Who is America's greatest enemy

Sure, IF they do their job. Most do not.
Actually they do a very good job of keeping government in check

That is why Trump hates them

They (the majority of the talking heads that claim to be journalists) pick and choose which presidents to keep in check and which to fawn over and toss fluff ball questions to. That's pretty obvious. It's what happens when the vast majority of media figures all identify with one political party.

Actually, they give criticism where it is deserved

That is the role of a free press

That is highly debatable.

It is a fact
The press keeps government in check....always has
The press is lying their asses off.
Illegals. Barbarians brought down Rome once they crossed the border.
They brought down Rome because the Romans treated them like shit.
What is your source for that? The Romans let them settle in areas outside Rome-too kind for their own good.
Study the history. The Romans forced the Visigoths to sell their own children into slavery for food. They also placed barbarian troops in the front lines to spare their own. It got so bad that Alaric led a revolt and, when the emperor negotiated in bad faith, sacked Rome.
Granted the Romans had a hand in stirring things up, but the Goths were actually allowed into Italy, before creating internal social upheaval. Italics from study of history. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Trump and his fascist movement are the greater threat. Historically, those have had to be crushed with overwhelming violence.
thanks Goebbels.

“What we want is the victory of working people over money. That is true socialism." -- Guess Who?
A xenophobic nationalist who embraced massive socialist tariffs, subsidies, and deficit spending

Could be Kamala, AOC Bernie, right?
Sure, IF they do their job. Most do not.
Actually they do a very good job of keeping government in check

That is why Trump hates them

They (the majority of the talking heads that claim to be journalists) pick and choose which presidents to keep in check and which to fawn over and toss fluff ball questions to. That's pretty obvious. It's what happens when the vast majority of media figures all identify with one political party.

Actually, they give criticism where it is deserved

That is the role of a free press

That is highly debatable.

It is a fact
The press keeps government in check....always has

They don't always do a good job.
Trump and his fascist movement are the greater threat. Historically, those have had to be crushed with overwhelming violence.
thanks Goebbels.

“What we want is the victory of working people over money. That is true socialism." -- Guess Who?
A xenophobic nationalist who embraced massive socialist tariffs, subsidies, and deficit spending

Could be Kamala, AOC Bernie, right?
No they don’t fit the xenophobic hysteria Goebbels used to help install fascism
I would contend that it is not Russia, it is not China, it is even not islamic fundamentalists or terrorists.

This will come as no suprise to the more astute posters and of course I refer to the media.

As our beloved President Donald Trump has pointed out, the media is the enemy of the American People.

They transformed into this mode circa the early 60's. How did this happen?
The biggest threat to America is Republicans and rumpy.
Actually they do a very good job of keeping government in check

That is why Trump hates them

They (the majority of the talking heads that claim to be journalists) pick and choose which presidents to keep in check and which to fawn over and toss fluff ball questions to. That's pretty obvious. It's what happens when the vast majority of media figures all identify with one political party.

Actually, they give criticism where it is deserved

That is the role of a free press

That is highly debatable.

It is a fact
The press keeps government in check....always has

Not lately.
The mainstream media have become the Democratic party propaganda, rather than news.

We have a more open media today than in any time in history

Print, TV, Radio, Interweb based

No, the Dems don’t control it
Actually they do a very good job of keeping government in check

That is why Trump hates them

They (the majority of the talking heads that claim to be journalists) pick and choose which presidents to keep in check and which to fawn over and toss fluff ball questions to. That's pretty obvious. It's what happens when the vast majority of media figures all identify with one political party.

Actually, they give criticism where it is deserved

That is the role of a free press

That is highly debatable.

It is a fact
The press keeps government in check....always has
The press is lying their asses off.
They are accountable for what they report

If they are incorrect, there are multiple outlets to report it
They (the majority of the talking heads that claim to be journalists) pick and choose which presidents to keep in check and which to fawn over and toss fluff ball questions to. That's pretty obvious. It's what happens when the vast majority of media figures all identify with one political party.

Actually, they give criticism where it is deserved

That is the role of a free press

That is highly debatable.

It is a fact
The press keeps government in check....always has

Not lately.
The mainstream media have become the Democratic party propaganda, rather than news.

We have a more open media today than in any time in history

Print, TV, Radio, Interweb based

No, the Dems don’t control it

I never said Dems controlled them.
I said they themselves have become the Dems propaganda and that's not freedom.

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