Who Here Personally Sets Their Real Estate Value for Taxes, Loans and Insurance Value?

If the lenders will do that for a $300K home, How did Trump prevent the banks from doing that when he borrowed the millions from them?

Because we aren't talking the appraisal for a home, not the property where the loan was taken out.

We are talking FPOTUS#45's personal guarantee on the loan based on his net worth through 500 shell companies.

In your/our home buyer situation you have two things happening:
  1. The value of the property itself acting as collateral for the loan. That's why there is typically a down payment so that the collateral value exceeds the payoff value or the loan.
  2. The second factor is the interest * * RATE * * the lender will demand. In your/our case the lender is going to require things like pay slips, W-2's, X years tax returns, current balances on any financial accounts, etc. And of course the ever popular Credit Score.
FPOTUS#45's issue isn't the collateral value of the loan, his legal problems stem from - in his world - legal documents called "Statements of Financial Condition" showing his net worth as part of obtaining lower rates.

But of course many will ignore this difference to rage that FPOTUS#45 is the victim.

So what is the difference in John Stewart NY Home than Mar a Largo?

There is no indication that Jon Stewart lied in legal documents about his net worth.

If the appraisal comes in at a million dollars and Jon Steward says I'll sell you this million dollar house for $20 million and you accept the offer. The problem is you buying a known $1M home for $20M means you are an idiot.

And what State lets you do that if yes.

Asking for a friend. Because I really want to understand this Trump accusation and “my friend” may want to move to your State if you don’t need to involve outside appraisals.

Nobody. But for sure we hope the value is as low as possible for the tax man, the value is high as possible for the buyer and lender and we want our insurance to be spot on. But for sure we have NEVER sold a property that anybody took our word or our realtors or anybody else for what it was worth. The lender ALWAYS sends an appraiser to set a value on the property.
And what State lets you do that if yes.

Asking for a friend. Because I really want to understand this Trump accusation and “my friend” may want to move to your State if you don’t need to involve outside appraisals.

Another idiotic thread.

Who here signed lying financial statements under penalty of law?

It's hilarious that the cult thinks Trump is just a sweet, innocent victim of unscrupulous people that he handpicked.
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And what State lets you do that if yes.

Asking for a friend. Because I really want to understand this Trump accusation and “my friend” may want to move to your State if you don’t need to involve outside appraisals.

What about telling the DMV the value of a used car? I told them it was half the bluebook value, and they accepted it. Saved a bunch on the sales tax.

Does that count?
And what State lets you do that if yes.

Asking for a friend. Because I really want to understand this Trump accusation and “my friend” may want to move to your State if you don’t need to involve outside appraisals.

But but officer... everyone does it... LOL

Has that defense ever worked? Whether in traffic violations, bank fraud, or cheating on your taxes?
What about telling the DMV the value of a used car? I told them it was half the bluebook value, and they accepted it. Saved a bunch on the sales tax.

Does that count?
I told Virginia my car was worth $1 when I first registered.

They used blue book price.
Who does no appraisal?
As far as I can determine, banks generally require appraisals but I guess they bend the rules for rich guys. Talk about favoritism. If this had been a Dem politician you idiots would have picked up your pitchforks and marched on Washington.

But coming back to the orange douchebag and appraisals...The company's longtime accountant, Donald Bender, testified that he asked for appraisals but was not always provided them by Trump executives.

Of course, the orange douchebag tried to shift the blame onto his accountant but then what else would you expect the douche to do?

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