff HE and REPUBLICANS have imposed....there are numerous questions that should be asked. Tops among them would be what other self imposed government spending should we expect?

So...if farmers get a bailout for economic damage caused by this President....who else will get a bailout?! Plus, of course, how many tax dollars will be sacrificed to do so?
On Trump's farm bailout, the GOP doth protest too much

We are seeing a pattern develop where Republican policy leads to gigantic bailouts (see Gramm/Leach/Bliley Republican bill that passed in 1999 that led to the economic crash in 2008). We are also seeing that Republican legislation often leads to large swaths of Republican spending to accommodate for that Republican legislation.

We should, at minimum, be able to say that Republicans are NOT the party of 'fiscal responsibility'...it is the exact opposite.

^^^^^Probably supported the bank and GM bailouts and the free give aways to "green energy" companies but despises middle America so much his own hypocrisy can't slap any sense into him.

Are you asserting that the financial disaster of 2008 could have been reversed WITHOUT capitalizing the banks?!?!? Please explain how that would work....especially given the fact the Fed already had interest rates at all time lows? Bailing out the banks sucked...but, it was necessary given money that is lent to businesses flow through them. You can thank Obama, by the way, for structuring repayment from the banks in the second round of TARP. You're welcome.

By the way....the bailout for the farmers was addressing a self inflicted problem CAUSED BY TRUMP/REPUBLICANS for Christ sake.....you need to start slapping yourself.

You can thank Obama, by the way, for structuring repayment from the banks in the second round of TARP.

Obama did something? Any specifics?

Why....we're not debating TARP right now?
Wow how soon it's been buried but I apologize and here is the link:

Trump admin restarts key ObamaCare payments
/-----/ Yeah, Obozo screwed the pooch on that one. Trump has no choice.

Trump "has no choice"......perhaps politically? Yeah, that's because Obamacare is working for people and health care cost spikes can be tied directly to Trump's interference into the market(s). Seem the only pooch that was screwed belongs to Dumb Donald.

Basically, what that moron did was inflated the costs of health care BEFORE deciding to make payments for it.....I guess this was the same brilliant "negotiator" that capitulated to Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin....or bankrupted 6 different business entities.

By the way goober, we're STILL WAITING for Trump's promise of a plan that was better than Obamacare that would cover more people?!?!?!

Just another dimwitted scam you people fell for.
Trump had a plan but ALL Democrats, and hard right Republicans stopped the bill from passing. If they went further right with the bill it still would not have beaten the filibuster from the Democrats. If they went left and gave Dems what they wanted, they still would've filibuster and fewer Republicans would've voted for it.

Your statement is a complete, utter lie. He NEVER proposed a god****ed thing.....you don't actually believe this tripe, do you?!??
The Republicans proposed the bill that Trump was willing to sign.
Quit being a nit picker.

Lie......although, I'll believe you once you show me the scoring for this "bill" that was going to increase the number of insured and do so for less money.

Oops...that's right; every bill that was proposed was going to REMOVE millions from health insurance.
Now that Donald Trump acknowledges the economic damage his tariffs are doing by offering farmers a $12 BILLION bailout for damage caused by the tariff HE and REPUBLICANS have imposed....there are numerous questions that should be asked. Tops among them would be what other self imposed government spending should we expect?

So...if farmers get a bailout for economic damage caused by this President....who else will get a bailout?! Plus, of course, how many tax dollars will be sacrificed to do so?
On Trump's farm bailout, the GOP doth protest too much

We are seeing a pattern develop where Republican policy leads to gigantic bailouts (see Gramm/Leach/Bliley Republican bill that passed in 1999 that led to the economic crash in 2008). We are also seeing that Republican legislation often leads to large swaths of Republican spending to accommodate for that Republican legislation.

We should, at minimum, be able to say that Republicans are NOT the party of 'fiscal responsibility'...it is the exact opposite.

^^^^^Probably supported the bank and GM bailouts and the free give aways to "green energy" companies but despises middle America so much his own hypocrisy can't slap any sense into him.

Are you asserting that the financial disaster of 2008 could have been reversed WITHOUT capitalizing the banks?!?!? Please explain how that would work....especially given the fact the Fed already had interest rates at all time lows? Bailing out the banks sucked...but, it was necessary given money that is lent to businesses flow through them. You can thank Obama, by the way, for structuring repayment from the banks in the second round of TARP. You're welcome.

By the way....the bailout for the farmers was addressing a self inflicted problem CAUSED BY TRUMP/REPUBLICANS for Christ sake.....you need to start slapping yourself.

You can thank Obama, by the way, for structuring repayment from the banks in the second round of TARP.

Obama did something? Any specifics?

Why....we're not debating TARP right now?

You made a silly claim and won't back it up.
I'm shocked!
Yea, Trump is goddamn savvy the administration is going to go ahead and pay the insurance companies. Yep HHS said this morning.
/——/ Link please. The suspension was temporary Trump takes another swipe at Obamacare, suspends payments to insurance companies

Wow how soon it's been buried but I apologize and here is the link:

Trump admin restarts key ObamaCare payments
/-----/ Yeah, Obozo screwed the pooch on that one. Trump has no choice.

Trump "has no choice"......perhaps politically? Yeah, that's because Obamacare is working for people and health care cost spikes can be tied directly to Trump's interference into the market(s). Seem the only pooch that was screwed belongs to Dumb Donald.

Basically, what that moron did was inflated the costs of health care BEFORE deciding to make payments for it.....I guess this was the same brilliant "negotiator" that capitulated to Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin....or bankrupted 6 different business entities.

By the way goober, we're STILL WAITING for Trump's promise of a plan that was better than Obamacare that would cover more people?!?!?!

Just another dimwitted scam you people fell for.
Trump had a plan but ALL Democrats, and hard right Republicans stopped the bill from passing. If they went further right with the bill it still would not have beaten the filibuster from the Democrats. If they went left and gave Dems what they wanted, they still would've filibuster and fewer Republicans would've voted for it.

What was his plan?
Now that Donald Trump acknowledges the economic damage his tariffs are doing by offering farmers a $12 BILLION bailout for damage caused by the tariff HE and REPUBLICANS have imposed....there are numerous questions that should be asked. Tops among them would be what other self imposed government spending should we expect?

So...if farmers get a bailout for economic damage caused by this President....who else will get a bailout?! Plus, of course, how many tax dollars will be sacrificed to do so?
On Trump's farm bailout, the GOP doth protest too much

We are seeing a pattern develop where Republican policy leads to gigantic bailouts (see Gramm/Leach/Bliley Republican bill that passed in 1999 that led to the economic crash in 2008). We are also seeing that Republican legislation often leads to large swaths of Republican spending to accommodate for that Republican legislation.

We should, at minimum, be able to say that Republicans are NOT the party of 'fiscal responsibility'...it is the exact opposite.

^^^^^Probably supported the bank and GM bailouts and the free give aways to "green energy" companies but despises middle America so much his own hypocrisy can't slap any sense into him.

Are you asserting that the financial disaster of 2008 could have been reversed WITHOUT capitalizing the banks?!?!? Please explain how that would work....especially given the fact the Fed already had interest rates at all time lows? Bailing out the banks sucked...but, it was necessary given money that is lent to businesses flow through them. You can thank Obama, by the way, for structuring repayment from the banks in the second round of TARP. You're welcome.

By the way....the bailout for the farmers was addressing a self inflicted problem CAUSED BY TRUMP/REPUBLICANS for Christ sake.....you need to start slapping yourself.
The banks problem was self inflicted. GM's problem was self inflicted. Literally SELF inflicted.

Did the farmers cause this issue?

Your loyalties and motives are clear.
Now that Donald Trump acknowledges the economic damage his tariffs are doing by offering farmers a $12 BILLION bailout for damage caused by the tariff HE and REPUBLICANS have imposed....there are numerous questions that should be asked. Tops among them would be what other self imposed government spending should we expect?

So...if farmers get a bailout for economic damage caused by this President....who else will get a bailout?! Plus, of course, how many tax dollars will be sacrificed to do so?
On Trump's farm bailout, the GOP doth protest too much

We are seeing a pattern develop where Republican policy leads to gigantic bailouts (see Gramm/Leach/Bliley Republican bill that passed in 1999 that led to the economic crash in 2008). We are also seeing that Republican legislation often leads to large swaths of Republican spending to accommodate for that Republican legislation.

We should, at minimum, be able to say that Republicans are NOT the party of 'fiscal responsibility'...it is the exact opposite.

^^^^^Probably supported the bank and GM bailouts and the free give aways to "green energy" companies but despises middle America so much his own hypocrisy can't slap any sense into him.

LOL, If you had a functioning one, I would suggest you have been brainwashed.

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