Who here supports antifa and why?

That's nice. Do you support antifa?
Absolutely not. Do you support neo fascists?

Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.
Read the political compass again.
I'd suggest you have some respect for WW2 veterans and not be such a piece of shit.

I have more respect for them than any piece of shit leftist who wants to completely ruin the nation they fought for.
I'm glad you respect them and their victory over fascism.

You stupid Commie fuck, your shit has no place in the America me and my ancestors built, bitch. Straight up, Fuck You.
My ancestors built America too. Why do you think you are special, bitch.

How many generations American are you? PS: none of mine ever went Communist.
1800s. Why do you think I'm communist? Get a grip man.
I have more respect for them than any piece of shit leftist who wants to completely ruin the nation they fought for.
I'm glad you respect them and their victory over fascism.

You stupid Commie fuck, your shit has no place in the America me and my ancestors built, bitch. Straight up, Fuck You.
My ancestors built America too. Why do you think you are special, bitch.

How many generations American are you? PS: none of mine ever went Communist.
1800s. Why do you think I'm communist? Get a grip man.

That's not a generational number, man.

My people been here since way before the 1800s.

Why do I think you're Communist? Your posts. :dunno:
Its weird, Libs talk about being "triggered" Micro aggressions. All that pseudo intellectual bullshit they come up with. And they can't see the forest for the trees here. Funny that. The Antifa is a bunch of manbabies, literally, homunculus. Immature amoral narcissistic nihilistic contrarians. A crying shame this is what modern western culture came to.
Absolutely not. Do you support neo fascists?

Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.
Read the political compass again.
The obvious if you are not a dumb fuck compass says fascism is far right
Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.
Read the political compass again.
The obvious if you are not a dumb fuck compass says fascism is far right

I say you're an UnAmerican leftist faggot, bitch!

I bet you're against Antifa getting headshotted by the National Guard as they should be, because you're a leftist faggot. Prove me wrong!
Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.
Read the political compass again.
The obvious if you are not a dumb fuck compass says fascism is far right

You keep saying that but you can't make the argument as to why.
Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.
Read the political compass again.
The obvious if you are not a dumb fuck compass says fascism is far right
It literally doesn’t, no.

Hitler is just outside the left wing authoritarian quadrant, to the very edge of the left side on the right authoritarian quadrant. The most extreme sides of right quadrants are on the right and the most extreme sides of the left quadrants are on the left with Stalin.

Hitler was basically a centrist authoritarian according to the political compass.
I have more respect for them than any piece of shit leftist who wants to completely ruin the nation they fought for.

That's true, even racist pieces of shit are better pieces of shit than commie pieces of shit.

Commies will kill everyone.
I'm glad you respect them and their victory over fascism.

You stupid Commie fuck, your shit has no place in the America me and my ancestors built, bitch. Straight up, Fuck You.
My ancestors built America too. Why do you think you are special, bitch.

How many generations American are you? PS: none of mine ever went Communist.
1800s. Why do you think I'm communist? Get a grip man.

That's not a generational number, man.

My people been here since way before the 1800s.

Why do I think you're Communist? Your posts. :dunno:
Okay man if you are so thin skinned i guess you are better because your forebears came to the US before mine. If you think I'm a commie though just because I believe in capitalism with some regulations you are fucking stupid and that's all there is to it.
You stupid Commie fuck, your shit has no place in the America me and my ancestors built, bitch. Straight up, Fuck You.
My ancestors built America too. Why do you think you are special, bitch.

How many generations American are you? PS: none of mine ever went Communist.
1800s. Why do you think I'm communist? Get a grip man.

That's not a generational number, man.

My people been here since way before the 1800s.

Why do I think you're Communist? Your posts. :dunno:
Okay man if you are so thin skinned i guess you are better because your forebears came to the US before mine. If you think I'm a commie though just because I believe in capitalism with some regulations you are fucking stupid and that's all there is to it.

Fuck regulations. That's the difference between me and you. No, I'm not "stupid" I'm probably about 50% smarter than you, jackass.
You stupid Commie fuck, your shit has no place in the America me and my ancestors built, bitch. Straight up, Fuck You.
My ancestors built America too. Why do you think you are special, bitch.

How many generations American are you? PS: none of mine ever went Communist.
1800s. Why do you think I'm communist? Get a grip man.

That's not a generational number, man.

My people been here since way before the 1800s.

Why do I think you're Communist? Your posts. :dunno:
Okay man if you are so thin skinned i guess you are better because your forebears came to the US before mine. If you think I'm a commie though just because I believe in capitalism with some regulations you are fucking stupid and that's all there is to it.

You're being called names because you came in here comparing Antifa to WW2 soldiers.
Does anyone else here lament the loss of American culture? Diversity is nice, if we actually wanted, needed or asked for it. But instead, its forced on us by god knows whom. We weren't asked. We didn't get any say-so on the matter. Because this is way to important to actualy let Americans vote on it. No, instead Democratic Republic mysterious forces we can't control tell Us what's GOOD for US despite the fact we cant object or oppose it. When was that last time we had a referendum on....any of this stuff? Open boarders? Sanctuary cities? Ever get the feeling the American citizens Are the least thing our so called elected officials are concerned with? Contractors, the PACs. George Washington or D. Eisenhower would be turning over in their graves. This isn't America anymore.
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.
Read the political compass again.
The obvious if you are not a dumb fuck compass says fascism is far right

I say you're an UnAmerican leftist faggot, bitch!

I bet you're against Antifa getting headshotted by the National Guard as they should be, because you're a leftist faggot. Prove me wrong!
I don't give a fuck about antifa.
I bet you're against neo nazis getting headshotted by the National Guard as they should be, because you are an alt right faggot. Prove me wrong!
My ancestors built America too. Why do you think you are special, bitch.

How many generations American are you? PS: none of mine ever went Communist.
1800s. Why do you think I'm communist? Get a grip man.

That's not a generational number, man.

My people been here since way before the 1800s.

Why do I think you're Communist? Your posts. :dunno:
Okay man if you are so thin skinned i guess you are better because your forebears came to the US before mine. If you think I'm a commie though just because I believe in capitalism with some regulations you are fucking stupid and that's all there is to it.

You're being called names because you came in here comparing Antifa to WW2 soldiers.
I did not and you won't find me saying that in any comment ever. Go on being a lying sack of shit though if you want.
Does anyone else here lament the loss of American culture? Diversity is nice, if we actually wanted, needed or asked for it. But instead, its forced on us by god knows whom. We weren't asked. We didn't get any say-so on the matter. Because this is way to important actual let Americans vote on. No, instead Democratic Republic mysterious forces we can't control tell Us what's GOOD for us despite the fact we cant object or oppose it. When was that last time we had a referendum on....any of this stuff? Open boarders? Sanctuary cities? Ever get the feeling the American citizens Are the least thing our so called elected officials are concerned with? Contractors, the PACs. George Washington would be turning over in his grave.

The dreaded so-called "alt-right" spawned from 20-somethings who realized one day that their future had been stolen from them and the equality and fairness that they were taught was the ultimate virtue only applied to people with dark colored skin or people who have weird sexual fetishes. Charlottesville was them testing the waters to see if they're allowed to stage protest events to air their grievances like the radical left has done since the 60s. Turns out no. No they're not.

Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.
Read the political compass again.
The obvious if you are not a dumb fuck compass says fascism is far right

I say you're an UnAmerican leftist faggot, bitch!

I bet you're against Antifa getting headshotted by the National Guard as they should be, because you're a leftist faggot. Prove me wrong!
I don't give a fuck about antifa.
I bet you're against neo nazis getting headshotted by the National Guard as they should be, because you are an alt right faggot. Prove me wrong!

I bet you fail because you're a leftist faggot. When's the last time Neo-Nazis (I don't like them) perpetuated violence in public, leftist faggot? Oh yeah and I had you fucking pegged, POS!
Seriously, you're a piece of shit. Antifa should be put down like the rabid dogs they are. If Neo-Nazis were as bad as Antifa, they should be put down too.
But they don't roll like that.
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