Who is a racist here?

I know you haven't compared any cultures because you would not be so ignorant to what Black culture is. Just admit the thought of a black man in a white woman makes your blood run cold.

Not at all, you're making shit up. Other people have my support to do what they think is right for them and their family.

I am doing no more making up than you are. You are only guessing at Black culture. What you are really revealing is that you don't trust yourself in your ability to teach others to make good choices. It should not be dependent on color it should be dependent on character.

Like I said, it's not because they're black, it's because of what most black people have become through the rap/fatherless culture. And teaching them not to waste their time trying to find the black needle in the haystack, is the good choice to make.
Not at all, you're making shit up. Other people have my support to do what they think is right for them and their family.

I am doing no more making up than you are. You are only guessing at Black culture. What you are really revealing is that you don't trust yourself in your ability to teach others to make good choices. It should not be dependent on color it should be dependent on character.

Like I said, it's not because they're black, it's because of what most black people have become through the rap/fatherless culture. And teaching them not to waste their time trying to find the black needle in the haystack, is the good choice to make.

You said Black men. What will happen with your approach is that women tend to find out on their own. I'd guess about 80% of the white women I personally was involved with did so specifically because their fathers told them not to. Most Black people arent what you see on TV and have been indoctrinated to think. However, I wont argue with you about it. You will find out soon enough on your own.
Yes we are talking about racists being motivated by fear. i'm certain more whites are more racist than Blacks are. Its a stretch to get a Black person to believe he is better than a white person simply because he is Black. The exact opposite notion has been hammered into Blacks every since we came to this country and it continues to this day. White racists are motivated by 2 different types of fear i believe. They know they cant kill us because we are way too strong for you. They also fear they will be absorbed and cease to exist. Its fear. People try and pretend it isn't but everyone knows the truth.

Racism isn't just about who thinks who is better. Your perception of what is being hammered into your head by whites is actually ideas that are hammered into your head by your parents, church leaders and so called black leaders.

History has proven that your perceptions about whites are wrong. Less than 2 percent of whites owned slaves. Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times while slavery in Africa continues to this day.

Black Americans are beholden to the excuse of slavery. They are taught at a young age how they were mistreated and oppressed by whites. Michelle Obama admitted teaching her daughters at a very young age. How many white parents teach their children about slavery at a very young age? I'd bet none.

Now I don't have a problem teaching a child about their heritage as long as it's honest and in context but so many blacks have misconceptions about slavery. They tend to paint all whites back in that time as slave owners and never learning about the many black slave owners that existed or the fact that white Americans didn't go to Africa and kidnap free black people. Truth is the slave ships docked at African slave markets to buy slaves, they bought slaves that were already slaves from African Chieftains and slave merchants, a practice that had been going on for centuries in Africa and as I've mentioned, still goes on.

You can think that whites fear blacks for whatever reason you wish but you do so because you are too afraid or embarrassed to acknowledge the truth.

Are we talking about racism or being a racist? Racism is a system set up to disadvantage the supposedly inferior race while benefitting the superior one. Blacks have never practiced racism against whites in this country. If they have please point to it. History has not proven my assumptions about whites to be wrong. In fact it has gone beyond my worst fears. The European power structure has lied since the beginning of the time they have controlled the world and continue to do so to this day. They have also wiped out other cultures like a virus and taken resources like a thief.

Youre right. Every Black person I know does teach their children about slavery. What kind of dumbass wouldnt? That doesnt make you beholden to slavery it makes you acknowledge history which some whites would like to avoid mentioning. sounds like the lying/omitting gene kicking in to me. Somewhere in the future a clown like you will call any Black person talking about slavery an Afrocentrist. :lol:

Its a good thing you have do not problem with what a Black child is taught. :lol: Your opinion is worthless in that regard. What you think is being taught is irrelevant. I teach my kids all of their history which shows them the greatness they come from. Teaching a child they are nothing but descendents of slaves is irresponsible and what the school system does. My children are shown historical facts, documented that they came from the greatest civilizations to ever exist. Some of which are still standing and stumping modern day scientist on how it was achieved. Amongst the original wonders of the world. I show them the foundation that was built for Europeans but how ungrateful they were by lying about the source.

Its not a question of thinking. I know whites racists fear Blacks. I see it in your eyes, written words, and your actions.

rac·ism (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Obviously racism is defined in more than one way. And yes blacks have and do practice racism. If you wish to compare contributions Europe gave to that of Africa we can do that. But I'm pretty sure Africa will not even come close.

White people don't teach their children about slavery and the blacks that do are not truthful whether by ignorance or on purpose when they explain it.

And no, I don't mind what a black child is taught as long as it's the truth and not some revisionist BS which it appears it what you would do.

What I think is very relevant whether you think so or not is what's irrelevant.

What you see is your own reflection, your own insecurities and your own failures.
Yes we are talking about racists being motivated by fear. i'm certain more whites are more racist than Blacks are. Its a stretch to get a Black person to believe he is better than a white person simply because he is Black. The exact opposite notion has been hammered into Blacks every since we came to this country and it continues to this day. White racists are motivated by 2 different types of fear i believe. They know they cant kill us because we are way too strong for you. They also fear they will be absorbed and cease to exist. Its fear. People try and pretend it isn't but everyone knows the truth.

Racism isn't just about who thinks who is better. Your perception of what is being hammered into your head by whites is actually ideas that are hammered into your head by your parents, church leaders and so called black leaders.

History has proven that your perceptions about whites are wrong. Less than 2 percent of whites owned slaves. Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times while slavery in Africa continues to this day.

Black Americans are beholden to the excuse of slavery. They are taught at a young age how they were mistreated and oppressed by whites. Michelle Obama admitted teaching her daughters at a very young age. How many white parents teach their children about slavery at a very young age? I'd bet none.

Now I don't have a problem teaching a child about their heritage as long as it's honest and in context but so many blacks have misconceptions about slavery. They tend to paint all whites back in that time as slave owners and never learning about the many black slave owners that existed or the fact that white Americans didn't go to Africa and kidnap free black people. Truth is the slave ships docked at African slave markets to buy slaves, they bought slaves that were already slaves from African Chieftains and slave merchants, a practice that had been going on for centuries in Africa and as I've mentioned, still goes on.

You can think that whites fear blacks for whatever reason you wish but you do so because you are too afraid or embarrassed to acknowledge the truth.

There were White slavers too, they did not just dock at slave markets.

Link? Evidence?

Just saying it doesn't make it true.
Not at all, you're making shit up. Other people have my support to do what they think is right for them and their family.

I am doing no more making up than you are. You are only guessing at Black culture. What you are really revealing is that you don't trust yourself in your ability to teach others to make good choices. It should not be dependent on color it should be dependent on character.

Like I said, it's not because they're black, it's because of what most black people have become through the rap/fatherless culture. And teaching them not to waste their time trying to find the black needle in the haystack, is the good choice to make.

You're free to teach your children whatever ignorance you wish just like Asclepias does.
Racism isn't just about who thinks who is better. Your perception of what is being hammered into your head by whites is actually ideas that are hammered into your head by your parents, church leaders and so called black leaders.

History has proven that your perceptions about whites are wrong. Less than 2 percent of whites owned slaves. Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times while slavery in Africa continues to this day.

Black Americans are beholden to the excuse of slavery. They are taught at a young age how they were mistreated and oppressed by whites. Michelle Obama admitted teaching her daughters at a very young age. How many white parents teach their children about slavery at a very young age? I'd bet none.

Now I don't have a problem teaching a child about their heritage as long as it's honest and in context but so many blacks have misconceptions about slavery. They tend to paint all whites back in that time as slave owners and never learning about the many black slave owners that existed or the fact that white Americans didn't go to Africa and kidnap free black people. Truth is the slave ships docked at African slave markets to buy slaves, they bought slaves that were already slaves from African Chieftains and slave merchants, a practice that had been going on for centuries in Africa and as I've mentioned, still goes on.

You can think that whites fear blacks for whatever reason you wish but you do so because you are too afraid or embarrassed to acknowledge the truth.

Are we talking about racism or being a racist? Racism is a system set up to disadvantage the supposedly inferior race while benefitting the superior one. Blacks have never practiced racism against whites in this country. If they have please point to it. History has not proven my assumptions about whites to be wrong. In fact it has gone beyond my worst fears. The European power structure has lied since the beginning of the time they have controlled the world and continue to do so to this day. They have also wiped out other cultures like a virus and taken resources like a thief.

Youre right. Every Black person I know does teach their children about slavery. What kind of dumbass wouldnt? That doesnt make you beholden to slavery it makes you acknowledge history which some whites would like to avoid mentioning. sounds like the lying/omitting gene kicking in to me. Somewhere in the future a clown like you will call any Black person talking about slavery an Afrocentrist. :lol:

Its a good thing you have do not problem with what a Black child is taught. :lol: Your opinion is worthless in that regard. What you think is being taught is irrelevant. I teach my kids all of their history which shows them the greatness they come from. Teaching a child they are nothing but descendents of slaves is irresponsible and what the school system does. My children are shown historical facts, documented that they came from the greatest civilizations to ever exist. Some of which are still standing and stumping modern day scientist on how it was achieved. Amongst the original wonders of the world. I show them the foundation that was built for Europeans but how ungrateful they were by lying about the source.

Its not a question of thinking. I know whites racists fear Blacks. I see it in your eyes, written words, and your actions.

rac·ism (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Obviously racism is defined in more than one way. And yes blacks have and do practice racism. If you wish to compare contributions Europe gave to that of Africa we can do that. But I'm pretty sure Africa will not even come close.

White people don't teach their children about slavery and the blacks that do are not truthful whether by ignorance or on purpose when they explain it.

And no, I don't mind what a black child is taught as long as it's the truth and not some revisionist BS which it appears it what you would do.

What I think is very relevant whether you think so or not is what's irrelevant.

What you see is your own reflection, your own insecurities and your own failures.

This is a great example of your intellectual laziness. Look at the etymology of the word. The word ism is latin for system.

In Late Latin, the -ismus suffix became the ordinary ending for names of religions and ecclesiastical or philosophical systems or schools of thought

I have no problem comparing because as you say its not even close. You probably would be hard pressed to find one significant invention not predicated on the knowledge the Egyptians supplied the Greeks. Give it your best shot with sources.

White people that don't teach their children about slavery are doing the same thing as the people that control this country and contributing to the racial issues.

Again its a good thing you don't mind even though you seem to have an awful lot to say on the subject. We teach our kids what we want. If you dont like it thats just too bad. You don't dictate what is the truth. History does that. Black people would have a way better view of the truth handed down to them from their ancestors.

Only people that are insecure would be worried about what I teach my children about slavery. You have proven that countless times with your attempts at putting down Black people. People that do that are insecure. Look it up.
I'm not racist. I agree with Peterf that race is an artificial construct.

I am "culturalist" to an extent, though. I do find American culture to be superior to Mexican culture. The traditional culture to be VASTLY superior to the leftist counter-culture. And yes, American "black culture" is a travesty. Black people are not inferior, but those who buy into the victim mentality of black culture are not going to be of a quality as those who adopt mainstream culture. Skin color is irrelevant, attitude is VERY relevant.
No thats why they lash out at black folks. Why would whites lashing out at white folk be racist?

We're talking about racist motivated by fear and I'm certain that more blacks are racist than whites are. If the opposite were true then we wouldn't have a black president, blacks would still be slaves not metaphorically as they are now under the Democratic party but physically. You are correct however that blacks do lash out against blacks as well as whites.

Yes we are talking about racists being motivated by fear. i'm certain more whites are more racist than Blacks are. Its a stretch to get a Black person to believe he is better than a white person simply because he is Black. The exact opposite notion has been hammered into Blacks every since we came to this country and it continues to this day. White racists are motivated by 2 different types of fear i believe. They know they cant kill us because we are way too strong for you. They also fear they will be absorbed and cease to exist. Its fear. People try and pretend it isn't but everyone knows the truth.

To wit;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EivX77ORIIs]Kiri Davis: A Girl Like Me. [black doll / white doll experiment] - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not racist. I agree with Peterf that race is an artificial construct.

I am "culturalist" to an extent, though. I do find American culture to be superior to Mexican culture. The traditional culture to be VASTLY superior to the leftist counter-culture. And yes, American "black culture" is a travesty. Black people are not inferior, but those who buy into the victim mentality of black culture are not going to be of a quality as those who adopt mainstream culture. Skin color is irrelevant, attitude is VERY relevant.

The Black culture is a strong one and has a heavy influence on America. It is a culture that promotes intelligence, hard work, hard play, family values, morals, and unity. We have some of the most inspirational stories that have ever been told. We are so strong to have lived through what occurred for generations during slavery and jim crow which would have probably killed another ethnicity. i am so proud of my people. Others that believe any different are so debilitatingly naive I can only have pity for them.
We're talking about racist motivated by fear and I'm certain that more blacks are racist than whites are. If the opposite were true then we wouldn't have a black president, blacks would still be slaves not metaphorically as they are now under the Democratic party but physically. You are correct however that blacks do lash out against blacks as well as whites.

Yes we are talking about racists being motivated by fear. i'm certain more whites are more racist than Blacks are. Its a stretch to get a Black person to believe he is better than a white person simply because he is Black. The exact opposite notion has been hammered into Blacks every since we came to this country and it continues to this day. White racists are motivated by 2 different types of fear i believe. They know they cant kill us because we are way too strong for you. They also fear they will be absorbed and cease to exist. Its fear. People try and pretend it isn't but everyone knows the truth.

To wit;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EivX77ORIIs]Kiri Davis: A Girl Like Me. [black doll / white doll experiment] - YouTube[/ame]

This is what happens when people don't know their history and are bombarded by "Black is bad and white is good" images in the media. True history is the only thing keeping all Black people from living up to what they really are. When Black people are educated about who they are and teach their children this history you wind up with a whole lot of little geniuses. White racists are terrified that Blacks will find out their true history.
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The Black culture is a strong one and has a heavy influence on America. It is a culture that promotes intelligence, hard work, hard play, family values, morals, and unity. We have some of the most inspirational stories that have ever been told. We are so strong to have lived through what occurred for generations during slavery and jim crow which would have probably killed another ethnicity. i am so proud of my people. Others that believe any different are so debilitatingly naive I can only have pity for them.

It might have at one time, but it certainly does not today.
Are we talking about racism or being a racist? Racism is a system set up to disadvantage the supposedly inferior race while benefitting the superior one. Blacks have never practiced racism against whites in this country. If they have please point to it. History has not proven my assumptions about whites to be wrong. In fact it has gone beyond my worst fears. The European power structure has lied since the beginning of the time they have controlled the world and continue to do so to this day. They have also wiped out other cultures like a virus and taken resources like a thief.

Youre right. Every Black person I know does teach their children about slavery. What kind of dumbass wouldnt? That doesnt make you beholden to slavery it makes you acknowledge history which some whites would like to avoid mentioning. sounds like the lying/omitting gene kicking in to me. Somewhere in the future a clown like you will call any Black person talking about slavery an Afrocentrist. :lol:

Its a good thing you have do not problem with what a Black child is taught. :lol: Your opinion is worthless in that regard. What you think is being taught is irrelevant. I teach my kids all of their history which shows them the greatness they come from. Teaching a child they are nothing but descendents of slaves is irresponsible and what the school system does. My children are shown historical facts, documented that they came from the greatest civilizations to ever exist. Some of which are still standing and stumping modern day scientist on how it was achieved. Amongst the original wonders of the world. I show them the foundation that was built for Europeans but how ungrateful they were by lying about the source.

Its not a question of thinking. I know whites racists fear Blacks. I see it in your eyes, written words, and your actions.

rac·ism (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Obviously racism is defined in more than one way. And yes blacks have and do practice racism. If you wish to compare contributions Europe gave to that of Africa we can do that. But I'm pretty sure Africa will not even come close.

White people don't teach their children about slavery and the blacks that do are not truthful whether by ignorance or on purpose when they explain it.

And no, I don't mind what a black child is taught as long as it's the truth and not some revisionist BS which it appears it what you would do.

What I think is very relevant whether you think so or not is what's irrelevant.

What you see is your own reflection, your own insecurities and your own failures.

This is a great example of your intellectual laziness. Look at the etymology of the word. The word ism is latin for system.

In Late Latin, the -ismus suffix became the ordinary ending for names of religions and ecclesiastical or philosophical systems or schools of thought

I have no problem comparing because as you say its not even close. You probably would be hard pressed to find one significant invention not predicated on the knowledge the Egyptians supplied the Greeks. Give it your best shot with sources.

White people that don't teach their children about slavery are doing the same thing as the people that control this country and contributing to the racial issues.

Again its a good thing you don't mind even though you seem to have an awful lot to say on the subject. We teach our kids what we want. If you dont like it thats just too bad. You don't dictate what is the truth. History does that. Black people would have a way better view of the truth handed down to them from their ancestors.

Only people that are insecure would be worried about what I teach my children about slavery. You have proven that countless times with your attempts at putting down Black people. People that do that are insecure. Look it up.

I used the definition as it's defined today you can use it anyway you wish.

You think everything is predicated by Africans, even white men so whatever a white man does you will credit Africans for it.

Why should whites teach their children something that has no bearing on their heritage? Most black Americans living today can't trace their lineage to slavery but that doesn't stop them from using it as an excuse and teaching it to their children.

History is something that people like you twist and spin until if fits the way you want it to.

Oral tradition isn't really reliable.

"All men are created equal.." the man that wrote that was a slave owner. So did he mean that all men including blacks were equal?

I don't need to put the black man down. They're doing a fine job of it themselves and they will remain down as long as they cling to the past as if it were today. Instead of being a victim of the past, be a fighter for the future. The change should start with acknowledging the past while moving beyond it.
The Black culture is a strong one and has a heavy influence on America. It is a culture that promotes intelligence, hard work, hard play, family values, morals, and unity. We have some of the most inspirational stories that have ever been told. We are so strong to have lived through what occurred for generations during slavery and jim crow which would have probably killed another ethnicity. i am so proud of my people. Others that believe any different are so debilitatingly naive I can only have pity for them.

What a load of BULLSHIT!
Oral tradition isn't really reliable.

Evidently the Greeks thought writing was odd and relied upon oral tradition as well until introduced to Egyptian scripts. Here is Socrates speaking on the subject.


Writing, Phaedrus, has this strange quality, and is very like painting; for the creatures of painting stand like living beings, but if one asks them a question, they preserve a solemn silence. And so it is with written words; you might think they spoke as if they had intelligence, but if you question them, wishing to know about their sayings, they always say only one and the same thing. And every word, when [275e] once it is written, is bandied about, alike among those who understand and those who have no interest in it, and it knows not to whom to speak or not to speak; when ill-treated or unjustly reviled it always needs its father to help it; for it has no power to protect or help itself.
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The Black culture is a strong one and has a heavy influence on America. It is a culture that promotes intelligence, hard work, hard play, family values, morals, and unity. We have some of the most inspirational stories that have ever been told. We are so strong to have lived through what occurred for generations during slavery and jim crow which would have probably killed another ethnicity. i am so proud of my people. Others that believe any different are so debilitatingly naive I can only have pity for them.

What a load of BULLSHIT!

That is your fear (with extreme emotion) talking not a refutation of the facts.
So for you there are no reasons good enough to reject blacks for my daughters?

Saying that I have good reasons and having good reasons is not the same thing.
I can say that I have good reasons to consider all white men scum. Maybe I have reasons to think so, maybe not. But it is obvious that I am a racist.

Like I said, for every Bill Cosby there are 100,000 fatherless black children. The chances of them finding the black needle in the haystack are too small. I never told them not to date a black boy because of his race, skin or color.

Are you saying that there are 100K American kids that have no father?

Well that's an American problem..isn't it.
The Black culture is a strong one and has a heavy influence on America. It is a culture that promotes intelligence, hard work, hard play, family values, morals, and unity. We have some of the most inspirational stories that have ever been told. We are so strong to have lived through what occurred for generations during slavery and jim crow which would have probably killed another ethnicity. i am so proud of my people. Others that believe any different are so debilitatingly naive I can only have pity for them.

It might have at one time, but it certainly does not today.

Its ironic that your signature pretty much says it all. :lol:

I'm just a LAIR

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