Who have you met face to face on a message board?

I've met 5 people, they were all nice and I had good experiences.

I would go to a board meetup and blend in, and I would meet a few people here privately.
All the good stories makes me wanna throw caution to the wind. Sorta.
Y'all are so used to seeing me on my pony, you might be surprised to see the real me, lol.
Maybe we outta hook up in Vegas this coming summer. Or better yet..Reno. Or Tahoe. I HATE Vegas. Too damn noisy.
Maybe we outta hook up in Vegas this coming summer. Or better yet..Reno. Or Tahoe. I HATE Vegas. Too damn noisy.

I have family in Vegas and Reno so either works for me if you guys do a meetup.


I miss Ropey, where is that guy?
I went to queer fest (comfest) in Columbus, OH. Thought I saw some of you liberals there. Lots of back room deals going on with pot stickers, if you know what i mean.
I blame this thread. This thread has suddenly changed my life. I was talking to my beautiful daughter about this and telling her about my fantasy league and how we met in Vegas for the draft, etc. She sighed deeply and looked down at the ground.

"What is it?" I asked with genuine concern for my child.

"Daddy, I have something to tell you." she replied in a subdued tone of voice. "This is so hard for me to say. I have tried to fight this and lately I have been hiding it because I feel ashamed to let you know."

"What is it?" I asked again. "You can tell me anything and I will always accept you no matter what." I assured her. A long silence lingered between us and I sensed the tension inside her as she fought to find the words.

"Daddy..." she started. "Daddy I am....I am a.......I am an Arizona Cardinals fan"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I shrieked in horror as my hands clasped to my face. "Oh honey girl" I cried out "What did I do? How did I fail you? All those years of teaching you Seahawks football. What did I do wrong?"

"It's not you, it's me" she screamed out. "You have been a wonderful father but I have these urges I can't deny.When I see Larry Fitzgerald or Josh Brown running a fly pattern I can't help myself. Deep inside I am hoping that it connects deep."

"I am not hearing this" I exclaimed in defiance. "This is not the girl I raised."

"Daddy it's true and I need you to accept it...to accept me."

"What if that fly pattern is against Richard Sherman?" I demanded to know. Her eyes again motioned toward the floor

"I want it to connect" she confessed. My hand came crashing down upon the table and I stalked into the kitchen and poured myself a scotch.I started to say something many times but stopped myself in a fury each time. Finally I downed the scotch in one gulp

"I don't even know who you are anymore."

"Daddy it's me." she begged. "I am still your little girl. I am still the girl who cried and begged you to kiss her finger when it got hurt. I am still me. I just need you to accept that my team is the Arizona Cardinals." I sighed deeply and poured myself another scotch.

"This would be so much easier for me to accept if you were just like a democrat, or an anarchist, or a lesbian. Why do always have to go to such extremes?"

"Daddy" she grabbed my hands and pulled them to her. "I love you so much. You are my example for everything. Please accept my choice." I downed the scotch again

"My sweet daughter" I replied. "I love you no matter what. No matter what path you explore you will have a devoted and loving father. But twice a year...you have declared yourself as the anti-christ. May God have mercy on your Cardinals loving soul"
Derideo_Te , Hossfly - care to do the honors?


Met a few of the people IRL that I have encountered online. All of them were pleasant experiences. None were "romantic encounters", just meet ups of like minded individuals who were passing through or I was in the vicinity.

Stat was one of them and I have to say he is charming and caring person. Someone who I am honored to call my friend now.
Derideo_Te , I was in Germany for a month this summer and was supposed to meet up with Statistikhengst but we never get together. Then in the fall he informed me that he was flying to the states and would change flights in Charlotte. We met and spent a very pleasant afternoon drinking Starbucks and swapping lies. It would behoove anyone here to meet Stats and get to know him personally. (Even though he's a left leaning critter who is 3'4" tall and weighs 375lbs.)

I too enjoyed meeting both of you, although since Hosscritter was 2'9" tall and weigned 620 lbs and Deri was 8'4" and weighed all of 22 lbs, it was hard to find a good place to sit!! :rofl: I then examined your extreme Right-Wing disease, Hosscritter, and decided it was incurable, just like my extreme Left-Wing disease!!

Actually, it was a true pleasure meeting you, both of you. What fine, upstanding gentlemen both of you are.

And Pogo, next time, I got you in my crosshairs!!!


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