Who is Barack Hussein Obama ?

Top-ranking officials in Florida and Texas rebuked the ice cream maker after it announced it would no longer sell its products in the West Bank, which it referred to as the “Occupied Palestinian Territory.” Israeli officials slammed the decision as being anti-Israel and antisemitic.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and State Comptroller Glenn Hegar echoed that sentiment, threatening to add the ice cream company and its parent, Unilever, to a blacklist of organizations that boycott Israel permanently, making it ineligible for investments from the state’s pension fund.
A spokesperson for Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, which has a similar law on the books, called the decision from Ben & Jerry's “disgraceful and an insult to America’s closest ally in the Middle East.”

The Israeli government is launching a legal attack against Ben and Jerry’s over the company’s plan to stop selling ice cream in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank as well as in occupied East Jerusalem. Israel’s ambassador to the United States has asked 35 U.S. governors to enforce state laws which make it a crime to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS. Meanwhile, Republican Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma has called on his state to block the sale of Ben and Jerry’s, claiming the company’s new policy violates Oklahoma’s anti-BDS law. Ben & Jerry’s has said that continuing to sell ice cream in the settlements would be “inconsistent with our values.”

The Israelis are in violation of international law.
Barack is the father of American totalitarianism. He's the first President to knowingly defy the constitution because it didn't fit his ideology. He set race relations back 60 years. He was a piss poor President.
Barack is the father of American totalitarianism. He's the first President to knowingly defy the constitution because it didn't fit his ideology. He set race relations back 60 years. He was a piss poor President.

LOLOL.. You are such a pathetic joke.
Top-ranking officials in Florida and Texas rebuked the ice cream maker after it announced it would no longer sell its products in the West Bank, which it referred to as the “Occupied Palestinian Territory.” Israeli officials slammed the decision as being anti-Israel and antisemitic.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and State Comptroller Glenn Hegar echoed that sentiment, threatening to add the ice cream company and its parent, Unilever, to a blacklist of organizations that boycott Israel permanently, making it ineligible for investments from the state’s pension fund.
A spokesperson for Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, which has a similar law on the books, called the decision from Ben & Jerry's “disgraceful and an insult to America’s closest ally in the Middle East.”

The Israeli government is launching a legal attack against Ben and Jerry’s over the company’s plan to stop selling ice cream in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank as well as in occupied East Jerusalem. Israel’s ambassador to the United States has asked 35 U.S. governors to enforce state laws which make it a crime to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS. Meanwhile, Republican Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma has called on his state to block the sale of Ben and Jerry’s, claiming the company’s new policy violates Oklahoma’s anti-BDS law. Ben & Jerry’s has said that continuing to sell ice cream in the settlements would be “inconsistent with our values.”

Freedom of speech is no longer available in the US.


You should understand what is going on behind this COVID mess. . .

He's heavily involved with Alex Jones.

Sad, you don't know right from wrong.
Alex Jones is probably right 90% of the time.
That should scare the shit out of you.
Not that I would know because the last time I saw Alex Jones was his visit on The Joe Rogan show.
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The irony is that in 2016 they could have had a Jewish candidate in Bernie Sanders instead of cheating him and trying to prop up Hillary Clinton..... and he probably would have beaten Trump or at least had a better shot at it.

You should understand what is going on behind this COVID mess. . .

Now, Gelzinis said, “Trump administration officials have basically proposed BlackRock’s approach to financial oversight.” The rules governing BlackRock have gotten even more lax just since the pandemic began. Until recently, PNC Bank held a 22 percent share in BlackRock, making the latter subject to some of the same oversight as banks; since PNC sold those shares off at the end of May, however, those rules will no longer apply. BlackRock will now face even less sunlight than it has before. Representatives Katie Porter and Jesús “Chuy” García recently introduced a bill attempting to rein in BlackRock and other so-called shadow banks, though it has yet to pick up much steam amid Covid-19 and an ongoing uprising for racial justice.
Obama was being controlled by the Zionists and others.

Do some research on the Likud party,, the CFR and how their influence has shaped American foreign policies, especially since 9/11.

Speaking of US foreign policy since 9/11, our wars have killed hundreds of thousands and displaced upward of 65 million, costing taxpayers several trillion in the process.

Don't you think it's time we reassessed who our government is working for because it sure ain't us.

These wacky rightwing con-spiracy theories are good for a laugh now and then.
Obama was being controlled by the Zionists and others.
Ironically it was not Obama that gave the Israelis what they really craved, the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. That would be Trump, and what did the great deal maker get in return? Bubkis.
Ironically it was not Obama that gave the Israelis what they really craved, the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. That would be Trump, and what did the great deal maker get in return? Bubkis.
Bush said you're either with the terrorists or with us after 9/11, he was quoting straight from the Zionist script. You can actually go back to Reagan and Bush's daddy...... once they got rid of Carter and swept the Iran-Contra Affair under the rug, they were free to set up shop.

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