Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

Yes I do.

He was an 18yo adult that could buy an airplane, a car, a house. His background was clean and he had no blemishes on his record saying he had mental issues.

100% support him buying a gun. Because I would want the next 18yo with the same background to be able to buy one. Doesn't matter what Ramos did.
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For the far left:

The NICS conducts background checks on people who want to own a firearm or explosive, as required by law.

Background checks are done for people who want to buy guns..

If they pass this then they can legally own a firearm.

Far left needs to accept this!
So you support a national database of guns and their owners? Agreed.

If there was a national database, I'd be in it. In time, my file would be covered in so much dust, it wouldn't even matter. Because I can pass a psych exam. I qualify for an AR or just about any over the counter gun. And I'm proud of that fact. I even bragged about getting my permit (years ago). So my file would never even be opened.

It was like proving I wasn't a mental case. Not that I had to prove anything to anyone except myself. But it's a good feeling knowing that you haven't screwed up your life so much that you can't even carry a pistol.
The system failed. He was not supposed to be able to own firearms but schools and cops did not do their job reporting him. So legally he was allowed to buy them simple as that.
A little silly to blame someone before all the facts are in. AR15 armed shooters scare the shit out of cops as they penetrate the body armor used by most, and can kill 20 people in 20:seconds in school environments. Really, the rapid fire, low recoiled, high velocity with the fire power cops normally don’t carry, makes them sitting ducks. Even if four of them enter a room, the people behind can as easily be killed as those in front in seconds, even if everyone is wear body armor. 3000 ft per second is hunting rifle velocity with minimal recoil making it an ideal cop killer. It’s not about the. Ops, it’s about the LEADERSHIP and the la k there of. Everyone would have laid their life in the line if ordered to.
Serious question.

In the history of this country, how many teenage killers have existed?
I don’t know and I don’t think it’s relevant.

What 18-year-olds were doing 60 years ago has little to no impact on what 18-year-olds are doing now. Times are different. There’s now a pattern of death coming from young men.

Event: Columbine High School Massacre.
Shooters: Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboid.
Age: Both 17
Casualties: 15 deaths, 24 injured.
Weapons: Carbine and shotgun both acquired legally by 18-year-old friend.

Event: Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting.
Shooter: Nikolas Cruz.
Age: 19
Casualties: 17 deaths, 17 injured.
Weapon: AR-15 purchased legally. (The minimum age has since been changed to 21)

Event: Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting.
Shooter: Santino William Legan
Age: 19
Casualties: 4 deaths, 17 injured.
Weapon: Seni-automatic rifle purchased legally.

Event: El Paso Walmart Shooting.
Shooter: Patrick Wood Crusius
Age: 21
Casualties: 23 deaths, 23 injured.
Weapon: AK-47-style semi-automatic rifle purchased legally.

Event: 2022 Buffalo Shooting.
Shooter: Payton Gendron.
Age: 18
Casualties: 10 deaths, 3 injured.
Weapon: Semi-automatic rifle purchased legally.

Event: Robb Elementary School Shooting.
Shooter: Salvador Ramos
Age: 18
Casualties: 22 deaths, 15 injured.
Weapon: AR-15 style rifle purchased legally.
You totally missed the point.
In the dictatorship you describe, all the corrupt have to do is declare any honest person as being insane and prevented from then owning any weapons.
If a person really IS a lunatic, you do not pass universal bans on millions of firearms.
Instead you have a sanity trial to have them confined to an institution that can help them while protecting us.
The point is that all people who have not been legally declared incompetent by the judiciary, have to have equal rights.
You can't have a democracy with arbitrary levels of rights as dictated by the executive.

This is why the GOP needs to work with the left instead of trying to ignore it. And make it public that they're willing to work with democrats and passing legislation to help try and REDUCE the amount of gun violence. At the same time, keep the conversation going long enough for the November elections to come and go. Then when the GOP takes the majority we can keep the left from declaring that same people can't even have a gun.

Political strategy to keep the left from passing insane laws.
Joe Biden's crackhead son Hunter lied on his background check form to buy a gun and he has not been prosecuted.
He swore under penalty of a $250,000 fine and ten years imprisonment that he was not a drug addict.
So, these background checks are flawed.
BTW, the Democrats are saying that there are no background checks.
There are no background checks for individual sellers, dumb ass.
I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.
Nobody wants a wacko to have access to anything that could cause harm to others. That is pretty much a given.

However, the last thing I would want is for Liberals to decide who can and who cannot possess firearms. They are crazy about things like this and you simply can't trust them to be reasonable.

For instance, remember when the Obama Administration came out with a paper from the Justice Department saying that veterans and people that believe in God are potential terrorists? I do.

Later veterans receiving benefits were subject to having firearms taken away or else lose benefits.

How friggin stupid is that?

In New York with that oppressive SAFE Act, which was touted as "reasonable gun control", a veteran had his firearms confiscated because he went to see a doctor about insomnia. Many more examples.

The agenda of the Left is to do away with the right to keep and bear arms because they feel it is a threat to making the US a Socialist shithole. You can't trust them to determine who can enjoy the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and who can't.

The crime should be the illegal thing that is done with a firearm. Not the possession of the firearm.
I don’t know and I don’t think it’s relevant.

What 18-year-olds were doing 60 years ago has little to no impact on what 18-year-olds are doing now. Times are different. There’s now a pattern of death coming from young men.
There's also a pattern of people dying from mandated vaccination the last two years. I noticed no one from the gun grabbing side wanting to talk about that.
Nobody wants a wacko to have access to anything that could cause harm to others. That is pretty much a given.

However, the last thing I would want is for Liberals to decide who can and who cannot possess firearms. They are crazy about things like this and you simply can't trust them to be reasonable.

You're not thinking about anything but worst case scenarios. You're right wing radical brainwashing is shining through. Not all psychologist are left leaning radicals. The politicians wouldn't be writing the criteria of psych exams. It would be psychologist. More than likely they'd be chosen by the state government. So if you lived in a red state, you wouldn't have some leftist shrink giving the exams and interviews.
For instance, remember when the Obama Administration came out with a paper from the Justice Department saying that veterans and people that believe in God are potential terrorists? I do.

Later veterans receiving benefits were subject to having firearms taken away or else lose benefits.

How friggin stupid is that?

In New York with that oppressive SAFE Act, which was touted as "reasonable gun control", a veteran had his firearms confiscated because he went to see a doctor about insomnia. Many more examples.

The agenda of the Left is to do away with the right to keep and bear arms because they feel it is a threat to making the US a Socialist shithole. You can't trust them to determine who can enjoy the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and who can't.

The crime should be the illegal thing that is done with a firearm. Not the possession of the firearm.

When the GOP takes the majority in Nov, will that make you feel better? Will that be your safe space? NY and the west coast are nut case states ran by radicals. Same as Chicago. Let them burn themselves to the ground. No one would care. Using the west coast and NYC isn't helping your case.
We need public health care, so that troubled people will have someplace to go and either get help, or at least be detected before they start to murder people.
The benefit to society in having free access for everyone to mental health care is something I will support. We blow so much fucking money on useless shit. We could make the cuts and find the money.

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