Who here is an atheist?

Bullshit. That's your perception because you disagree with them exercising their secular rights in opposition to your positions on social causes. No one is oppressing atheists.
In the past, atheists were indeed oppressed by the religious and the religious have oppressed other religious people.I never stated that I was being oppressed. I stated that that we are standing up for our non-belief. I don't want to stop you from going to church or practicing your religion. I just don't want any part of it. There are many theists who want to instate prayer back into public schools. Do you agree with that?

First of all when and who were oppressed? Do you have any specifics?

If you don't want any part of religion, then what are you doing here?

I see nothing wrong with students praying. I see everything wrong with students being forced to pray.

You said it yourself, you are standing up for NON-BELIEF. Which means you don't have arguments FOR your belief because it is a non-belief. You only have arguments against others having beliefs. That's what you are doing here. You are trying to validate your beliefs by criticizing the beliefs of others.

Do you know what that is called? Critical theory. The Cultural Marxist practice of critical theory is to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
Isn’t that what conservative Americans are guilty of? Let me give you an example. Europe has conservatives too. What’s different about American conservatives is they don’t believe in global warming or evolution. Is that what you meant about not critical thinking?
No. We practice traditional theory, not critical theory. Traditional theory is when you make an affirmative case for what something is. Critical thinking is when you challenge what you believe to test it's validity. That's what we do. You on the other hand practice critical theory. You don't know how to make an affirmative case for something and sure as heck don't challenge your own beliefs to test their validity. You have arguments against other people's arguments.

Here is an example of what Traditional theory looks like in practice. Given that we are still well below the peak temperatures of the previous interglacial cycle, and given that the geologic record shows that CO2 does not drive climate change, CO2 reinforces climate change, and given that for most of the planet's history earth has been a greenhouse world and only in the last 5 million years transitioned to an icehouse world and given that for the past 500,000 years we have oscillated between pretty severe glacial cycles and interglacial cycles, and given that the conditions which led to this transition are still in place today, I'd be more worried about what triggers the ice age than I would be of a 1 C increase.

Besides do you really believe they can represent the earth's average temperature with one number for the last 2000 years? C'mon man. You got days and night and you have seasons.

The most comical of all though is how you over exaggerate the damage caused by atmospheric CO2. It's like you don't even logic.

Riddle me this batman, if it is the rest of the world is responsible for increasing CO2 emissions by ~ 1 billion tons per year, are you going to send our money to other nations so they don't build gas and coal fired power plants?

Because our emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace what we are presently emitting in 5 short years.
The only "comedy" I see is some uneducated slob of a climate denier listing things that were all taught to him by the very same scientists who have concluded that our actions are warming the planet, then trying to peddle some stupid con that these things are the reason these scientists are wrong. Embarrassing and absurd. Think about the absurdity of your entire line of bullshit...you are explicitly stating that the people who have dedicated their lives to these fields of science and taught you anything and everything you know are so incompetent that they are laboring under the ignorance of the very knowledge they discovered. Fuckin A people, how do you not realize how idiotic you sound?

What's next? Got a few boxing tips for Floyd Mayweather, do ya? I'm sure Yo Yo Ma would really appreciate your advice on how to play the cello. Maybe you could travel back in time and show Van Gogh how to paint? Make sure, just for accuracy of the analogy, you show him one of his own paintings and ask him why he can't paint better, like the guy who painted it.
He’s a science cherry picker.

Can you believe how brainwashed conservatives are? Everyone else is wrong and lying. Not the Republican Party and shell oil. No no. They are telling the truth and everyone else is lying.

And do you notice dings casual shift from denier to downplayer? Now he’s not denying instead he’s downplaying the impact we are causing.

I won’t even discuss global warming or evolution with them. I can only laugh and hope half our country wakes up
I already stated Atheists were standing up to the backlash they have encountered over the centuries. Let's start with today. Did you know there are 7 states that do not allow atheists to hold public office. During the inquisition atheists were tortured and executed. I don't need to give you a history lesson, it would take up too much space. Atheists are certainly persecuted in the US though.

So you are upset about ancient history? Could you show me something a little more recent that shows how atheists are being persecuted TODAY. Because if you want to go back in history to see persecution, you only need to go back the the 20th century for the 200 million souls that were murdered by oppressive atheistic nations.

How are atheists persecuted in the US today?

Did you not see the part about Atheists not allowed to hold public office in 7 States? Did you not watch the video I submitted. Here is another. There used to be a real good video out there but I can't find it anymore.

The problem is that Secular Humanist organizations and clubs work to undermine the spiritual aspect of any organization they are allowed to control. They have totally undermined many colleges and universities by being allowed to gain the upper hand in the science departments, where they endeavor to either exclude or mold students who have a Christian upbringing by distorting and not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts. Institution after institution not only denies jobs to Christian scientists but fail to pass students who have the "Gaul" to do papers and dissertations which fail to follow the atheistic train of evolutionist thought. Once they gain control of the Sciences they then begin to eliminate all religious affiliation the institution may have once had and make it completely secular.

The reality is that the benevolence extended towards Secular Humanist and Atheists in the name of educational diversity is never reciprocated! Once Christians are in the educational minority, they become targets to expel, retire, and eliminate one way or another.
Well we agree on this but when they had prayer in school many non-christians were forced to pray. Religion should be kept out of school.
No. Students should be allowed to express their faith.

Besides religious studies are a valid subject matter to discuss as long as favoritism isn't shown by the administrators. Maybe if it had, you wouldn't only see half the picture.
It's how students express their faith which can be detrimental. It's a slippery slope you don't want to go down.

As for religious studies being taught I'm all for it in the higher grades. Definitely not elementary. The problem with favouritism or bias once a religion or a part of that religion is criticized by students or staff all hell would break loose.
I was an elementary student in the 4th grade when the "Bible reading and prayer was eliminated from the day at public school.

There were Catholics, Jews, Agnostics, Protestants, and The Indifferent in my classes. Anyone who wanted to not participate in the Bible reading, the morning Pledge of Allegiance, singing America the Beautiful, were allowed to come into the classroom after said exercises ended.

No one said anything. It is funny though that all the students always wanted to participate in the Christmas festivities. They certainly liked parties.
I already stated Atheists were standing up to the backlash they have encountered over the centuries. Let's start with today. Did you know there are 7 states that do not allow atheists to hold public office. During the inquisition atheists were tortured and executed. I don't need to give you a history lesson, it would take up too much space. Atheists are certainly persecuted in the US though.

So you are upset about ancient history? Could you show me something a little more recent that shows how atheists are being persecuted TODAY. Because if you want to go back in history to see persecution, you only need to go back the the 20th century for the 200 million souls that were murdered by oppressive atheistic nations.

How are atheists persecuted in the US today?

Did you not see the part about Atheists not allowed to hold public office in 7 States? Did you not watch the video I submitted. Here is another. There used to be a real good video out there but I can't find it anymore.

The problem is that Secular Humanist organizations and clubs work to undermine the spiritual aspect of any organization they are allowed to control. They have totally undermined many colleges and universities by being allowed to gain the upper hand in the science departments, where they endeavor to either exclude or mold students who have a Christian upbringing by distorting and not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts. Institution after institution not only denies jobs to Christian scientists but fail to pass students who have the "Gaul" to do papers and dissertations which fail to follow the atheistic train of evolutionist thought. Once they gain control of the Sciences they then begin to eliminate all religious affiliation the institution may have once had and make it completely secular.

The reality is that the benevolence extended towards Secular Humanist and Atheists in the name of educational diversity is never reciprocated! Once Christians are in the educational minority, they become targets to expel, retire, and eliminate one way or another.

Because a god did not poof land animals into existence. Your hypothesis isn’t even a theory especially not a scientific theory.
Can anyone answer the question? When it says psalms 52 vs 5 “and the lord said....” who is writing this? You would think this is a very important man who is telling us an entire book of what the lord said. Yet I’ll bet you most believers don’t even know.

First, Verse 5 of Psalm 52 is: You Love evil rather than good, lies rather than honest speech. (Nowhere is, "and the Lord said...")

Second, this particular Psalm is attributed to the authorship of King David.

Third, no one man wrote the Bible. The Bible is a collection of book, and several of the books have more than one author.
These are very important men in human history. Who were they?
Well we agree on this but when they had prayer in school many non-christians were forced to pray. Religion should be kept out of school.
No. Students should be allowed to express their faith.

Besides religious studies are a valid subject matter to discuss as long as favoritism isn't shown by the administrators. Maybe if it had, you wouldn't only see half the picture.
It's how students express their faith which can be detrimental. It's a slippery slope you don't want to go down.

As for religious studies being taught I'm all for it in the higher grades. Definitely not elementary. The problem with favouritism or bias once a religion or a part of that religion is criticized by students or staff all hell would break loose.
I was an elementary student in the 4th grade when the "Bible reading and prayer was eliminated from the day at public school.

There were Catholics, Jews, Agnostics, Protestants, and The Indifferent in my classes. Anyone who wanted to not participate in the Bible reading, the morning Pledge of Allegiance, singing America the Beautiful, were allowed to come into the classroom after said exercises ended.

No one said anything. It is funny though that all the students always wanted to participate in the Christmas festivities. They certainly liked parties.
No one said anything but that doesn’t mean they were all comfotable with it.
And why did he waste billions of years on trilobites and then billions on dinosaurs before he came up with us 300,000 years ago? Why have 90% of all the animals that ever lived on earth gone extinct? Does god make mistakes?

What is time to God?
Can anyone answer the question? When it says psalms 52 vs 5 “and the lord said....” who is writing this? You would think this is a very important man who is telling us an entire book of what the lord said. Yet I’ll bet you most believers don’t even know.
Authorship is a hard one to determine. They have good ideas of the who for some things, a guess for others and no clue at all for some.

More important than the who, is understanding the literary style used by the author and the context of the day.
No I think knowing who’s telling us what god said is very important.

If your house was on fire would it matter who told you?
Funny you say that. This guys mom died and someone anonymous told the police the son did it and the weapon was in the car. The cops found the weapon. So was the son guilty? Who called in the tip? Turns out it was the real killer. So yea It matters. These founders of your religion. You folks don’t even know who they are. Sounding more like a fairytale
These are very important men in human history. Who were they?

Yes. There were many, and it would take a long time to discuss them all. Did you have one in particular you wish to talk about? Or, is your point only a few of us take the time to learn about them? How much do we know about any author? For example, I know a lot about The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, and very little about JRR Tolkien.
Well we agree on this but when they had prayer in school many non-christians were forced to pray. Religion should be kept out of school.
No. Students should be allowed to express their faith.

Besides religious studies are a valid subject matter to discuss as long as favoritism isn't shown by the administrators. Maybe if it had, you wouldn't only see half the picture.
It's how students express their faith which can be detrimental. It's a slippery slope you don't want to go down.

As for religious studies being taught I'm all for it in the higher grades. Definitely not elementary. The problem with favouritism or bias once a religion or a part of that religion is criticized by students or staff all hell would break loose.
I was an elementary student in the 4th grade when the "Bible reading and prayer was eliminated from the day at public school.

There were Catholics, Jews, Agnostics, Protestants, and The Indifferent in my classes. Anyone who wanted to not participate in the Bible reading, the morning Pledge of Allegiance, singing America the Beautiful, were allowed to come into the classroom after said exercises ended.

No one said anything. It is funny though that all the students always wanted to participate in the Christmas festivities. They certainly liked parties.
No one said anything but that doesn’t mean they were all comfotable with it.

We visited the Islamic Center in Washington DC with the Cub/Boy Scouts as a field trip just prior to that time. There was not a Muslim among us. No one was offended.

One thing learned in that time is that the world did not revolve around you, and your self-esteem and comfort in life was not a concern. You simply shrugged and adapted.

It was a good lesson, no longer taught.
As for religious studies being taught I'm all for it in the higher grades. Definitely not elementary. The problem with favouritism or bias once a religion or a part of that religion is criticized by students or staff all hell would break loose.

This is like saying one is in favor of math being taught in the higher grades, but definitely not elementary. Elementary school studies is what prepares one for higher learning. Like any other subject, elementary school studies is like first setting the nail on which to hang a hat. When there is no nail, there is no place later hang the hat.
I saw this first hand. Grade 7 students were being taught religious studies. First a student waked out when the subject of the reformation came up, yelling "Why is everyone picking on the Catholics!" and when Wicca was presented there were several complaints from many Christian parents. It does not work in an elementary school.
I already stated Atheists were standing up to the backlash they have encountered over the centuries. Let's start with today. Did you know there are 7 states that do not allow atheists to hold public office. During the inquisition atheists were tortured and executed. I don't need to give you a history lesson, it would take up too much space. Atheists are certainly persecuted in the US though.

So you are upset about ancient history? Could you show me something a little more recent that shows how atheists are being persecuted TODAY. Because if you want to go back in history to see persecution, you only need to go back the the 20th century for the 200 million souls that were murdered by oppressive atheistic nations.

How are atheists persecuted in the US today?

Did you not see the part about Atheists not allowed to hold public office in 7 States? Did you not watch the video I submitted. Here is another. There used to be a real good video out there but I can't find it anymore.

The problem is that Secular Humanist organizations and clubs work to undermine the spiritual aspect of any organization they are allowed to control. They have totally undermined many colleges and universities by being allowed to gain the upper hand in the science departments, where they endeavor to either exclude or mold students who have a Christian upbringing by distorting and not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts. Institution after institution not only denies jobs to Christian scientists but fail to pass students who have the "Gaul" to do papers and dissertations which fail to follow the atheistic train of evolutionist thought. Once they gain control of the Sciences they then begin to eliminate all religious affiliation the institution may have once had and make it completely secular.

The reality is that the benevolence extended towards Secular Humanist and Atheists in the name of educational diversity is never reciprocated! Once Christians are in the educational minority, they become targets to expel, retire, and eliminate one way or another.

Because a god did not poof land animals into existence. Your hypothesis isn’t even a theory especially not a scientific theory.

God created everything just like a artist creates a painting or a sculpture. And why not, that's exactly like we'd do it. Who would imagine GOD inferior to humans?
As for religious studies being taught I'm all for it in the higher grades. Definitely not elementary. The problem with favouritism or bias once a religion or a part of that religion is criticized by students or staff all hell would break loose.

This is like saying one is in favor of math being taught in the higher grades, but definitely not elementary. Elementary school studies is what prepares one for higher learning. Like any other subject, elementary school studies is like first setting the nail on which to hang a hat. When there is no nail, there is no place later hang the hat.
I saw this first hand. Grade 7 students were being taught religious studies. First a student waked out when the subject of the reformation came up, yelling "Why is everyone picking on the Catholics!" and when Wicca was presented there were several complaints from many Christian parents. It does not work in an elementary school.
The school didn't teach religion, they began the morning by reading a few verses of scripture --- usually from the Psalms and Proverbs. It started the mind wondering.
Well we agree on this but when they had prayer in school many non-christians were forced to pray. Religion should be kept out of school.
No. Students should be allowed to express their faith.

Besides religious studies are a valid subject matter to discuss as long as favoritism isn't shown by the administrators. Maybe if it had, you wouldn't only see half the picture.
It's how students express their faith which can be detrimental. It's a slippery slope you don't want to go down.

As for religious studies being taught I'm all for it in the higher grades. Definitely not elementary. The problem with favouritism or bias once a religion or a part of that religion is criticized by students or staff all hell would break loose.
I was an elementary student in the 4th grade when the "Bible reading and prayer was eliminated from the day at public school.

There were Catholics, Jews, Agnostics, Protestants, and The Indifferent in my classes. Anyone who wanted to not participate in the Bible reading, the morning Pledge of Allegiance, singing America the Beautiful, were allowed to come into the classroom after said exercises ended.

No one said anything. It is funny though that all the students always wanted to participate in the Christmas festivities. They certainly liked parties.
No one said anything but that doesn’t mean they were all comfotable with it.
Life is not comfortable! And the sooner people learn that fact the sooner one begins to mature and grow up and not think life is all about what they want, need, and expect. They at least can visualize that government is not all there is.
As for religious studies being taught I'm all for it in the higher grades. Definitely not elementary. The problem with favouritism or bias once a religion or a part of that religion is criticized by students or staff all hell would break loose.

This is like saying one is in favor of math being taught in the higher grades, but definitely not elementary. Elementary school studies is what prepares one for higher learning. Like any other subject, elementary school studies is like first setting the nail on which to hang a hat. When there is no nail, there is no place later hang the hat.
I saw this first hand. Grade 7 students were being taught religious studies. First a student waked out when the subject of the reformation came up, yelling "Why is everyone picking on the Catholics!" and when Wicca was presented there were several complaints from many Christian parents. It does not work in an elementary school.
The school didn't teach religion, they began the morning by reading a few verses of scripture --- usually from the Psalms and Proverbs. It started the mind wondering.
What are you talking about. The school was teaching religious studies. Not the indoctrination of students. You do realize there is more than one religion.
These are very important men in human history. Who were they?

Yes. There were many, and it would take a long time to discuss them all. Did you have one in particular you wish to talk about? Or, is your point only a few of us take the time to learn about them? How much do we know about any author? For example, I know a lot about The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, and very little about JRR Tolkien.
That’s because that author is writing fiction.

I guess they’re the same thing. Lol
I already stated Atheists were standing up to the backlash they have encountered over the centuries. Let's start with today. Did you know there are 7 states that do not allow atheists to hold public office. During the inquisition atheists were tortured and executed. I don't need to give you a history lesson, it would take up too much space. Atheists are certainly persecuted in the US though.

So you are upset about ancient history? Could you show me something a little more recent that shows how atheists are being persecuted TODAY. Because if you want to go back in history to see persecution, you only need to go back the the 20th century for the 200 million souls that were murdered by oppressive atheistic nations.

How are atheists persecuted in the US today?

Did you not see the part about Atheists not allowed to hold public office in 7 States? Did you not watch the video I submitted. Here is another. There used to be a real good video out there but I can't find it anymore.

The problem is that Secular Humanist organizations and clubs work to undermine the spiritual aspect of any organization they are allowed to control. They have totally undermined many colleges and universities by being allowed to gain the upper hand in the science departments, where they endeavor to either exclude or mold students who have a Christian upbringing by distorting and not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts. Institution after institution not only denies jobs to Christian scientists but fail to pass students who have the "Gaul" to do papers and dissertations which fail to follow the atheistic train of evolutionist thought. Once they gain control of the Sciences they then begin to eliminate all religious affiliation the institution may have once had and make it completely secular.

The reality is that the benevolence extended towards Secular Humanist and Atheists in the name of educational diversity is never reciprocated! Once Christians are in the educational minority, they become targets to expel, retire, and eliminate one way or another.

Because a god did not poof land animals into existence. Your hypothesis isn’t even a theory especially not a scientific theory.

God created everything just like a artist creates a painting or a sculpture. And why not, that's exactly like we'd do it. Who would imagine GOD inferior to humans?

First you have to prove god exists before you claim he made anything.

Does it matter if we believe? The great thing about atheism is it doesn’t matter if you believe or not. Do you think it matters outside of making you happy?
That’s because that author is writing fiction.

I guess they’re the same thing. Lol

Robert Frost is the author of the poem Road Not Taken. He said he took the one less traveled, and that made all the difference. In the same way, King David, said to be the author of many of the Psalms wrote songs and poetry, centered around the difficulties in his life, but where he also perceived truths and God at work.

Biblical authors wrote plays, maxims, proverbs, histories, biographies, laws, customs, poetry, songs, about their personal lives, etc. In the thinking of modern man, these would not fall into our classifications of either non-fiction or fiction. In ancient times, people thought in terms of stories, If something was worthy of being taught or remembered, it was woven into a story. True stories are becoming a lost art. Certainly understanding these stories is already a lost art among atheist because to them Bible stories have gone the way of butter churns.

Butter churns can still turn out a most excellent butter, people have just decided not to bother. That seems to be the way of atheists with Bible stories. The original authors' intent is still there whether atheists bother to understand it or not.
That’s because that author is writing fiction.

I guess they’re the same thing. Lol

Robert Frost is the author of the poem Road Not Taken. He said he took the one less traveled, and that made all the difference. In the same way, King David, said to be the author of many of the Psalms wrote songs and poetry, centered around the difficulties in his life, but where he also perceived truths and God at work.

Biblical authors wrote plays, maxims, proverbs, histories, biographies, laws, customs, poetry, songs, about their personal lives, etc. In the thinking of modern man, these would not fall into our classifications of either non-fiction or fiction. In ancient times, people thought in terms of stories, If something was worthy of being taught or remembered, it was woven into a story. True stories are becoming a lost art. Certainly understanding these stories is already a lost art among atheist because to them Bible stories have gone the way of butter churns.

Butter churns can still turn out a most excellent butter, people have just decided not to bother. That seems to be the way of atheists with Bible stories. The original authors' intent is still there whether atheists bother to understand it or not.
Be good? We get it. You don’t think we understand the message the preacher is preaching? Of course we do. We just look around and realize it all revolves around a lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel and ultimately it’s better to know the truth.

I don’t mind someone hoping and wishing for but don’t tell me your religion has all the answers.

It’s verifiably true they use religion to control us. Keep us stupid. Plus it’s a huge industry.

For that reason alone I don’t want it to go away. It’s a huge industry
Be good? We get it. You don’t think we understand the message the preacher is preaching? Of course we do. We just look around and realize it all revolves around a lie.

A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel and ultimately it’s better to know the truth.

I don’t mind someone hoping and wishing for but don’t tell me your religion has all the answers.

It’s verifiably true they use religion to control us. Keep us stupid. Plus it’s a huge industry.

For that reason alone I don’t want it to go away. It’s a huge industry

I see it is easy to build a case against religion using logical fallacies. First, Christianity is built around truth. You say it is better to know the truth, yet you promote the idea of truth as a lie. Second, no one says any religion has all the answers. That's like saying every hammer will build a house. Religion is more like a toolbox where it gives options and possibilities for creating a good life and the best version of yourself that is possible. Third, religion (outside of cults) does not control people. Rather it helps people gain control of their individual assets and debts and be responsible for who they are and who they will be.

Next, it is not our knowledge of history, evolution, or calculus that teaches us to live life. Religion, especially Christianity, counsels people not only how to get along with themselves, but with others. I love science, learned a lot from it, but it never taught me how to get along with others, especially difficult bosses, angry co-workers, or how to be a good friend when friends are going through rough patches.

In fact, I see people who argue against religion as those who are arguing for keeping people stupid.
And why did he waste billions of years on trilobites and then billions on dinosaurs before he came up with us 300,000 years ago? Why have 90% of all the animals that ever lived on earth gone extinct? Does god make mistakes?

What is time to God?
Can anyone answer the question? When it says psalms 52 vs 5 “and the lord said....” who is writing this? You would think this is a very important man who is telling us an entire book of what the lord said. Yet I’ll bet you most believers don’t even know.
Authorship is a hard one to determine. They have good ideas of the who for some things, a guess for others and no clue at all for some.

More important than the who, is understanding the literary style used by the author and the context of the day.
No I think knowing who’s telling us what god said is very important.

If your house was on fire would it matter who told you?
If I was told my house was on fire, it might matter who told me. If a man wearing a fireman's uniform ran up to me, and told me my house was on fire, I would probably rush home. If some drunken sot waddled up to me, and slurred out that my house was on fire, before puking on my shoes? Wellll...I might be more inclined to ignore him...

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