Who is culpable for today's terrorist attack?

These kinds of threats against Senator Susan Collins and others is absolutely unnacceptable and has no place in our politics or discourse. Those who do these things or threaten others should be held accountable
The bomb maker or other person who knowingly dropped off these suspicious packages is not known, but it is clear to every unbiased American that President Trump is culpable*** for this act of terrorism.

Trump's hate speech for each of the victims of this terrorist act were abetted by his deplorable words.

***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."

Leader of the proud boys “ we will kill you “
This smells of Democrat dirty trick right before an election. Sent out bombs to big name Democrat assholes. Nobody gets hurt.

Democrats play the victim card. You know, "Trump made the bomber do it".
The bomb maker or other person who knowingly dropped off these suspicious packages is not known, but it is clear to every unbiased American that President Trump is culpable*** for this act of terrorism.

Trump's hate speech for each of the victims of this terrorist act were abetted by his deplorable words.

***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."
Probably Muslims, they love bombs and they hate the United States…
So Democrats got these. Democrats that Trump has told his base of idiots that they were enemies of America.

Trump is a total asshole.

Everyone has been reporting how Trump rhetpoic is dangerous.

And now we see the results.

All, these Trumpettes saying wait wait wait.. Fuck Donald Trump & Fuck the morons that voted for him. You knew how he spewed hate & fear.

If anyone gets hurt, blood is ion YOUR hands.
So Democrats got these. Democrats that Trump has told his base of idiots that they were enemies of America.

Trump is a total asshole.

Everyone has been reporting how Trump rhetpoic is dangerous.

And now we see the results.

All, these Trumpettes saying wait wait wait.. Fuck Donald Trump & Fuck the morons that voted for him. You knew how he spewed hate & fear.

If anyone gets hurt, blood is ion YOUR hands.
The bomb maker or other person who knowingly dropped off these suspicious packages is not known, but it is clear to every unbiased American that President Trump is culpable*** for this act of terrorism.

Trump's hate speech for each of the victims of this terrorist act were abetted by his deplorable words.

***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."
Spot on analysis.
So Democrats got these. Democrats that Trump has told his base of idiots that they were enemies of America.

Trump is a total asshole.

Everyone has been reporting how Trump rhetpoic is dangerous.

And now we see the results.

All, these Trumpettes saying wait wait wait.. Fuck Donald Trump & Fuck the morons that voted for him. You knew how he spewed hate & fear.

If anyone gets hurt, blood is ion YOUR hands.
A Washington Post journalist has already been murdered.
Either a rightwing nut, or a leftwing nut trying to make conservatives look like rightwing nuts.
Both former Potus have 24/7 ss coverage
The story is total bullshit. The mailboxes are watched carefully... There is surveillance for God's sake ....... Nobody can just sneak in.

It's just a crock story for the midterms.


George Soros, Eric Holder, CNN, General John Brennen and Mario Cuomo don't have secret service protection. The package sent to CNN included white powder with the bomb.

Bombs were sent to all of them. Not just Obama and Clinton.

You can try to brush this off and ignore it but you would be making a very bad choice.

The rest of the nation won't do that.

Whoever sent them clearly has a problem. Hopefully those are the only bombs out there and this person will be apprehended soon.

I guess you don't care about terrorists unless they're muslim.

George Soros, Eric Holder, CNN, General John Brennen and Mario Cuomo don't have secret service protection. The package sent to CNN included white powder with the bomb.

Bombs were sent to all of them. Not just Obama and Clinton.

You can try to brush this off and ignore it but you would be making a very bad choice.

The rest of the nation won't do that.

Whoever sent them clearly has a problem. Hopefully those are the only bombs out there and this person will be apprehended soon.

I guess you don't care about terrorists unless they're muslim.

Liberals sure as hell didn't pay much attention to the Democrat terrorist that shot up a bunch of Republican Congressmen, did they?
***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."
Extreme progessive liberals trying to win the mid terms...notice that none of them went off?????
We need some better information on how and where these bombs were intercepted and what happened before we start arguing about why they didn't go off. The Soros one, anyway, was real enough to go off. I don't know about the rest. Are they back in the Time Warner building yet?
The people that dropped the bombs off are the ones culpable. No one else! Your conclusion is only clear to the biased such as yourself.

Those who made and those who dropped off the packages are guilty of an act of terror. President Trump is culpable of abetting this criminal act. He did not aid in its production or delivery. He set it in motion.
He didn't do anything.

Don't waste your breath. All the lefty hacks on the two other boards I attend are using word for word identical talking points.
They get passed out at Lefty centeral.
This is a hoax.... There's no way anyone
can sneak up on a ex-potus mailbox...
The lefties got it wrong anyway. The suspicious packages were intercepted during a screening and never were delivered or got close to their houses.

You must get your information from FOX or one of those AM Radio Charlatans. Soros and CNN were delivered to the address on the packages, Clinton's and Obama's were intercepted by the SS and did not get close to them.

There's now reports of an 8th package.

This one is sent to Maxine Waters.

I wonder how many other packages with bombs are out there.

I hope no one gets hurt by this.
***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."
Extreme progessive liberals trying to win the mid terms...notice that none of them went off?????
We need some better information on how and where these bombs were intercepted and what happened before we start arguing about why they didn't go off. The Soros one, anyway, was real enough to go off. I don't know about the rest. Are they back in the Time Warner building yet?
Dont you realize how freaking radical the far left has become? This and the Million bum march from central america is all funded and planned by the far left.
Either a rightwing nut, or a leftwing nut trying to make conservatives look like rightwing nuts.
Both former Potus have 24/7 ss coverage
The story is total bullshit. The mailboxes are watched carefully... There is surveillance for God's sake ....... Nobody can just sneak in.

It's just a crock story for the midterms.


George Soros, Eric Holder, CNN, General John Brennen and Mario Cuomo don't have secret service protection. The package sent to CNN included white powder with the bomb.

Bombs were sent to all of them. Not just Obama and Clinton.

You can try to brush this off and ignore it but you would be making a very bad choice.

The rest of the nation won't do that.

Whoever sent them clearly has a problem. Hopefully those are the only bombs out there and this person will be apprehended soon.

I guess you don't care about terrorists unless they're muslim.
Is the white powder the same as the white powder sent to Republicans?

George Soros, Eric Holder, CNN, General John Brennen and Mario Cuomo don't have secret service protection. The package sent to CNN included white powder with the bomb.

Bombs were sent to all of them. Not just Obama and Clinton.

You can try to brush this off and ignore it but you would be making a very bad choice.

The rest of the nation won't do that.

Whoever sent them clearly has a problem. Hopefully those are the only bombs out there and this person will be apprehended soon.

I guess you don't care about terrorists unless they're muslim.

Liberals sure as hell didn't pay much attention to the Democrat terrorist that shot up a bunch of Republican Congressmen, did they?
Really? No one paid any attention? What more were they supposed to do? The guy was dead. Draw and quarter him and hang him from the Key Bridge?
Those who made and those who dropped off the packages are guilty of an act of terror. President Trump is culpable of abetting this criminal act. He did not aid in its production or delivery. He set it in motion.
He didn't do anything.

Don't waste your breath. All the lefty hacks on the two other boards I attend are using word for word identical talking points.
They get passed out at Lefty centeral.
This is a hoax.... There's no way anyone
can sneak up on a ex-potus mailbox...
The lefties got it wrong anyway. The suspicious packages were intercepted during a screening and never were delivered or got close to their houses.

You must get your information from FOX or one of those AM Radio Charlatans. Soros and CNN were delivered to the address on the packages, Clinton's and Obama's were intercepted by the SS and did not get close to them.

There's now reports of an 8th package.

This one is sent to Maxine Waters.

I wonder how many other packages with bombs are out there.

I hope no one gets hurt by this.
Oh, dear. I hope it's a rumor. Someone is going to get hurt, I'm afraid.

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