Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share?

I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life

Well he FUCKING BETTER, considering how much income he has had.


Can you please TRY to say something non-stupid please?

MEaningless photo.

That could have been at a bank and none of that cash was Trump's.

But I bet you believe everything you're told don't you?

Picture is not the point idiot. Point is he made a lot of money (you are not actually disputing that) and correspondingly should have paid a lot in taxes - he didn't, no where near.
And you know how much he has paid in taxes in his entire life?

Post it up.

Stop it, it's embarrassing.
So you can't prove your claim.

I didn't think so.
Don't care.

He has no obligation to do so.

I really don't know why that is so hard for you to understand

Ahhhh......If I made the REPEATED claim that I was going to release my tax returns would you even wonder just a bit why I reneged on that promise???

Pretty sure no one want's to see your taxes....we'll let the IRS handle that.
When Republicans change their mind, snowflakes call it 'flip-flopping' and / or lying. When Democrats do it, it's 'changing one's mind' and fully justified.

The whole tax record butt-hurt thing, remarkably still going on, demonstrates snowflakes want what they want and believe they are entitled to it, even if / when the law says they are not.
I'm sure he as paid more in incomes taxes than you will earn your enitre life

Well he FUCKING BETTER, considering how much income he has had.


Can you please TRY to say something non-stupid please?

MEaningless photo.

That could have been at a bank and none of that cash was Trump's.

But I bet you believe everything you're told don't you?

Picture is not the point idiot. Point is he made a lot of money (you are not actually disputing that) and correspondingly should have paid a lot in taxes - he didn't, no where near.
And you know how much he has paid in taxes in his entire life?

Post it up.

Stop it, it's embarrassing.

Clinton specifically said during the debate that Trump didn't pay taxes for a decade, and all he replyed with was - yea, thats cause' I'm smart.

This the same Clinton that is so corrupt that she cheated Bernie out of a fair chance at the nomination? Frankly, if you're really such a Hillarybot, there's no point in talking to you.
Obama set a new US Historical Record for a US President Illegally NON-COMPLYING with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, violating laws repeatedly by refusing to turn over documents he was LEGALLY REQUIRED TO TURN OVER.
- Snowflakes found nothing wrong with this continuous, record-setting criminal activity.

Trump refuses to turn over his personal tax records, which he is NOT legally required to do, and snowflakes go bat-shit crazy.

That's just partisanly and mentally f*ed up on so many levels. :p
Obama set a new US Historical Record for a US President Illegally NON-COMPLYING with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, violating laws repeatedly by refusing to turn over documents he was LEGALLY REQUIRED TO TURN OVER.
- Snowflakes found nothing wrong with this continuous, record-setting criminal activity.

Trump refuses to turn over his personal tax records, which he is NOT legally required to do, and snowflakes go bat-shit crazy.

That's just partisanly and mentally f*ed up on so many levels. :p
Where are Trumps tax returns?
Obama set a new US Historical Record for a US President Illegally NON-COMPLYING with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, violating laws repeatedly by refusing to turn over documents he was LEGALLY REQUIRED TO TURN OVER.
- Snowflakes found nothing wrong with this continuous, record-setting criminal activity.

Trump refuses to turn over his personal tax records, which he is NOT legally required to do, and snowflakes go bat-shit crazy.

That's just partisanly and mentally f*ed up on so many levels. :p
Where are Trumps tax returns?

I don't know...I do know the IRS has copies that they have reviewed and approved, just as they have copies of your returns that they have reviewed and approved.
Obama set a new US Historical Record for a US President Illegally NON-COMPLYING with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, violating laws repeatedly by refusing to turn over documents he was LEGALLY REQUIRED TO TURN OVER.
- Snowflakes found nothing wrong with this continuous, record-setting criminal activity.

Trump refuses to turn over his personal tax records, which he is NOT legally required to do, and snowflakes go bat-shit crazy.

That's just partisanly and mentally f*ed up on so many levels. :p
Where are Trumps tax returns?

Right where they should be under lock and key at the IRS
The idea that the current crop of Democrats in Congress are not on the side of the rich is silly.

Who here stated that democrats in congress would NOT benefit from this tax scam?

The topic of this thread is about how this scam screws the middle class......
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.
IMHO it's not the income that decides whether you're paying your fair share It's all the deductions only the rich can take so their % of taxes are very low

Since Democrats controlled Congress for most of the time that the Income Tax has been in effect, who put in all the deductions?
congress on both sides imo,,when I heard not too long ago they could inside sell and buy stocks , there is not too much that is beneath them I just feel Dems are a far better way to go than with the party of the billionaires And Trump?? He's a disgrace

2014 Top Donors to Outside Spending Groups | OpenSecrets

there were 22 individuals on the Open Secrets list who were billionaires. Of those 22 billionaires, 13 -- or more than half -- gave predominantly to liberal groups or groups affiliated with the Democratic Party. The other nine gave predominantly to conservative groups. Here's a list of the billionaires and how much they gave.

Billionaire political donors

Democrats ARE the party of billionaires.
Then why are 83% of these taxcuts going to the top 1%?? These REPUBLICAN inspired taxcuts??
Why not the rest of them Think any would show he got that 38 M back ++ ?

Exactly, how close will you get to that $38 million....in your life.
Not too close Only about half way there and not enough time left I'm afraid BUT if my daddy gave me millions and I had lawyers working for me I might be a little closer
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.
IMHO it's not the income that decides whether you're paying your fair share It's all the deductions only the rich can take so their % of taxes are very low

Since Democrats controlled Congress for most of the time that the Income Tax has been in effect, who put in all the deductions?
congress on both sides imo,,when I heard not too long ago they could inside sell and buy stocks , there is not too much that is beneath them I just feel Dems are a far better way to go than with the party of the billionaires And Trump?? He's a disgrace

2014 Top Donors to Outside Spending Groups | OpenSecrets

there were 22 individuals on the Open Secrets list who were billionaires. Of those 22 billionaires, 13 -- or more than half -- gave predominantly to liberal groups or groups affiliated with the Democratic Party. The other nine gave predominantly to conservative groups. Here's a list of the billionaires and how much they gave.

Billionaire political donors

Democrats ARE the party of billionaires.
Then why are 83% of these taxcuts going to the top 1%?? These REPUBLICAN inspired taxcuts??

It's hard to cut income taxes on people who pay no income taxes
Why not the rest of them Think any would show he got that 38 M back ++ ?

Exactly, how close will you get to that $38 million....in your life.
Not too close Only about half way there and not enough time left I'm afraid BUT if my daddy gave me millions and I had lawyers working for me I might be a little closer
Yeah we all believe you've paid 19 million in federal income taxes in your lifetime
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share. Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.
IMHO it's not the income that decides whether you're paying your fair share It's all the deductions only the rich can take so their % of taxes are very low

So then, lowering the SALT deduction was a good thing. Thanks for agreeing-)

eddiew37 is displaying his ignorance for all to see. This tax bill caps the mortgage interest deduction on the rich. State income/property tax deductions are also capped on the rich. Then eddiew37 posts stupid shit complaining about how only the rich get these deductions. LOL

Anybody who has been here for awhile understands that eddiew37 is a bit dim witted, he rode the short bus. Best just to let him rant and politely ignore him.
LOL Coming from a dull witted republican like you ....thanks

Exactly, how close will you get to that $38 million....in your life.
Not too close Only about half way there and not enough time left I'm afraid BUT if my daddy gave me millions and I had lawyers working for me I might be a little closer
Yeah we all believe you've paid 19 million in federal income taxes in your lifetime
Sorry I was talking net worth
Why not the rest of them Think any would show he got that 38 M back ++ ?

Exactly, how close will you get to that $38 million....in your life.
Not too close Only about half way there and not enough time left I'm afraid BUT if my daddy gave me millions and I had lawyers working for me I might be a little closer
Yeah we all believe you've paid 19 million in federal income taxes in your lifetime
Sorry I was talking net worth

That's about as believable as your tax claim

If you were that rich you'd be happy to be getting a tax cut and not whining about it as you have been
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This tax bill accomplishes two long-term things:

1) Ensures that by swinging the pendulum so hard to the right, it will break off when it swings back left.
2) Creates the inequitable environment that will cause a violent transfer of wealth from the top back to the middle class.

2018 is going to be brutal for Conservatives.
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share.

No, that's not what caused the rich not paying their fair share. What caused the rich not paying their fair share was the massive tax cut that dropped the top rate from 70% down to below 30%. That sped up income inequality.

Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

$300,000 is the top 1% income percentile. I'd consider that the start of the 1%, or "rich".
30 years ago people in the top 10% were making close to $60,000/per year, and so started the chant of rich people don’t pay their fare share.

No, that's not what caused the rich not paying their fair share. What caused the rich not paying their fair share was the massive tax cut that dropped the top rate from 70% down to below 30%. That sped up income inequality.

Today we’re hearing the exact same thing. So what I’m curious to know is who the rich are? What level of income is needed before you’re considered to not be paying your fair share. Is it still the $60,000 mark or is it anyone that has $1.00 more than you do.

$300,000 is the top 1% income percentile. I'd consider that the start of the 1%, or "rich".
Yeah god fucking forbid people get to keep more of their own money

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