Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share?

No you just claim to know what I'll be paying in taxes in the future as in this quote. So since you say you know that my taxes will be going up then prove it Asshole

That's because I am assuming you're an average, middle-class working nobody who makes the average median household income. That's what I'm basing my statement below on, and always have been. Until you can prove that you aren't an average, middle-class working nobody, you get lumped into the general average worker.

So put up or shut up.

Since that is your assumption it is up to you to prove that I am indeed making only the median income

You see I can play your stupid game too.
So you do not know what net worth is.

LOL! The estimates of Trump's net worth seem to vary by the day, and depending on whom you ask. We don't know for sure because, like you, he refuses to divulge personal information that would end up being damaging to his bullshit arguments.
So you do not know what net worth is.

LOL! The estimates of Trump's net worth seem to vary by the day, and depending on whom you ask. We don't know for sure because, like you, he refuses to divulge personal information that would end up being damaging to his bullshit arguments.

So now you are denying that you said his net worth is zero because he has no cash on hand.

Net worth is not how much cash you have on hand Idiot
You said I support raising my own taxes implying that you know how much I will be paying in taxes so prove it.

Yes, because I figured you were the average working class nobody. So I use the average working class numbers that are available to all. If I am wrong about you, then by all means clear it up by stepping out from the shadow of anonymity you hide behind on the internet like a little child hiding behind mommy's skirt.
You said I support raising my own taxes implying that you know how much I will be paying in taxes so prove it.

Yes, because I figured you were the average working class nobody. So I use the average working class numbers that are available to all. If I am wrong about you, then by all means clear it up by stepping out from the shadow of anonymity you hide behind on the internet like a little child hiding behind mommy's skirt.
So you're guessing and stating it as fact.
Since that is your assumption it is up to you to prove that I am indeed making only the median income

I don't need to prove it. I can make that assumption because the averages are verifiable. It's up to you to prove who you are. Curious why you won't? What are you afraid of? That people will see you're not the great, successful person you are pretending to be here? Why on earth would a Conservative pretend to be something they're not on a message board? Simple; EGO.
Since that is your assumption it is up to you to prove that I am indeed making only the median income

I don't need to prove it. I can make that assumption because the averages are verifiable. It's up to you to prove who you are. Curious why you won't? What are you afraid of? That people will see you're not the great, successful person you are pretending to be here? Why on earth would a Conservative pretend to be something they're not on a message board? Simple; EGO.

Here we go again.

I do not need to post my personal info on the web. You won't at least you're smart enough not to do that.

You seem to forget that I don't care what you think. I don't know who you are and don't want to know.

The only thing I accomplish by posting personal info is raising the chance of identity theft. And I won;t do that for a person whose opinion I value never mind a fuck wad like you
You're wrong about a lot like what net worth is.

If I'm wrong about you being a nobody, then prove who you are.

It's really that simple. Unless you prove who you are, you remain an assumption. For some strange reason, you are too much of a coward to reveal who you truly are. I think it's because if you did, you wouldn't be able to make the silly arguments you're making about personally benefiting from the tax cut. I think you just say you do for the sake of winning a debate on a message board, because that debate means more for your ego than the truth.

It's OK that you hide behind the internet's skirt...all Conservatives are big talking phonies like that. It's started with Joe (not his real name) the Plumber (not his real job) who taught morally and ethically bankrupt Conservatives liars like you that it's OK to practice itjihad so long as you can win a meaningless argument or make your political opponent look bad.
So now you are denying that you said his net worth is zero because he has no cash on hand.Net worth is not how much cash you have on hand Idiot

I'm saying that until he releases his tax returns, we have to assume his net worth is zero.
I do not need to post my personal info on the web.

If you're claiming that you will personally benefit, then it is incumbent on you to provide information that supports your claims.

'By refusing to do that, you're asking everyone to take your word for it.

You've given no reason why anyone should.
You seem to forget that I don't care what you think. I don't know who you are and don't want to know.

Problem is, your entire argument hinges on your personal claims that you'll benefit from the tax bill. YOU made that argument, and now you run away from it because you're scared people will find out you're not the big man you are pretending to be. I think you're terrified of people finding out you're just a big, fat nobody with nothing special, important, or remarkable about you. So you preserve your own fragile ego by pretending to be something you're not, just to make you feel better about yourself.

30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.
IMHO it's not the income that decides whether you're paying your fair share It's all the deductions only the rich can take so their % of taxes are very low

So then, lowering the SALT deduction was a good thing. Thanks for agreeing-)

eddiew37 is displaying his ignorance for all to see. This tax bill caps the mortgage interest deduction on the rich. State income/property tax deductions are also capped on the rich. Then eddiew37 posts stupid shit complaining about how only the rich get these deductions. LOL

Anybody who has been here for awhile understands that eddiew37 is a bit dim witted, he rode the short bus. Best just to let him rant and politely ignore him.
LOL Coming from a dull witted republican like you ....thanks

Silly little Eddie, find one post of mine in which I declare I am a Republican. What you’ll find is that I am a conservative, but expressly not a Republican. Be sure to put your bike helmet on before standing up little fella.
Silly little Eddie, find one post of mine in which I declare I am a Republican. What you’ll find is that I am a conservative, but expressly not a Republican. Be sure to put your bike helmet on before standing up little fella.

Conservative = Republican = Teabag = Klansman = Alt-Right = Nazi

Same shit, different polish.
Silly little Eddie, find one post of mine in which I declare I am a Republican. What you’ll find is that I am a conservative, but expressly not a Republican. Be sure to put your bike helmet on before standing up little fella.

Conservative = Republican = Teabag = Klansman = Alt-Right = Nazi

Same shit, different polish.
“Progressive”= Democrat = SJW = Nation of Islam = counter-racist = Communist

Same shit, different toilet scrubber.
Silly little Eddie, find one post of mine in which I declare I am a Republican. What you’ll find is that I am a conservative, but expressly not a Republican. Be sure to put your bike helmet on before standing up little fella.

Conservative = Republican = Teabag = Klansman = Alt-Right = Nazi

Same shit, different polish.
“Progressive”= Democrat = SJW = Nation of Islam = counter-racist = Communist

Same shit, different toilet scrubber.

It's sad that you're so lazy and unimaginative, the best you can do is copy someone else's post and switch a few words around. No wonder Conservatives had to outsource their trolling to Russia in 2016; they're too lazy and lack the creativity to do so themselves.
Silly little Eddie, find one post of mine in which I declare I am a Republican. What you’ll find is that I am a conservative, but expressly not a Republican. Be sure to put your bike helmet on before standing up little fella.

Conservative = Republican = Teabag = Klansman = Alt-Right = Nazi

Same shit, different polish.
“Progressive”= Democrat = SJW = Nation of Islam = counter-racist = Communist

Same shit, different toilet scrubber.

It's sad that you're so lazy and unimaginative, the best you can do is copy someone else's post and switch a few words around. No wonder Conservatives had to outsource their trolling to Russia in 2016; they're too lazy and lack the creativity to do so themselves.
I wasn’t copying you.

I was merely directly neutralizing your bullshit with facts.
Silly little Eddie, find one post of mine in which I declare I am a Republican. What you’ll find is that I am a conservative, but expressly not a Republican. Be sure to put your bike helmet on before standing up little fella.

Conservative = Republican = Teabag = Klansman = Alt-Right = Nazi

Same shit, different polish.
“Progressive”= Democrat = SJW = Nation of Islam = counter-racist = Communist

Same shit, different toilet scrubber.

It's sad that you're so lazy and unimaginative, the best you can do is copy someone else's post and switch a few words around. No wonder Conservatives had to outsource their trolling to Russia in 2016; they're too lazy and lack the creativity to do so themselves.
I wasn’t copying you.

I was merely directly neutralizing your bullshit with facts.

So you're admitting to trolling. Got it.
Silly little Eddie, find one post of mine in which I declare I am a Republican. What you’ll find is that I am a conservative, but expressly not a Republican. Be sure to put your bike helmet on before standing up little fella.

Conservative = Republican = Teabag = Klansman = Alt-Right = Nazi

Same shit, different polish.
“Progressive”= Democrat = SJW = Nation of Islam = counter-racist = Communist

Same shit, different toilet scrubber.

It's sad that you're so lazy and unimaginative, the best you can do is copy someone else's post and switch a few words around. No wonder Conservatives had to outsource their trolling to Russia in 2016; they're too lazy and lack the creativity to do so themselves.
I wasn’t copying you.

I was merely directly neutralizing your bullshit with facts.

So you're admitting to trolling. Got it.
I troll trolls like you, but otherwise I am completely involved in any forum I decide to join.

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