Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

Fair enough what reform will stop someone who has no record of violence or mental health issues? Even expanded background checks can't find what does not exist you can raise the legal age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21 that won't stop someone from buying a gun illegally or stealing one as I recall Adam Lanza got the guns he used by stealing them from his mother after killing her and she purchased them leaglly. Let's try and find reforms that will actually work instead of just throwing out something that really won't make a difference just so we can say we did something to feel better about ourselves.

This is what the psych exam is for. You know, there are decent psychologist out there.

I'm not scared to take one.
Weird. I don’t recall saying that.

You said this:

"What this proves is that our system is incapable of stopping obvious 18-year-old psychopaths from going on killing sprees."

The point being is that they system may actually work as designed in the vast majority of instances. You just don't know...

The right needs to take a stance on this, become very vocal about wanting to have "the conversation" about this while the democrats are still in the majority. To not even attempt to ignore this. To make it known that they actually care and are willing to work with democrats to pass legislation that will at least make it illegal for people like Ramos to buy an AR. And do everything to keep the conversations going, without passing any laws, until after they take the majority in Nov. The left is going to try their best to get laws passed in the next 3 months that will probably be way over board. And will probably infringe on decent folks right to buy, keep and bear arms.
Those people make up the majority of gun owners. They're the people that when giving the opportunity will stop a mad gunman with his own.

Another thing the right needs to do, is kick the NRA lobbyist to the curb. That's all they are is lobbyist with deep pockets. And every one of those NRA sucking politicians needs to start representing their voters without being paid extra by the NRA lobbyist.

Then let's kick ALL lobbyists to the curb like the MIC for example. Then maybe we'll break our addiction to endless and proxy wars!!
Fair enough what reform will stop someone who has no record of violence or mental health issues? Even expanded background checks can't find what does not exist you can raise the legal age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21 that won't stop someone from buying a gun illegally or stealing one as I recall Adam Lanza got the guns he used by stealing them from his mother after killing her and she purchased them leaglly. Let's try and find reforms that will actually work instead of just throwing out something that really won't make a difference just so we can say we did something to feel better about ourselves.
The guy was a loner. It’s not going to be easy to get a gun from someone else.

Raise the age limit on long guns to 21 and severely punish anyone who participates in a straw purchase.
I know, it was fun destroying your stupid argument the first time yet here you are again spewing the same ridiculous nonsense.
You think you destroyed the bipartisan argument that your fellow Republicans agree with, because you’re a moron.
I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.
My honest answer is no, because I would like to see the age of adulthood for everything except voting be raised to 21. 18 year-olds are not adults, in any but the legal sense.

But suppose Ramos had been already twenty-one? My honest answer is that yes, I would support his right to purchase an AR. Because the AR is a weapon that adults in the United States have a clear right to keep and bear under the second amendment. It is exactly "weapons of war" that the framers had in mind when they wrote the second, hence the reference to a militia.

We should have that right. After the fact, we all would wish that Ramos could have been prevented from purchasing those rifles. After a college grad causes a multi-fatality car wreck driving the new sports car he got as a graduation present, we would all wish that he could have been prevented from driving it. But there is no talk of banning sports cars.

The idea that government curtail a right unless we can be sure no one will misuse that right to tragic effect is wrong-headed and futile. We can never stop people from acting a fool to the harm of others. All we can do it make it more difficult before the fact and apply more consequences after the fact.

The right needs to take a stance on this, become very vocal about wanting to have "the conversation" about this while the democrats are still in the majority. To not even attempt to ignore this. To make it known that they actually care and are willing to work with democrats to pass legislation that will at least make it illegal for people like Ramos to buy an AR. And do everything to keep the conversations going, without passing any laws, until after they take the majority in Nov. The left is going to try their best to get laws passed in the next 3 months that will probably be way over board. And will probably infringe on decent folks right to buy, keep and bear arms.
Those people make up the majority of gun owners. They're the people that when giving the opportunity will stop a mad gunman with his own.

Another thing the right needs to do, is kick the NRA lobbyist to the curb. That's all they are is lobbyist with deep pockets. And every one of those NRA sucking politicians needs to start representing their voters without being paid extra by the NRA lobbyist.

There are tons of drug laws from the War on Drugs, but that does not at all reduce drug availability.
And as a matter of fact, since drug deals all have to be cash, all dealers have to have firearm access.
So anyone wanting a firearm at any age or criminal record, just has to be willing to pay what a drug dealer wants, for any sort of firearm.
So changing the laws for legal sales at dealers is not going to reduce access to criminals, in any way.
All that does is reduce access to honest people, turning this country into even more of a dictatorship than it has already become.

To distract from the real issue, lack of heath care access, just totally defeats any possible good that could have been done.
Where have you guys been all this time? The last week or so is the first time I recall hearing of not selling weapons to 18 year olds. Obama was president 8 years with a solid majority????? I never heard it.
After the Stoneman Douglas shooting, Republicans in Florida actually agreed to this.

This is one of the few bipartisan solutions that I think we could agree on.
We need public health care, so that troubled people will have someplace to go and either get help, or at least be detected before they start to murder people.

No one wants to take that responsibility except for a minimum of some family members.
Next idea.....
Why not? Because it infringes on some lunatics right? Who cares about a lunatics' rights?

You totally missed the point.
In the dictatorship you describe, all the corrupt have to do is declare any honest person as being insane and prevented from then owning any weapons.
If a person really IS a lunatic, you do not pass universal bans on millions of firearms.
Instead you have a sanity trial to have them confined to an institution that can help them while protecting us.
The point is that all people who have not been legally declared incompetent by the judiciary, have to have equal rights.
You can't have a democracy with arbitrary levels of rights as dictated by the executive.

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