Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

The election was neither free nor fair.
It was a minority party….
The Nazis secured 43.9% of the vote, the Nazis still did not command a majority in the Reichstag.

The Enabling Law​

On the 23 March 1933, Hitler proposed the Enabling Law to the Reichstag. This new law gave Hitler the power to rule by decree rather than passing laws through the Reichstag and the president. If passed, the law established the conditions needed for dictatorial rule
It was the largest party in Germany. All the other parties were also "minority parties." The law did not require the Nazis to win a majority to have Hitler appointed as chancellor.

I've heard these excuses 10,000 times.

"The Enabling Law
On the 23 March 1933, Hitler proposed the Enabling Law to the Reichstag. This new law gave Hitler the power to rule by decree rather than passing laws through the Reichstag and the president. If passed, the law established the conditions needed for dictatorial rule"
That's how democracy worked in Weimar Germany. Are you opposed to democracy?
No you won't. Our 20,000+ gun laws prove it.
kind of silly. Only federal laws are nation wide are universal laws. Totaling up all the laws of every state, county and town is silly when all you live in is one of each . Only Fed and those in your state, city, county are relevant
If we had trained, armed security in our schools and just shot and killed any armed and unauthorized individual trying to get into a school, this shit would stop.

And rifles are used more for mass shootings.

"Mass shootings" are murder, I see no difference.

Guns used in mass shootings U.S. 2021 | Statista

Handguns are the most common weapon type used in mass shootings in the United States, with a total of 146 different handguns being used in 98 incidents between 1982 and May 2022. These figures are calculated from a total of 128 reported cases over this period, meaning handguns are involved in about 77 percent of mass shootings.

Most Active Shooters Use Pistols, Not Rifles, According to FBI Data

If there was a national database, I'd be in it. In time, my file would be covered in so much dust, it wouldn't even matter. Because I can pass a psych exam. I qualify for an AR or just about any over the counter gun. And I'm proud of that fact. I even bragged about getting my permit (years ago). So my file would never even be opened.

It was like proving I wasn't a mental case. Not that I had to prove anything to anyone except myself. But it's a good feeling knowing that you haven't screwed up your life so much that you can't even carry a pistol.
I'm not a gun owner but I have bought ammo so I'd be in there too I'd guess.

My thing on gun control is that if I see someone carrying a gun I'd like to know they know how and when to use it. No different from seeing a driver on the street.
The Constitution doesn't allow you to vote away the 2nd Amendment. We already understand that you oppose the 2nd Amendment. The rest of us would like you to go fuck yourself.
Don’t need to. Maybe you didn’t know that. Even the Heller decision allows for permitting handgun owners and firearm registration. What else do you need for all firearms.
I'm not a gun owner but I have bought ammo so I'd be in there too I'd guess.

My thing on gun control is that if I see someone carrying a gun I'd like to know they know how and when to use it. No different from seeing a driver on the street.
I’m concerned that they are eligible.
Don’t need to. Maybe you didn’t know that. Even the Heller decision allows for permitting handgun owners and firearm registration. What else do you need for all firearms.
I don't believe it does. Who says so?
I don't assume progs have common sense.
The old common sense argument. Is that the same common sense that you humpers of Trump used to suggest the Guard be activated for rioters and shoot them in the legs ?
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No. The 2nd Amendment doesn't give government the authority to keep tabs on you for exercising it. Precisely the opposite is the case.
Rambunctious might disagree. He(?) wants a red flag law to keep guns away from potential mass murders and a national database is the only way I know to make that happen. He doesn't support mass murder, do you? Do you have an alternative solution?
I don't believe it does. Who says so?
It’s not a ”who”. It’s the conservative opinion. Then you didn’t read the Heller decision.

You still need to be permitted and register the handgun in DC after the Heller decision.
I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.
AYE, cant make up this much stupid in one sitting.
kind of silly. Only federal laws are nation wide are universal laws. Totaling up all the laws of every state, county and town is silly when all you live in is one of each . Only Fed and those in your state, city, county are relevant

How many laws did Ramos break? Let's count.

Would one or two more have made a difference?!?
The old common sense argument. Is that the same common sense that you hero Trump used to suggest the Guard be activated for rioters and shoot them in the legs ?
There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump ever said that.

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