Who Had The Worse Presidency, Dubya or Obama?

Who had the worse presidency?

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Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
Both were pretty bad.....but Hussein The Traitor is a notch above in criminality and scum.
Agree with Skye, Obama had that anti-American thing actively working to undermine us, apologize for us, divide us Racially and economically. W was bad in his own ways but he wasn't an anti-American.
Obama was certainly the worst by far.

For one, he really never acted like he cared for the American people. He just wanted to be "the First Black President". He really never acted like he really wanted to be there. Just for the status of being President. As if he could boast later, "Hey, I was President (that didn't give a shit)."
Obama was worse, but for his own reasons.

Obama intentionally did shit that would harm the country. Bush did shit because he didn't know how to do anything else.

Neither was a good president.
Obama was worse, but for his own reasons.

Obama intentionally did shit that would harm the country. Bush did shit because he didn't know how to do anything else.

Neither was a good president.

Skull and Bones Bush knew damn well what he was doing. Perhaps, he was simply a coward at the end of the day; that's the most he possibly could've been.
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.

GW allowed 9/11 to happen? Really? 8 months after taking office? It is pretty widely acknowledged that we were just totally unprepared on so many levels, federal, private or otherwise, and even now to this day just begging for it again as now this new trend to simply welcome muslims with open arms and consider any caution with them so politically incorrect as to call people "bigots" and racists" for daring to give them a second look.

You know what they say about fool me once, fool me twice . . . now apparently wasted on most liberal ears until we get hit badly again.

GW allowed 9/11 to happen? Really? 8 months after taking office? It is pretty widely acknowledged that we were just totally unprepared on so many levels, federal, private or otherwise, and even now to this day just begging for it again as now this new trend to simply welcome muslims with open arms and consider any caution with them so politically incorrect as to call people "bigots" and racists" for daring to give them a second look.

You know what they say about fool me once, fool me twice . . . now apparently wasted on most liberal ears until we get hit badly again.

Eight months is plenty of time. GWB may or may not have been a mastermind. But it's clear that his actions in regard to his event are a betrayal of the American people.

Tell me; did GWB shine a light on the govt. building that just happened to be blown up irrespective of the planes? Tell me that. No, he did not! Just cos you want to put your head way up your ass; I will not be joining you!
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
Interesting that you could only list Right-wing LIES about Obama.
GW allowed 9/11 to happen? Really? 8 months after taking office? It is pretty widely acknowledged that we were just totally unprepared on so many levels, federal, private or otherwise, and even now to this day just begging for it again as now this new trend to simply welcome muslims with open arms and consider any caution with them so politically incorrect as to call people "bigots" and racists" for daring to give them a second look.

You know what they say about fool me once, fool me twice . . . now apparently wasted on most liberal ears until we get hit badly again.

Eight months is plenty of time.

Yep. Eight months was both plenty of time to see a looming threat that no one even considered possible and correct it both across countless federal agencies but numerous private sector agencies as well, but it WASN'T enough time for Clinton to do JACK SHIT beforehand when he had EIGHT FRICKING YEARS and an actual opportunity to kill Bin Laden, right, Moron?
GW allowed 9/11 to happen? Really? 8 months after taking office? It is pretty widely acknowledged that we were just totally unprepared on so many levels, federal, private or otherwise, and even now to this day just begging for it again as now this new trend to simply welcome muslims with open arms and consider any caution with them so politically incorrect as to call people "bigots" and racists" for daring to give them a second look.

You know what they say about fool me once, fool me twice . . . now apparently wasted on most liberal ears until we get hit badly again.

Eight months is plenty of time.

Yep. Eight months was both plenty of time to see a looming threat that no one even considered possible and correct it both across countless federal agencies but numerous private sector agencies as well, but it WASN'T enough time for Clinton to do JACK SHIT beforehand when he had EIGHT FRICKING YEARS and an actual opportunity to kill Bin Laden, right, Moron?

I think you have me confused with doing a right/left dance. I'm not here to defend Clinton's skeletons, of which he has plenty. In fact, I know he's on Bushbama's level when it comes to crookedness. But I chose a narrower scope for this thread.
W by a long shot. He is a war criminal who should be in solitary at Supermax.

O is a war criminal too, just lesser so. Put him in minimum security.
Bush was only bad at the end, but Obama's was PURPOSELY bad from the beginning.

Fundamental Transformation.
You didn't build that!
You can keep your health plan, Period!
You can keep your doctor, Period!
Shovel Ready Jobs.
He could have looked like my son.
The police acted stupidly.
Bush was only bad at the end, but Obama's was PURPOSELY bad from the beginning.

All these years later, and you're still snowed.

Look at how Bush just folded and pretty much went into hiding six months into his second term. He had his power, he didn't have to give two f*cks about the American people after doing his face-value effort. It's why he hasn't been to one RNC Convention since then. He does sh** for himself and his benefactors. It's who he is.

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