Who here supports antifa and why?

Thanks in advance.

I support their free speech and their right to peaceably assemble. In that same vein I support the KKK and other vile organizations.

As long as they are yelling loud for all to hear then they do not feel the necessity for violence. Free speech is the best domestic policy ever constructed for the purpose of domestic tranquility.

The most hateful speech is the exact type of speech that should be protected most.

That's different. Earlier I got the impression that you only support permitting speech that matches your belief system.
I support only speech that matches my belief system.

No one would ever catch me supporting the riots and vandalism of Occupy Wall Street, Antifa, or any other leftwing thug group.
Does anyone else here lament the loss of American culture? Diversity is nice, if we actually wanted, needed or asked for it. But instead, its forced on us by god knows whom. We weren't asked. We didn't get any say-so on the matter. Because this is way to important actual let Americans vote on. No, instead Democratic Republic mysterious forces we can't control tell Us what's GOOD for us despite the fact we cant object or oppose it. When was that last time we had a referendum on....any of this stuff? Open boarders? Sanctuary cities? Ever get the feeling the American citizens Are the least thing our so called elected officials are concerned with? Contractors, the PACs. George Washington would be turning over in his grave.

The dreaded so-called "alt-right" spawned from 20-somethings who realized one day that their future had been stolen from them and the equality and fairness that they were taught was the ultimate virtue only applied to people with dark colored skin or people who have weird sexual fetishes. Charlottesville was them testing the waters to see if they're allowed to stage protest events to air their grievances like the radical left has done since the 60s. Turns out no. No they're not.
Yeah it might be that when the alt right "tested their waters" they chanted blood and soil and Jews will not replace us. Then one of them mowed down people with their car.

Nobody would have been hurt if the local authorities had done their job. But it seems they wanted chaos.
Does anyone else here lament the loss of American culture? Diversity is nice, if we actually wanted, needed or asked for it. But instead, its forced on us by god knows whom. We weren't asked. We didn't get any say-so on the matter. Because this is way to important actual let Americans vote on. No, instead Democratic Republic mysterious forces we can't control tell Us what's GOOD for us despite the fact we cant object or oppose it. When was that last time we had a referendum on....any of this stuff? Open boarders? Sanctuary cities? Ever get the feeling the American citizens Are the least thing our so called elected officials are concerned with? Contractors, the PACs. George Washington would be turning over in his grave.

The dreaded so-called "alt-right" spawned from 20-somethings who realized one day that their future had been stolen from them and the equality and fairness that they were taught was the ultimate virtue only applied to people with dark colored skin or people who have weird sexual fetishes. Charlottesville was them testing the waters to see if they're allowed to stage protest events to air their grievances like the radical left has done since the 60s. Turns out no. No they're not.
Yeah it might be that when the alt right "tested their waters" they chanted blood and soil and Jews will not replace us. Then one of them mowed down people with their car.

Nobody would have been hurt if the local authorities had done their job. But it seems they wanted chaos.
Or, use your brain for a second here, maybe the alt right could have not been a bunch of violent fascists.
That's nice. Do you support antifa?
Absolutely not. Do you support neo fascists?

Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.

Which is retarded because they are BOTH collective government types. The opposite of collective is none.

Try getting a fucking clue.
Absolutely not. Do you support neo fascists?

Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.

Which is retarded because they are BOTH collective government types. The opposite of collective is none.

Try getting a fucking clue.
I've got one:
Fascism is a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.

Which is retarded because they are BOTH collective government types. The opposite of collective is none.

Try getting a fucking clue.
I've got one:
Fascism is a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

There are two extremes of government. That being no government, which we will call right wing, and collective government, which we call leftwing for ease.

That's it. Any collectivist government is going to be the same as any other collectivist government. They may say different things, but for their citizens there is no measurable difference.

That is just a fact.
Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.

Which is retarded because they are BOTH collective government types. The opposite of collective is none.

Try getting a fucking clue.
I've got one:
Fascism is a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
Regimentation of society and economy is leftist communism you dork.
Does anyone else here lament the loss of American culture? Diversity is nice, if we actually wanted, needed or asked for it. But instead, its forced on us by god knows whom. We weren't asked. We didn't get any say-so on the matter. Because this is way to important actual let Americans vote on. No, instead Democratic Republic mysterious forces we can't control tell Us what's GOOD for us despite the fact we cant object or oppose it. When was that last time we had a referendum on....any of this stuff? Open boarders? Sanctuary cities? Ever get the feeling the American citizens Are the least thing our so called elected officials are concerned with? Contractors, the PACs. George Washington would be turning over in his grave.

The dreaded so-called "alt-right" spawned from 20-somethings who realized one day that their future had been stolen from them and the equality and fairness that they were taught was the ultimate virtue only applied to people with dark colored skin or people who have weird sexual fetishes. Charlottesville was them testing the waters to see if they're allowed to stage protest events to air their grievances like the radical left has done since the 60s. Turns out no. No they're not.
Yeah it might be that when the alt right "tested their waters" they chanted blood and soil and Jews will not replace us. Then one of them mowed down people with their car.

Nobody would have been hurt if the local authorities had done their job. But it seems they wanted chaos.
Or, use your brain for a second here, maybe the alt right could have not been a bunch of violent fascists.

Instead of twisting everything to push a political agenda why don't you open your eyes to the reality of the situation? There would have been no violence if Antifa had stayed home. No violence if the local authorities had kept the groups separate. Nobody would have gotten run over if protestors weren't allowed to run amok in the streets. Antifa's bad behavior that day was well documented, it's all captured on video.
I support huge masses of ANTFIFA members gathering together as a unified group so their voices can be heard loud and clear.

In a similar vein, I am also a firm supporter of drone strikes.
Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.

Which is retarded because they are BOTH collective government types. The opposite of collective is none.

Try getting a fucking clue.
I've got one:
Fascism is a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Here's a real dictionary definition, World Book:


Almost just like communism, but against communism. :rolleyes:
Because that was Russia. And Italy.
I didn't know Mussolini rolled for around 20 years. :eek:
Last edited:
Antifa is necessary to fight fascism. Antifa fought the Nazis. You know Hitler era Nazis.
Putting on a mask and terrorising people who disagree with you isn't anti fascism, it is fascism.
Go talk to the white supremacists they fight about fascism.
White supremacists are a bunch of worthless scrubs, but they have never been fans of dictators in the US, so they definitely arent fascists.
Both of my grandfathers helped rid the world of fascism serving our country during WW2. I would gladly beat the shit out of a neo fascist today in their memory.

That's nice. Do you support antifa?
Absolutely not. Do you support neo fascists?

Lol. I'm a free-market capitalist, which is the number one principle of the right. Fascism is a leftist ideology so, no, I do NOT support "neo-fascists".
Fascism is far right.
That is not the definition of fascism.
White supremacists are a bunch of worthless scrubs, but they have never been fans of dictators in the US, so they definitely arent fascists.

There was a thread and poll on Stormfront wherein half of the respondents supported fascism or socialism. The white supremacists and white nationalists are united on their beliefs regarding race, but they differ greatly on what type of government/economic system that we should have.
Here's a real dictionary definition, World Book:

Hitler and the Nazis were opposed to the communists NOT because they necessarily differed greatly with their philosophy, but because Hitler viewed German communists as being loyal to Joseph Stalin, with whom he planned to eventually wage war. Although it's also possible that Hitler and company didn't agree with the economics of communism and socialism. After all, Hitler was crazy, but he wasn't stupid.

I'd say the epitome of the fascist state today is China.
I support only speech that matches my belief system.

Sure, who doesn't? But unlike much of the left, I presume you support the right for people to express non-violent ideas, even if you disagree with those ideas, correct? Much of the left claims to support free speech but, in practice, they clearly do not.
There are two extremes of government. That being no government, which we will call right wing, and collective government, which we call leftwing for ease.

That's it. Any collectivist government is going to be the same as any other collectivist government. They may say different things, but for their citizens there is no measurable difference.

That is just a fact.

You nailed it.
Fascism is far right.


Fascism entails government control of the economy and every facet of society, which is the polar opposite of right-wing ideology, but it fits perfectly with leftist ideology.
Fascism is far right wing authoritarian. Communism is far left wing authoritarian.

Which is retarded because they are BOTH collective government types. The opposite of collective is none.

Try getting a fucking clue.
I've got one:
Fascism is a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

There are two extremes of government. That being no government, which we will call right wing, and collective government, which we call leftwing for ease.

That's it. Any collectivist government is going to be the same as any other collectivist government. They may say different things, but for their citizens there is no measurable difference.

That is just a fact.
Wikipedia is your friend.
Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia
Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as Liberty, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism", while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism".[17]

Political scientists and other analysts regard the left as including anarchists,[18][19] communists, socialists, democratic socialists, social democrats,[20] left-libertarians, progressivesand social liberals.[21][22] Movements for racial equality[23] and trade unionism have also been associated with the left.[24]

Political scientists and other analysts regard the right as including Christian democrats, conservatives, right-libertarians,[25] neoconservatives, imperialists, monarchists,[26]fascists,[27] reactionaries and traditionalists.

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