Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

Okay, let's have a conversation:

On what basis would you deny him the right to purchase a firearm?

His adolescents crimes should've prevented him from buying a gun. His age is another. Parents don't force their kids to grow up, which is why age requirements are apparently needed now a days.
I know a woman who's still raising her 30yr old druggy son. This kid was living with his grand parents, apparently because his own parents couldn't handle him.
A psych evaluation, from someone who know's WTF they're doing, could've pointed this out.
There wasn’t. What this proves is that our system is incapable of stopping obvious 18-year-old psychopaths from going on killing sprees. And we wonder why they keep happening.

We need reform.
Let me guess... it involves removing the right to purchase, perhaps even to own, AR, or AK style semi-autos? AMIRIGHT? Fook your reform unless it concentrates on creating a more secure campus where students cannot be trapped and slaughtered by some nutjob bent on creating hell for others. Single, guarded entry/exit access, armed guards on campus, mag-locks on any exit doors with automatic alarms when tripped.
Things like THAT will save far more lives than will taking weapons from millions of Americans whose only offense is to own a weapon that scares childish "adults" who are looking for some kind of Disney fantasy miracle.
I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.
You are correct in your logic YT for sure. It is those that have failed a background check or have been proven to have committed violent offenses in the past that need to be barred from owning firearms. Unfortunately background checks have denied firearm ownership to Americans for offenses as minor as speeding tickets. I would expect that the blue states would be the ones that are using minor offenses to violate Americans 2nd amendment rights.

Other Countries Had Mass Shootings. Then They Changed Their Gun Laws.

Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway: All had a culture of gun ownership, and all tightened restrictions anyway. Their violence statistics now diverge sharply from those of the U.S.

** British violent crime is now over SIX times the US rate

His adolescents crimes should've prevented him from buying a gun. His age is another. Parents don't force their kids to grow up, which is why age requirements are apparently needed now a days.
I know a woman who's still raising her 30yr old druggy son. This kid was living with his grand parents, apparently because his own parents couldn't handle him.
A psych evaluation, from someone who know's WTF they're doing, could've pointed this out.

Then it's your duty to report him IF your state has a 'red flag' law.
Otherwise, then :anj_stfu:.
Do we know HE bought them?
I haven't heard about that detail. I also haven't heard how it was possible for a dozen armed and trained cops to stand outside that building, hearing shooting, and refusing to breach it, orders be damned! There's a lot we haven't heard yet and after this amount of time that makes me very suspicious of all of the authorities who were charged with keeping that town safe.
This isn't science fiction, twerp.

You can't lump all of us 2A supporters into one group. I support the 2A. But also realize that things have changed since the 2A was adopted.
I also realize that laws don't prevent bad things from happening. But also, there should be safe guards put in place that are current with the times and the amount of mental cases we have in our current society.

I'm more pro life than I am pro 2A. Life is #1.
His adolescents crimes should've prevented him from buying a gun.

What crimes were those?

See, I'm compelled to ask because, as of today, it's not clear whether he had a juvenile record or not...

His age is another. Parents don't force their kids to grow up, which is why age requirements are apparently needed now a days.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you regarding the question of age, but you can't deny someone the right to purchase a firearm based on that, simply because it's perfectly lawful. If you think it should be otherwise, change the law...

I know a woman who's still raising her 30yr old druggy son. This kid was living with his grand parents, apparently because his own parents couldn't handle him.

That has literally nothing to do with this discussion.

Good work...

A psych evaluation, from someone who know's WTF they're doing, could've pointed this out.

And why should he have been required to have a psych eval?

Would you be willing to submit to a psych eval every time you want to vote or protest?
Then it's your duty to report him IF your state has a 'red flag' law.
Otherwise, then :anj_stfu:.
That isn't going to be a safe approach for most gun owners either. Most of those laws will be written such that anyone, anywhere, can call in a report of being threatened by X, and then the cops are obligated to go and investigate X.
Meanwhile, they lose several of their Constitutional rights while the cops force their way in, search their home, take their phones, PCs, and weapons, and have no obligation to be in any hurry to return them. Yeah, I can't imagine THAT being abused for partisan reasons...

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