Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

Who's saying that laws are a 100% solution? No one. No one is looking for perfection.

But we should at least be looking at logic, reason, and science.
And there is zero logic, reason, or science to claim one of hundreds of different dangerous technologies can be banned in order to prevent murders, or that the availability of this one technology is at all the cause for these murders.

If there are dangerous people out there, the only way to know ahead of time is if we have more contact between them and the medical profession.
If there are dangerous people out there, it is much easier to control them than it is to try to control all possible means by which they could cause harm.

People's age and what types of things people of different age are allowed to have, are totally different matter and not a means of making society safer. For when it comes to the really dangerous, you can be sure that no law is going to stop them if they are already intent on murder, the most serious crime possible.
Based on what is known about him now? Of course not. What is your point?
There is nothing in the law that makes him ineligible to buy the firearm. And even if there was, he
I didn't say it was, just curious. Why are you opposed to the question?
Just curious. There are a plethora of people out there who I would argue should not have access to firearms. Age is just one criteria of many.
You're not thinking about anything but worst case scenarios. You're right wing radical brainwashing is shining through. Not all psychologist are left leaning radicals. The politicians wouldn't be writing the criteria of psych exams. It would be psychologist. More than likely they'd be chosen by the state government. So if you lived in a red state, you wouldn't have some leftist shrink giving the exams and interviews.

When the GOP takes the majority in Nov, will that make you feel better? Will that be your safe space? NY and the west coast are nut case states ran by radicals. Same as Chicago. Let them burn themselves to the ground. No one would care. Using the west coast and NYC isn't helping your case.
You silly ass post reinforces what I said about you Moon Bats. You are simply bat shit crazy and we can't trust you with our Liberties.
There are no red flag laws in Texas. But it's looking like they could use one or two.
Abbott makes the same speech after every massacre.

There is nothing in the law that makes him ineligible to buy the firearm. And even if there was, he

Just curious. There are a plethora of people out there who I would argue should not have access to firearms. Age is just one criteria of many.

Seems to me that anyone who should not have firearm access, should not have access to a car, flammables, toxins, explosives, etc., and yet none of these protections occur at all.
The fact everyone is focusing solely on firearms instead of identifying dangerous people, is very inappropriate and disturbing.
Why yes.

The reality that people (many) have died from the vaccination.

Sorry, I had to paint a picture. Guess I should be used to it by now.
Go start that topic if you want to discuss it. Make sure to put it in the conspiracy theory forum.

In here, please try to stay on topic. Thanks.
You're not thinking about anything but worst case scenarios. You're right wing radical brainwashing is shining through. Not all psychologist are left leaning radicals. The politicians wouldn't be writing the criteria of psych exams. It would be psychologist. More than likely they'd be chosen by the state government. So if you lived in a red state, you wouldn't have some leftist shrink giving the exams and interviews.

When the GOP takes the majority in Nov, will that make you feel better? Will that be your safe space? NY and the west coast are nut case states ran by radicals. Same as Chicago. Let them burn themselves to the ground. No one would care. Using the west coast and NYC isn't helping your case.
So if you lived in a red state, you wouldn't have some leftist shrink giving the exams and interviews.

No blue cities in red states?
But we should at least be looking at logic, reason, and science.
And there is zero logic, reason, or science to claim one of hundreds of different dangerous technologies can be banned in order to prevent murders, or that the availability of this one technology is at all the cause for these murders.

If there are dangerous people out there, the only way to know ahead of time is if we have more contact between them and the medical profession.
If there are dangerous people out there, it is much easier to control them than it is to try to control all possible means by which they could cause harm.

People's age and what types of things people of different age are allowed to have, are totally different matter and not a means of making society safer. For when it comes to the really dangerous, you can be sure that no law is going to stop them if they are already intent on murder, the most serious crime possible.ne
The problem is that if you give Liberals a say so on who is dangerous and who isn't then they would come up with a list of criteria that would pretty much include anybody that isn't a far leftest loon.

It is a lot like not being able to trust Liberals to be reasonable on abortion. They are unwilling to be reasonable because they want the whole Enchilada. Abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.

The Left's agenda is to completely do away with the right to keep and bear arms and if you give them the foothold of determining who is fit and who isn't they will destroy that Liberty.
If they're not enforced, they're useless.

There is no way to enforce gun laws because the War on Drugs has done 2 things.
One is that it has made drug dealing incredibly lucrative and enticing.
Two is that it has made drug dealing a cash only business that then requires gun possession.

So until the War in Drugs is ended, just like we ended Prohibition, then the problem is unsolvable.
Hugo Furst

Really ? Even inner city kids who can buy a gun on any street corner ?

Inner city kids who can and will buy a gun on a street corner are not going do something as impractical as shooting up a school.
They are going to buy the gun with money they make by selling drugs, in order to put food on the family table.
Its the foofy wealthy elite from the suburbs who are shooting up schools.

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