Who is a racist here?

The Black culture is a strong one and has a heavy influence on America. It is a culture that promotes intelligence, hard work, hard play, family values, morals, and unity. We have some of the most inspirational stories that have ever been told. We are so strong to have lived through what occurred for generations during slavery and jim crow which would have probably killed another ethnicity. i am so proud of my people. Others that believe any different are so debilitatingly naive I can only have pity for them.

What a load of BULLSHIT!

That is your fear (with extreme emotion) talking not a refutation of the facts.

Is being honest impossible for you? What the fuck are you talking about? Black culture is notoriously the opposite of what you claim and it is without question the worst culture in our country. Explain yourself, liar.
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How cute! A "We're racist but we pretend we're not racist" circle jerk!

Here's a hint, boys:

If you start a thread asking "Who Is A Racist Here" this might be you:

This is a great example of your intellectual laziness. Look at the etymology of the word. The word ism is latin for system.

I have no problem comparing because as you say its not even close. You probably would be hard pressed to find one significant invention not predicated on the knowledge the Egyptians supplied the Greeks. Give it your best shot with sources.

White people that don't teach their children about slavery are doing the same thing as the people that control this country and contributing to the racial issues.

Again its a good thing you don't mind even though you seem to have an awful lot to say on the subject. We teach our kids what we want. If you dont like it thats just too bad. You don't dictate what is the truth. History does that. Black people would have a way better view of the truth handed down to them from their ancestors.

Only people that are insecure would be worried about what I teach my children about slavery. You have proven that countless times with your attempts at putting down Black people. People that do that are insecure. Look it up.

I used the definition as it's defined today you can use it anyway you wish.

You think everything is predicated by Africans, even white men so whatever a white man does you will credit Africans for it.

Why should whites teach their children something that has no bearing on their heritage? Most black Americans living today can't trace their lineage to slavery but that doesn't stop them from using it as an excuse and teaching it to their children.

History is something that people like you twist and spin until if fits the way you want it to.

Oral tradition isn't really reliable.

"All men are created equal.." the man that wrote that was a slave owner. So did he mean that all men including blacks were equal?

I don't need to put the black man down. They're doing a fine job of it themselves and they will remain down as long as they cling to the past as if it were today. Instead of being a victim of the past, be a fighter for the future. The change should start with acknowledging the past while moving beyond it.

That is how its defined today. The fact you missed that only shows your lack of intelligence.

I dont think anything. I know most of what is currently available to us in the way of knowledge is from a African source. Its documented and freely available to find out. You cant be lazy and think they are just going to give it to you. That would take away their ability to manipulate you as a white racist.

White should teach their children about slavery if they intend for their child to interact with society. Its another example of how stupid you are to think they will get through life and not have to interact with a Black person.

I hate spinning history. Whites have done that for centuries. Why would I want that to continue? If you doubt my facts show me some facts that at least have some validity that dispute mine. I cite other white people in most of my "claims".

Oral tradition is just as reliable as anything else. Who told you they were unreliable? We also have the written scripts to back that up.

The man that wrote "all men were created equal" was a slave owner and did not mean Black people in his statement. That is of no importance to me because his opinion carries no weight. A Black man enabled him to know what day it was he signed that document. Thats what is important to me.

You are in denial. You do need to put Black people down. Someone that is secure in themselves does not go around doing that. You do therefore you are insecure and need to do it to feel better about yourself. Its called positive reinforcement at someone elses expense.

Yes that is how it defined today. Glad you agree.

What I bolded is most honest thing you've ever said.

You equate interacting with blacks as interacting with slavery as if one doesn't exist without the other. You do know that not all blacks and I'm pretty sure most black are not descendants of slaves.

So now changed your narrative from oral tradition to oral tradition with written documents to back it up.

Oral tradition isn't reliable there are too many factors that causes concern. For example, the memory of the ones relating the stories, adding or omitting details with each telling of the story...etc.

You can tell a person a story and he can relate it to another and that person to another and so on and so forth and when it gets back to you it's no longer the same story.

They are not deliberate mistakes, but choices to suit the teller's interests and creative and artistic sense. The oral story teller might make up additional scenes or descriptions that make the story better. So it's easy to assume that stories told over a period of several generations will not be as accurate as when the event actually took place. Therefore unreliable.
Racism isn't just about who thinks who is better. Your perception of what is being hammered into your head by whites is actually ideas that are hammered into your head by your parents, church leaders and so called black leaders.

History has proven that your perceptions about whites are wrong. Less than 2 percent of whites owned slaves. Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times while slavery in Africa continues to this day.

Black Americans are beholden to the excuse of slavery. They are taught at a young age how they were mistreated and oppressed by whites. Michelle Obama admitted teaching her daughters at a very young age. How many white parents teach their children about slavery at a very young age? I'd bet none.

Now I don't have a problem teaching a child about their heritage as long as it's honest and in context but so many blacks have misconceptions about slavery. They tend to paint all whites back in that time as slave owners and never learning about the many black slave owners that existed or the fact that white Americans didn't go to Africa and kidnap free black people. Truth is the slave ships docked at African slave markets to buy slaves, they bought slaves that were already slaves from African Chieftains and slave merchants, a practice that had been going on for centuries in Africa and as I've mentioned, still goes on.

You can think that whites fear blacks for whatever reason you wish but you do so because you are too afraid or embarrassed to acknowledge the truth.

There were White slavers too, they did not just dock at slave markets.

Link? Evidence?

Just saying it doesn't make it true.

Do some reading, I am not going to do your research. Enrich your life with knowledge.
You equate interacting with blacks as interacting with slavery as if one doesn't exist without the other. You do know that not all blacks and I'm pretty sure most black are not descendants of slaves.

A large amount of Blacks in the US are descendants of slaves. There is a theory that some of them were here in North America before columbus and were enslaved along with the imported Black Africans. However, you completely miss the point in that you will come in contact with the descendant of a slave at some point in your life.

So now changed your narrative from oral tradition to oral tradition with written documents to back it up.

I never changed anything. Please quote where I did.

Oral tradition isn't reliable there are too many factors that causes concern. For example, the memory of the ones relating the stories, adding or omitting details with each telling of the story...etc.

You can tell a person a story and he can relate it to another and that person to another and so on and so forth and when it gets back to you it's no longer the same story.

They are not deliberate mistakes, but choices to suit the teller's interests and creative and artistic sense. The oral story teller might make up additional scenes or descriptions that make the story better. So it's easy to assume that stories told over a period of several generations will not be as accurate as when the event actually took place. Therefore unreliable.

You still neglected to tell me who told you this was true and where they received this information. By what decree is oral tradition not reliable? Another thing you miss is that written history is subject to the same problems and can be falsified cementing in stone an untruth.
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That is your fear (with extreme emotion) talking not a refutation of the facts.

Actually, you're just lying - which is what you do in most of your posts.

"Black Culture" is extremely hostile to education. Gaining an education is considered "going white." Oh, and the entire concept of "going white" is racist on it's face.

The promotion of gang culture and violence pretty much defines black culture.

Look Asslips, you are a clown, an absurd caricature who floats utter idiocy in your threads by falsely claiming credit for things that were not done by black people.

While there are many aspects of black culture in the past, music particularly, something went terribly off track about 1960 or so. Instead of gaining equal rights and joining society, the cultural leaders used the social gains to burn down the moral and ethical underpinnings of the black community.
Are you saying that there are 100K American kids that have no father?

Well that's an American problem..isn't it.

It IS an American problem, that is most pronounced among black Americans. It is a CULTURAL problem, that is promoted by the left, who seeks to destroy American society in order to usher in a leftist - authoritarian system. Black people are not the cause, leftists and the war on ethics conducted by leftists are the cause. Blacks are the most pronounced victims of this effort. Too many so-called leaders have bought into the assault on family, education, and assimilation that the left has waged.
That is your fear (with extreme emotion) talking not a refutation of the facts.

Actually, you're just lying - which is what you do in most of your posts.

Should be quite simple to prove those lies then?

"Black Culture" is extremely hostile to education. Gaining an education is considered "going white." Oh, and the entire concept of "going white" is racist on it's face.

The promotion of gang culture and violence pretty much defines black culture.

Look Asslips, you are a clown, an absurd caricature who floats utter idiocy in your threads by falsely claiming credit for things that were not done by black people.

Lets see you prove that to be true. I'm quite open to debate. If you just want to reject what you hear then you are just showing your weakness. You are one of the biggest clowns on the board and you actually think you can hang? :lol:

While there are many aspects of black culture in the past, music particularly, something went terribly off track about 1960 or so. Instead of gaining equal rights and joining society, the cultural leaders used the social gains to burn down the moral and ethical underpinnings of the black community.

You see, you say something went wrong which tells me you have no clue what that something was. That lets me know you have a hard time understanding simple things and no skills to research why. You take things at face value which is what your handlers want you to do.
A large amount of Blacks in the US are descendants of slaves. There is a theory that some of them were here in North America before columbus and were enslaved along with the imported Black Africans. However, you completely miss the point in that you will come in contact with the descendant of a slave at some point in your life.

No, there is not, retard.

The "black" people in North America were wiped out by the Indians thousands of years before Europeans showed up. And as I have proven to you a dozen times, they were of Australian Aborigine origin, not African.

One cannot "enslave" people who are extinct, moron.

I never changed anything. Please quote where I did.

You make shit up, you concoct fantastical lies in some bizarre notion that if you can falsely attribute achievements to people who had skin color similar to your own, you can somehow take "pride" in it.

Here's a clue dumbfuck, for free:

Albert Einstein came from Germany.

My Parents came from Germany.

Even so, I had not a fucking thing to do with the Theory of Relativity. That he had White skin und sprach Deutsch in no way accrues his accomplishments to me.

You can tell a person a story and he can relate it to another and that person to another and so on and so forth and when it gets back to you it's no longer the same story.

They are not deliberate mistakes, but choices to suit the teller's interests and creative and artistic sense. The oral story teller might make up additional scenes or descriptions that make the story better. So it's easy to assume that stories told over a period of several generations will not be as accurate as when the event actually took place. Therefore unreliable.

You still neglected to tell me who told you this was true and where they received this information. By what decree is oral tradition not reliable? Another thing you miss is that written history is subject to the same problems and can be falsified cementing in stone an untruth.[/QUOTE]

You are an assclown Asslips. A fool who we can only mock.
A large amount of Blacks in the US are descendants of slaves. There is a theory that some of them were here in North America before columbus and were enslaved along with the imported Black Africans. However, you completely miss the point in that you will come in contact with the descendant of a slave at some point in your life.

No, there is not, retard.

The "black" people in North America were wiped out by the Indians thousands of years before Europeans showed up. And as I have proven to you a dozen times, they were of Australian Aborigine origin, not African.

One cannot "enslave" people who are extinct, moron.

I never changed anything. Please quote where I did.

You make shit up, you concoct fantastical lies in some bizarre notion that if you can falsely attribute achievements to people who had skin color similar to your own, you can somehow take "pride" in it.

Here's a clue dumbfuck, for free:

Albert Einstein came from Germany.

My Parents came from Germany.

Even so, I had not a fucking thing to do with the Theory of Relativity. That he had White skin und sprach Deutsch in no way accrues his accomplishments to me.

You can tell a person a story and he can relate it to another and that person to another and so on and so forth and when it gets back to you it's no longer the same story.

They are not deliberate mistakes, but choices to suit the teller's interests and creative and artistic sense. The oral story teller might make up additional scenes or descriptions that make the story better. So it's easy to assume that stories told over a period of several generations will not be as accurate as when the event actually took place. Therefore unreliable.

You still neglected to tell me who told you this was true and where they received this information. By what decree is oral tradition not reliable? Another thing you miss is that written history is subject to the same problems and can be falsified cementing in stone an untruth.

You sound quite perturbed. Calm down simpleton. The theory I am talking about has nothing to do with the Aborigines. Aborigines are from Africa dumbass. What class did you flunk to not know that?

I'm not interested in what Einstein did and his relation to you. What you think is not remotely important to my objective. You are just a tool I use. The question is not if what a Black person did contributes to my own personal success. Its one of a shared collective. Its a concept white racists fail to grasp without fail.

Saying I make up shit is not proof that I did. Please quote it. Otherwise we all just have to assume that you are lying and making up shit.

All and all being mocked by some retards that can't read is funny so please continue. When you want to do some real discussion let me know. Otherwise I will just continue to laugh at you clown. :lol:
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You equate interacting with blacks as interacting with slavery as if one doesn't exist without the other. You do know that not all blacks and I'm pretty sure most black are not descendants of slaves.

A large amount of Blacks in the US are descendants of slaves. There is a theory that some of them were here in North America before columbus and were enslaved along with the imported Black Africans. However, you completely miss the point in that you will come in contact with the descendant of a slave at some point in your life.

So now changed your narrative from oral tradition to oral tradition with written documents to back it up.

I never changed anything. Please quote where I did.

Oral tradition isn't reliable there are too many factors that causes concern. For example, the memory of the ones relating the stories, adding or omitting details with each telling of the story...etc.

You can tell a person a story and he can relate it to another and that person to another and so on and so forth and when it gets back to you it's no longer the same story.

They are not deliberate mistakes, but choices to suit the teller's interests and creative and artistic sense. The oral story teller might make up additional scenes or descriptions that make the story better. So it's easy to assume that stories told over a period of several generations will not be as accurate as when the event actually took place. Therefore unreliable.

You still neglected to tell me who told you this was true and where they received this information. By what decree is oral tradition not reliable? Another thing you miss is that written history is subject to the same problems and can be falsified cementing in stone an untruth.

A large part? Well that large part is not the majority.

How can a person tell which black they run into is a descendant of slavery and how would that be any different than contact with a black person not descended from slavery?

Should one be treated differently than the other?

You changed it by adding a caveat, dumbass.

I don't need to be told that oral tradition isn't reliable. I already explained to you why it's not. However I'll concede there is a little bit of truth in every folklore tale.

Written history unless destroyed is still there to be read. It can be changed but without destroying the original nothing is gained and nothing is really changed.
You equate interacting with blacks as interacting with slavery as if one doesn't exist without the other. You do know that not all blacks and I'm pretty sure most black are not descendants of slaves.

A large amount of Blacks in the US are descendants of slaves. There is a theory that some of them were here in North America before columbus and were enslaved along with the imported Black Africans. However, you completely miss the point in that you will come in contact with the descendant of a slave at some point in your life.

I never changed anything. Please quote where I did.

Oral tradition isn't reliable there are too many factors that causes concern. For example, the memory of the ones relating the stories, adding or omitting details with each telling of the story...etc.

You can tell a person a story and he can relate it to another and that person to another and so on and so forth and when it gets back to you it's no longer the same story.

They are not deliberate mistakes, but choices to suit the teller's interests and creative and artistic sense. The oral story teller might make up additional scenes or descriptions that make the story better. So it's easy to assume that stories told over a period of several generations will not be as accurate as when the event actually took place. Therefore unreliable.

You still neglected to tell me who told you this was true and where they received this information. By what decree is oral tradition not reliable? Another thing you miss is that written history is subject to the same problems and can be falsified cementing in stone an untruth.

A large part? Well that large part is not the majority.

How can a person tell which black they run into is a descendant of slavery and how would that be any different than contact with a black person not descended from slavery?

Should one be treated differently than the other?

You changed it by adding a caveat, dumbass.

I don't need to be told that oral tradition isn't reliable. I already explained to you why it's not. However I'll concede there is a little bit of truth in every folklore tale.

Written history unless destroyed is still there to be read. It can be changed but without destroying the original nothing is gained and nothing is really changed.

Yes that large part is a majority. Back up your claim that it is not a majority.

You ask the question if it is relevant to the conversation. Do you really need to be told this? Its not really different at all. You are making it a bigger deal than what it needs to be. Your mindset should be I am talking to a person not if they are a slave or not.

I never added a caveat. Do you know what caveat means dumbass? :lol:

Your explanation is not credible. You are a racist ex-con. You keep avoiding my question. Who told you that what you think is correct and what everyone else believes? Does that make it easier for you to answer the question?
You sound quite perturbed. Calm down simpleton. The theory I am talking about has nothing to do with the Aborigines. Aborigines are from Africa dumbass. What class did you flunk to not know that?

I'm not interested in what Einstein did and his relation to you. What you think is not remotely important to my objective. You are just a tool I use. The question is not if what a Black person did contributes to my own personal success. Its one of a shared collective. Its a concept white racists fail to grasp without fail.

Saying I make up shit is not proof that I did. Please quote it. Otherwise we all just have to assume that you are lying and making up shit.

All and all being mocked by some retards that can't read is funny so please continue. When you want to do some real discussion let me know. Otherwise I will just continue to laugh at you clown. :lol:

I view you like a monkey with cymbals in a 1930's Hollywood cartoon. While you should be funny, you are really offensive in your blatant caracature of black people.

Sometimes I suspect you are from the Aryan Nations, seeking to embarrass black people.
You sound quite perturbed. Calm down simpleton. The theory I am talking about has nothing to do with the Aborigines. Aborigines are from Africa dumbass. What class did you flunk to not know that?

I'm not interested in what Einstein did and his relation to you. What you think is not remotely important to my objective. You are just a tool I use. The question is not if what a Black person did contributes to my own personal success. Its one of a shared collective. Its a concept white racists fail to grasp without fail.

Saying I make up shit is not proof that I did. Please quote it. Otherwise we all just have to assume that you are lying and making up shit.

All and all being mocked by some retards that can't read is funny so please continue. When you want to do some real discussion let me know. Otherwise I will just continue to laugh at you clown. :lol:

I view you like a monkey with cymbals in a 1930's Hollywood cartoon. While you should be funny, you are really offensive in your blatant caracature of black people.

Sometimes I suspect you are from the Aryan Nations, seeking to embarrass black people.

I see you are unable to dispute anything I say. I will take that as a admission you are out of your league. Let me know when you get the balls to discuss something and actually back up your claims.
I see you are unable to dispute anything I say. I will take that as a admission you are out of your league. Let me know when you get the balls to discuss something and actually back up your claims.

You are confused.

The first dozen times I provided detailed citations to show the ignorance of your racist claims.

But now you are only a clown to be mocked, I don't have enough respect for you to continuously post refutations of your wild fabrications.

And to what end? There isn't a single person here who believes the idiotic shit you post. You are a clown, a wind up monkey with cymbals.
Here is what Socrates thought about written history. He was not too keen on the Egyptians writing.

Plato's Phaedrus

Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem [275b] to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise.

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