Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

Nonsense. A mentally unfit person is ineligible. Ramos was clearly unfit. But the question is loaded, dishonest, agenda-driven, as the obvious answer is based on what we know now.
That’s your opinion and only after the fact. Guns in general are way too easy to come by for unqualified people.
Prog Socialists follow the Soviet Communist Doctrines. So, if an agreement is made for gun legislation you can believe it will expand. And more and more restrictions will be added. Their goal is to remove all firearms. As part of it they will expand anyone with psyche issues at all will not be able to purchase a weapon. Anyone who disagrees politically will not be able to purchase a weapon and may even be put into a psyche institution conveniently started after the weapons are being removed. The Repubs will again screw over their voters if they go with a bipartisan deal with the Progs.
So do nothing. Got it.

See you at the next mass shooting.
Prog Socialists follow the Soviet Communist Doctrines. So, if an agreement is made for gun legislation you can believe it will expand. And more and more restrictions will be added. Their goal is to remove all firearms. As part of it they will expand anyone with psyche issues at all will not be able to purchase a weapon. Anyone who disagrees politically will not be able to purchase a weapon and may even be put into a psyche institution conveniently started after the weapons are being removed. The Repubs will again screw over their voters if they go with a bipartisan deal with the Progs.
Our goal is not to remove all firearms, just those from the hands of those who “worship” them and are unqualified.
A 9mm pistol is already illegal for an 18-year-old to purchase. Lawmakers believe they’re too dangerous in the hands of 18-year-olds.

Yet we won’t make it illegal for them to purchase an AR-15.
Because a rifle is harder to conceal the hand gun had been the weapon of choice because it was easier to hide and get into the shooters target now they don't even care if anyone sees them with it. To me this again goes back to mental part of the equation of what is driving these people something no one seems to want to acknowledge or addresss we will get nowhere dealing with this problem until we do. We have to look at the whole picture not just part of it I really don't know of anything more that can be said here to get people to understand this.
The system failed. He was not supposed to be able to own firearms but schools and cops did not do their job reporting him. So legally he was allowed to buy them simple as that.

Yep. Here was a kid from a troubled background buying these rifles, and:
  1. According to reports I've read, he actually threatened the same school just a few years ago when he was 14!
  2. The kid was allowed past two security checkpoints according to reports and was not stopped-- AFTER already having wrecked his car outside and shooting at the building!
  3. No one has accounted how this kid got the money to buy two brand new ARs much less walked into the school.
  4. Another report says a teacher propped a door open, giving the kid access!
  5. Despite parents being at the school in just a few minutes, in this small community, why did it take police so much longer?
  6. And despite there being enough police outside to fight off a rioting mob, why did the police do nothing, not even letting a parent intercede, for well over an hour?
  7. All school shootings have occurred in schools advertised as 100% gun-free zones. Not one school with armed staff has been bothered.
  8. Every kid involved in a school shooting has come from a family with leftwing, democratic leanings. None of them are even remotely allied with the NRA.
Yes every media and pompous jackass politician in the DNC keeps blaming guns, the NRA, and the "gun lobby" (which are nothing more than millions of lawful people all across this country).

Why does this government so badly want to disarm its own people especially as our most basic founding laws forbid it?
I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.
If the government has proof that he's mentally unstable, then, sure, they can revoke his right to own a firearm, but not until then.
Yep. Here was a kid from a troubled background buying these rifles, and:
  1. According to repoerts I've read, he actually threatened the same school just a few years ago when he was 14!
  2. The kid was allowed past two security checkpoints according to reports and was not stopped-- AFTER already having wrecked his car outside and shooting at the building!
  3. No one has acciounted how this kid got the money to buy two brand new ARs much less walked into the school.
  4. Another report says a teacher propped a door open, giving the kid access!
  5. Despite parents being at the school in just a few minutes, in this small community, why did it take police so much longer?
  6. And despite there being enough police outside to fight off a rioting mob, why did the police do nothing, not even letting a parent intercede, for well over an hour?
  7. All school shootings have occurred in schools advertised as 100% gun-free zones. Not one school with armed staff has been bothered.
  8. Every kid involved in a school shooting has come from a family with leftwing, democratic leanings. None of them are even remotely allied with the NRA.
Yes every media and pompous jackass politician in the DNC keeps blaming guns, the NRA, and the "gun lobby" (which are nothing more than millions of lawful people all across this country.

Why does this government so badly want to disarm its own people especially as our most basic founding laws forbid it?

Because a rifle is harder to conceal the hand gun had been the weapon of choice because it was easier to hide and get into the shooters target now they don't even care if anyone sees them with it. To me this again goes back to mental part of the equation of what is driving these people something no one seems to want to acknowledge or addresss we will get nowhere dealing with this problem until we do. We have to look at the whole picture not just part of it I really don't know of anything more that can be said here to get people to understand this.
I’m fine with addressing the mental side of this equation, but we won’t.

Explain to me why pistols are too dangerous in the hands of 18-year-olds but an AR-15 isn’t.
Like I said, the question is agenda-driven.
Agenda driven ? . Every SC firearm decision starts with the idea that firearm rights are not absolute. There is just one group of people, the US senate who are not willing to follow the will of the people. You want a working solution to what happened, it starts with the people elected to the senate.
If the government has proof that he's mentally unstable, then, sure, they can revoke his right to own a firearm, but not until then.

How are they going to get the proof if he's not tested. Betcha his parents and grand parents knew he was not normal. But they're not going to turn in their own. Most of us wouldn't either.
That creepy kid who tortures small animals and lives across the street from you
The kid that other kids say is a future school assassin

Who supports him going out on his 18th birthday and buying an AR 15, 2000 rounds of ammunition, 30-50 round magazines and body armor?
As long as you got some kind of official document that says he's mentally disturbed. Otherwise, it's just your opinion.
No. The 2nd Amendment doesn't give government the authority to keep tabs on you for exercising it. Precisely the opposite is the case.
Every Supreme Court firearm decision has declared that your rights are not absolute. They all have allowed regulation. The govt keeps fewer tabs in you then capitalism does.
How are they going to get the proof if he's not tested. Betcha his parents and grand parents knew he was not normal. But they're not going to turn in their own. Most of us wouldn't either.
What is the point of your question?

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