Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

Seems to me that anyone who should not have firearm access, should not have access to a car, flammables, toxins, explosives, etc., and yet none of these protections occur at all.
The fact everyone is focusing solely on firearms instead of identifying dangerous people, is very inappropriate and disturbing.
Funny, other then a car which is highly regulated as are explosives, the rest are no where near as lethal at the range a firearm is. If you want to regulate firearms to the same degree as autos, you’d have a point. EVERYONE is dangerous with some controlled substances and items. The idea is to regulate all firearm sales, not just those from a dealer.
Inner city kids who can and will buy a gun on a street corner are not going do something as impractical as shooting up a school.
They are going to buy the gun with money they make by selling drugs, in order to put food on the family table.
Those kids are trying to survive.
Inner city kids who can and will buy a gun on a street corner are not going do something as impractical as shooting up a school.
They are going to buy the gun with money they make by selling drugs, in order to put food on the family table.
Its the foofy wealthy elite from the suburbs who are shooting up schools.
Whether it’s a total of 19 kids killed in one school, or 19 kids killed on the streets, the results are the same. All gun sales need regulation, not just the one that has the most attention because the killings are horrifically confined to one school and one perp and one point in time. There are still 19 kids killed.

Young Guns was a good movie. :smoke:
There is nothing in the law that makes him ineligible to buy the firearm. And even if there was, he

Just curious. There are a plethora of people out there who I would argue should not have access to firearms. Age is just one criteria of many.
Nonsense. A mentally unfit person is ineligible. Ramos was clearly unfit. But the question is loaded, dishonest, agenda-driven, as the obvious answer is based on what we know now.
The guy was a loner. It’s not going to be easy to get a gun from someone else.

Raise the age limit on long guns to 21 and severely punish anyone who participates in a straw purchase.
Hate to point this out but it’s something many seem to not see when going on a rampage in a school especially an elementary school you don’t need a long gun to do a lot of damage you could take a 9mm pistol with a couple of extra clips and do pretty much the same thing. While the gun access part of this is important the more important part to me is figuring out what is driving people to do this there was a time not that long ago when no one would even consider shooting up a school now it seems to be the shooters target of choice. If we truly want to find a way to stop these mass shootings we have to focus on all of this not just the gun aspect of it.
Nonsense. A mentally unfit person is ineligible. Ramos was clearly unfit. But the question is loaded, dishonest, agenda-driven, as the obvious answer is based on what we know now.
He obviously passed a background check. You have anyother suggestions that wouldn’t apply to a dozen other socially delinquent 18 year old who didn't murder children. Firearms are way too easily available to every non qualified
person. It’s not just his age or what his behavior was, neither of which was disqualifying.
Hate to point this out but it’s something many seem to not see when going on a rampage in a school especially an elementary school you don’t need a long gun to do a lot of damage you could take a 9mm pistol with a couple of extra clips and do pretty much the same thing. While the gun access part of this is important the more important part to me is figuring out what is driving people to do this there was a time not that long ago when no one would even consider shooting up a school now it seems to be the shooters target of choice. If we truly want to find a way to stop these mass shootings we have to focus on all of this not just the gun aspect of it.
A 9mm pistol is already illegal for an 18-year-old to purchase. Lawmakers believe they’re too dangerous in the hands of 18-year-olds.

Yet we won’t make it illegal for them to purchase an AR-15.
A 9mm pistol is already illegal for an 18-year-old to purchase. Lawmakers believe they’re too dangerous in the hands of 18-year-olds.

Yet we won’t make it illegal for them to purchase an AR-15.
Only one set of law makers refuse to address the issue…..the US senate.
They have nothing to do with Ramos.
They have something in common: young and all legally allowed to purchase a long gun, which they then used to murder a bunch of people.

There’s a pattern with all of them and there’s something we can do to address the issue.
Demonstrating why people like Ramos should not have the right to purchase an AR-15. You know, the topic.
Prog Socialists follow the Soviet Communist Doctrines. So, if an agreement is made for gun legislation you can believe it will expand. And more and more restrictions will be added. Their goal is to remove all firearms. As part of it they will expand anyone with psyche issues at all will not be able to purchase a weapon. Anyone who disagrees politically will not be able to purchase a weapon and may even be put into a psyche institution conveniently started after the weapons are being removed. The Repubs will again screw over their voters if they go with a bipartisan deal with the Progs.

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