Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share?

Why not the rest of them Think any would show he got that 38 M back ++ ?

Exactly, how close will you get to that $38 million....in your life.
Not too close Only about half way there and not enough time left I'm afraid BUT if my daddy gave me millions and I had lawyers working for me I might be a little closer
Yeah we all believe you've paid 19 million in federal income taxes in your lifetime
Sorry I was talking net worth

That's about as believable as your tax claim

If you were that rich you'd be happy to be getting a tax cut and not whining about it as you have been
Skull I have a dentist appointment so cu later Meanwhile bite on this and tell me I'm a liar I expect it Bye
1-Year Change
What these idiots still do not realize is that it is not your income that makes you wealthy it is your net worth.

Nice attempt at diversion. If you want to discuss a wealth tax, I'm all about that. Let's do it.

The guy making 300K who has a net worth of 5 bucks is not wealthy

So Trump isn't wealthy because his net worth is negative. He has no cash on hand. He has to liquify his assets in order to come up with any cash. That's what happens when you traffic in debt, and why he won't release his tax returns.

I really don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck about Trump. But FYI Forbes estimates his net worth at 3 billion. I think I'll take their word for it over yours any day

And he has no legal obligation to release his financial documents does he?
You have no idea what my taxes will be in 2025 because you have no idea what tax bracket I am in now or what my income will be in 10 years.

No one can verify any claims about themselves on this message board without stepping out from the shadow of anonymity you readily hide behind to mask who you truly are. So yeah, we can't say for sure whether or not your taxes will go up, we have to merely treat you as an average wage earning nobody since there's nothing remarkable or extraordinary or special about you.

And IF in 2027 I am paying what I am paying now then I will have had 10 years of savings. You probably think I'd be better off paying more for the next 10 years right?

No you wouldn't because all those user and access fees will be raised, forcing you to spend more out of pocket for essential services. In the long run, you won't be savings anything. You'll most likely be spending a greater share of your after-tax income on things like health care and education, that under the old system you would have paid less for. So congrats! You've increased your after-tax income only to see that increase disappear to pay for the higher user/access fees and excise taxes that must be raised to cover the shortfall. Because, math.

And the whole point of the tax cut was to increase spending, and here you are saying you're going to increase your savings. So you're not even helping the economy grow, you're just hoarding wealth or handing it over to insurance companies and for-profit education institutions, taking it out of the consumer economy where it would normally create jobs.

And if you know what my taxes will be then tell me what my AGI will be for 2017.
As I said you have no fucking clue as to what tax bracket i am currently in do you?

The tax cut doesn't start until 2018 and is for 2018 incomes, not 2017 incomes. You don't even know when this tax bill you support goes into effect. That's how much of a troll you are.
Exactly, how close will you get to that $38 million....in your life.
Not too close Only about half way there and not enough time left I'm afraid BUT if my daddy gave me millions and I had lawyers working for me I might be a little closer
Yeah we all believe you've paid 19 million in federal income taxes in your lifetime
Sorry I was talking net worth

That's about as believable as your tax claim

If you were that rich you'd be happy to be getting a tax cut and not whining about it as you have been
Skull I have a dentist appointment so cu later Meanwhile bite on this and tell me I'm a liar I expect it Bye
1-Year Change

Anyone can say anything on the internet or didn't you know that?

I have absolutely no reason to believe anything you say so if you really want to prove it make your identity and your tax records public.

Anything less than that is absolutely meaningless
You have no idea what my taxes will be in 2025 because you have no idea what tax bracket I am in now or what my income will be in 10 years.

No one can verify any claims about themselves on this message board without stepping out from the shadow of anonymity you readily hide behind to mask who you truly are. So yeah, we can't say for sure whether or not your taxes will go up, we have to merely treat you as an average wage earning nobody since there's nothing remarkable or extraordinary or special about you.

And IF in 2027 I am paying what I am paying now then I will have had 10 years of savings. You probably think I'd be better off paying more for the next 10 years right?

No you wouldn't because all those user and access fees will be raised, forcing you to spend more out of pocket for essential services. In the long run, you won't be savings anything. You'll most likely be spending a greater share of your after-tax income on things like health care and education, that under the old system you would have paid less for. So congrats! You've increased your after-tax income only to see that increase disappear to pay for the higher user/access fees and excise taxes that must be raised to cover the shortfall. Because, math.

And if you know what my taxes will be then tell me what my AGI will be for 2017.
As I said you have no fucking clue as to what tax bracket i am currently in do you?

The tax cut doesn't start until 2018 and is for 2018 incomes, not 2017 incomes. You don't even know when this tax bill you support goes into effect. That's how much of a troll you are.

file in 2019 for 2018
file in 2020 for 2019
file in 2021 for 2020
file in 2022 for 2021
2023 for 2022
2024 for 2023
2025 for 2024
2026 for 2025
2027 for 2026
2028 for 2027

That is 10 tax returns you fucking idiot
You can believe whatever you want but it doesn't make you right does it?

See, the problem is that your argument hinges entirely on my acceptance of the fake personal history you are vomiting up. If you cannot verify the claims about yourself, the argument you make that is based on your personal "gain" from the tax cut is bullshit.
I really don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck about Trump. But FYI Forbes estimates his net worth at 3 billion. I think I'll take their word for it over yours any day

LOL! You don't care about the guy you've spent the last 2 years vociferously defending on USMB? LOL. OK...so you're just a troll, then.

And he has no legal obligation to release his financial documents does he?

So then why do you believe him when he makes all these claims about himself? Are you just that gullible that you'll believe anyone in a cheap suit?
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

You're not paying your fair share as soon as:

A). You make enough money to employ any of the hundreds of legal deductions written into the law.

B). Whatever you have left over after taxes is still more than the nosy liberal living down the street!
You can believe whatever you want but it doesn't make you right does it?

See, the problem is that your argument hinges entirely on my acceptance of the fake personal history you are vomiting up. If you cannot verify the claims about yourself, the argument you make that is based on your personal "gain" from the tax cut is bullshit.

Like I said you can believe whatever you want I have not said what I make have I ?
I have not said what tax bracket I am in have I ?

All I said is that all the calculators I have used shows me saving money and I don't give a FUCK if you believe what I say or not
I really don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck about Trump. But FYI Forbes estimates his net worth at 3 billion. I think I'll take their word for it over yours any day

LOL! You don't care about the guy you've spent the last 2 years vociferously defending on USMB? LOL. OK...so you're just a troll, then.

And he has no legal obligation to release his financial documents does he?

So then why do you believe him when he makes all these claims about himself? Are you just that gullible that you'll believe anyone in a cheap suit?

I have been stating facts. You think that is defending him because I refuse to tell outright lies like you.
I really don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck about Trump. But FYI Forbes estimates his net worth at 3 billion. I think I'll take their word for it over yours any day

LOL! You don't care about the guy you've spent the last 2 years vociferously defending on USMB? LOL. OK...so you're just a troll, then.

And he has no legal obligation to release his financial documents does he?

So then why do you believe him when he makes all these claims about himself? Are you just that gullible that you'll believe anyone in a cheap suit?

You have no idea if I believe him or not.

I actually post links to info you don't
Well he FUCKING BETTER, considering how much income he has had.


Can you please TRY to say something non-stupid please?

MEaningless photo.

That could have been at a bank and none of that cash was Trump's.

But I bet you believe everything you're told don't you?

Picture is not the point idiot. Point is he made a lot of money (you are not actually disputing that) and correspondingly should have paid a lot in taxes - he didn't, no where near.
And you know how much he has paid in taxes in his entire life?

Post it up.

Stop it, it's embarrassing.

Clinton specifically said during the debate that Trump didn't pay taxes for a decade, and all he replyed with was - yea, thats cause' I'm smart.

This the same Clinton that is so corrupt that she cheated Bernie out of a fair chance at the nomination? Frankly, if you're really such a Hillarybot, there's no point in talking to you.

wtf does that have to do with discussion at hand? A.D.D much?
Anyone can say anything on the internet or didn't you know that?I have absolutely no reason to believe anything you say so if you really want to prove it make your identity and your tax records public.

Actually, you must do this since you're the one claiming you're keeping more of what you earned. Prove it.
You have no idea what my taxes will be in 2025 because you have no idea what tax bracket I am in now or what my income will be in 10 years.

No one can verify any claims about themselves on this message board without stepping out from the shadow of anonymity you readily hide behind to mask who you truly are. So yeah, we can't say for sure whether or not your taxes will go up, we have to merely treat you as an average wage earning nobody since there's nothing remarkable or extraordinary or special about you.

And IF in 2027 I am paying what I am paying now then I will have had 10 years of savings. You probably think I'd be better off paying more for the next 10 years right?

No you wouldn't because all those user and access fees will be raised, forcing you to spend more out of pocket for essential services. In the long run, you won't be savings anything. You'll most likely be spending a greater share of your after-tax income on things like health care and education, that under the old system you would have paid less for. So congrats! You've increased your after-tax income only to see that increase disappear to pay for the higher user/access fees and excise taxes that must be raised to cover the shortfall. Because, math.

And if you know what my taxes will be then tell me what my AGI will be for 2017.
As I said you have no fucking clue as to what tax bracket i am currently in do you?

The tax cut doesn't start until 2018 and is for 2018 incomes, not 2017 incomes. You don't even know when this tax bill you support goes into effect. That's how much of a troll you are.

file in 2019 for 2018
file in 2020 for 2019
file in 2021 for 2020
file in 2022 for 2021
2023 for 2022
2024 for 2023
2025 for 2024
2026 for 2025
2027 for 2026
2028 for 2027

That is 10 tax returns you fucking idiot

What are you trying to prove?
Anyone can say anything on the internet or didn't you know that?I have absolutely no reason to believe anything you say so if you really want to prove it make your identity and your tax records public.

Actually, you must do this since you're the one claiming you're keeping more of what you earned. Prove it.

I never said how much I make or that my net worth was 19 million dollars did I ? I never said how much I was going to save only that I would save.

But I'm sure you believe your butt buddy Antontoo when he says that shit
You have no idea what my taxes will be in 2025 because you have no idea what tax bracket I am in now or what my income will be in 10 years.

No one can verify any claims about themselves on this message board without stepping out from the shadow of anonymity you readily hide behind to mask who you truly are. So yeah, we can't say for sure whether or not your taxes will go up, we have to merely treat you as an average wage earning nobody since there's nothing remarkable or extraordinary or special about you.

And IF in 2027 I am paying what I am paying now then I will have had 10 years of savings. You probably think I'd be better off paying more for the next 10 years right?

No you wouldn't because all those user and access fees will be raised, forcing you to spend more out of pocket for essential services. In the long run, you won't be savings anything. You'll most likely be spending a greater share of your after-tax income on things like health care and education, that under the old system you would have paid less for. So congrats! You've increased your after-tax income only to see that increase disappear to pay for the higher user/access fees and excise taxes that must be raised to cover the shortfall. Because, math.

And if you know what my taxes will be then tell me what my AGI will be for 2017.
As I said you have no fucking clue as to what tax bracket i am currently in do you?

The tax cut doesn't start until 2018 and is for 2018 incomes, not 2017 incomes. You don't even know when this tax bill you support goes into effect. That's how much of a troll you are.

file in 2019 for 2018
file in 2020 for 2019
file in 2021 for 2020
file in 2022 for 2021
2023 for 2022
2024 for 2023
2025 for 2024
2026 for 2025
2027 for 2026
2028 for 2027

That is 10 tax returns you fucking idiot

What are you trying to prove?

10 tax returns 10 years of savings

And I said you have no idea what tax bracket I an in now in 2017 so you have no idea what tax bracket I will be in in the future
Like I said you can believe whatever you want I have not said what I make have I ?

Because even if you did, you can't prove it. Yet your entire argument hinges on your personal statement of "keeping more of what earned". Since you can't prove what you earned, you can't go around claiming you get to keep more of it.

Conservatives lie about themselves like this all the time, to lend their arguments credibility it doesn't have on the facts. It's what people with narcissistic personality disorder do. They pretend to be things they're not to make them appear more credible. Whether it's pretending you make enough to see a gain from the tax cut, a "small business owner", "Obamacare victim", "veteran", or "married to or are friends with an (insert minority group here)". These are all phony qualifiers Conservatives use to lend their argument credibility where none exists.

All I said is that all the calculators I have used shows me saving money and I don't give a FUCK if you believe what I say or not

Those calculators would show that if you're pretending to have a higher income than you actually do.
I have been stating facts. You think that is defending him because I refuse to tell outright lies like you.

You haven't stated a fact. You've pretended to be something you're not just to lend your argument credibility it doesn't have.

"I put my income into a calculator and it says I get a cut" isn't a fact. It's a statement of bullshit until you provide proof of what your "income" is. You won't do that because then you'd lose the status of anonymity you hide behind on this board. What a fuckin' coward.
Like I said you can believe whatever you want I have not said what I make have I ?

Because even if you did, you can't prove it. Yet your entire argument hinges on your personal statement of "keeping more of what earned". Since you can't prove what you earned, you can't go around claiming you get to keep more of it.

Conservatives lie about themselves like this all the time, to lend their arguments credibility it doesn't have on the facts. It's what people with narcissistic personality disorder do. They pretend to be things they're not to make them appear more credible. Whether it's pretending you make enough to see a gain from the tax cut, a "small business owner", "Obamacare victim", "veteran", or "married to or are friends with an (insert minority group here)". These are all phony qualifiers Conservatives use to lend their argument credibility where none exists.

All I said is that all the calculators I have used shows me saving money and I don't give a FUCK if you believe what I say or not

Those calculators would show that if you're pretending to have a higher income than you actually do.

And I can say the very same thing about everything you post here as well.

You seem to think you know exactly what I make so prove that you know.

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