Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

Even if the Nazicrats banned ar-15 style guns there are still over 16 million of them in circulation.
Maybe they could have better background checks.
Maybe have some mental stability question such as:
Did you vote for Obama twice?
Does AOC seem reasonable?
Does Chuck Schumer seem like an honest man?
Would you trust Joe Biden to be alone with young girls?
Does Hillary Clinton seem like a pleasant person?
AOC is intelligent
Why are you scared?

I would trust LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT BIDEN with my granddaughter

You disgust me
At the time he purchased the guns was there anything in his background meaning a criminal record or mental health issues that would have suggested he would do what he did? If the answer is yes then clearly he should not have been able to purchase the guns if it is no there would be no reason to oppose him buying them.
Google is your friend
It's a simple question, people. Do you support Ramos's right to buy, keep and bear arms?
Before he became a criminal, he was perfectly within his right to purchase an own a firearm.

Now, why did the system fail?

Are we all delusional to think we can prevent violence? Are we better off preparing for an attack, rather that FAILING to prevent one?
Just what the country needs: more whacked out teenagers with automatic weapons!

¡Yay America!
Automatic weapons - those where you pull the trigger, hold it down, and it shoots multiple times or until you release it - are available in the U.S. under EXTREMELY regulated guidelines. First, the weapon itself is going to cost 10-15 thousand dollars at a minimum. Then, the individual has to apply for a permit that causes his/her background to be subjected to an ultra-deluxe proctology exam by Federal agents. He has to be fingerprinted and is kept under obligation to maintain a file with the government should his legal status or even his address be changed.

In short, you have no frickin' CLUE who has automatic weapons and probably don't even understand the difference between semi-auto and full-auto.
Automatic weapons - those where you pull the trigger, hold it down, and it shoots multiple times or until you release it - are available in the U.S. under EXTREMELY regulated guidelines. First, the weapon itself is going to cost 10-15 thousand dollars at a minimum. Then, the individual has to apply for a permit that causes his/her background to be subjected to an ultra-deluxe proctology exam by Federal agents. He has to be fingerprinted and is kept under obligation to maintain a file with the government should his legal status or even his address be changed.

In short, you have no frickin' CLUE who has automatic weapons and probably don't even understand the difference between semi-auto and full-auto.

Semi automatic

Who really gives a shit about the difference?
At the time he purchased the guns was there anything in his background meaning a criminal record or mental health issues that would have suggested he would do what he did? If the answer is yes then clearly he should not have been able to purchase the guns if it is no there would be no reason to oppose him buying them.
There wasn’t. What this proves is that our system is incapable of stopping obvious 18-year-old psychopaths from going on killing sprees. And we wonder why they keep happening.

We need reform.
Before he became a criminal, he was perfectly within his right to purchase an own a firearm.

Now, why did the system fail?

Are we all delusional to think we can prevent violence? Are we better off preparing for an attack, rather that FAILING to prevent one?
The same argument was made after Parkland and the same people who shouted it down will do so again with this tragedy. Why? Because it doesn't suit their goal of disarming innocent, law-abiding citizens.
Before he became a criminal, he was perfectly within his right to purchase an own a firearm.

Now, why did the system fail?

Are we all delusional to think we can prevent violence? Are we better off preparing for an attack, rather that FAILING to prevent one?

The system didn't fail. It is designed to allow almost anyone to buy an AR. Before he became a criminal, he was still a psycho.

The trouble he'd gotten into before, he did was he was supposed to do, per the justice system) He was a psycho with a 2a right to buy, keep and bear arms. <<< That's the system.

FFS, people raised by wolves know that laws aren't going to stop every crime. You're delusional if you think anyone thinks that they will.
Even the wolves know it.
Before he became a criminal, he was perfectly within his right to purchase an own a firearm.

Now, why did the system fail?

Are we all delusional to think we can prevent violence? Are we better off preparing for an attack, rather that FAILING to prevent one?

The anti-2nd Amendment crowd delusionally believes that we have the technology to produce accurate 'Minority Reports''.

But they're unhinged to begin with.
The system failed. He was not supposed to be able to own firearms but schools and cops did not do their job reporting him. So legally he was allowed to buy them simple as that.


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