Who here supports antifa and why?

Lol I came into this thread, said I hate fascists and so did my granddaddys,
Let the white supremacists and antifa members have a big rally, remove all police, and just let nature take its course.

The problem won't be solved, but it will at least make the problem more manageable.
Nah we aren't a third world country. Why do you want us to be one?

Sorry, but I'm not in favor of violent activism on either side.
I understand and appreciate that. Having "a big rally" and "letting nature take its course" like you said is not a good solution and should not be endorsed unless you think we are a third world country and are not beyond that.
I understand and appreciate that. Having "a big rally" and "letting nature take its course" like you said is not a good solution and should not be endorsed unless you think we are a third world country and are not beyond that.

Your opinion is noted. I think it's a good solution.
Ok, XponentialChaos anyone who believes in a whites-only society also believes in its racial supremacy.

Is that what you wanted me to say?

Seems reasonable to me. The two overlap significantly is all I was saying.

Not sure why you were arguing that they're different.
He wants you to think they are different so he can promote white nationalism without the the stigma white supremacism carries
Ok, XponentialChaos anyone who believes in a whites-only society also believes in its racial supremacy.

Is that what you wanted me to say?

Seems reasonable to me. The two overlap significantly is all I was saying.

Not sure why you were arguing that they're different.
He wants you to think they are different so he can promote white nationalism without the the stigma white supremacism carries

They're 98% the same thing.
Thanks in advance.

I support their free speech and their right to peaceably assemble. In that same vein I support the KKK and other vile organizations.

As long as they are yelling loud for all to hear then they do not feel the necessity for violence. Free speech is the best domestic policy ever constructed for the purpose of domestic tranquility.

The most hateful speech is the exact type of speech that should be protected most.
Thanks in advance.

I support their free speech and their right to peaceably assemble. In that same vein I support the KKK and other vile organizations.

As long as they are yelling loud for all to hear then they do not feel the necessity for violence. Free speech is the best domestic policy ever constructed for the purpose of domestic tranquility.

The most hateful speech is the exact type of speech that should be protected most.

That's different. Earlier I got the impression that you only support permitting speech that matches your belief system.
Thanks in advance.

I support their free speech and their right to peaceably assemble. In that same vein I support the KKK and other vile organizations.

As long as they are yelling loud for all to hear then they do not feel the necessity for violence. Free speech is the best domestic policy ever constructed for the purpose of domestic tranquility.

The most hateful speech is the exact type of speech that should be protected most.

That's different. Earlier I got the impression that you only support permitting speech that matches your belief system.

Yeah? Did I call for the arrest of someone?
Thanks in advance.

I support their free speech and their right to peaceably assemble. In that same vein I support the KKK and other vile organizations.

As long as they are yelling loud for all to hear then they do not feel the necessity for violence. Free speech is the best domestic policy ever constructed for the purpose of domestic tranquility.

The most hateful speech is the exact type of speech that should be protected most.

That's different. Earlier I got the impression that you only support permitting speech that matches your belief system.

Yeah? Did I call for the arrest of someone?

You seemed triggered in the ethics forum when you were engaging in personal attacks against me. You apparently view some topics as taboo and don't want others discussing them.
Thanks in advance.

I support their free speech and their right to peaceably assemble. In that same vein I support the KKK and other vile organizations.

As long as they are yelling loud for all to hear then they do not feel the necessity for violence. Free speech is the best domestic policy ever constructed for the purpose of domestic tranquility.

The most hateful speech is the exact type of speech that should be protected most.

That's different. Earlier I got the impression that you only support permitting speech that matches your belief system.

Yeah? Did I call for the arrest of someone?

You seemed triggered in the ethics forum when you were engaging in personal attacks against me. You apparently view some topics as taboo and don't want others discussing them.

I fought in the United States Marine Corps and took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. My enlistment ended but my oath did not. Continue being as repulsive as you want. I would kill and die to make sure you keep your rights to be stupid, disgusting and repulsive.
Thanks in advance.

I support their free speech and their right to peaceably assemble. In that same vein I support the KKK and other vile organizations.

As long as they are yelling loud for all to hear then they do not feel the necessity for violence. Free speech is the best domestic policy ever constructed for the purpose of domestic tranquility.

The most hateful speech is the exact type of speech that should be protected most.

That's different. Earlier I got the impression that you only support permitting speech that matches your belief system.

Yeah? Did I call for the arrest of someone?

You seemed triggered in the ethics forum when you were engaging in personal attacks against me. You apparently view some topics as taboo and don't want others discussing them.

I fought in the United States Marine Corps and took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. My enlistment ended but my oath did not. Continue being as repulsive as you want. I would kill and die to make sure you keep your rights to be stupid, disgusting and repulsive.

You're unhinged. I'm putting you on ignore. Good riddance.
Ok, XponentialChaos anyone who believes in a whites-only society also believes in its racial supremacy.

Is that what you wanted me to say?

Seems reasonable to me. The two overlap significantly is all I was saying.

Not sure why you were arguing that they're different.

Anything else I can parrot for you?

You made the distinction that they're different. If you're not going to defend that claim then don't make it.
Ok, XponentialChaos anyone who believes in a whites-only society also believes in its racial supremacy.

Is that what you wanted me to say?

Seems reasonable to me. The two overlap significantly is all I was saying.

Not sure why you were arguing that they're different.

Anyway, an academic discussion ain't happening with you.

What exactly do you consider an academic discussion?

I simply quoted what you said and explained that the distinction isn't what I would consider relevant as they are basically identical.

Here's your claim: "There is a distinction between white supremacists and white nationalists."

What is that distinction? Go ahead and make your academic point if you have one.
1 of countless people murdered by social conservatives over the millennia. At least the alt-right is defeated.

You just can't count.

The 100 million + people who were industrially murdered, deliberately starved, or otherwise slaughtered by you commie pieces of shit far out weigh the death tolls of any other notorious group.

This includes the nazis, who were all still leftists in comparison to anyone in the US who opposes global collectivist democrooks.

Put that in your paint can and huff it you sniveling treasonous commie parasites.

Communist countries had people starve long before, but not long after communism. What makes you think the USA is better? The USA has been in perpetual war.Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia
1 of countless people murdered by social conservatives over the millennia. At least the alt-right is defeated.

While they will deny it on forums vigorously, you are correct.

Regarding the Right when it comes to more than talk......

All that was required was for men who call themselves "good", to do nothing.

America has never seen a time of more "do nothing-ness"
That's nice. Do you support antifa?
Absolutely not. Do you support neo fascists?

Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.
You're tragic, Snowflake.

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